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Author Topic: Undead: Serene's story ~The end~  (Read 46165 times)
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« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2006, 03:26:28 pm »

Darn exams really damage the creativity, and I was away this weekend. Sad

I apologise for this long wait to all my readers, your comments are awesome and I really appreciate them!

~Societies will crumble. Rivers will run with blood. Nazis will once again ride on Dinosaurs!~

Why beeing a teenage vampire can really suck! Undead: Serene's story

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« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2006, 02:12:40 pm »

My heart sank, I felt as if our hopes for escaping this death-trap alive were crushed. I could still see the knife tucked away in Herman’s pocket, so an attempted attack would have been futile. Martha and Victor had both stood back, they knew it was I Herman wanted to deal with.
“Serene, did I not give you enough time to do the right thing? I must have over estimated you. I would have thought that you were clever than this. But you know what, my sweet stupid guest? I shall give you one last chance...right here, right now. You know where the knife is, kill the girl.”
Martha had ceased the celebration, she had now returned to her terrified state. I looked at her, and then at the knife which was still wedged in the table, and thought a horrible thought. One quick slice and this could all be over…Martha would die in a more humane manner than she would at Herman’s hands. And there may be some hope for Victor, for the first time in his life. Martha seemed to notice what I was thinking.
“Serene…you wouldn’t? You wouldn’t?” her voice quavered “please, don’t...please”  
Herman smiled slightly; he too could sense what I was thinking. His sick little plot was all unfolding. I walked over to the table, swiftly pulled the cleaver out of the wooden table. Martha continued to plead and held her arms up over her face.
“Please...please, don’t listen to him…please don’t hurt me”
What could I do, I couldn’t save her, and the knowledge that I sent her to a slow suffering death would haunt me just as much as having her blood on my hands. Martha began to tremble; Victor appeared to be speechless with shock. Herman was taking great pleasure in this all.
“I am so glad you are seeing sense now, you know it won’t be as hard as you think. It’s in your nature, who knows, you may even enjoy it.”
I did not respond to him, my hand which gripped the knife began to quiver almost as much as Martha; tears welled up in my eyes.
“Do it Serene, spare her from me. You vampires are nothing but killers anyway.”
And with that comment, I marched over to the old wooden table and firmly wedged the cleaver back into place. I couldn’t do it.

“ are not all killers! I WONT DO IT! I WONT KILL HER!”
Herman looked at me and sighed.
“So now you are righteous again, that’s lovely Serene but you are not doing your friend any favours.”
“I am not killing her! And I am not carrying out your plan!”
“Well that is your choice; it’s rather unfortunate for poor Martha.”
I did not know whether I was doing the right thing. Neither choice seemed right. As every second passed I hoped for Prudence to return with help, and save us all. Yet help did not come.
“Well, once again I bid you farewell for now my undead friend. And I advise you do bid for Martha goodbye too. For I do not think you will be seeing her again.”
Martha fell to her knees in desperation, she pleaded for mercy. Victor regained his speech and yelled at his father… “You b*****d!”
“Victor, have you forgotten your manners. That kind of language is inappropriate. Oh and remember, the next time I return. It will be you I leave with if you do not convince your friend…to (laughs)...kill you! My! This plan just gets sweeter and sweeter.”
Herman snagged Martha’s arm, she screamed and tried to break free but he pulled out his pocket knife, and viciously hit the crown of her head with the handle. She stopped struggling and simply collapsed helplessly in his arms.
 And all Victor and I could do is stand back and watch, as Herman dragged her out of the room. I still remember that moment, watching the kitchens door slam shut, through blurred teary eyes.

I did not know what to say, I did not wish to think of what Herman would do to poor Martha. Not only did I feel the guilt of dragging her into a problem nothing to do with her, but I felt remorse at the loss of a friend. For however annoying and freakish she is, Martha was one of the few people who did not run away from me. I could not look at Victor; I wondered what he must think of me now. I was so close to killing Martha myself, in his eyes I must no longer be the sweet kind girl he sat next to in class.
“I am sorry. I don’t know what I should have done.”
“I don’t think I’d know either.”
“What happens now” I said, trying not to break down “She’s basically dead! I-don’t want her to die!”
Victor simply put his arm around me an attempt to comfort me. He spoke kindly.
“You know, this may not be as bad as you think.”
This was confusing.
“What? How could it possibly be worse! He is going to torture and kill Martha! Slowly, and it’s my fault!”
 “Slowly…exactly, and that might just save her life. You see I am quite sure that dad doesn’t know where Prudence is, and…a slow killing would take some time. Perhaps Prudence will return before dad can finish the job?”
Victor was right; I really had made the right choice after all. Martha was going to be hurt, that was inevitable. But at least, she may survive an injury; she would not have survived a quick slice to the neck. I wonder if the ability to think things through so well is an Anderson family trait, although Victor used his talent for good. He continued.
“We can get out of here Serene. All of us, now that we have help. One day this will all be nothing but a memory.”
And I hoped this was true. I wanted to close my eyes and this all become part if history. Our hopes lay with that crazy fanatical woman.

Meanwhile, outside of our little trap, across the other side of Strangetown, Persephone had taken Prudence back to her home so she could gather supplies.
“Ooooh I cannot believe I have lowered myself to this, I am making alliances with savage fiends! And now I must enter a demons ungodly place of dwelling! Oh the horrors that may lie within!”
 Prudence paused, this house was not as she expected. Rather than a gothic crypt type of home, Persephone had decorated her place in a rather un-vampirish style, right down to the pink lined coffin. It is something ironic about her, she may share the name with the “wife of Hades”, yet nothing about her seemed dark or hellish.
“Oh my, but it is…girly?”
 “Well, what did you expect? A crypt? An S&M club? Geez I hate these stereotypes.”
Persephone reached down and pulled out an old knife from under the coffin, looked at it and smiled sadly. Throughout her time as a vampire, Persephone needed to protect herself despite hating to use such a weapon.
“I didn’t think I would need this again.”
“What! You are going to sacrifice me aren’t you! I knew this was a bad idea! I knew it! Heretic!”
“No Mrs Peel I am not trying to sacrifice you, nor was I trying to kill you when I accidentally tripped on your foot, and I was not “willing” that driver to swerve like that and nearly hit you either! Oh man you people don’t understand what people like us have to go though, can’t you get it into your thick heads that most vampires are not actually trying to kill you! We are just trying to survive in this world, like you.”
Prudence attempted to respond, but could not think of anything intelligent to say. Persephone sensed this was the first time she had been left speechless in a while, which was quite an achievement.
“Now, if you want to do something useful, shut up, take one of these knives, keep it hidden and for gods sake don’t use it unless you really have to. Now let’s go.”
She watched Prudence obey, reluctantly. And prepared to walk out. She was almost excited to see another vampire, yet the Herman problem would get in the way first.

Martha opened her eyes. This was the third time she had awoken in a strange place this night, and it was most likely that if she ever got out of this place, she’d need to get her head checked out. There were no grimy tiles, yet this room was equally unsanitary. A tap dripped loudly, and Martha could not see where it was coming from. This was the only sound to penetrate the eerie silence. Without Victor and me, she grew more frightened as now she was faced with Herman on her own.
Then Martha began to wonder where Mr Anderson was, was he lurking in the shadows? Was this a game to frighten her? Or was he waiting for her to wake before inflicting any torture, as sleeping victims don’t squirm, plead or cry as much. And where is the fun in that?  If it was a game, it was certainly working. Her hands were bound to the strange chair she was seated in. Yelling would be of no use, for it would just alert Herman that she was awake.  The curled up corpse of another unfortunate woman lay in the corner behind her chair. Martha began to shake uncontrollably. For unlike Me, and Victor, she had never seen a dead body before.
 Martha heard the slow heavy pace of Herman’s footsteps. He was back. She tried to quieten her panicked breathing yet the gasps were impossible to silence. Through the darkness, Herman’s form emerged.
“I see you have finally awakened from your slumber Miss Peel, what a pleasure. Stupid girl, don’t you wish you had stayed out of the vampire’s business?”
“I-I-I am not listening to you.”
“She can’t save you now you know. Nobody knows where you are. And now, you shall meet your maker. I hope you are seated comfortably Martha, for you are going to be here for a while before your ending.”
Amongst the clouds of terror, a glimmer of hope flickered across her mind.  She thanked me in her mind for possibly saving her life, and prepared to endure any pain if it meant she had the slightest chance to escape.

~Societies will crumble. Rivers will run with blood. Nazis will once again ride on Dinosaurs!~

Why beeing a teenage vampire can really suck! Undead: Serene's story

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« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2006, 09:45:21 am »

ooohhhh, the plot just keeps on thickening!

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« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2006, 03:53:27 pm »

Oooh, I can't wait for Pink Persephone to show him what a real Vampire's made of! and Yay for nosy Church ladies! Throw the book at 'im, Prudence - kill 'im with quotes!

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]For I am knowledge and ignorance. I am shame and boldness. I am shameless; I am ashamed. -Thunder*Perfect Mind [/COLOR]

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« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2006, 05:11:41 am »

Lol thanks Sylvie for making me smile with that comment! I'm having a sad day Sad

Well Prudence would certainy believe the lords book is the most powerful weapon against such "demons"!!

And thanks for commenting too ladyrose!

~Societies will crumble. Rivers will run with blood. Nazis will once again ride on Dinosaurs!~

Why beeing a teenage vampire can really suck! Undead: Serene's story

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« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2006, 05:35:02 am »

You posted on the other site a poll should you make a happy or sadish ending.. I say Happy for Serene and sad for Martha LOL!! :hello2: And I think Serene should bite Prudence :lol:

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« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2006, 03:29:27 pm »

Hmm ok, well I will count your opinion as a vote Smiley, same for any others..I posted a poll on sims2community to decide between a happy-ish ending, so if any readers here have opinions just comment Smiley

But Prudence as a vampire!! Now that is a scary idea! Cheesy

~Societies will crumble. Rivers will run with blood. Nazis will once again ride on Dinosaurs!~

Why beeing a teenage vampire can really suck! Undead: Serene's story

Posts: 1271

I build Simu-Houses!

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« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2006, 04:44:00 pm »

My previous comment holds for the know the one i mean! *nudges*

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« Reply #53 on: June 04, 2006, 01:42:35 pm »

Excellent story so far, can't wait to see how it turns out! I vote for happy ending.

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« Reply #54 on: June 09, 2006, 12:37:26 pm »

do you have any tips and hints about making stories? like how u get the sims to do exactly wut you want?

Check out my story, The Sisters Grim!

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« Reply #55 on: June 14, 2006, 04:32:32 pm »

Persephone emerged from her house, prepared to take on whatever this strange night was going to bring her. Time had reached an early hour, yet it was still dark, so she had no fears of sunrise for the time being. As Prudence reluctantly followed her down the front garden path, still sulking over being snapped at by the demon, she stopped and worried.
“Heavens! I just realised we have spent too long in this lair, that Mr Anderson may have committed some horrendously hideous crimes! Oh my poor daughter, what could he be doing to her…Satan has finally gotten too close to my daughter indeed! She tempted evil too much, now it has come for her…”
”Oh come on! I am not listening to this all the way back to the other side of town!”
“But…we could be too late! Oh my lord why...”
“Please just shut up! Ok, well I don’t have a car and the night busses really suck. What do you want to do?”
Prudence was getting more and more tired of this demon’s attitude problem. She wasn’t used to this kind of behaviour from anyone. But then again, she had ever actually held a proper conversation with a vampire before. But, the real issue was making it back in time to save Martha (Oh, and probably Victor and I too, even though she thought we were untrustworthy).
“I, have, one idea…” she sighed “but, it is very stupid.”
So, the pair diverted to make a stop at the Peel’s home. Persephone was curious; she wouldn’t be surprised if she walked though Mrs Peel’s door, into a convent!

Instead of entering the house, Prudence made her way towards an old garage just outside, pulled up the door and entered. Just as Persephone expected, the wall was lined with crucifixes. Prudence looked down sighed with dismay as if she was embarrassed about something, and then revealed to Persephone an….interesting car.
Prudence tried to suppress an amusing image of Prudence cruising down the streets in the ancient chrome painted smoogo in sunglasses and listening to loud hip-hop music. She was almost astounded! This is not the Christ-mobile she expected.
“Mrs Peel, I didn’t think this was your kind of ride! Awesome!”
“It isn’t! Do you think I would set foot in a ridiculous vehicle like this by choice? This is the work of the devil!...acting though my daughter. She thought our car was giving her a bad image whenever she borrowed it so she rudely  painted it like this, and I have refused to drive it ever since. I don’t know what made her do such a I had to have the car exorcised just to be safe!”
Prudence is…mad! Yes even I still find it funny to retell some of her crazy stories. Her adamant belief that evil is everywhere is so unusual, that people cannot help but find it humorous sometimes. Although sometimes it is wise to keep these views quiet until Prudence is out of earshot. So Persephone smiled without commenting, old Christine the evil car here would have to do.
“I think this is the first useful thing you have done all night!” she exclaimed. “Now let’s go kick that Herman guy’s ***!”
“I will not be going anywhere near that area on that mans body thank you very much! I do not wish to go to ****.”

Martha looked up to the ceiling, her vision was now blurred, and her condition was not good. How much of this could a person physically endure? At every wound Herman gave her, she tried to cling onto the hope she had earlier.
The pain was not as intense now, probably as Martha was feeling faint from the blood loss. One thing she knew, was that she needed to keep awake, and not lapse into unconsciousness. Because if that happened, Herman would most likely get bored...and just kill her. Martha’s will to live was too strong for that, her determination to survive through the night was admirable.
“You know Martha, it has been rather pleasant spending this time with you. I see you are a strong willed girl, many don’t stay with me so long.”
She didn’t really want to think of all the other girls who had been in her place before, and not made it out alive. The woman curled up in the corner was an example of how most of Herman’s torture session participants ended up like. Martha just wanted to be the last one to ever be taken in here; this man needed to pay for this. Herman continued to talk to her.
“But Martha, you are awfully quiet. Some girls yell, some plead, some shout. But you remain so silent? Dear I hope I haven’t caused you to loose too much blood so soon.”
She found it best to ignore Herman when he said these things; he was just trying to mess with her. And although she was absolutely terrified, she tried her hardest not to show it, and not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her fear.
“Will you not say something?”
Herman was getting frustrated with this girl, and was sometimes tempted to just stick her on one of the crusty bloodied meat hooks which hung on the wall and be done with her. This plan was starting to get dull, and he was unsure of why exactly it was going wrong.

Not much else had happened to me and Victor in the kitchen during this time. The two of us were simply left in suspense. I had started to wonder if we would make it out of here before daylight, or I would be trapped. But soon our waiting came to an end when we heard a familiar shrill voice.
“Unhand me vile demon!...”
“ Shhhh! Do you want this Herman guy to hear us?”
The two burst into the kitchen. My first reaction was disappointment that Prudence had not brought the police or something, but then I noticed Persephone, and what she is. She seemed to notice me too; it must be a vampire thing.
“Hey. You must be the other demon. Nice to meet you, there isn’t many of us around these days.”
I didn’t manage to reply much. I was so shocked. All this time I had searched for someone like me who wasn’t an irritatingly rude teenage boy, and now there was Persephone. I briefly forgot where I was, I had so many questions I wanted to ask this woman! Maybe he could help me to live with what I am, or at least be some comfort. Yet Prudence immediately noticed her daughter’s absence, and didn’t keep quiet.
“Where is Martha? Is she with Mr Anderson? IS SHE! I knew it, you cowardly creature let her go to the slaughter in your place! Demon!”
“It wasn’t like that; it was her he was picking on. I actually refused to kill her you know! And, she could still be alive; we couldn’t do anything till you came back as we’re trapped here!”
Standing around there was wasting precious time; it hit all four of us instantly.
“So, what happens now? Do we want to try and get out of here alive? And save Martha? We need to do something now!”
“You’re right” Persephone replied, “Here, take these.”
She handed small pocket knives to Victor and I. “Only use them if you must.”
So, we were now finally prepared for the final confrontation against Herman. Four of us against one of him, yet none of us knew what this sick man had in store for us, seeing as he had all these strange plans even Victor didn’t see coming. So our confidence was not strong. We all just had to hope, clutch our knives for protection, and try to keep alive.

~Societies will crumble. Rivers will run with blood. Nazis will once again ride on Dinosaurs!~

Why beeing a teenage vampire can really suck! Undead: Serene's story

Posts: 1271

I build Simu-Houses!

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« Reply #56 on: June 15, 2006, 03:44:57 am »

Oooooh! The suspense is killing me!

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« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2006, 05:31:57 am »

*notices the sun has just risen in the Hoosier Heartland*
*hisses & falls out of chair*


What? No...I'm not a vamp. I just read the whole thing in one sitting & now I'm experiencing severe eyestrain. But it was worth it. Your story is well written & quite gripping.

Will Serene be cured?
Will Persephone arrive in time?
Will Victor be able to rid the kitchen of those unsightly bloodstains with out a visit from Mr. Clean, or will his home become the site of the last showdown between Tim allen & Bob Villa? you think Medeia would go for a Family Sim with glasses from the Hoosier Heartland?

Cthulhu in 2008: Why settle for the lesser evil.

If Ben Franklin & John Adams would have had their way, the wild turkey would have been America's national bird instead of the bald eagle. I often wonder what we would eat on the 4th Thursday in Novemeber if that had happened.

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« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2006, 06:53:21 am »

I just *Love* some of the comments I get for this story on both sites! They are priceless!

Ladyrose...Thanks for commenting again!!

Amadeus.. My goodness, I hadnt thought of poor Victor having to try and do that ghastly cleaning.

And hey, Medeia is a single never know Cheesy hehe thanks for commenting.

~Societies will crumble. Rivers will run with blood. Nazis will once again ride on Dinosaurs!~

Why beeing a teenage vampire can really suck! Undead: Serene's story

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« Reply #59 on: June 18, 2006, 10:29:37 pm »

Hi Lollipop Girl,

I am still reading your story - half way through and I really like the starting of this story. The main lead's hair is so appropriate for her! Keep up the good work Smiley

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