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Author Topic: Camouflage [ CANCELLED ]  (Read 4688 times)
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« on: April 22, 2007, 04:18:55 am »

I had to cancel this story - there is no chance for me to continue. I have lost my internet connection on my own laptop and all the custom content went 'BOOM'. D:

[ A/N : This would be my first sim story. I can't say the plot is extraordinary or miraclous - just something I do when I'm bored and have plenty of time.

I apologize beforehand if the pictures are bad quality ... Anyway, thanks for all the creators whose stuff I used to make this story! :worship:  ]

Camouflage - A Tale Of One Neighborhood

Adapted from Isaac's diary:

Please excuse me, Mister Old Book ... I'm really sorry I intruded to this house; apparently my family moved here today. This little town is quite lovely, when you look at it from far away, like I did from the plane at 6 AM this morning. I hope it's okay if I attach some pictures ...

This photo was taken from the plane and given to me - my dad, mother and sister were all sleeping after 12 hours of flying. I couldn't even blink my eye - I wanted to call Tory as soon as I could.

So, to spend some time, I scribbled on the picture. The house circled with the blue marker is our house. My mom, who always wants to live fabulous, bought this house. She didn't even ask Dad.

The houses inside the yellow circle are the snob's houses. They certainly are livin' it up. Those houses caught my Dad's interest. He likes expensive stuff; just like Mom.

The house in the red circle is empty - and at the same time it's the most expensive house in this game. Rumor has it that a rockstar is going to buy it. Though I highly doubt it - who in the world would want to live in the backwoods such as this place?!

The area in the green circle is the commercial zone - also, the high school is there. My sister is homeschooled. Mom teaches her when she has the time. Which she doesn't have anymore.

The first thing I remember about the house was that I was the first one to enter. I had sighed so deep that I wondered whether I'd have a shortage of oxygen - my expression when mom took this picture might tell you that.

Right after entering the house, I put our cat's, Raleigh's, bowl down to the floor and filled it. The small bag I was carrying was lain on the floor.

Raleigh is my only friend right now. He's not very talkative, but he's a very good listener.

I looked around the house. It was still empty - our stuff would be brought here tomorrow. I felt kind of lonesome alone, standing there. I took the bag again and stood there, now with the bag. I didn't feel so alone at that moment.

Dad said something about 'problems with communication'. My opinion is that he wanted to save the slightest money we had left. Mom loved things - especially those that weren't hers.

I remember my sister saying: "Why does brother look so sad? This house is so big that he could even have an elephant as a pet."

Mom had laughed - ironic enough, if Dad hadn't frozen her bank account, she would've bought an elephant already.

"I think he just misses his friends."

Like I had any friends ...

Dad went to make some coffee for us. Mostly to me - Dad was the only one in this family who somehow understood me. But that didn't mean that he wanted to make me feel happy. He had been very happy about this new house - even though I had said that I'd like to stay in my old school and graduate.

Meanwhile Dad had came back from kitchen - though I couldn't smell coffee. I looked up at him with a little anxiety in my eyes. Dad always told me that I had my grandmother's eyes.

"Isaac, you look tired ... Maybe you should take a nap instead of coffee?"

"Uh, Dad, it's okay. I'm fine. I just ..."

'Let my guard down ...', I thought.

"Isaac, I know you wanted to -" Dad started. I grimaced mentally and stopped him.

"Dad, I told you it was okay! I'm just a little dumbstruck by the new environment!" I tried to chukle nervously, but I failed.

Dad nodded and left. End of story for him, I guessed.

All of a sudden, my little sister, Anna, ran into the hall. Her eyes were wide with fear, but knowing her, she'd wet her pants if she saw a mouse.

"Anna, what's wrong? You don't look too well."

"I-Isaac! Y-You know, there's ... there's ... "

I heard mom's high-heeled steps from the door. I put my finger in front of Anna's mouth.

"Later." I whispered.

My mom, Donatella Danzig, was somewhat a perfectionist. Even the slightest whisper made her ask more questions that was necessary. She wanted to have a perfect life, perfect house, perfect relationship ...

No one would want to make her curious.

Mom's curious eyes met mine. I smiled the best I could and said as cheerfully as I could: "Now then, I'll go and help Dad with the coffee."

Mom nodded, a satisfied smile on her lips.

Anna stared at my back - she was mad.

When I found the kitchen, I saw Dad boosting his coffee with vodka he had taken from his pocket. I knocked on the door that was open before I entered the kitchen.

Not even twitching, he finished his coffee with one single sip and a grimace - the coffee was evidently too hot to drink.

"Uh, Dad, I think Anna's got something to tell you." I said hesitated. It was impossible to know if Dad was nervous or just felt like he'd take a sip of vodka.

"Honey ... "

Mom's voice lingered around the kitchen. The voice inside my head told her to get the hell out of here. But I remained silent.

Dad lifted his gaze from his coffee and put the coffee cup on the table. I cleaned it up at the same moment. If mom smelled the alcohol, she'd go nuts.

Dear Diary, I hate keeping this camouflage up and running ...
« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 03:00:17 am by Iscy » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2007, 09:57:42 am »

[ Chapter 1 is up! 40 pictures ... o.o ]

Dear Tory,

I'm REALLY sorry I couldn't call you. Apparently I can't use my cellphone; I have to charge it and the recharger is in one of the big suitcases - considering that we moved here yesterday and we still haven't got some of our essential stuff ... I think I really should live at school for the while.

Now that I'm talking about school, I might as well tell you what exactly happened today ...

Isaac laid down the pen and stared himself from the old mirror. This and a couple of other pieces of furniture had been left here by the previous owners. This desk was clearly made for girls - but he had no choice.

He looked at himself, he criticized his expression. He wouldn't send the letter - he could call Tory later.

" A smile should look better on me. " He said, a little more cheerful. He had visited his school yesterday in the evening. And the best of all, he had already gotten a friend.

When he had walked down the stairs, his father's menacing tone tucked into his ears. Isaac turned his head towards the source of the sound.

"Isaac, where you going? It's almost dinner time."

Isaac remained cheerful and walked closer to his father; he wouldn't want to shout his words.

"I'm going to see what my school looks like!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, isn't it obvious? I want to see what it looks like."

His father shrugged.

"Well, I guess it's okay. Just be back before 9 PM."

"Sure ..."

"But your Mom will be disappointed if you won't eat her foods."

"How can she cook when we don't have too much furniture?"

"Oh, right ... Well, bye then."


Isaac knew very well what his school looked like. His only true intention was to visit his new friend, Jared. Jared and his father lived alone in a small house which wasn't worth too much.

    At first, when he had seen Jared, he had thought that he was a girl. His long, black lashes framed his hazel eyes and his face was shaped almost childishly oval.

"ISAAC! OH MY GOD! You really came! Come on in! Dad's gonna LOVE this!" His voice was girlish, as well. Smiling a bit, Isaac couldn't help thinking that the poor little guy couldn't possibly weigh more than 50 kilograms.

When Isaac entered the house, he knew that Jared was lying. He knew that Isaac was coming. He could judge this by the smell of food all around the place. Jared was kind of ... eccentric.

"So, why'd you want me here? You could've told me yesterday..." Isaac tried to start a conversation. He remembered clearly that Jared had said: "Come to my place tomorrow! I'd like to tell you something!"

"Oh, yeah, THAT!! Sorry, I'm a little dizzy today ..."

' You're always dizzy', Isaac thought.

"So, don't take me as a stalker now or anything ... But I heard you humming last night. And you see, there's this Damien Fitzgerald who -"

"Woah! How'd you ... ? Uh, nevermind."

Jared stared at him a little confused.


"Uh, okay, so ... Damien is the lead guitarist of the band called 'Mere Human'. He's interested in meeting you! He said he wanted you to sing!"

"Huh? Who is this ... Damien?" Isaac said, as if tasting the word 'Damien' in his mouth.

"Well, he lives next door with his brother and nephew ..."

"So he's ... the same age with us, right?"

"No, silly! He's at least 20!"

' Sheesh ... This guy really is the center of all information ... '

"So, he said he'll meet you tomorrow before school! You'll get a day off, he already asked your teacher!" Jared blurted out.

"Oh ..."

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

"Uh, no ... It's alright. I just ... have to think a bit ..."

All of a sudden, Jared's father entered the room and sat on the sofa.

"You boys talking about girls?" He asked amused.

Jared blushed and prepared to shout something, but Isaac quickly stopped him.

"No, we're not, Mr. Marcoux ..." Isaac said calmly.

Jared stared at him as if he was a true hero.

"Isaac, really ... We COULD talk about girls if you just knew some! I know! I'll introduce you to a couple of girls tomorrow!"

"You ... don't have to."

Isaac glanced at the clock. Half past eight ...

"Uh, I gotta go. See you, Jared. And thanks for the meal."

He rose up from the chair and waved before going.

That night, when he walked the streets, Isaac felt suddenly happy. He'd get new friends and meet GIRLS for once in a while. And hopefully his stuff would be back by tomorrow as well.

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« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2007, 08:01:22 am »

Camouflage - Chapter 2

Marcoux Household

"What? Who is this?"

"No! I'm not Isaac! I'll ask once more, who is this?"

Beep beep.

Jared stared at his cellphone a little confused.

"Someone has a crush on him or what?"

Jared shrugged and went to his room.

Danzig household

Isaac heard the phone ringing right after he had sneaked in. Gritting his teeth, he rushed over to the phone and instead of hanging up, he answered the phone; his voice hardly louder than a whisper:

"It's already late, please call back later."

Only a 'buzz' sound before the caller hung up.

Isaac looked at the phone and then outside the window. Nothing.

'Weird...' He whispered to himself before going to his room.

He hadn't realized the time and how fast it ran - it was already 3 AM. He quickly went into his room.

Just as he was setting down, ready to imitate sleeping, his father stormed into the room. Mr. Danzig was the kind of man who was loud by his actions, not his words.

"Ryan Isaac Danzig - Would you mind telling me what the hell are you doing up this late?"

I had hard time fighting back the words I wanted to say. Instead, I lowered my head and mumbled: "I was reading. I didn't realize the time."

"Nevermind that, what is this HORRIBLE stench?"

Isaac had noticed it too, but he was probably the only one knowing where that 'stench' came from.

His mom had entered the room, her whole entity smelled like a detergent concentrate. Isaac tried not to grimace. Those new 'parfumes' or what they were called ...

"Honey, is there something wrong?" Donatella asked. "And Isaac! Why're you still wearing your casual clothes? Change into pyjamas right away!"

"Donatella, really, he -"

"Aw, not our perfect son! You silly man, he just probably forgot to change after having so much fun with his friends."

"Friend." Isaac replied.

For a moment, Isaac thought that he'd see a disgusted look on his mother's face - it vanished just as quickly as it came.

"Anyway, good night!" Donatella said and dragged her husband out of the room. The horrible smell disappeared right away.

Isaac sighed of relief and changed before going to sleep.

Next morning

"Ugh ..." Isaac rubbed his eyes. His head was pounding; two hours of sleep wasn't enough. Isaac's inner clock was always on time - but only when it came to waking up.

Isaac knew very well that none of his family members would be up before 7 AM. He could drink coffee, eat breakfast and then dress up.

He walked down the stairs and straight to the kitchen.

"Come on, work now ..." He mumbled as he put on the machine.

He hated these modern coffeemachines.

He took a long sip of his coffee and felt the energy mingle in his veins.

He washed the cup before going to the bathroom.

It was still dark outside. The bathroom was probably Isaac's favourite room in the whole house. He loved water and bathing.

He undressed and stepped inside the tub that had been filled in advance. Cold water would be okay, as long as it was clean.

After he had finished bathing, he decided to put on the same clothes he had used yesterday. It wasn't a big of a deal anyway - no one paid attention to him at school anyway. While he washed his hands, he heard loud fighting from inside the house.

"No way ..." He mumbled. Maybe he'd stay in the bathroom for a little longer.

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« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2007, 04:32:32 am »

[ A/N: Sorry for the long while - School keeps me busy. ]

Camouflage - Damien


"Hmm ... Strange."

Damien Fitzgerald hung up the phone after trying to call this 'Isaac'. Jared had promoted this guy more than he actually could - with his current sense of GOOD music, his opinion wouldn't weigh too much.

What bothered him was the fact, that Isaac hadn't answered his calls. He had called last night 2 am, but he had no idea why he wouldn't answer. Maybe Tory had screwed up his calls - Damien had given him the mission to call Jared and ask whether Isaac was still there.

Damien wasn't caught up with the issue any longer - he made sure he looked decent on his own standard and went out; Danzig household being his goal.

While he walked, he tried to recall as much of the conversation he had had with Jared yesterday morning.

"Jared, are you REALLY sure he can do it?"

"I'm positive!" The eccentric teen had answered. The only reason Damien visited him willingly was the fact that the little guy always made food - unlike Damien's brother. Even if he had a kid ... It sometimes worried Damien a lot.

"No offense, but ... everyone can hum." He had said hesitantly. He didn't want to freak him out.

"No, they can't. You can't! I can't!" Jared had said happily. Damien had grimaced.

"Oh, thank you SO much ..." He had said sarcastically.

"What?" Jared has asked with puppy eyes. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Uh, no ... I gotta go now. So it was 3 PM tomorrow, right?"


"Great." A pause.

Jared stared at him, as if he was waiting for something.

"Oh, yeah. And thanks for helping me out with the singer." Damien had finally admitted.

Jared hugged him, like he always did, and waved bye as he went out of the door.


Isaac's point of view

I had been sitting in the very same car for ten minutes. The school taxi appeared to be a better choice. The bus was always crowded and I don't exactly like people that much.

All of a sudden, I spotted a guy walking towards his house. And by the looks of it, this guy could be that 'Damien' Jared was talking about...

"Could you drop me here? My friend's over there." I said quickly.

The driver nodded and stopped the car. I quickly jumped out of the car to meet the stranger.

As the car drove off, I suddenly felt a turn in my stomach ... I felt like there would be no turning back now.

I hesitantly walked over to the guy - he had stopped his walking and stood there, staring at me. My whole existence seemed to itch at that moment.

"Uh, pardon me ... Are you Damien?"

The guy had unbelievably grey skin and his eyes were almost white. It kinda freaked me out ...

"Yeah. So you are Isaac, n'est ce pas?"

I arched by brow a bit dumbstruck by the foreign language, but I quickly nodded.

"Uh, yeah ..."

We walked for the two minutes that it took to go to my house - talking about Damien's band. He hadn't asked anything about me yet.

When we were at my house, he suddenly shook my hand.

"I really do hope you could come to the auditions at the arena, but I'd like to interview you personally."

"Uh ... Yeah ... Shall we go inside? I'll get you -"

Damien had already gone inside through the garage door. I gulped; I had left it open. Mom would've killed me if she knew.

Damien was already sitting on the couch of the livingroom by the time I had rushed in. He looked around the livingroom, his gaze extremely critisizing.

"A nice pad, I must say ..." He mumbled before he gestured me to sit next to him.

I did as I was told. I sat down, nervous as hell. The situation was a little awkward, I had no idea how to prove my singing skills to him. I didn't think I really could sing that well.

"So, have you heard of the Bluewater Band Competition?"

"Uh, no ... I moved here recently."

"Oh, yeah, that." Damien said, a little disappointed.

"Sorry for the inconvenience!" I quickly added. I felt kind of sorry for the fact I didn't know a thing about this place.

"That aside", Damien said quickly, "What kind of music do you like?"

I swallowed hard. I had no idea what kind of music his band played - the guy himself looked like a monster that would play riffs like James Hetfield.

"I ... well, I really like ... rock music." I said shyly.

Damien laughed. "Rock music is sucha wide section of music! Can you tell me how do you sing? Briefly." He added instantly.

"Well, I like to sing from low tone ... I love fast lyrics with lots of rhythm!"

Damien laughed. "That's good to hear. You can sing anything you want at the auditions, so take your best shot."

My sister, Anna, suddenly came into the room. Her school had ended an hour ago, but she usually stayed in her room.

She stared at Damien. "Who is this, Isaac?" She asked shyly.

I sighed. "Damien Fitzgerald. Damien, this is my sister, Anna."

Damien nodded and smiled. ' Not very convincing ... ' I thought.

I rose up. Anna seemed like she was about to cry.

"So, uh ... How about we call it a day, then?" I said to Damien.

Damien clapped his hands, clearly satisfied with himself.

"Okay then! I hope to see you on Saturday. Any time is okay."

He rose up from the sofa, hugged me and left. I was left dumbstruck there, with my sister. She stared at me.

A long silence.

Finally she managed to say something. "Isaac, was that your friend?"

I answered her briefly: "Kinda."

She left instantly, probably off the tell mom.

The moment I had seen her close the door, I heard a low 'mrow' from my feet.

Raleigh loved attention. I smiled and snuggled the cat. Raleigh really knew when to cheer me up.

"Okay then, now go and eat catnip or something ..." I said when I put him down. The cat ran off.

My happiness died immediately. "Oh sheesh, how am I supposed to go to an audition? They'll laugh at me!"

" ... And what are mom and dad going to say? Aw crap, I'm doomed to fail."

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« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 11:17:49 am »

A little notice - Dad bought a laptop for me, the Internet connection and naturally The Sims 2 are not on that computer. No updates in the week. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience. Smiley

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« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 11:30:28 am »

That story is so cool
you are very creative

then i hear your soul , touches me the right way
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