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Author Topic: Pleasantview Soapbox ~ UPDATE 03/01 ~ FINAL CHAPTER  (Read 64776 times)
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« Reply #105 on: November 07, 2007, 01:55:38 am »

I love this story. Can we have a bit more on Casandra and Brandi please soz if dats any trouble!!!

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« Reply #106 on: November 09, 2007, 01:40:28 pm »

such a great stroy and using the original characters and hardly editing them- shows you can really make something out of nothing eh!

its great and i cant wait for more - and LOVE the fact you use plumbob as a swear- thats just hillarious!

I am a Jerry Springer/Nip Tuck God in my sims world.
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« Reply #107 on: November 09, 2007, 09:17:28 pm »

i LOVE this story x] i read it all straight through and my brothers kept asking why i was laughing so much!

Don is such a manwhore ^.^ jeez i can barley get his family tree straight with all the kids hes linked to.  In fact, all the families are so entertwined that the last update my mind was getting fuzzy cause i was trying to figure out how everything fit.  If its not too much trouble, could you do a family tree or something?

and sorry for my rambling >.< lmao

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« Reply #108 on: November 09, 2007, 11:03:01 pm »

Amazing stuff, and bloody hilarious, too. Give Delilah my luck for finding some schlock Don happened to not father.

"You're telling me that fifty million screaming friends are never wrong?
I'm telling you that fifty million screaming friends are $&@%ing morons."
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« Reply #109 on: November 10, 2007, 08:08:08 am »

Wow, so many lovely comments! Thank you all so much, that really made my day! I've been kind of busy lately, but I finally managed to finish another update. In this chapter you'll see more of Brandi, Don and the Caliente sisters. After this chapter the story returns to the college kids. Casandra will make an appearance in one of the later updates.

I'll definitely squeeze in a family tree of some kind, maybe in one of the updates or as a special. Don has definitely been around a lot Wink He's the biological father of children with Casandra (Delilah), Pollination technician (Rufus and Rayne), Nina (Brutus) and Brandi (Donatella and Bianca). He adopted Brandi's other kids (Dustin, Beau, Shane and Troy) but he's not their biological father. Because of his reputation he also pretends Rufus and Rayne are Brandi's kids and he adopted them as well, they're his dirty little secret. In the Pleasantview community there are some doubts about who's the father of Brandi's sons Shane and Troy, but they are definitely not Don's.

Anyway, without further delay, here's chapter 14!

--- CHAPTER 14 --- The Green Gift

While the kids in college were finishing their final exams before summer break, Don Lothario finally did the right thing and proposed to the woman that had stuck by him for so many years.

After his painful divorce with Cassandra followed by Dina’s harsh rejection, Don never expected to go on his knees for a woman again. But ever since he became an elder, the word commitment didn’t make his stomach turn any more. It actually felt kind of safe and comfortable. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense to propose to Brandi. “My dearest Brandi, I should have done this so much sooner. But I have been such a fool. Please forgive this old man’s foolish mistakes and say you will marry me!”
“Oh my plumbbob!” Brandi didn’t know what else to say. She stared at the big shiny ring around her finger. Don and Brandi had been together for quite some time now, but she never expected him to actually propose to her. They had a relationship of convenience, not one of passion or deep profound love.

After his “thing” with Dina, Don had returned to his old home because he had nowhere else to go. From the start Brandi had made it clear to him she wouldn’t accept this kind of crap from him anymore. He would raise the children together with her or she would make all his “dirty laundry” public. If the truth ever came out, he could kiss his career in the medical community goodbye, as well as any future romancing opportunities. “Hey there cutie, I’m Don Lothario. You know me, I’m the guy that cheated on his pregnant wife, left another woman with four little screaming and pooping babies and denied fatherhood of his own alien spawn.” That would be the probably the lousiest pick up line ever.  

Don had known it would be for the best to stay and help raise the kids together with Brandi. And in the end he actually turned out a pretty decent dad. He cut down on the evening shifts at work so he could be around more often, his dating frequency went down drastically and whenever he had a special lady friend he made sure to keep it secret from his kids and Brandi. It took a long time before Don and Brandi actually got together. One winter night, when they both were tired and had a little too much to drink, one thing  had led to another. Brandi didn’t mind being pregnant again, she always wanted a big family. Don and Brandi never had a very passionate affair, but for Brandi the most important thing was they were a family together. And now it turned out Don wanted the same thing.

“Oh Don, I accept your proposal.” Brandi threw herself into his arms. Don felt so relieved. It took her a long time to answer and he feared she might decline his offer. He wasn’t the most faithful man around and he did pull some crazy stunts with the Caliente sisters. He decided it would be best to make some kind of gesture, to show Brandi he wouldn’t fall into temptation any more. “Hon, let’s invite some people to celebrate. Let’s invite Dina and Nina to dinner and show them how happy we are together.”

Brandi was so ecstatic about the marriage proposal she just couldn’t say no to Don on anything at this moment. “Wonderful! I will call them right now.” Don immediately grabbed the phone. He half expected them to decline, but it seemed that time had healed the old wounds because both sisters accepted his invitation.

Later that night Dina was the first to show up at their doorstep. When Brandi broke the news about the engagement, Dina had to do her best to keep a straight face. Old wounds weren’t completely healed after all. “Brandi, uhmm, yeah, uhmm, congratulations!” Dina had to push back the tears in her eyes. Don should have been hers and would have been hers if it weren’t for the strange resurrection of Mortimer. Ever since the return of her once dead husband she had to live as an old spinster without romance. She was too afraid her dirty little secret would come out and she would lose all her precious wealth.

Nina showed up a little later that night and was surprised to see her sister. Brandi explained about the engagement and how this dinner tonight was about forgetting the past and moving on with the future. Nina couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh what a wonderful idea Brandi! By the way, make sure you shop at Big Brides. Because it sure shows you had all them kids girl! With the rate you’ve grown, Don better make sure he buys a bigger house or the future doesn’t have any room for him!” Nina didn’t lust after Don anymore. He had grown old and soft. But she couldn’t help giving a little sneer at little miss goody two shoes. Pleasantview’s most devoted mother would marry Pleasantview’s most notorious womanizer. Nina thought it was just too hilarious.

Brandi was well aware of the fact her dress size had increased over the years. Nina’s remark had hit a weak spot in Brandi’s confidence. “Waaaah, I’m an enormous hippo and I’ll never find a pretty dress for my wedding, waaaaah!”

Nina left the party early. She had heard the big news and she really had no further interest in talking with Brandi, Don or her sister Dina. “Goodnight everyone and I wish you good luck Brandi, you’ll probably need it!”

Dina tried to compliment Brandi while they were having dinner. “Brandi sweetie, what a lovely dinner. You sure are a great cook!” Brandi couldn’t help but look sad after those remarks. “Thanks Dina, but I’m starting to wish now I wasn’t such a great cook. I just can’t help myself around food and now I’m the size of a sea cow.” Brandi pushed her still half full plate away. With a little twinkle in her eyes Dina leaned over the table and whispered to Brandi. ‘Why don’t you come over for lunch tomorrow. I’ll give you some tips on how to look your best.” After dinner Dina left and Don huged his fiancée Brandi. “You did great tonight Hon! You and Dina got along just great and Nina…, well Nina was just being Nina. But you did just wonderful Honey.”

The next afternoon, Brandi went over to Dina’s house. She didn’t know what to expect, after all Dina was Don’s ex girlfriend but Brandi couldn’t help being  curious. After their lunch, Dina wanted to have a heart to heart conversation with Brandi. “Brandi sweetie, you know how superficial men can be. You really got to get a grip on your weight issues before Don decides it’s time for something new. Because we girls need to help each other out in times of trouble, I’m willing to share a secret with you. It’s an early wedding gift from me to you.” Brandi couldn’t believe her ears. Since when did Dina became her friend?

“Brandi sweetie, it’s completely herbal and takes care of those unwanted love handles in no time at all. I don’t know how it works exactly but it has something to do with a special enzyme. Really, it has worked wonders for me. Not only has it helped me keep my youthful figure, but my hair has never been so shiny as well. Just take a couple of teaspoons every day after a meal and it does it’s magic. If you start today, you’ll probably look as stunning in your wedding dress!” Brandi didn’t trust Dina, but she really wanted to look her best at the wedding. And she had to admit that Dina didn't look her age at all. She actually looked as beautiful and radiant as twenty years ago. Brandi thanked Dina and couldn’t wait to get home.

When Brandi got home she immediately unpacked her gift and found a beautiful green bottle inside. “Hmm, completely herbal. Well, then it probably won’t hurt me if I take a little more than just a couple of teaspoons! I’m in a hurry to get gorgeous!” Eagerly Brandi took a few big gulps of the green liquid. “Aaaaaw, I feel better already. Gosh, I can’t wait to take a look in the mirror.”
Brandi ran upstairs to the master bathroom where Don was preparing himself for a bath. The steam made it impossible for Brandi to take a proper look in the mirror. But she was so sure she looked prettier, she decided to ask Don if he noticed anything different about her.

“Hmmm, Hon, you look kind of green! Maybe the apple juice was a bit over the expiration date?” Brandi felt the blood rush to her head. “Oh no, I had an overdose of some kind of herbal medicine! You’re a doctor, what should I do?” Don was puzzled by Brandi’s new look. “I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’m not really sure if we’re able to fix this.” Brandi started to panic. “Oh no, I can’t marry like this! You don’t want to marry me like this! You hate vegetables!”

Don started to laugh and hugged Brandi. “Don’t be silly Hon, even if you would grow the size of an elephant and turn purple with orange stripes I would still love and marry you!” The cuddling couple was disturbed by their man maid, so they decided to go and talk in the living room about what to do next.

A few of days later, Brandi decided to call her kids in college to prepare them for the wedding that would take place in a couple of weeks.

“Hello Rufus, how are you doing?”
“Hi Mom! Everthing is just great here. We’ve just finished our final exams and we all made it, so tonight we’re going to celebrate!”
“That’s just wonderful! Are you coming home soon for summer with your brothers?”
“Yeah, probably next week or so. We still have a lot of packing to do and we want to hang out with some of our friends before we go. But we don’t want to miss the wedding!”
“Uuuhm, about the wedding Rufus. It’s still on, but I’ve kind of had a little accident. It’s nothing serious, but I’m kind of green looking. So don’t freak out if you see me.”
“Don’t worry mom! You know green is my favorite color! Can’t wait to see you. Lot’s of love and kisses from me and the bro’s. Got to go now mom, it’s time to party!
“Bye Roof. See you soon!”

Is Brandi's green metamorphosis really an accident? Will Don finally marry and settle down? And will there be no uninvited guests at the wedding?

Find out in the next chapters of Pleasantview Soapbox!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2008, 08:22:06 am by brittybe » Logged

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« Reply #110 on: November 10, 2007, 08:20:07 am »

holy macaroni!!!!!!!! i cant wait for the next installment- i cant believe Don would say he loves her no matter how big she is!!!!

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« Reply #111 on: November 10, 2007, 11:46:25 am »

that is just UNBELIEVABLE!! curse u dina!!

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« Reply #112 on: November 10, 2007, 01:29:35 pm »

Aww man!  I hope Brandi gets some kind of revenge!  The Caliente sisters are nothing but pure evil! lol!

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« Reply #113 on: November 10, 2007, 01:38:19 pm »

I hate Dina though I guess we all fell for her nice act

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« Reply #114 on: November 10, 2007, 10:45:20 pm »

stupid Dina with her stupid potion

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« Reply #115 on: November 10, 2007, 11:31:17 pm »

OMFG! DIE DINA DIE! I'll help u kill her!

:welcome: She's here! Iris Delilah Jones. (I know it's kind of stupid to name a baby partly after a Sim story, but I love Banished!!)

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« Reply #116 on: November 11, 2007, 02:18:22 am »

I really enjoyed reading your story - Thanks for sharing your delightful work.  Cheesy

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« Reply #117 on: November 11, 2007, 06:41:13 pm »

Mmm, it's kinda weird how it skipped ahead, but I absolutely love this story. Great pics, interesting plots between the characters...reminds me of Desperate Housewives almost, minus all the panty shots they throw in.

Love it. I'll be watching for your next update. Wink

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« Reply #118 on: November 12, 2007, 09:46:15 pm »

I feel sorry for Brandi. i hope they can still settle down. I would love to see a family tree. Great Update! Smiley

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« Reply #119 on: November 15, 2007, 09:16:25 pm »

Amazing story!  I can hardly wait til the next chapters.

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