I'd like to second this request, but also point out that you could make a Lookalike hair mesh from The Twi'lek lekku and some horns.
what I mean is, you could recolor the lekku and the horns to be strpied blue and white, and probably come out with a similar result to the Torgruta headtail/dress thing. Yeah, it would be missing the thrid headtail, but it could work, I guess (I'm going to try it later). I've learned to except flaws from attempting General Grievous and Plo Koon sims.
I'd aslo like to point out a skintone at Genesims, if you're interested;
http://genensims.com/skins/variant_03.htm The very last one looks a bit like a torgruta's. (oh and, the female one has nipples, just so you know.)
Hope my post helped.
probably didn't though... (EDIT)
I ended up doing the horns/Lekku recolors.
They came out okay... but I will still prefer is someone made a new mesh for it.
The horns work for both genders, all ages except toddlers and babies.
Lekku still only work for females, all ages.
The horns require the second mesh here:
http://www.exnemsims.com/forum/showthread.php?t=625 Which can be found for free here at the booty:
http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/exnem/body_shop/accessories/new_horns/Lekku requires lekku mesh by Darth fubar, yadda yadda...