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Author Topic: Rant/Rave thread  (Read 51533 times)
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Spamcake in Disguise

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« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2010, 05:00:28 am »


People who let politicians dissuade then from common sense huh rolleyes

That you can get more accurate news from comedy shows nowadays than from so-called "legitimate " news channels.

#1 peeve of the day: irritating rl House-wannabe Doctors with enormous "I am god" egos who lack the mental capacity of a raisin.

ugh, this migraine is killing me Undecided

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« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2010, 07:16:31 pm »

Corportation is ruining everything. I just read an article on Yahoo Music that Men At Work were being sued for plagirizing "Kookabura" for their hit, "Down Under". The company, Larrikin Music, who purchased the rights to "Kookabura" in 1990, claimed the plagirism on Men At Work's 1982 hit. Are they seriously causing a stupid lawsuit over a single measure of music?! Four measley beats?!? "Down Under" was published nearly 30 years ago, and now they're making a big stink about it? Now, I understand the original "Kookabura" songwriter whining about it when "Down Under" first appeared on the radio, so why now?! *sigh* It's all about the money nowadays.

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« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2010, 01:51:53 pm »

Ugh! Something that irritates the hell out of me always is something I call over-feminism. Sure, I'm proud to be a woman and it's cool when other women are proud of who they are too. But I hate when feminist girls think that they are entitled to do ANYTHING they want just because they're women. We're WOMEN, not Gods. There's a line. As human beings, they don't deserve special treatment just because of their gender. We are supposed to be fighting for equality, not supremacy.

And for heaven's sake, when words are spelled with "men" at the end instead of "myn", it is NOT a direct attack on you. It's just the spelling of a word. Find other things to be passionate about.

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« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2010, 10:08:30 pm »

Oh, here's another one: school systems. I get that people want to have a brighter and more intelligent generation of school-goers, but they're doing it the worng way. I recently read an article in the Houston Chronicle about HISD proposing "year-round school" for the lowest schools in that district, which will eventually be in effect all over the state! Do they know what school from September to July is going to do instead of "making kids more willing to learn"? It's going to increase school-related stress, decrease interest in academics, increase drop-out rates, increase teen suicides due to overwhelming school-related stress (as if teen suicide rates weren't bad enough already), and, not to mention, decrease standardized test scores. And if extending the school year wasn't bad enough, they're also planning on taking away the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Breaks, and all school holidays. Well, guess what? Teachers need those breaks, too! I showed my dad the article, and, because he's a teacher, he usually takes the board's side, but even he said this was going too far!

I guess they really are trying to make school like prison in the old days. School's supposed to be a place where one can learn things that will actually help them in life, when instead they're teaching us things that appear on a test one time, and no student will use ever again in their life! Which leads me to another pet peeve: corrupt policy-makers who try to tack a solution to a genuine problem that has nothing to to with the problem, or will most likely make it worse. Case-in-point, read that last paragraph about the school systems.

*steps off soapbox*

*jumps back on soapbox*

By the way, here's mine and my brother's solution to school-related stress: Add an additional hour and forty-five minutes (two periods) to the instructional day, but in return, get Monday as an off-day. This will decrease stress, give students more credits, which will eventually lead to better test scores. My old history teacher said that some school districts in the Northwest have this down, and their schools' test scores are actually better than they were several years ago!

*steps back off the soapbox*
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 10:15:27 pm by soulofthesea » Logged

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« Reply #49 on: March 04, 2010, 09:13:46 am »

I totally agree. Making kids go to school longer isn't going to solve anything. Goodness. If all they're doing is jamming worthless crap in your heads, what's the point? We need to just take after Japanese schools in some ways. Teach some of the things they teach, stuff that is practical. Personally, I always thought school was too long anyway. There is no reason to make it longer. And trying to take away holidays? Come on. That's dumb, and we all know it will just lead to more truancy, because there's no way kids are going to school on Xmas, whether the school wants them to be or not. Kids have lives too, and it shouldn't be 100% confined to school.

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« Reply #50 on: March 04, 2010, 04:35:02 pm »

Japanese kids have to go to school on weekends. If anything, it's tons longer.
The school system could use some work, because after 5 full weeks it just drags on. Personally, my school system is one of the better ones. If it was my choice, I could be certified as an ambulance assistant or even a nurse (with one year after graduating). And it's nothing out of pocket for me. I could get certified to work with ac units and appliances, and tons of other service industry related stuff. My school really lets you spread to your interests. If only I didn't have so many. I already have a business level education in the basics of electronics. I've done the entire 01010011100 thing.

But this is more on the length of the school year, so I'll get back on that. Eff a longer school year! It's long enough.  Grin
My opinion on that is simple. 1/2 of the year is enough. I agree 100% of a kid's life shouldn't be just school. The other half of my year I spend expanding my own interests or just plain relaxing.
If all we had in our lives was school, we'd all have the same stupid talents. (Which includes, but is by no way limited too,: spinning a pencil with our fingers, the ability to sleep WHILE writing (my math notes prove this), and how to express "What the heck am I supposed to do" with body language.)

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« Reply #51 on: March 04, 2010, 08:08:22 pm »

I swear, if I had to go to school all year round, I would fail every subject. Cheesy

A Tad Bit Glittery

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« Reply #52 on: April 01, 2010, 05:53:42 am »

I hate April Fools day. I honestly do. I hate pranks. I hate stupid people who think its hilarious to play pranks for half a day, one day of the year. Actually, scratch that. I just hate pranks. I hate most types of humor at the expense of others. I like it when people make fun of themselves like comedians.. but not at the expense of others.

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Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #53 on: April 01, 2010, 09:08:08 am »

A lot of things about me, I'd like to change. Anger, inability to take action promptly, facial hair coming in in patches, the works.

Basically, I don't think too highly of myself.
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« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2010, 10:18:31 pm »

I freakin' hate my English teacher right now. I have an essay that I need to do and she's been ragging on me for not starting it. The reason I haven't started it is because I was absent the day she handed out the rubric, and she refuses to let me have one. Well, how am I supposed to know how to write my essay if I don't know what you want from it and you bite my head off whenever I ask, "How do you want this essay done?" Give me somewhere to start! Even college professors give their students some idea of how they want their term papers!

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« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2010, 05:02:21 pm »

My rant(s?) for today:

Is anyone else but me upset by the current "I want my own thread" forums? I am! I've been looking through all the pictures hidden deep into the depths of all my folders, and I am not pleased. Some of the simmers from here that I practically considered "gods" are now gone, and they're threads have been abandoned. Cry
I miss seeing all the happy families of simmers like Diesel and Sliimshaydi, and Dynasty. And lots of others that I can't seem to pinpoint a name on. Either way, I really miss all the wonderful threads and all the pictures... I knew Diesel's self sim family better than my own!
And I miss seeing all of them!

Other rant:

I am about to impale my ex, Brandon, with a stick.
He does drugs, and deals them (EWWW!!!) and he "borrowed" money from my friend and never repaid him, and when my friend's girlfriend confronted him about it the other day he told her he would punch my friend in the face! And just after we broke up, I still liked/loved him, and then he goes and kisses one of my BEST friends. It's like he came down here from Otter-land (he used to live in a city called otter something...) just to make my life hell, start all this drama, and mess up everything! I'm like, DUDE. Everything, for one everything was going perfect. And now, it's not!

More rants:

Well Jade has been sick for over a month now, and I am praying it's her teeth because if it's not, I'm gonna go full freak out!

Moooore rants:

So Clay is doing great, however, he doesn't have whatever Jade has, which means what Jade has isn't contagious... which scares me a bit... actually none of us got it.

Dang I have a lot of rants today! More:

My school is doing this AWESOME thing tomorrow, where if you support gay marriage you wear black and don't talk for a whole day (yes, black. Our school's thing for stuff like this is always black, "blackout" days.) and I sent a forward to everyone in my school who I had their #. Well I made the mistake of sending it to a kid named Mike, who officially ruined my day Tongue

Mike: Why?

Me: It's a gay pride thing...

Mike: Not doing it... I'm going to wear all white.

Me: Jerk!

Mike: Why? Because I don't support gays?... of course I don't I'm a christian and I will not support gays

Me: I'm a Christian too. But if I were gay I wouldn't want someone making a law saying I can't get married!

Mike: If you were a Christian then you should know that being a homosexual is wrong...

Me: I am a Christian, and it's not wrong. Love cannot be wrong.

Mike: If it's with the same sex... god made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve... I'm done talking bout this... you asked the wrong person to support it... bye.

Me: Well I'm not gonna argue. But the final thing I will say is: someone out there probably thinks there's something wrong with you too.

Mike: Yup and they are wrong...

Me: No they aren't! Doesn't God make people? He wouldn't make gay people if he didn't want them around!

Mike: It's a sinful world and he doesn't create gay people... people choose to be gay/lesbian...

Me: Whatever.

Mike: Yup so bye.

Me: Bye jerk.

And then he called me immature, what?!?!?!?!?
I need to hit him with a mop. Maybe then he'll be a nice human worthy of life Tongue

I know I posted a lot... but I'm really mad at so many things/people right now...

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« Reply #56 on: April 15, 2010, 05:25:49 pm »

Wow. That is a lot.  tongue

Sure. Our religion doesn't support homosexuality. But it doesn't support hate toward it either. In fact, I'm pretty sure "love your neighbor" applies here also.

Our religion also doesn't support contraception. No one gives a crap about that. Hypocritical is a good word for it. People only listen to the parts they want to hear.

Regardless, there's too many beliefs to make it worth your time to push a person from their view. I'm a "let it be" kinda person.
A person persuaded against their will, holds their position still. I got that from a youtube comment. Of all things to get something like that from.  rolleyes
I heard about that type of thing. My school's not doing it though.

Umm... Now on to my rants/raves.

Err... I don't have much to complain about.
Algebra 2 homework. But I'm pretty much a broken record when it comes to that.  Grin

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« Reply #57 on: April 15, 2010, 05:36:12 pm »

I'm married for a year now and there are no kidlets planned. I don't want any at the moment(down the line yes) but I keep getting asked constantly by my parents and in-laws where are the kids? What kids? Not any time soon! My mother just told me, if I wait to long I'll be too old to have them...the heck is wrong with people...They push the fact that I must stay in school, yet they push the facts that they want grand kids in my face too! It's like decide what you want, because there can only be one...( no pun intended...okey, maybe a little) This is so stressful and frustrating, ugh! Sometimes, I just wanna say, there will be no kids, I will be a strict career woman, leave me alone! >_< But it's not true and I don't even what to do sometimes.... :cry:

A Tad Bit Glittery

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« Reply #58 on: April 15, 2010, 06:08:09 pm »

Ok.. Where to start?

First: I really really hate being a girl for one week.

Second: Stupid teacher. We're 15, not 5 you halfwit.

Third: Silly parents. We ain't gonna do anything like that. I do have morals ya know. Their very tiny, but they are there.

Fourth: Yes I can't work without my mum. Yes I'm sure. No, I don't need you to help me. Yes it will be done. No, I don't give a rats.

Fifth: Don't wanna go next week. I don't want to spend a whole week with other students and my ex.

First: She's home tonight!
Second: You gotta love the fact that whenever the teachers ask me a question, and I give the answer, no student says that I'm wrong.

Ok, as I'm sure some (most) of you have been in the Insim Confessional thread recently and read that my sister is most likely pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited and happy for her. But I'm also nervous as all heck.. I'm a pretty rubbish cousin, and I'm a pretty mean sister.. so how am I gonna go being an auntie? And at 15 as well..

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« Reply #59 on: April 15, 2010, 06:25:24 pm »

Mike: Why? Because I don't support gays?... of course I don't I'm a christian and I will not support gays

Me: I'm a Christian too. But if I were gay I wouldn't want someone making a law saying I can't get married!

Mike: If you were a Christian then you should know that being a homosexual is wrong...

Me: I am a Christian, and it's not wrong. Love cannot be wrong.

Mike: If it's with the same sex... god made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve... I'm done talking bout this... you asked the wrong person to support it... bye.

Oh goodness, don't get me started on the gay/bible debate. LOL. Whoops, too late.

First, the bible was translated from Ancient Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to German and then, finally, to English. There are some things that are bound to have gotten lost in the translation.

Second, there are plenty of things that were acceptable in the bible that we don't do now. Most of us don't marry our sisters (Abraham did it), have multiple wives (too many people to mention) or sentence adulterers to be stoned to death. I'll add, too, that in Leviticus it says we can't round off the side growth of our heads or beards (so I guess the Beatles are going/went straight to Hell). Football is also technically a no-no, because Leviticus also prohibits the touching the flesh of pigs. Divorce? According to Mark, it's a big, bad no-no, but society is rife with it. In fact, also according Mark, anyone who divorces and remarries is committing adultery and we're supposed to stone adulterers.

Leviticus is big on saying 'no' to a lot of things we do today. It doesn't just prohibit round hair cuts and touching leather, it prohibits a lot of food (shellfish,for one). It's actually the basis of the kosher diet, which I'm not trying to put down at all. I'm simply using it to make a point, so please, no angry Jewish people banging on my door. It bans the wearing of gold, pearls, braiding hair, wearing costly garments and getting tattoos. It forbids consulting fortune tellers, mediums and spiritualists (which technically makes consulting your horoscope a Bad Thing). It forbids the cross-breeding of cattle, sowing a field with two kinds of seed or wearing clothes made of blended fabric (say goodbye to Angus beef, most vegetables you get at a farmer's market today and just about every article of clothing you wear). Most Christians ignore the rules set forth in Leviticus because it's Old Testament and thought of as out of date because we know things now about cultivation, health and biology that weren't known then.

Well, guess where "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Comes from? Yep. Leviticus. Isn't it a bit of a hypocritical convenience to ignore all of Leviticus' laws but that one? Personally, I can't ever remember seeing anyone pointing at someone wearing a poly-blend shirt and calling them a sinner.

Edit: Also, I just want to say this isn't supposed to be taken as a bash post against Christians and Christianity. I'm simply pointing out a hypocrisy some people are guilty of.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 06:36:15 pm by » Logged

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