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Author Topic: One post Stories. Join If You Want To  (Read 4093 times)
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« on: May 30, 2007, 06:53:45 am »

The simple rule is: The story must be no longer than one post. OK I did a two post story at TSR but that was cause they have a 10,000 character limit.  I thought I would start this idea here. It is really fun but sometimes hard.
I will link to TSR and Sims2community thread of my One Post Stories so You can read them. Please do so You can get the idea.

I am copying my last story: Detective Danny Tattlesworth from the sims2community website and placing it here so it's easier for people to read plus I will copy my two favourites aswell.

Here are the links:

I would love it if someone also added a one post story! Have fun reading! And click on the highlighted words to view pics.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 07:11:30 am by scalad » Logged

You can upload my creations with your sim or lot or neighbourhood but only to free sites, not the exchange and no paysites. You can credit too if you wish. If a creation I have created has custom content from another artist please ask them for permission first to upload with your neighbourhood. I have all expansions and stuff packs.

Posts: 153

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« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 06:55:20 am »

Never Accept A flu Cure From A Stranger.

This story will be told through the eyes of Sarah Turlington. My pretty sim(Who was originally a part the maiden invasion challenge but the story is no longer because I had thought I had deleted the neighbourhood but found it on my second hardrive). Here goes the story.

What a pretty neighbourhood I have just moved into. Everything is so peaceful. Everyone is so nice to me.

I wish I had more energy. I eat right, I am happy. So I don't know why I am so lathargic. Maybe a walk in the park across the road will brighten me up.

There's Julie my neighbour.

"Hey Julie!" I said loudly.

"Sarah! What are you doing here?" she asked as she approached me.

"I needed to get out of the house. I feel so uninspired. I don't feel like doing anything" I answered.

"It could be the flu. Alot of that has been going around" Julie tells me.

"I noticed that." I said.

"Better go. Can't stay out too long anymore. Especially with a little on on the way!" Julie point to her growing belly.

"Congrats Julie!" I yell to her as she leaves the park.

I continue on my walk. I notice how the trees are so alive with colour and life yet there are some in one small group that seem to be dying.

Then I also notice. Alot of mothers who are playing with their children are also pregnant again.

Must be in the water, I think to myself. I decide to head home and get lunch.

I arrive home to find the postman had left some bills.

"I'll pay them after lunch. Ramen Noodles sound good to eat." I say to myself.

After lunch I watched Sims Of Our Lives.

I am more tired now than I was before. I might go down for an afternoon nap.

After what I thought was a short nap turned out to be a long sleep. It's now morning. Boy did I need the sleep.

Better gets some breakfast and pay those bills.

I take out some bacon and eggs and have it with toast for my breakfast. It tasted good.

Now to pay those bills. I take the bills and pay them at my letter box.

As I head back to my door a lady approaches me and introduces herself  as Gypsy Queen.

She seems nice enough. We talk for little while before I begin to feel dizzy.

"Are you alright my child?" she asks.

"Yeah. Just a little dizzy," I answer,"Could be the flu"

"I have just the remedy" She tells me"Cures all kinds of flu. Would you like to try it?"

I think for a second."Yeah anything to get rid of this flu" I said.

Gypsy hands me a a bottle of pink liquid  .

"Thanks" I said to her.

"I hope you feel better" she says before she leaves.

I go back into the house.

"What a nice lady she was to help me" I think to myself.

I drink the bottle straight away and immediately feel energetic

WOW! I have so much energy ! The flu has gone so quickly. Infact it was immediate. I need to burn some of this energy off. Lets exercise
Now that I am smelly and sweaty I might go and have a shower and change back into my clothes.

Midway through the day I begin to get very hungry. Before I knew it I was scoffing down my special cookies  that I only ever have occasionally.

By nightime I had eaten the contents of my fridge and cupboards. I had best to go to bed now before I eat the furniture.

Morning Time I had to go quickly to Harry's Local Market to pick up my groceries. Two trollies worth I brought. I have never been this hungry before.

That flu cure must be using alot of energy for me to be this starving all the time.

When I get home I cook up my breakfast. Four eggs, six rashers of bacon, three slcies of toast and two cups of milk.

I enjoyed every morsel. Washing the dishes was easy. Now I might go and finish my painting. So far it has taken me three days to paint it cause of this flu I had. But now with all this energy I might finish it today.

Painting my picture of the local park took a final two and half hours. But it was finished. And I liked it. I think I might hang it up on the wall next to the book case.

After hanging it I had the urge to go to the toilet.

I sat on that toilet for ten minutes! Never in my life had I gone that long to the toilet. Must be the flu cure getting rid of all the poisons.

I get up from the toilet and get a weird sensation in my belly.

My stomach area grows to a third extra of it's size.

What is going on? I am going to the doctor now!

I race to the doctor.

He sees me straight away and tells me I am pregnant.

"But how can that be?" I say in panic.

"It seems to be going around. Nearly all my female patients in the last week have been told they are pregnant" He tells me.

"All I had was the flu" I tell him.

"So did they?" He adds.

I leave the doctors office in astonishment on how I could be pregnant.

I arrive home the find a mysterious letter in my letterbox.

I open it when I get inside.

It reads: Congrats on your soon to be arrival.

No name on it to say who sent it.

This is getting wierd.

Only the doctor and myself know that I am pregnant.

Who also found out so quickly that they already sent me a congrats letter.

Over the next two days wierd stuff begins to happen.

First everything I begin to touch goes up in flames
Some electrical goods stop working.

I am beginning to wonder if it was really a flu cure that the gyspy gave me or some odd concotion with a plan behind it.

After lunch I have these very painful cramps

They become more and more intense  until I give birth to my little boy I named Damien

I hire the nanny for a day so I can catch up with all the new mums.

I soon realise that we all mysteriously caught the flu when we were at the park some time and had walked near the dead trees. Then out of no where a gypsy lady had offered us all a flu cure. And that is when we all had gotten pregnant. Somehow the liquid we drank made us pregnant.

But why?

I went back home and sent the nanny away.

As all our babies grew into children, we all noticed that they were somehow different.

Damien came home from school in a bad mood.

"What is the matter? Damien?" I asked him.

"Nothing" He answered. There and then he just started to throw things.

"Damien! Stop it now!" I said in a very firm tone.

"No!" He said back in an equally firm tone but with evil in his eyes.

"Damien I am your mother and you will do as I tell you! I said back.

"You are my mother no more!" He said.

With that fire shot out of his eyes and hit me directly.

I was dead instantly.

All the other mothers which had given birth after drinking the mysterious liquid from the gyspy had also died. How I do not know.

I tell this story from the otherside from which I watch what happens to my former world as do the other mothers that also died. We wait and watch to see what happens. The moral of this story is never accept a flu cure from a stranger.

You can upload my creations with your sim or lot or neighbourhood but only to free sites, not the exchange and no paysites. You can credit too if you wish. If a creation I have created has custom content from another artist please ask them for permission first to upload with your neighbourhood. I have all expansions and stuff packs.

Posts: 153

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« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2007, 06:56:22 am »

This story will also be told through the eyes of my sim.

I hate this world. I hate everyone in it. I want revenge.

My name is Josephine Humperdinkle.

I was always teased about my name. At school, at college and at my work. Even when I went shopping. I was laughed at behind my back when I bought things. The service cashiers would notice my name when I use my credit card. So when I left the store, I could hear the laughter.

I want revenge.

My folks are dead. My brother is dead. All my family is dead.

Except for my cousin who has a different last name. I have not heard from her in ten years.

I was finally able to build my house that I want when my lucky numbers in lotto came up.

The progress  was sometimes slow.

Eventually my house was built.

I decided to celebrate and go for a night out on the town.

A local nightclub seemed appealing. It was called Crypto-Nightclub.

I walked in and noticed that the place was quite popular with all age groups.

I begin to walk around to have a look when I see someone is watching me. I decided to ignore them and continue my looking.

I stop near the podium to be seated for my celebratory dinner. I decided I wanted fillet mignon with red wine. And for dessert, Apricot Pie.

But before I could even get near by the hostess, I was approached by the Grand Vampire.

We introduced ourselves and struck up a conversation

His name was Grand Seamus.

From here on for the rest of the night we hung out together.

Playing games

The night was one of the best times I have ever had.

Before Grand Seamus left I grabbed his number and gave him mine

I went home. It was about five in the morning. I slept through most of the day.

I woke up around two o'clock in the afternoon and got myself some lunch. While eating I started to think about how no one that night made fun of me.

Then I realised it was because I was with a vampire.

That's it! I will become a vampire. And seek my revenge on all those who taunted me.

Now all I had to to do was befriend Grand Seamus get him to bite me. And presto I am a Vampire. Perfect.

My plan was to begin tonight.

After dinner I decided to invite Grand Seamus over.

He asked if he could bring his friend over.

I said it was ok.

Grand Seamus arrived with a woman named Andrea Burns.

She better not interfere with my plans for revenge.

I asked everyone if they would like a game pool.

The game of pool started of well.

Andrea seemed to be enjoying herself.

So did Grand Seamus.

Midway through the game I pulled him aside for quick joke whil Andrea didn't notice

It was getting late and Andrea decided to leave.

Thank god she left. Now I have Grand Seamus all to myself.

The music in the background was nice and slow. So I said to Grand Seamus if he wanted to dance.

"I thought you'd never ask," He answered.

Weslow danced for a while.

To be honest I got lost in the moment. I have no idea long we actually danced.

"Look at the time! I have to go before the sunrise comes," Grand Seamus said.

He rushed out of my house.

I gave chase realizing that I had to do something now for impact that would make him at least my friend.

I planted a big wet one on him.

"Shall I see you tonight?" I asked.

"Of course! Seven thirty" Grand Seamus answered.

With that he left and my plan was in motion.

Again I slept through the morning and woke up late.

I couldn't wait for seven thirty tonight.

It came around very quickly.

On time, Grand Seamus arrived.

After dinner we watched some TV and kissed some more

"Now that we are more then friends Grand Seamus, would you like to move in with me?" I asked him.

"Most certainly!" he answered.

Excellent I thought.

Part one of my plan had been completed. Now all I had to do was somehow get Grand Seamus to bite me.

I didn't have to wait long.

Before I knew it, Grand Seamus bit me on my neck.

And now I was one of them.

We did the traditional hiss at each other somewhat like the secret handshake of a secret society when they meet.

We relaxed in my bed as couples do.

But sunrise is approaching and we had no coffins. So I rang Quick Delivery and they delivered our coffins to sleep in during the day.

The phone rang in the middle of the day. It woke me up but not Grand Seamus.

Getting out of my coffin I felt the power of the vampire swell in me more and more

I like this feeling of power.

The phone rang out. I quickly retreated to my coffin as sunlight is now poison to me.


Grand Seamus and I arose from our coffins refreshed.

Someone knocked at the door.

I answered it.

My old nemesis Jack Hert.

Hurt is certainly what he did well.

I welcomed him in.

"You look differnt somehow?" he commented.

I ignored his comment.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of you company for?" I asked.

"I am here as part of my twelve step anger management program. Step two. Appologise to all those I have upset. You were one of the people I upset over the years," Jack answered.

His explanation made sense on why he was hear but I did not care. I still want revenge on him.

"I accept your appology," I said to him.

"I am very grateful for you accepting it," He said to me.

"Why don't you come and see my garden out back. I planted some wonderful roses," I said to him.

Little did he know what was about to happen.

We went out to my backyard.

"I don't see any roses," he commented.

"I don't have any," I replied.

"Then why did you bring me here?" He asked.

"This is why," I answered.

With one quick motion I bit his neck and made sure he felt it.

"Aah. What did you do?" He yelled.

Just as quick as I did, Jack turned into a vampire

He screamed and left my house immediatley. I laughed at him as he ran.

"Ha ha ha," I laughed.

I re-entered my house with Grand Seamus waiting for me.

"What happened?" he questioned me.

I didn't lie to him. I decided to tell him the truth.

"I got revenge," I answered.

"And how did you get revenge?" He asked again.

"That was Jack Hert at the door. He made my life hell at college. So I bit him. Now he will have to live the life he feared so much. The life of a vampire!" I told him.

"Good. I do not like people who know nothing of us! I see your plan of revenge. And I will join you if you don't mind?" Grand Seamus said.

That is when I started to fall in love him.

Our reign of terror began that night.

My next victim was Jenny Kimble. She use to pull my hair and kick me in the bum at school. I love her face when I gave her the bite.

By the time I found out I was pregnant with out first child Grand Seamus and I had bit twenty two people.

As we bit more and more people our thirst for more power and the taste of human necks grew. And revenge was no longer our only motive.

We won't be stopped.

No neighbourhood is safe from us.

Remember I will be coming after you!

You can upload my creations with your sim or lot or neighbourhood but only to free sites, not the exchange and no paysites. You can credit too if you wish. If a creation I have created has custom content from another artist please ask them for permission first to upload with your neighbourhood. I have all expansions and stuff packs.

Posts: 153

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« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2007, 07:01:47 am »

Detective Danny Tattlesworth is a Homicide Detective. He was called to the house ofBen and Sheryl Jamerson . When Detective Danny Tattlesworth arrived he noticed the family outside crying.  He walks up to a police officer who has cordon off the house.

"Detective. Upstairs in the main bedroom," The Officer says to Detective Danny Tattlesworth.
Detective Danny Tattlesworth arrives in the bedroom. Another police officer is guarding the bedroom.
"Coroner hasn't arrived yet," The officer tells Detective Danny Tattlesworth.
Detective Danny Tattlesworth walks over to the Body of Ben Jamerson .
"Doesn't he look eerily dead! " Detective Danny Tattlesworth commented quietly. "Don't let anyone in here but the coroner unless I say so"

Five minutes later the coroner arrived and took the dead body of Ben Jamerson.

Detective Danny Tattlesworth questions the wife who is outside.
"Mrs Sheryl Jamerson. When did you discover you husband's body in the bed?" Detective Tattlesworth asks.
"Right after my shower. He was still asleep when I got up. He was still breathing then. I know this cause he was still snoring. So I went and had a shower and when I came out Ben had stopped snoring," Sheryl has a little cry.
"Please go on if you can Mrs Jamerson," Detective Danny says.
"That's when I discovered he had died. I went to wake him up cause he always makes breakfast for our teenage twin boy, Jake and girl Jennifer before they go to school. He wouldn't wake up. That's when I realized he had died," Mrs Sheryl Jamerson explained, "And then I called you guys" She sobs more.
"That's all for now," Detective Tattlesworth says.

Back at the Devon  Police Headquarters, Detective Danny Tattlesworth is with the coroner.
"So what killed him?" Detective Danny Tattlesworth bluntly asks.
"Poison. Leminio to be exact. It's a new one. Harmless by itself but when mixed with lemon juice it becomes deadly. Tasteless and odourless and very quick acting. And it's a new poison," The coroner informs Detective Danny Tattlesworth.
"So whoever used this poison obviously knew what they were doing," Detective Danny Tattlesworth.

Detective Danny Tattlesworth decides to head back over to the house for more questioning but first he decides to go and inspect the bedroom for the lemon juice. He remembers seeing it there before.
"Ah. There it is  the deadly poison. Who would have thought lemon juice could be used like this," It boggles Detective Danny Tattlesworth mind. The lemon juice is sent away to be tested.

By now it's night time.
Mrs Sheryl Jamerson is outside having a moment to herself.  Detective Danny Tattlesworth approaches her.
"I have to ask more questions now that we know the cause of your husband's death," Detective Danny Tattlesworth says in a firm voice.
"Go on," Mrs Jamerson says.
"Your husband was killed by a poison called Leminio. It's only deadly with  lemon juice. I noticed your husband had lemon juice at the side of his bed. Did he always have that?" Detective Danny Tattlesworth asks.
"Yes. He said it made him more bright in the morning," Mrs Jamerson answered.
" I have to ask this question. Did you kill your husband?" Detective Danny Tattlesworth asks.
"Absolutely not! How dare you ask me that!" Mrs Jamerson says in a raised voice.
"You could have killed him for the money. Or for revenge," Detective Danny Tattlesworth accuses.
"You sir are rude! I did not kill my husband. I loved him!" She walks off with Detective Danny Tattlesworth not looking happy.

Meanwhile Twins Jake and Jennifer are in the lounge talking.
"We should tell the Detective that dad had been receiving wierd phone calls " Jennifer says to her brother, Jake.
"You tell the Detective," Jake tells his sister.
Jennifer approaches Detective Danny Tattlesworth and tells him about the phone calls.
"This sounds serious. I am going to have to stay with you for a while with some of my officers. So we can catch the person who is doing these phone call. Hopefully they will ring again and we will trace them," Detective Danny Tattlesworth moves in with the Jamersons.

Detective Danny Tattlesworth talks to Jake the twin son  next.
"Have you noticed anything unusual lately?" Detective Danny Tattlesworth asks.
"Only that recently since the phone calls, mum and dad felt like they were being watched " Jake tell Detective Danny Tattlesworth.
"Hmmm. Sound like we have a stalker that has gone too far," he comments.

"Lets search the house for clues," Detective Danny Tattlesworth thinks to himself. And tell his officers: The family has to be monitored all the time. And every move recorded for evidence. They must not be left alone at any time.
All night Detective Danny Tattlesworth searches the second story of the house.  He gets in his pj's and wakes up the next morning to find someone is burning
evidence. But everything is lost. All day and no phone call.

The next morning whilst stretching his legs, Detective Tattlesworth comes across neighbour Mary Posley .
"Detective Tattlesworth. I have information for you that could be important for  your case," she so upstartly says.
"Go on," Detective Tattlesworth listens on.
" Well Sheryl use to be the maid fifteen years ago then she married him. She use to look like a proper tart I bet she only married him for the money! Mind you she has changed her looks now ,"
Mary eventually finishes and Detective Tattlesworth Thanks her for the info.
The Detective tell his officers that is going over the other neighbour house for more information.

Over the next few hours Detective Danny Tattlesworth questions the neighbours. He finally come to Delores Jones house.
"We are about to have something to eat. Will you join us?" She asks.
"Yes if you don't mind" The Detective answers. Delores lives with her sister Kelly and brother Fergus.
Over lunch Detective Tattlesworth questions them about Mr Jamerson's murder.
"You should speak to Fergus. Hey Fergus come and tell Danny what you told us" Delores yells out.
"Fine. I am only watch Baywatch!" Fergus tells Detective Tattlesworth this: The Jamerson's had a maid for fifteen years until around two months ago when she died in a car accident. And the new maid appeared very quickly. She seems too friendly with Ben. But he never took notice of her.

With this new info Detective Tattlesworth head straight back to the house. He re-questions the family and questions the maid ,who of course says it's all rumours.

Detective Tattlesworth remembers that Fergus said everytime he was over at the house that the maid was always reading the books from the library so, Detective Danny begins his search of the library and finds exactly what he is looking for

Detective Tattlesworth rings headquarters for an immediate background info on the maid Wanda Sasquatch.

In ten minutes he is phone back and told very disturbing news.
One more question he has to ask Mrs Jamerson.
"Who prepares the lemon juice for your husband?" he asks.
"Usually I do but since I am pregnant the maid offered to pick the lemons and prepare the juice," she tells him.

Detective Tattlesworth decides to question the maid one more time but this time with back up. She is in the kitchen.
"I know you killed Mr Jamerson. Because you didn't like the fact that he never noticed you and that you wanted revenge. You were only after the money. The strange calls at night telling him that his wife was having an affair! You wanted him to leave his wife and marry you. That was your first plan. He knew that his wife could never cheat on him so you began to flirt with him but didn't notice. So that infuriated you. You wanted to get back at and set his wife up for murder. So you read the new poisons book they had in their library. It tells you how to use leminio. Well this not the first time you have done this is it? We did a background check on you and everything will come out in court?" Detective Danny Tattlesworth arrests the Maid on the murder of Ben Jamerson. And at the court trial she confesses her hatred of Ben for not loving her. She is convicted but is sent to a psychiatric facility for the rest of her life.

Detective Danny Tattlesworth leaves the Jamerson house to move on with their lives now.

The twins are in college the child Mrs Jamerson was pregnant with is now a teenager and Sheryl herself is looking after  plants her husband always loved

You can upload my creations with your sim or lot or neighbourhood but only to free sites, not the exchange and no paysites. You can credit too if you wish. If a creation I have created has custom content from another artist please ask them for permission first to upload with your neighbourhood. I have all expansions and stuff packs.

Posts: 179

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« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2007, 01:38:22 pm »

This is a good Idea I have a one post story here

I may also give you guys one of my fave short stories I've writen in sim form.

"You told me today...that the demons are the good ones...then why do the angels try so hard to be good?"
"They say Angels are perfict...well I dont belive that Propganda spread by there leader the Dark witch..."

Posts: 153

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« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2007, 07:21:43 am »

Thanks for the link to that story you wrote! It was excellent!

You can upload my creations with your sim or lot or neighbourhood but only to free sites, not the exchange and no paysites. You can credit too if you wish. If a creation I have created has custom content from another artist please ask them for permission first to upload with your neighbourhood. I have all expansions and stuff packs.
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