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Author Topic: Johnnie on the Rocks  (Read 13810 times)
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Lil Reaper

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« on: July 13, 2007, 01:59:55 am »

Chapter One-The First Date

 My name is Johnnie Rae Walker. Insert your hilarious joke here. Believe me I've heard them all. Bet you had no idea my parents like to drink...ALOT. I'm a 24 year old whose the head of a huge research lab, I'm smart, and well off. I'm also the biggest dating disaster you'll meet. My first and last successful relationship was when I was 12. Roger Wilson was my first kiss and my first real boyfriend. We lasted for 2 months and I was the one who dumped him. Now I'm the one getting dumped. I had to relocate because of work so I'm hoping this new town will bring me some good dating luck.

 This is me and my chihuahua Bella. My mom gave her to me as a going away present. She thought giving me a cat would be bad luck. She didn't want her only child to be forever known as the crazy cat lady. Bella's a real good dog most of the time. Sure she shredded my new shoes and my favorite thong, but I'm willing to forgive her. I decided to take her for a long walk since I have a date tonight. Sherry from work set me up on a blind date with Jason....something or other. I can't remember. Wish me luck cause I'm going to need it.

I'm not sure if this is a bad sign. Not only do I have to pick Jason up(he doesn't drive) but I have to pay too. I'm a modern woman and all but me paying on the first date. Sherry never said why I had to pay. Guess I'll have to ask her at work tomorrow. Okay so he's good looking but he has a horrible fashion sense. If things go well between us we'll definately have to work on it. Thankfully Chez Marco isn't too far. Jason doesn't seem to be in the mood for small talk, he just blasted the radio. So much for trying to get to know him, the rude little b#^$@#d!

Like it or not he's going to have to talk to me. Great now all I have to do is think of something to talk about. Let's try work.
"So Jason what do you do for work? Sherry never told me."
Jason cringed before answering. "I..uh got laid off. Cut backs."
Oops. Guess I know why I'm paying. Moving on.
"Is the weather here always so nice? If it is maybe you could show me a good place to go fishing."
Jason shrugged and looked around. "It's pretty nice most of the time. I guess you could try Killaire Lake. I've heard the fishing there's good. I'm not too into fishing myself."
My Goddess he's impossible. Where in the world is that waiter with our food?

Finally things are starting to look up. Now that the food's here Jason seems real eager to talk. Maybe he was just hungry.
"I hope you don't think I'm rude for asking but is Johnnie Walker your real name?"
I laughed nearly choking on my food. "Yeah it is. My parents LOVE TO DRINK."
"Never would have guessed. Oh congratulations. Sherry told me you moved here because you got a promotion."
"Thanks. Yeah I was promoted to head researcher. Which just means I'm doing the same stuff I was before, but now I have more paperwork. What I really want to do is become a vererinarian."
"That's great. I love animals. I was thinking about getting a dog before I got laid off."
"I have Bella, my chihuahua. My mom's going away gift."
"Oh you have to try this filet minon. It's so good."
This is nice. It's been awhile since I've had a guy feed me. He's right, it's incredible.

There was silence again but this time it wasn't awkward. The waiter took my plate and went to get the check while Jason finished his filet minon. I was a little surprised when he put his hand on mine and looked into my eyes.
"I'm having a really good time tonight, Johnnie. Most girls would have bailed when they found out they had to pick me up and pay for dinner. It's nice to know you're different."
I'll just keep the part about me almost bailing to myself. And the part about me being desperate. No need to damage his self esteem anymore.
"There's nothing wrong with a woman paying for dinner. So what would you like to do after you finish?"
"Let's go get some pictures from the photobooth. I want a souvenir of our first date."
Photobooth. That seems harmless enough.

Being alone in the photobooth with Jason was anything but harmless. He went from shy and self conscious to smooth and confident. He was kissing me and even more shocking was the fact that I was letting him.
"You are so beautiful, Johnnie," Jason whispered as he kissed my hand.
"T...T..Thank you," I stammered. What's wrong with me?! I don't stammer!
"I mean it. You have the most incredible eyes. I could get lost in them," he whispered as he kissed his way up my arm.
I was speechless. If you know me you know that almost never happens. I let him kiss his way to my neck. If I didn't stop him soon our first time would be in the alley behind Chez Marco.

I managed to pull myself away from Jason before I completely lost control of myself. He looked a little annoyed but he'd have to just get over it.
"I'm sorry, Johnnie. I guess I got a little carried away," Jason said, looking embarrassed.
"It's alright. I got a little carried away myself."
Great now he looked downright dejected. How can I explain to him that I enjoyed what he was doing and would have loved nothing more than to have him continue without sounding like a total tramp?
"Maybe you should take me home. It's getting kind of late."
I did something that caught both of us off guard. I jumped into Jason's arms and buried my face in his neck.
"Don't be upset. I really liked what you were doing. I just didn't want our first time to be in an alley."
Jason laughed. "Okay. But you still better take me home. You have work in the morning."

I got a nice surprise when I got home from an incredibly hectic day. Jason had a gorgeous bouquet of roses delivered to my house. Sherry must have given him my address. I put them in the livingroom and called Jason.
"I love them. They're gorgeous."
Jason chuckled. "I see you got the roses. Don't worry I gave Sherry the money and she ordered them for me Don't want you thinking I'm a stalker."
"The thought never crossed my mind. So would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? I was planning on making some lasagne with cheesecake for dessert."
"Sure. Sounds good. What time?"
"Is 8 alright? I've got a couple meetings."
"I'll be there."

After I got off the phone with Jason I got ready for bed, I was exhausted. I looked at my nightstand and saw the picture of us from the photobooth. I couldn't help wondering, had my luck finally changed? Or was this too good to be true? I did enjoy being with him and we did make a gorgeous couple. But would that be enough to keep a relationship going? Did we even have a relationship? All this relationship stuff is hurting my head. Guess I'll try and figure it out after I see how our second date goes.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2007, 08:32:08 am »

where did u find jonnies hair?
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2007, 01:30:30 pm »

At this really great site called Garden of Shadows. I've included the link for you.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 807

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« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2007, 12:14:02 pm »

i like this story a lot! please update!

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« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2007, 12:45:12 pm »

ty and i luv da story

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« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2007, 05:48:37 pm »

I love the story! Can't wait for more

'(_ _)'

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« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2007, 06:20:04 pm »

Update please! I love your stories!

he's the sweat on my sheets (:
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2007, 02:00:24 am »

Chapter Two-Disaster Strikes Again!

Okay so the sesond date didn't start with lasagna like I had planned. Jason showed up early to "help out" but instead he hindered the process. I ended up burning the lasagna no thanks to him. I was slightly peeved since I was starving I had been looking forward to it all day. Jason saw how annoyed I was and started sweet talking me and of course I fell for it. I led him up to my bedroom. Jason only seemed interesting in kissing so me being an idiot let my guard down. That's when he made his move.
"Johnnie, I feel like I have to tell you this. I've never felt like this before with any girl. There's just something about you," Jason told me sincerely.
Cheesy, sure. But I bought it all the same.
"Really? It's been awhile since I felt like this."
I let Jason make love to me all night. It was incredible. Even more incredible was that he was there when I woke up in the morning. He even made me breakfast. My luck was really beginning to change.

When I got home from work Jason was gone. He didn't leave me a note, he was just gone. It's been two weeks since I've heard from him. I've been calling him at least six times a day. I talked to Sherry about him and she hasn't heard from him either. I was getting the distinct feeling I was being used. I was getting annoyed with Jason. I decided to call him again.
"Jason, it me again. Johnnie. Remember me. Piercings, tattoos, red and black streaked hair. Oh yeah and we slept together two weeks ago. I'm not trying to stalk you, I just want to know what's going on with us. If there even is an us. If you don't want to see me just call me so I know if I should move on."
I hung up and paced around my livingroom. I really hate being used. If he wanted to use me the least he could do is be man enough to tell me.

Two months and still no word from Jason. Sherry is beginning to get worried too. Jason one of her close friends and she hasn't heard from him either. I've given up calling him. Whatever relationship we might have had is over now. I decided to take up kickboxing to get rid of some of my frustration. I like pretending the bag is Jason. Work was getting tough, I'm taking night classes so I can got to Veterinary school, and I might be pregnant. Like my life isn't hectic enough. What am I going to do with a baby? As you can see I've never really been the motherly type. I'm dreading going to the doctor because in my mind if I don't go to the doctor than I'm not really pregnant. So my logic might not make sense to you but it helps me sleep at night.

Oh no!! I've got morning sickness and a nice little bump where my flat tummy used to be. I can't keep denying it. I'm pregnant. I'm thinking of putting the baby up for adoption. I'm sure there's a nice family that will be able to give it a better life than me. I'm a selfish workaholic. This baby deserves better. I've also got to have a nice long talk with my supervisor. Since I'm pregnant I won't be able to work in the lab. Lab animals and dangerous chemicals are no-nos for pregnant woman. I'm kind of scared that I might get fired. I've only been at the lab for six months so I'm probably replaceable. I feel like crying. Damn these hormones.

Here I am, six months along. I've been going to the doctor regularly like a good pregnant girl. When the doctor told me I was having a girl, I'll admit it, I was really excited. I'm still not sure if I'm keeping her, but I'm seriously thinking about it. I didn't get fired, thankfully. I've just been stuck doing paperwork and answering phones. It's easy work and I'm still getting my normal salary, but I miss the lab and the animals. I'm still going to night school even though it's starting to take its toll on me. But when I start doing too much she lets me know with a good kick to my kidneys or bladder.
"Hey Little One. I'm trying real hard not to get too attached. Well...more attached than I already am. After all we are sharing my body. I don't think I'm too good for you. I'll probably be a terrible mom. I'm selfish and I work too much. I'm sure there's a good family out there who will give you what you need," I told her as I rubbed my belly.

Sherry is a good friend or at least she tries to be. She set me up on another blind date with some clerk named David. I have no problem with him being a clerk but he refuses to take off his work apron. The only time he takes it off is when he sleeps and showers. Weird. Even weirder is that he has a thing for pregnant women. Lucky me. I only agreed to meet this guy cause Sherry still feels bad about Jason. David isn't bad looking but he seems a bit creepy.
"So Johnnie Walker huh? Did you know you were named after whiskey? Did your parents like to drink?"
"Yeah I know I'm named after whiskey and yeah my parents LOVE to drink."
"You know it's not safe for pregnant women to drink," David snapped.
"I don't drink you idiot!"
Sherry is so going to pay for this.

My "date" with David is going downhill. He is obsessed with trying to rub my belly even though I've told him not to. He just does not get the hint. I do not want this guy touching me.
"Do you know who the baby's father is," David asked me suddenly.
Is he trying to suggest something? What does it matter to him?
"Yeah. Her dad is an ex."
"So I guess you're putting the baby up for adoption then."
I'm getting really aggravated with this guy.
"No I've decided to keep HER," I informed him coldly.
"What?! You're an idiot. You can't raise the baby on your own."
"Yes I can. I have a good job and I'm very responsible."
"But you're not very bright. The baby deserves better than just you."
"That is it! I've had it with you. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!"
Who does he think he is? Calling me an idiot! Insinuating I'm not going to be a good mom. He is so lucky my belly's so big or else I might have used him as a punching bag.

After two pints of Ben & Jerry's and a nice hot bubblebath I was ready for bed. But once I got into bed and I tried to sleep I couldn't. I had too much on my mind so I laid on my covers, thinking. I thought about Jason who even though he used me I couldn't help but wonder what happened to him. I wanted to tell him about his daughter. And now that I decided to keep her I hoped I was the kind of mom she deserved. I thought about how she's been restless the past few days, moving and kicking. I wondered if she was ready to come out. Part of me hoped she wasn't coming soon cause I was not ready for her, yet. I also had to think of a way to keep my mom from coming to help me with the baby. I love her dearly and appreciate her offer but she'll drive me batty. I better try and get some sleep before anymore terrifying thoughts pop into my head.

I'll spare you all the gory hospital pictures. Besides there was no way I was letting anyone take my picture with me looking that bad. Those would be known as blackmail pictures. Anyways on September 13th at 7:13 AM Anna Lynne Walker entered the world. She was a 6lb 5oz, 19 in squirming, screaming bundle of joy. She was so beautiful and perfect. And I was absolutely terrified, I'm a mom now. My life going to change drastically. But I can handle it...I hope. It's a little nerve wracking knowing my life is going to be bottles, dirty diapers, and sleepless nights for awhile. How did my mom do this? I definately need to thank my mom for everything. Now I feel kind of bad for asking her not to come. She seemed to understand though. She even sent the Hello Kitty crib and changing table for Anna. I'll have to remember to ask mom if she had the overwhelming urge to check on me as often as I check on Anna.

Anna's two months old now and I've finally gotten a sleep pattern. I'm a little worried about how I'm going to manage all this when I go back to work. While she was taking her afternoon nap I decided I better pay some bills. I was putting them in the mailbox when Bella started barking at someone or something. I turned around and almost passed out. I was staring at Martin Agnelli, my first love. He was the captain of the football, wrestling, and baseball teams and I was the nerdy rebel. But somehow we were good together. Until he dumped me and broke my heart.
"Martin? Is that really you," I asked
"Yeah it me, Johnnie. So how's life treating you? You look really good," Martin said as he pulled me into a hug.
Goddess how I missed being in those arms. I didn't want to pull away and Martin didn't seem to eager to let me go either.
"I'm good, Martin. I actually had a baby a couple months ago. A little girl, her name is Anna," I mumured into his neck.
As I Martin and I talked with me still in his arms I couldn't help but wonder if my life was going to get even more complicated. A new baby, my struggle to become a vet, and the return of my first love.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 772

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« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2007, 11:31:07 am »

Hooray! An update! More, please!

P.S. The little girl is so beautiful!

P.P.S. Where did you get the outfit in the last picture for Johnnie? It's uber cute.

he's the sweat on my sheets (:

Posts: 152

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« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2007, 12:00:23 pm »

Yay! an update. I lvoed it. Can't wait for more

'(_ _)'
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2007, 12:25:54 pm »

Thanks for the reviews guys. The outfit is from the H&M Fashion Stuff. They have alot of wicked cute outfits.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!

Posts: 382

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« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2007, 12:09:40 am »

this story is really great. i love all the different twists and new issues coming into her life. im eager to read more!

I´ll come again when you have Judge on the menue.

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« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2007, 06:07:12 pm »

oh my goodness! another great update from one of my favorite writers! thank you so much for sharing such great stories!

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« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2007, 02:23:18 pm »

Update...update...UPDATE!! Tongue

he's the sweat on my sheets (:
Lil Reaper

Posts: 270

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« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2007, 12:14:45 am »

Chapter Three-A New Beginning

I may regret the decision later on but I had decided to keep in touch with Martin. My mom said I was asking for trouble but I couldn't help it. Martin was my first love and truth be told I still felt some thing for him. And he obviously felt something for me too. It's been a month since he walked back into my life and we're going on our second first date. Sherry had happily agreed to watch Anna for me. Poor thing still fell guilty about the horrible blind dates. Martin arrived right on time looking very handsome and I met him on the front porch.
"You look incredible, Johnnie," he said as he kissed my hand.
"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."
I cannot believe this. I have butterflies in my stomach. Martin and I dated for two and a half years in high school but its different now since we're obviously different. I really wanted this relationship to work.

"Johnnie? Are you alright," Martin asked me, touching my cheek.
"Sorry. I was spacing out. So what are our exciting plans for tonight?"
"Well my friend Marco is a chef and he has a restaraunt here in town, Chez Marco. I thought maybe we could go check it out."
I did my best not to think about Jason. "I've been there once. The food is incredible. Sherry went last week and she told me I had to try the lobster. She said its sinful."
"Marco will be pleased you approve of his cooking. Oh before I forget. I brought you something," Martin told me excitedly, as he picked up a box off the bench.
"Ooo! I love presents. What is it," I asked giving the box a gentle shake, "Give me a hint."
Martin laughed. "If you want to know what's in it maybe you should open it."
I ripped the box off anf flung the top of the box aside. I couldn't believe it. Martin had found a red Forever Rose just like the one he bought me on our first date.
"Martin, it's beautiful."
I had no idea what else to say. I was shocked and touched that he remembered about the rose. I hurried inside and asked Sherry to put it in my room so Martin wouldn't see my tears. Happy tears.

We were greeted by Marco the minute we got to the restaraunt. He insisted we sit at the best table and brought us a complimentary bottle of wine. When the waiter came to take our order, Marco quickly shooed him away.
"Martin, you are going to have the filet mignon and your beautiful date will have the lobster. I will make them myself right now."
Marco hurried away leaving Martin and I alone. I was trying not to laugh. Marco was extremely sweet but he reminded me of my pop-pop's Jack Russell terrier. Martin raised his eyebrows like he knew what I was thinking. He didn't comment on it though. He asked me about work, school, and Anna. I was surprised when I saw Marco coming with our food and then I realized over 40 minutes had passed. Marco set the plates down with a flourish and an"Enjoy" before hurrying back to the kitchen.
"Mmmm. This smells incredible. If it smells as good as it looks I might just have to marry Marco,' I told Martin with a little smile.
"I don't see that happening," Martin informed me as he shoveled a heaping forkful of food into his mouth,"I can tell you this much, the filet mignon is deliscious."
I was too busy savoring my lobster to pay him any attention. Sherry wasn't kidding, the lobster was so good it was almost sinful. I glanced at Martin's plate with was almost empty. He gave me a mischievious grin and leaned towards me. At first I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he put him fork on my plate and stole some of my lobster.
"HEY," I exclaimed, slapping his hand.

I was trying to finish my lobster but Martin was making things very difficult. He kept kissing my neck, trying to steal my food, and tickling me. Some of the other patrons didn't look to happy about me squealing or giggling. Marco didn't seem bothered by it, he just walked by and gave us a huge grin.
"MARTIN," I said as sharply as I could,"If you don't knock it off I'm never going to finish my food."
"I can't help it," Martin said making his voice whiney,"I'm bored. You eat too slow."
"Well maybe I could eat faster if my date would quit pestering me for five minutes," I told him, sounding exsasperated.
Martin gave me a playful smile. "I'll leave you alone if you give me a kiss."
I groaned and shook my head. "Martin you are a pain in the...."
"Now. Now. Be nice. A kiss and I'll quit bothering you."
I returned his mischievious smile and blew him a kiss. He opened his mouth to complain but then he closed it and opted for sitting quietly while he pouted.

The next part of our date was much more fun. Martin took me to his brother's house so we could use his hot tub. It took me all of thirty seconds to lose my clothes and jump into the hot tub. It felt so good and Martin in his swim trunks wasn't too bad to look at either. He slowly climbed in next to me and yanked me into his lap.
"This brings back memories huh,"Martin asked.
I knew he was talking about all the times we'd sneak out and go over to his grandparent's house. They had a huge swimming pool and a hot tub which they told him he could use while they were away. All those late nights took a toll on me but it was worth it. Martin and I could talk without anyone over hearing us.
"Yeah. Those were great times. Whatever happened to us?"
Dammit I promised I wouldn't bring this up.
Martin looked into my eyes. "Honestly. I was an idiot. I let my friends get to me. They told me I could be more popular if I ditched the "nerd" so I did. I dated bimbo after bimbo and I hated it. I always regretted letting you go. "

Good enough for me. I finally had my answer.
"I always hoped it wasn't because you stopped loving me."
"I've never stopped loving you, Johnnie. I'm just stupid. We could have been one of those happily ever afters we always joked about."
'We still could be,' I thought with a smile.
"What are you thinking about? I've never seen that smile."
"I'm just thinking about kissing you senseless."
No need to scare him away with marriage talk just yet. I wanted to pretend like we were back in high school. Young and in love. Those were they days. I grabbed Martin's face and started making out like we did in high school. From the happy noise Martin made I knew he was enjoying it as much as I was.
'Goddess, I need to get a grip. Martin and I aren't in high school anymore. I have a baby now,' I chided myself angrily.
I pulled away and looked at Martin. "I'm sorry but I really should get home. It's almost eleven and I told Sherry I'd try to be home early."
Much to my surprise Martin didn't look angry or annoyed like I expected. He just smiled and got out of the hot tub to go get dressed.

After promising Sherry about fifty times that I'd call her tomorrow with all the juicy gossip I finally joined Martin on the couch. It didn't last long, we were interrupted by Anna screaming. I hurried upstairs to take care of her. Half an hour later and Anna had been fed, changed, and was now sleeping peacefully. By the time I got back downstairs Martin was watching a movie. I dropped down on the couch next to him.
"You okay," he asked concerned.
"Just a little tired. One of the many joys of motherhood."
Martin pulled me onto his lap and gave me a kiss. A sweet, gentle kiss. Then he got comfortable with me on his lap so he could finish watching the movie. It was nice. Too nice. I was starting to think that this was a dream. Soon I was going to wake up and I'd be alone. Things never go this good for me. I reached down to pinch my arm and of course Martin noticed.
"What are you doing," he asked sounded amused,"Did you just pinch yourself? If you had asked me I would have been more than happy to do it. Although it probably would have been your arm."

The movie ended and I really didn't want Martin to go yet. Maybe not at all. I stayed on his lap for as long as I could before he picked me up and sat me down next to him.
"It's getting kind of late. I should probably get going," Martin said as he stood up.
"Don't go," I blurted out before I could stop myself.
"What? Johnnie, are you sure?"
"Yes," I said without hesitating.
I led him upstairs and into my bedroom. I layed down on my bed and got comfortable. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next. Martin layed next to me and watched me as I squirmed around. I closed my eyes and tried to think. I guess Martin was tired of waiting for me to make up my mind because when I looked again he was towering over me. My heart was racing and I could barely breath. I wanted him more than I ever had. When he kissed me I felt sparks and half an hour later when we made love I saw fireworks.

I woke up with a start and felt someone next to me. It took me a moment to realize it was Martin. I smiled as I watched him sleeping but then I heard Anna crying. That was the reason for me waking up, my internal alarm clock knew it was feeding time. I got up and went into the nursery. She quieted down when she heard me come in.
"Hey baby girl. Is it time to feed you again? You are a growing girl aren't you?"
I picked her up and she stopping whining and started cooing happily. I sat down in the rocking chair in the corner so I could nurse her. She was so hungry it took 45 minutes to feed her and change her diaper.
"Momma may have found the man of her dream, little one. His name is Martin and he was my first love. Maybe things are finally changing for me. None of this matters to you, does it? You're just happy with Momma, aren't you?"
I put Anna in her crib and headed back to bed. Martin was still there snoring loudly and hogging the covers.

I don't make mistakes, I date them!
I was uncool before uncool was cool!
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