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Author Topic: Be My Valentine - The Love of Berezi and Odin  (Read 7515 times)
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A.k.a. Ilse

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« on: March 11, 2007, 03:01:30 pm »

Yes, finally, after aaages of busy/lazy me, I'm going to finish their story!
For everyone who didn't follow the contest, I'll repost my contest entry's and all here, and then I'll go write my 'Round 3'. Everything is written out of Berezi's point of view.
I hope you all have fun with reading this. Smiley


Meet Berezi and Odin

Berezi Rodreu, 26

Berezi: "Arrr! Ya pirate!"

Berezi: "Oh Odin.."

Odin Amgra, 43

Odin: "Say cheeese!"

Berezi: "Oh, there he is! How's my breath?"
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 03:05:34 pm by AlbinoBambi » Logged

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?


Gender: Female
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A.k.a. Ilse

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« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 03:02:35 pm »

How did our lovebirds meet?

I remember the day I first saw Odin like yesterday.

We, the new interns, had just gotten our tour trough the hospital.
All the other interns seemed really nice, although I was a bit surprised to see a married couple with their toddler daughter.
The women that gave us the tour had introduced herself to us as Dr. Kemms, she looked pretty strict, but still nice.
We all had already sent our furniture, so all we had left were our suitcases. We were only allowed to take one suitcase per person with us, so I took quite some cash with me, to go buy new clothes as soon as I had some free time.

It was time for lunch, so the first room we went to in our 'dorm' was the kitchen/dining room.
And there he was, making lunch for all of us.
When he turned around, I saw one of the most handsome faces I had ever seen.
For the first time since my fiancé died when I was 21 I felt some attraction to a male person.
To my own surprise, I even was a bit jealous when I saw how Dr. Kemms and Odin chatted and laughed with each other.

In the course of the following days, weeks, months, I discovered more and more lovely features of Odin.
It touches my hart if I see how angry he can get if a patient isn't surviving, and how worried he iss for each and every patient that is or was in the hospital.
All the kids in the hospital love him, and from his face you can see that he loves them just as much, or even more.
Without myself noticing it, a tiny little piece of my hart started to love him, and as time passed, more and more pieces followed.

One day, a patient I had passed away. Leaving his young, female fiancé behind.
That brought back so much memories, that as soon as I could, I ran to my locker and cried there.
Odin happened to walk by, and came in to see what was wrong with who.
When he saw me, he came to me, and put his arm around me.
He didn't ask anything, he just held me, until my shoulders started to hold still, and my sobs became less.
Even then, when I was capable of speaking again, only his eyes asked, and since my eyes told him that I wasn't ready to tell, he didn't ask a thing.
At that moment, when he had put his arm around me, I started to realize how my heart felt about him. Because, the moment he touched me, I felt a few tiny butterflies in my stomach.

Since that day, Odin greets me every single day, as we enter and leave the hospital.
Somedays, I could see in his eyes, that he wanted to ask what was wrong that day, but he never did, because I didn't let him.
We also started eating together when we could, and I started to know who he really was, how he looked at the world, and even a bit of how his life has been in the past.
I also told him things about me, but he still didn't knew what happened in the tragic year when I was 21.

He truly started to act like a friend, because when I called the hospital and told them I was sick, when I was actually filling in as a babysitter, he came to see if I needed anything.
And even better, when he realised I wasn't sick at all, he didn't run back to report me, he stayed for a while, and played with me and little Pat.
Ofcourse, afterwards, he did say that it would be better if I didn't to things like that again, but he never told one single person about it.

As our friendship continued to grow, we would go walk a bit after a hard day of work, or sometimes in between work.
We've found our own little spot, at a fountain nearby the hospital.
That was the place where, after months, I finally told him about my fiancé.
His reaction was better than anything I could ever had hoped for, he hugged me! His strong arms where around me, and it wasn't just because I was crying and he tried to comfort me.
And still, the effects of me telling him are seen. If there are patients with young fiancés or spouses, he'll never assign them to me, but always to Kat or any other intern.

After all these years, I've finally moved on, and allowed myself to fall in love again.
But why, of all persons, did I have to fall in love with Odin, who's practically my boss?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 03:05:24 pm by AlbinoBambi » Logged

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?


Gender: Female
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A.k.a. Ilse

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« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 03:04:11 pm »

How will she tell him?

I have to tell Odin that I love him! I'm extremely scared, but I must do it!
Oh, wait, I probably have to explain this to you guys.
A while ago, my parents-in-law decided that it was really time to truly clean out Eric's (my late fiance) room.
Doing that, they cleaned out his desk.
When he passed away, it was because of a hart attack. Apparently, Eric realized he was going to die, because he wrote me a note.

My parents-in-law wanted me to have the note, so they mailed it to me.
On the note, Eric had wrote this:

"Lovely Beri,

I don't know whats happening in my body, but I feel I'm going to be gone soon.
I know you'll be sad, but you're young, you must live on! Find a guy, fall in love, marry him, and get kids, because that is what you always wanted. And the fact that you can't do it with me, doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it at all.
So please, dear Berezi, lead a happy live. And if you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for me.
Fulfil the only wish I have left. And honey, I love you!

With lots and lots of love, yours truly, Eric"

The same day I got that letter, I had to visit Eric at his grave.
I stood there, crying and crying, releasing all the pain and struggle that has been in me for the past time.
Knowing that Eric really wanted me to continue, and live a happy life, has made me determined to tell Odin.
I was wondering for days how I am going to plan telling him. Should I ask him out, just tell him whenever I meet him, get myself invited to his place, invite him to my place? What do I do?
Suddenly it hit me, I had to give Odin one of the best things Eric has ever given me. A cliché dinner, with candles and rose petals, and lots of love and slow dances.

After deciding on that, I had to find someone to help me plan this, because I knew nobody here, and neither did I know any reastaurant.
So I turned to one of my colleague's , who's been living here since she's about 10.
She knows a lot of people and places around here, and was glad to be of any help in this, because she had seen trough me all this time.

She convinced on of her friends that he should let me use his little restaurant to set up a romantic scene for me and Odin.
After working on it for like a week, getting everything settled, including rose petals and candles, it was done.
In a few days, on Valentine, I'm going to tell Odin. I've already invited him, and asked him to wear a suit, and he has agreed on both.

I keep dreaming of his perfect reaction. Us slow dancing, and then I tell him. I can see is happily surprised face, and feel his soft and sweet kiss in my head.
But the nightmares of his reaction are haunting me at night. I'm so afraid that instead of being glad, he'll pull away from me, and look at me with a stunned face, or even worse, with a scared expression.
I don't know how I will continue my job if he does that.

As the day of telling Odin comes closer and closer, I get scared. Very scared.
Ofcourse I'm also excited, my heart jumps up with joy whenever I hear his voice or see his face.
But it crawls into a dark corner when I think about THE day.
I go to sleep each night, while the feelings of joy and fright snuggling together in my heart.

I need Valentines day to be here, I need to have this over with.

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?


Gender: Female
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A.k.a. Ilse

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« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2007, 03:37:40 pm »

How did it go, and how are they now?

Wow, so much has happened in the years between now and that day. You probably want to know how it went, right? Well, I, Berezi Amgra, will tell you.

As you all know, it was February 14, Valentines day. I had prepared myself the whole day. I even took the day off from work. And even though I had chosen my outfit, hairdo and make-up aaages ago, I still took hours to get ready.

When I arrived at the location, I was hours early. So to pass time, I decided I would make it even more perfect than it already was.
While washing the windows, my mind traveled years forward, imagining myself as Odin's wife, with a child from us near me, and maybe even another one there or on it's way.
At that time I didn't believe it would ever come true, how wrong I was..

When Odin arrived, he looked around surprised. He surely didn't expect something like this, with all the rose petals and candles.
As he came walking my way, planning on normally greeting me, I suddenly ran his way.
I stopped in front of him, and in one second I realized even more how beautiful he was and how much I loved him.
Suddenly, before I could stop myself, I blurted out: "Odin, I love you! I love you more than I love life itself!"

At first Odin looked surprised, then he looked flattered, and then his lovely smile came onto his face.
"Berezi.. I don't know what to say. I do like you, maybe even adore you, but love you.. I'm just not sure."
Somehow, this wasn't so bad, I hadn't expect him to jump into my arms, screaming that he loved me too. So I was happy with this, it was more than I could've hoped for.
"Please, give me time to get to know you. I don't know you as well as I want to, and well.. Just please give me time."
I looked at him, my eyes probably glowed with love for him, but I didn't care. He knew, and he didn't immediately reject me!
"Ofcourse I will, dear dear Odin. Take the time you need, I'm willing to wait my whole life for you."

And here we are, 5 years later. After two years, Odn and I got married, with a whole hospital and ex-patients cheering for us. It was great.
Soon after, little Agata was born. And now, a brother or sister for her is growing inside of me. I've never been as happy as I am now. And every year, the whole family visits Eric's grave. Odin told me that he was Eric so gratefull for writing that letter.
I still love Eric, but I'm so glad that I found Odin.

The three, soon to be four, of us are your average happy family. We often go to the park, and Agata loves it there.
Odin and I didn't get a honeymoon, so the night of our wedding we went stargazing in that same park. And in that car, before we went back home, little Agata was created. *happy sigh*
Meanwhile, I stopped working in the hospital. Sometimes, when needed, I do help, but I'm officially unemployed. Odin still works there, and he's a well-known surgent.

No matter how much has changed, my sillyness has stayed the same. *giggle*
Agata and I were having lots of fun, me dancing in the fountain, and her dancing right next to it, but Odin was a bit surprised.

Lets just say: 'Act silly and have fun, because everybody else is normal enough already.'
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 08:01:02 am by AlbinoBambi » Logged

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?


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« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2007, 03:52:41 pm »

Awwwww OMG! What a cute name for their kid! Wink

Thanks for finishing the story Ilse, it`s great. And thanks for making me smile, cause I really needed it today Smiley

Won't you come into the garden?
I would like my roses to see you.


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« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2007, 03:57:41 pm »

That's really sweet Ilse, I'm glad you decided to finish it. Smiley

Still a simmer at heart, just too busy with my baby to play!

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A.k.a. Ilse

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« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2007, 04:10:29 pm »

Thanks both of you. ^^
I couldn't bear to delete her without giving her a happy end. <3

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?


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« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2007, 09:17:21 pm »

Delete her?? Oh, sorry. Just wanted to say the story was cute, I saw you in the contest. Cheesy

"out of all the lies you've told, i love you was my favorite."
"And he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar/the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart"

Rest in Peace, Caleb Joshua 1/10/04-4/6/08
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« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2007, 01:22:28 am »

That was really cute. I love their little girl! ^^

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A.k.a. Ilse

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« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2007, 08:29:48 am »

Quote from: babyblueheart;622821
Delete her?? Oh, sorry. Just wanted to say the story was cute, I saw you in the contest. Cheesy

Yeah, I ordered myself to delete all my cc and custom neighbourhoods, to start fresh, have no problem with installing new EP's, and keeping myself out of contests.

And thanks for the compliments about the story, both of you. ^^

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?


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« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2007, 08:53:25 am »

You're welcome! Well, that is a good resolution, and it must've taken guts to do. Good job!! Cheesy

"out of all the lies you've told, i love you was my favorite."
"And he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar/the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart"

Rest in Peace, Caleb Joshua 1/10/04-4/6/08
Join "America's Prom Queen" on NOW

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A.k.a. Ilse

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« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2007, 10:44:31 am »

It was soo hard. x.x
I'm still wondering how some of those babies would've looked, and I especially miss one family.
But I love the speed of my game now, and it's way easier to choose hairdo's clothes and furnishing.

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?


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« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2007, 02:07:13 pm »

Yay Bambi! So romantic!!!

Come read my story Death to Love!

Gender: Female
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A.k.a. Ilse

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« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2007, 03:09:15 pm »

Aaw, thank you. ^^

Why can't life be like The Sims, where you can control someone with just one click?

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