Hey, thanks for the replies
Aubreylaraine probably sort of explained it better than i did!
I meant groups/couples of townies (not npc's, my mistake!) visiting restaurants as unplayable characters (customers) to be seated, served etc rather than just single sims as it is just now with no intervention from me setting them up together as a group. (Since i don't control the behaviour of townies) I don't see how it would be benificial for other lots rather than restaurants to have groups, unless you were controlling the group yourself.
I don't know if that makes any
more sense than what i said before but i'll play out a little scenario here, maybe that will help! lol
My sim runs a restaurant, the only customers i ever get are single sim townies, they come in, browse the menu, buy, eat, then leave, what i was suggesting is that maybe a couple of townies come in together, as a group, one maybe browses the menu, if successful then when they are seated, they are seated together as a group at the same table rather than individually.
I know absolutely zero about mods/hacks etc but i was thinking something along the lines of a global mod or maybe even a hacked object on the lot than grabs say for example 3 townies and puts them together as a group.
I know how to make groups with playable sims thats why i was thinking it could be interesting for townies to also have groups rather than them just all wandering around on their own!
Am i making sense yet...?