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Author Topic: The sims 3, What do you think?  (Read 70465 times)
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« Reply #120 on: July 01, 2009, 01:55:23 pm »

EA, are freaking lazy. They are just sitting around, on there a-- waiting for Pescado, Numenor, Inge, HP amoungst alot more, to mod the hell out of the game, all the while they might release a small patch for the game in a couple of months, and there excuse will be something like "Oh well, the community did most of the work.." angry that's pretty pitiful.

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« Reply #121 on: July 02, 2009, 05:40:13 am »

SimGirl20, I don't think EA are counting on the community to do all the work. I'm pretty sure EA wants less stuff to be done by the community, so they can charge us for every new stuff they add (Sims 3 Store, for example). TS2 stuff packs were pretty awful, the community has made tons of better and pretty outstanding stuff for free, so the stuff packs were not that big of success. I'm pretty sure free awesome creations are kind of standing on EA's way of getting cash from us for their craptastic stuff.
Maybe I'm being too much of a hater, but well, with all the EA's greedyness this is the least I can say.

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« Reply #122 on: July 02, 2009, 01:02:36 pm »

Well Lira, I would say you have a lot to learn then, because EA does not give a damn about anyone in the sims community, and if you think that they are really studying bringing out a patch anytime soon then you are sadly mistaken my dear.
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« Reply #123 on: July 02, 2009, 03:53:28 pm »

EA counts on the modders to make their foul ups better, or doesn't anyone remember them screwing up and then sending people over to MATY to get Pescado's fix?? Hmmmmm? That's right, kids, they sent people over to him to get their damn game fixed and never did work out a proper patch. I doubt they will for this craptastic game, to be honest.

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« Reply #124 on: July 02, 2009, 05:41:40 pm »

That's because EA knows Pescado can do code better than any one of their staff, and he can do it blind drunk.
Of course they don't care about the community when there's so much money to be made. It's all they think about, and the next EP.

"Crashes? Don't care. Freezes? What did you expect? You say you want a patch? Are you kidding? We're not making enough money to justify spending money on people fixing our own mistakes!"

And finally, this last great statement (that hasn't been made, but ought to be) "Sorry, it's not my job."

"Have a nice day and Happy Simming!"


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« Reply #125 on: July 03, 2009, 04:52:36 am »

SimGirl20, you're not taking this personally, right?
We can wonder and well, stick to TS2 untill something new and maybe actually good will be released for TS3. The only thing sad - the sims are going to stay butt ugly in the Create a Family and the community lots will probably stay as boring and empty tents.

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« Reply #126 on: July 03, 2009, 05:34:44 am »

No, actually to be quite frank, I don't give a damn about the game. I am just disgusted that I made a bust of 55$ on a game I can't even play. I am more amused and entertained by TS2 to tell you the truth. The Sims 2 has more options for gameplay then this empty shell, that everyone is so nuts over that is TS3 will EVER have. I actually like to have realistic people, in a realistic world if I am going to play a simulation game. I'm not trying to bully you or anything Lira, but you and the rest of the other mindless sheep out there, open your eyes, EA does not care about you or your poor gameplay. All they care about is there latest investment. Sorry, but I am just sick of all these kids, I have seen on numerous forums, (especially the OS) *eye twitch* whining and saying, stuff like "Leave EA alone, its not there fault, its your custom built, gaming computer decked out so nice you might as well had bought a house, with the money you spent!" crap like that, I mean who does EA think there fooling? I am going to say this and I'll leave it at that, EA is not your friend, there a money hungry and powerful gaming corporation. They do NOT care. I think Paden and MaryH said it better, than I ever could but do enjoy your game all the same. Wink

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« Reply #127 on: July 03, 2009, 06:04:03 pm »

And this is why some time ago I said

"And exactly WHY havent we busted out the torches and the pitchforks yet?"

Well, I plan to get the Sims 3, but only because I have to see how bad it is for myself. And tear it apart inch by inch.


I got the Repo man back, it was a sly move. Acting like I was his friend, and then...BAM!, into the burning kitchen with him he went!. They never found his remains....*Evil Laughter*

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« Reply #128 on: July 04, 2009, 06:35:43 am »

As an avid sims player all I can say is that I am bitterly disappointed an angry that EA. have come up with this load of garbage as the future sims.
They had a marvelous foundation to work on and had the opportunity to create something really outstanding.There was nothing stopping them using the sims 2 and incorporating them into the new game engine and even tweaking them to be even more lifelike, no doubt it would have increased the pc. requirements, but what the heck you can't hang on to the old Pentiums for ever.
To quote Pescado "the shock the horror" pretty well sums it up for me. In my opinion Humble and his cronies should be publicly flogged for destroying one of the most popular games ever.
I check MTS2 and TSR. reguarely to see if the figures are improving and to find something encouraging or positive about the game.What I see are very strange and ugly sims and mostly complaints and requests for help to fix another crash.
This is why I never preorder a game or line up on release day. Here in Australia you don't get much change from a hundred dollars for the latest releases and I can use that money for better things than a very expensive drinks coaster.
It will be interesting just how many issues this very expensive patch (the first EP.) for this abomination resolves.
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« Reply #129 on: July 04, 2009, 08:37:49 am »

I agree with you 100% roerzman. Another thing, that makes me just sick to my stomach is the fake reviews the game is getting, for an example if you check the games wikipedia on reception it quotes that the game got realitively "favourable" reviews such as 9-10 and the best sims game EVERR!! I mean just how brainwashed can one person be over the sims? I understand its supposed to be a whole new generation of the sims, but EA just did not follow through, I'm not sure if its because of the poor economy, or what but they def. dropped the ball  on this one, as I have heard so many say. Headwall

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« Reply #130 on: July 04, 2009, 11:27:35 am »

Simgirl its not only in games this happens... Its happening everywhere. But in my case whatever was written on Sims 3 I would have bought it anyway because of the good memories of nr 1 and 2. But nr 4 or expansions I prolly wont buy depending what i will read on forums.

Look what is happening with the banks, house and stockmarkets... jobs....
About 1 year ago those 'specialists' were still saying all was going well blah blah and more blah blah. Even those who are supposed to check the banks (moody and co) didn't know #$&^$* what was happening. And that is supposed to be 'serious' business not gaming... And now politicians need to fix it. We are DOOMED  Grin

I trust none: magazines - advisors etc... etc...  I learned it the hard way.


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« Reply #131 on: July 05, 2009, 11:56:52 pm »

The sims 3 was supposed to be a progression from the sims 2, unfortunately it's the exact opposite. With the exception of facial expressions and a free ranging environment it's a radical step backwards.
As said, the simming community created almost photo realistic sims and there was nothing stopping EA. from incorporating that technology into their next generation of sims.
However because of some unknown internal stupidity they chose to come up with the childish shite that passes for sims in what's supposed to be progress.
To sacrifice quality just so that a game can be played on some old hand me down Pentium would have to be the dumbest marketing strategy I have ever come across. Sure, initially the sales will be good, that is until the realisation sets in that it's actually junk and no amount of modding is going make it comparable to the sims 2.
I've seen the new skins at MTS 2. but it still doesn't change just how ugly they look. ( it's the body and face shapes)
So here's a challenge for EA. Scrap this garbage, utilise all the good things that the simming community has created,to hell with the sims store and pc. requirements,and reconstruct the game as to the expectations of the sims community. If it requires a larger pc. to run it than so be it.

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« Reply #132 on: July 06, 2009, 06:15:39 am »

The problem is that EA and it's developers, marketers and executives have never once been in the "community" to see what we want. They assume they know what we want, and work around a false assumption on computer use and game style using knowledge they don't have, or want.
They also brought in people who have never played the damned game, and they set those people to work on a game they have no idea about.
Let's be honest-they canned the original studio that developed Sims 2, and made a new one for Sims 3, using none of the previous ideas or coding from that game to make the newest. They're working from a blank tablet, so to speak and erased whatever was left on the chalkboard.
It shows in the game. It's a utter piece of empty garbage. The sooner players realize this, and start protesting it, the better.
But no, they want more EP's with more bad coding and gameplay, in false hopes that it will improve the game.
It won't. It will only make a bad game even worse.
The latest development that I've read is that the framerate of the game is excessively high due to the fact that there is no Vsync in the game at all.
That is totally unacceptable to me. I would rather throw my computer out the door than burn it up playing a game. For EA to have ignored a basic game engine to make Sims 3 "seamless" is beyond stupidity.
This isn't a jet engine, and computers cannot run at high speed frame rates endlessly until they melt down, which is what will happen if one does not take care to correct the problem.
So players of the game can keep playing, oohing and ahhing. When their computers finally croak, then they can cry all they want at EA for having done this to them.
As I stated before: Caveat Emptor. Let the buyer beware.
It worked for me.


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« Reply #133 on: July 06, 2009, 06:48:52 am »

This is Humbles pet project, so far he's had 198 failures out of 200 and is vainly hoping for a success.
You're pretty much on to it MaryH, I like to compare this farce to the story of the Emperors new clothes, it's only a question of time before even the most ardent sims 3 players realise that the game is a crock and all the CC. that the community throws at it will still leave it pig ugly and probably make the ill written tripe crash more frequently.
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« Reply #134 on: July 07, 2009, 09:48:13 am »

I'm ... still ... waiting ...

I'm still not buying this game for several months, and until I see the following:

1. A used game in great condition goes for under $25 US. I got the Sims 2 on EBay for $29 in 2006, and that was new ... AND I knew I could play it. The $25 may not be as far-fetched as it sounds ... I recently saw a used Sims 3 game by a reputable seller sell for $30 with shipping and handling ... and the game is only a month old. A 40% discount? NOW we're getting "warmer". While game site reviews and even Amazon reviews are interesting, I find that the ongoing price range of used and new Sims 3 games on EBay even more fascinating, and much more revealing. OK, OK ... many reviewers and players seem to like it. That's nice. But just how many? And what is the price that less "committed" Sims fans think it's worth ... really?

The price range has gone down a few dollars since even a couple of weeks ago. You can often now get a new game from a reputable seller (at least more than 20 reviews!) for $32 to $37 with shipping if you're patient and bid wisely. The range was $35 to $40 back in late June.

2. On a related note, I want to be SURE the alleged graphics problem with certain ATI 4000-series cards (and I believe the GEForce 200-series cards, though I'm not sure) is fixed. I heard that certain players with these cards experienced distorted graphics, and since EA hasn't officially listed either card as a supported card (they were both rather new at the time EA was developing the game, I guess), even spending $19.99 for a coaster is too much.

3. I want to be able to get a separate hard drive for the game. My current one is loaded enough, and I don't want to uninstall Sims 2 to make room for a game that isn't really that similar to it in most aspects. While portable hard drives aren't too expensive, my budget, unfortunately, is limited.

4. I want to make sure that story progression bit is FINALLY fixed. Officially.

5. I want to get excited about Sims 3 like I did with Sims 2. I first became interested in Sims 2 after playing Sims 1 on the Game Cube. I couldn't wait for Sims 2 to come in the mail, and I played it for hours at a time for two months before I even realized that custom content existed! I won't be as excited the same way, of course. I was such a newbie then. But I want to find myself waiting impatiently for the mail, at least! So far, even after reading favorable reviews (even I admit that the game isn't all bad, and actually has some interesting features about it that might warrant buying the game used one day, perhaps), I'm not nearly as gung-ho about Sims 3 than I was with Sims 2.

So yes, I'm waiting. But I can wait some more. And more. Next year will be just fine, if I want the game by then. Smiley

« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 04:38:47 pm by gazania » Logged
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