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Author Topic: Mia's Odyssey - Chapter 13  (Read 10971 times)
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Rock Chick

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« on: November 02, 2007, 04:20:28 am »

This is my sims meets final fantasy story that I had over at insimadult...however it's not that risque, so I thought some of you might like to read it xx

Part 1

The first sensation was heat..then the sound of waves breaking gently nearby..a warm breeze sweeping across her exposed skin..other noises then..distant birds...a general subtle murmur of life around her...she didn't dare open her eyes...the sun shone down on her face making a deep coral haze through her eyelids...but she didn't open them just yet...
Hard to know what had happened to she came round slowly, her mind began to clear...wherever she now was...she felt sure it was not where she had been before that moment.
The sand was soft underneath her fingers.....damp near her toes...she felt sleepy again. A distant padding ..getting louder..coming nearer to her...she lay very still....but her heart quickened...the padding sound stopped beside her and a small cloud of sand puffed against her side, whatever it was was close..
A man's voice..she opened her eyes, squinting as the full glare of the sun beamed down on her

"Are you allright?" he asked....he was a sight really
she cleared her throat and sat up .." I dead?"

He laughed and plonked himself down on the sand nearby... "You don't look it..."
*Oh , Ok..I don't really know where I am...or how I got here...maybe I have concussion" She felt her head carefully...she did have a bit of a headache...

The blonde guy smiled and shook his head
"Nah you look like you're all in one piece...sort of like what happened to me..probably a touch of sunstroke"

"This happened to you too? so when? today? Is there anyone else besides us? " Her head span a little as she got to her feet, the blond looked at her thoughtfully..he seemed incredibly calm about it all.
"Do you remember your name?"

She thought for a minute...there was a question...did she?
"It's Mia....I'm pretty certain...and you?

"Zephyr.....I think....or maybe it's something completely different...kind of the first thing that popped in my head when I woke'll do" He stood to face her , grinning
"You seem a bit tense..."

Mia gasped.."Well YEAH!!....I need to know where I am...I probably have to get back home...I need to find food and water and shelter...and...a toilet...oh my god....maybe they're aren't any...OH god!"
Zephyr recoiled a little..." can you be so uptight in a place like this? look around you...why would you wanna go already?"

"I just feel weird about I should be getting home...I'm not meant to.."
Mia's mind was whirring as she tried to find meaning , some sort of logical explaination.

Zephyr sighed, "Not meant to what? Relax? Be happy?...look around you ...where could be worth leaving this for?.....Do you trust me?"

" I guess*

"Ok...Listen, come with me..I'll take you to the others I've met..I woke up here a couple days ago...we all did...try not to worry OK?"
He turned and began to stroll away from her up the beach

Mia hesitated, had she always been so cautious..and was it justified? Her heart still pounded as she took in deep breaths to compose herself.
Zephyrs voice called out for her to follow , she turned and balled her hands into fists...determined not to be afraid...
« Last Edit: October 17, 2008, 07:42:51 am by Rock Chick » Logged

Rock Chick

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« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2007, 04:22:37 am »

It was quite a hike up the beach, Mia was glad her plain flat shoes were comfy as they walked through the hot soft sand.
"How much longer?" she moaned ,Zephyr stopped to let her catch up a little

"Not too much...enjoy the scenery!"
Mia frowned, "Yes..Very nice"
She did think it was beautiful but right then all she wanted was a cool glass of water and a sit down.
Zephyr strode on again effortlessly in front of her, not a bad view - his muscles flexing as he moved.
Mia considered her predicament again, so she had found herself in Paradise with a gorgeous bronzed hunk... Why on earth wasn't she enjoying herself? and like he'd asked her...why the rush to leave?
Finally he stopped as a very flushed looking Mia plodded up to where he stood.

"Little tired huh?" he asked, trying not to grin too much
She rolled her eyes, "I um..need to GO"
Zephyr laughed, "We're here...don't worry ! civilization at last"

He gestured to a large hut built right on the sand a few yards away

Mia wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or scared as her rescuer took her hand and pulled her towards the doorway.

Inside , Mia was suprised to find three new faces - a dark haired woman

Another drop dead gorgeous hunk and a pale girl with silvery hair and unusual looking eyes.

"Welcome" the dark haired female smiled at her, "You just arrived?"
Mia shrugged and said 'Hello' meakly.
"Found her on the South beach, is it OK if she stays?" Zephyr addressed the same woman, evidently it was her place.
"More the merrier" came the reply
Mia glanced around, it was minimal but nice , nicer than she would have expected from the outside.
"Thanks! Wow! you have a FRIDGE??"
Allora, the owner of the premises, laughed "Yes and it works...there's a little generator out back...I'm comfortable here"

"We're lucky to have Allora..decent meals , a bath and toilet" Zephyr said winking at Mia, " She brought me back here on my first day"
"It's no trouble " Allora said graciously " Nice to have the company"
"You have a toilet??" gasped Mia.
Allora pointed to a wooden door "Help Yourself"
Mia made use of the facilities gratefully.
"Another one" mused Allora as they waited for Mia to emerge,
"Do you think we can get her to stay?" asked Zephyr
"We can try"

Rock Chick

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« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2007, 04:23:16 am »

Mia reappeared feeling a little embarrassed, "Thanks for that"
"Not a problem" assured Allora.
"I um..was wondering .. what is this place? and are there any others ? is there like a town or something?" Mia blurted , squinting out through the doorway.

Zephyr rolled his eyes, "We have what we need right here"
Allora smiled, " So full of questions Mia..this place is for others, I can't say I know..when I arrived I found this place and here is where I stay...I have all I require"
"You've not been further than the beach?" asked Mia, still scanning the horizon.
"Why would I?" Allora smiled again, "It is tranquil here...and safe.."
The other man, who'd been standing silently with the pale girl til that point, suddenly spoke

"There's a village a little way into the forest...that's where I found Luna here"
Allora and Luna exchanged glances.
"There was no-one else there"
Luna tugged at his hands and gazed at him
"I think Luna was glad to get away..must have been lonely for her " He smiled at the girl.

"Well , won't there be supplies there?" asked Mia "A radio maybe?"
Zephyr frowned , "There you go again...will you chill?"
"Yes...Please try to relax..we have all we need here I assure you..besides...deeper inland there are...I mean...they may be dangerous creatures, I've never seen much more than a seagull here..and the Dophins out in the bay" Allora patted Mia's arm and motioned towards the sofas.
Mia hadn't thought of that... wild animals ...maybe big cats...definately snakes...perhaps that's why the village was deserted.

"I daresay if we travel together in the day they won't bother us" drawled Byron, Luna looked paler than ever...
"How do you know?" Mia demanded feeling fearful again, Byron frowned across at her
"Well Luna and I are in one piece aren't we?'s only about half an hours walk from here anyway"
Allora sighed heavily, "Perhaps we could discuss this in the morning..I'll get us something to eat"
Their hostess began to prepare a meal.
Luna took Byrons hands again, she couldn't speak but her face was anxious, as if she was trying desperately to tell him something

"Don't worry..we'll all be with you this won't be alone" He said softly, Luna managed a sad smile and cast her eyes down to the floor.
They ate eagerly, the food was simple but fresh and tasty.
"I can't thank you enough for taking me in like this" Mia gushed in between mouthfuls

Allora picked at her food.."Oh it's fine"
"Thanks Allora" echoed the guys...Luna smiled and nodded her head.
"If we go after breakfast tomorrow " said Byron "I should think we'll be OK"
"So soon?" Allora mumbled, getting up to place her uneaten meal on the counter..
"You all must rest now..who know's how you will feel about it tomorrow"
They took blankets from a pile and settled on the hut floor.
"How long have you been here?" Mia whispered to Allora as the others drifted off to sleep.

"Long enough to know that we are better off here"
Mia bit her lip
"Have you ever been to the village?"
"Once..I prefer it here...I hope you will reconsider"
"Thank you Allora...but I think we should at least take a look at it...maybe there's a way to get ..." Mia's words tailed off a little...she'd just assumed they were on some kind of Island..but none of them seemed to really know.
"Sleep now" Allora patted her arm and gestured to one of the cane sofas...
Mia nodded and whispered her thanks.
It wasn't long before she fell fast asleep

Rock Chick

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« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2007, 04:23:56 am »

Allora's face fell as Mia's eyes closed....
"In such a rush to die Mia.....what a pity"

Next morning only two people stirred in the beach hut. As the sun rose slowly above the ocean, Zephyr and Allora lay together on the tiny bathroom floor.

"I want to stay" whispered Zephyr,they didn't want to wake the others
"No, you must go with them..keep an eye on things .."

"But I want to be with you..."

"I know......but...I have to stay here for the others" Allora whispered back.

"More will come?"
"They always do...we'll be together again soon I swear"

They emerged quietly, it seemed everyone was still asleep.
Everyone but Mia...her eyes remained closed tightly as so many emotions stirred in her,
Later she felt awquard as Allora smiled and gave her her breakfast.
"A good sleep?"
Mia nodded. "I appreciate all this so much Allora"
Allora frowned a little, "And yet you rush to leave me"
Mia felt guilty then too, " I just feel so strongly about checking the village...even just a quick look...I can't explain it...I'm sorry"
Allora sighed and put her hand on Mia's shoulder, "Then Zephyr will go to look after you...I must stay here..."
Mia smiled, "In case someone else needs saving?"
"Something like that"

They seemed to jog through the forest rather than trek, even though the sunlight filtered though the dense trees overhead, there was a sense of hidden danger - it was breathtaking in it's beauty and terrifying at the same time.
Mia's heart pounded as she and Luna ran side by side behind Zephyr, Allora ran in front with Byron bringing up the rear.
At last they reached the Village

Byron allowed himself a little grin
"See? what was that? 20 minutes at most"
He didn't smile much...he really only showed emotion towards Luna..he seemed to barely tolerate the rest of them.
Allora gasped suddenly and held up her arms to halt everyone....a small group of people emerged from the nearest hut and began to approach them.

Another tall muscular man strode up to them, he was followed by two females and another well built man who hung back a little just watching.
"Greetings" boomed the exotic looking guy, "Good to see fellow travellers"
He introduced himself as Jassu, then in turn presented his companions
"Mikki and Malandra...and behind them Kai"

Kai came forward slowly to speak
"We had another two in our group...they left to explore a couple days ago...perhaps you've seen them.."
"We haven't seen anyone else besides you" Byron replied..
"Let's not trouble our new friends with this Kai..." Interrupted Malandra, smiling and gesturing to a clay jug that stood beside a hut doorway
"Welcome to you...please do take a drink of's most refreshing"
Allora scowled a little and snapped "Maybe later"
Luna hung back ...she was trembling a little

"It's so peaceful here " sighed Mikki, the blonde..Mia glanced around at the new faces...Jassu and the girls seemed almost too relaxed...they gazed vacantly back...Kai caught her eye and began to move casually as he could.
"It's good to meet you" he smiled...he seemed relieved that their group had come along

Rock Chick

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« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2007, 04:24:31 am »

"You too...Kai..." Mia felt herself flush as he smiled...what was it with all these amazing looking people anyway.....
He looked around subtley..Jassu and the girls were chatting to Mia's group..he steered Mia a little further away and lowered his voice
"Pretty freaky all this" he whispered
Mia caught her breath...Kai was the first person to be as bemused as she was..
"Oh my god yes....I thought I was going crazy"
They chuckled softly like school kids for a second
Then Kai moved closer, his face serious

"Listen..this is gonna sound stupid..but can you meet me out here tonight...I want to speak to private"
Mia felt her heart step up a little again...Kai was trying to be as cool as possible to avoid attention but his eyes showed desperation.
"All right"
"Ok....good.....I knew you would...I just had a feeling about you..."
Mia saw Jassu looking over at them...she smiled and quickly turned to look at Kai again
"We better mingle" she whispered
" more thing....stick to water OK?" His eyes darted towards the jug of mead Malandra was trying to pass around....

Kai stared hard into her eyes...."Just promise please"
"I promise"
"Til later then"

Mia glanced down at the pottery jug nearest her..they seemed to be outside every doorway

Kai moved off to talk to Byron under the intense scrutiny of Jassu and the girls.
Meanwhile Allora spoke discreetly to Zephyr
"I must get back - promise me that you won't go into the forest..make sure you light all the torches at nightfall...only put them out when the sun has fully risen.." She instructed

Zephyr was worried, "What about you? How can I let you go back alone? I won't let you"
"I told you...I have survived for a while here...I will not be in any danger"
It was a half truth...she gave him her most sincere look.."I WILL return...but I have some things to do first"
Byron returned to Luna, he guided her to where the others were gathered..her hand shook violently in his.
Her cheek was like ice as he stroked it...
"I wish I knew what is wrong"

Luna's eyes were wide..piercing into his as he faced her..she was clearly petrified -
"I won't let anything happen to you I swear" he insisted

Luna fought to speak - her visions had weakened her..silenced her too long - for even just one word.. if only she could say one thing.
She laboured to say it....'Run'
Her mouth moved but still no sound.
"I'm here for you...I will protect you"
His words did not comfort her and she was too weak then to make him understand. Four days before he had discovered her barely alive, merely a few yards away from the spot where they stood now. Her mind revisited their first meeting he'd found her pinned against the trunk of a huge tree, hardly breathing..he'd picked her up and taken her out to the beach. Luna's mind played the events over..he'd cleaned the scratches on her arms and legs...gave her clean water and carried her limp body out of the forest and along the sands til they found Alloras place.
She owed it to him..the truth..but no words came. Only the visions, waking nightmares, every doorway in the village echoed with screams.
Allora and Zephyr looked was getting late and everyone was beginning to wander towards the various huts to settle for the evening, chatting politely.
Mia managed to avoid Malandra and sipped clean water from a small fountain..Kai watched smiling.
As darkness crept across them Luna began to deteriorate- the whirling images of tortured figures and blood all but obliterated Byrons attempts to soothe her..

Allora took hold of her and steered her aside

"Block them out strong...I know what you see...this time I won't fail...we won't fail"
Alloras eyes burned brightly...she left then.. disappearing into the shadowy trees.

Rock Chick

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« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2007, 04:25:17 am »

It seemed an eternity before everyone fell asleep..Zephyr had insisted on walking around double checking all the torches had been lit, despite Jassu fervently trying to persuade him not to worry.
Mia couldn't sleep, she lay a little away from Zephyr, he'd instructed her to stay put behind him til morning ..having witnessed him and Allora in a clinch  earlier that day she wondered why Zephyr was being so protective over her.
Maybe it was simply that he was a good was hard to say.. there seemed to be so much mystery surrounding everyone she had come into contact with so far.
She walked outside slowly..the night was so sound came from within the village. Even though torches burned here and there, it was still eerie..mist from the dark forest seeped around the tiny huddle of huts. Fear gripped her chest tightly, making her breath come in tiny shallow gasps.
"Mia?" a hoarse whisper made her jump

"Who is it?"

Kai moved out of the shadows - quickly and quietly up to face her
He smiled , happy to see her..."You came! thanks for humouring me"
She regained her composure a little

"What did you want to tell me?" she asked... Kai leaned closer
"A's just hard to know where to start....but OK....the other three I'm here with? They've changed... they're like..brainwashed or something...they're hooked on that mead crap..we found it all over the place when we woke up..they thought it was some kind of alcohol so they drank high on it almost..I don't drink so I didn't have any....the next day they started to act different people"

Mia frowned.."That's why you said just water"
" seems normal..."
"I'll let the others from my group know" Mia whispered
Kai took a deep breath and continued
"Good, because things are getting weirder ... the two guys that I said went missing?.. it's like no-one cares...but i think something must've happened"
Mia gulped "Allora told me the forest was dangerous"
"Not just dangerous...not just snakes and spiders..somethings watching..I feel it"

Mia was frozen to the really did feel like that...
"So why tell me in particular?"

Rock Chick

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« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2007, 04:25:45 am »

Kai smiled at her, "Lots of looked like you weren't buying it...this whole situation.. and I guess I couldn't bear the thought of you going all zombiefied like the others...especially not you."
Mia's heart fluttered a little..."Oh?"

Kai blushed..or at least it looked that way...the torch light made it hard to tell.
"What's that place?" Mia motioned to the larger hut behind was raised slightly off ground level and had large bolted doors.
"Dunno, it's locked up pretty tight, Jassu and I tried to knock it open before he changed..I dunno what the hell it's made of..the two of us couldn't make a dent..I still have the bruises from trying"
Mia looked over Kai's taut body..." two are certainly strong"
He grinned widely, blushing again..
"That's another thing...all the guys are being a big head or anything....and the women are stunning..some more than others.." he moved a little closer
Mia tried not to get flustered..she looked away from his gaze..."Yes and no kids...or old people..."
Kai sighed deeply.."We better get back...I don't like the look of that mist...promise you'll go straight back inside"

Kai grabbed her and hugged her tight..."I'm so glad you're here" he whispered

He walked back to his hut...Mia paused to watch him before carefully creeping back to try and get a little sleep herself.
All was still in the village again..Jassu and Malandra stood silent in the shadows, unseen by Mia and they were alone Malandra spoke

"She makes trouble...she will not drink.....she must follow the teachings"
Jassu stared blankly at the locked hut..."All will be well...Celina will persuade her"
They disappeared quietly into a dark doorway.
A strong wind swept through the village centre blowing out a few of the torches....The large doors on the raised hut creaked open and a strange figure emerged....
A low rumbling distant voice filtered through the trees...deep ...rasping
"Watch the new girl.....keep her in line Celina"
The solitary figure raised her face to the moonless sky
"As you wish my masters"

Rock Chick

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« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2007, 04:26:24 am »

Mia's body ached from another night sleeping on the ground..she'd had such livid dreams..being chased through the forest, naked in Kai's arms..Allora smiling to her , arms outstretched...Her emotions collided ...fear , lust and excitement all mixed together...all her senses were on fire and deep down within her something primal was waking and relishing it all.
The hut floor seemed to pulse under her body..she could hear the wind sigh and the flap of gulls wings above the clouds...
"How's Mia today?" Zephyr smiled at her as she emerged from their hut into the morning sunlight.
His eyes twinkled...almost as though he'd sensed the change in her...
"I'm ready" she blurted... not sure what she meant she shrugged it off quickly...there wasn't much time to tell them what she'd learned from Kai.
Byron and Luna moved over to greet them..

"Kai told me a bit about what's happened here ..It seems like the mead is some kind of sedative...mind altering drug...he said Jassu and the girls completely changed after drinking it..."
An unfamiliar voice interrupted her
"Changed for the better"

They swung round, by this time Kai had joined them too...a strange woman stood a little distance away
"Who are you?" demanded Byron
"I am Celina. I am sorry I did not welcome you to our village yesterday..I could not help hear what you said..."

"What exactly is that stuff?? " Mia asked , pointing to a jug of mead nearby
"How can it change anyone for the better?"
Celina stared hard at Mia...a slight smile played on her lips
"Oh I wouldn't listen to Kai...such a trouble maker really...the rest of us merely wish to live peacefully in our beautiful surroundings...attain can you deny us that?"
"Bullsh*t" snapped Kai...

"My dear friend, so anxious....mead is nothing more than a healthy tonic...if you were to try some you would're being so childish..can you not be happy that your friends enjoy carefree tranquility?" Celina's monotone voice was almost hypnotic
"They're like drones!! " Mia protested, "They're not at peace...they're oblivious!"
Celina glared hard at Mia

"Oh backward of you Mia...I pity hard your life must bitter..."
Mia frowned ...Celina's eyes burned into hers

A seering pain ripped through Mia's temples..Celina's voice was shrill inside her mind

Mia clutched her head in agony....

"Get out...get out!!" she screamed
her eyes were closed but she saw Celina looming
She felt unsteady...about to black out..then Kai's hand steadying her.."Mia!"
Deep in her core Mia felt a surge of power...she stood straight and shook free from Kai...
"You can't reach me...You can't"

But Celina had already vanished..
"Smash the jugs...all of them..before the others wake up..." ordered Zephyr

The men started to break all the jugs they could find....Luna rushed over and threw her arms round was the first time she smiled since they'd arrived...
"Ready" Luna whispered.

Rock Chick

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« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2007, 04:27:13 am »

Meanwhile back on the shore Allora stood over the man laying on the sand...he seemed to be just coming round..she prodded him gently.
He groaned a little..shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight.
"Who are you?" he croaked...sitting up with some difficulty. Clearly he had been through a rough time.

"A're a soldier?"
The man chuckled softly.. " Oh yeah...join the army ..see the world and all...I seen enough here" he mumbled..
Allora helped him to his feet..." Come with me yes? I have food and need to bathe those wounds and rest" She nodded in the direction of her hut...just a tiny spec in the distance..but not too far for him to walk it

"I appreciate your kindness Ma'am"
"Did you have anyone else with you?" she asked
"I did" He fell silent ..squinting out towards the ocean
They began a slow painful walk towards the hut..
"I'm Nathan....Nate if you want"
"Pleased to meet you name is Allora"
Nathan paused again to scan the horizon

"Looking at this beach...that sky up could never imagine what it would really be like here" He glanced towards the edge of the forest..
Allora touched his arm gently, "You said you were with someone"
Nathan kept his eyes on the glistening sea... "Yeah a bunch of us were at this little village....if you could call it that...just a half a dozen shacks really . Me and this other guy, Cambell...went to check out the area"
Allora pulled his arm carefully..."Come ...let's go"
His hands had begun to shake..." We couldn't find our way go so dark"
Nate  dropped his arms down by his sides, fists tightly clenched
"We were attacked...this thing...dragged Cambell out of my reach I couldn't
help him..I never saw anything like ripped him right open...."

"I ran like a coward" Nate hung his head in shame...still trembling..
"No Nate..there is nothing to be ashamed of..surely you know it is sometimes wiser to retreat...and live to fight another day"

"I couldn't do anything.....I couldn't stop it... I'll never forget the screaming...and the look in his eyes"
Allora gently took his hand again and led him closer to shelter
"Your friend would not have suffered for long...I know the village...your friends are safe and others have joined them...we have a chance....We'll fix you up and go to them later...but right now you need rest"
Nate didn't speak anymore..his eyes were drawn back to the sky and the sun on the water...anything to blot out Cambells horrific last moments again.

Rock Chick

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« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2007, 04:28:04 am »

Allora was suprised to find another man making himself at home in her hut when they arrived.
"Oh this is awquard" he exclaimed...
He was quite different from the other men...slender and elegantly dressed..

" I er...didn't think anyone was living here"
Allora raised her eyebrows..."So it would seem....take a seat Nathan" She motioned to the couches.
Nathan glared at the other man...

"You want me to throw him out Allora?"
She turned and smiled..." It's allright please rest!"

She faced the trespasser again
"Well I don't turn away those in are alone?"
The stranger sighed dramatically...
"Yes and No...we crashed...I am airship came down in the forest ..over near the mountain .."
Nate interrupted..looking puzzled..."Airship??? what ? like a blimp?"
Garrett rolled his eyes...."an AIRSHIP! ...what in the Goddess's name is a blimp? It sounds ghastly!"

"How badly damaged?" Allora asked, not batting an eyelid..
"It's not crew...the few there are...are making repairs"
Allora narrowed her eyes
"Wait ...what are you doing here in the first place? I've been here a while and I have never seen any ships...people usually just appear"

"We came upon this place by chance...this whole continent is uncharted..the first time we came we found some valuable items....finders keepers and all that"
"Uncharted?? ...and what kind of valuables?" Nate asked...he didn't trust this guy at all...
"Oh you know...trinkets...personal jewellry..and such...we came back to check for more...they fetched a good price...I wasn't expecting anyone to be alive......" his voice tailed off as he saw the expression on Allora's face
"Tell me what you know" she spoke through gritted teeth
""About what?" Garrett retorted..slightly annoyed
Allora's eyes seemed to flicker... "I have no qualms about killing you where you stand if you don't start talking Pirate"
Garrett smiled nervously..."Only a fool would anger a sorceress"

"What the hell are you two talkin' about?" Nate boomed
Allora turned to face him...."I'm sorry Nate" she clicked her fingers...

"I need to know what's happening....Uhhhhh"
In an instant Nate passed out cold on the floor

Rock Chick

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« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2007, 04:28:46 am »

"Now start talking" She ordered Garrett..who had begun to sweat ...he looked worriedly down at Nathan....."He's not dead is he?...I swear I'll tell you all I know"
Allora rolled her eyes again..."No just taking a well earned nap...I will explain things to him later..."

Garret sighed..."Listen.... truth is..I'm just scavenging a bit before we leave..
we found a village near here abandoned and took some souveniers...we came to see what else we could find...what's so hard to fathom?"
"How many times have you been here.....?"
Garrett shrugged..."Why? what's the problem?"

"Tell me or so help me I will burn you from the inside out" Light flickered from her finger tip

"Argh...All right! ...I might as well....people come here...they don't live that knowthe kind of beasts that dwell here...the people get wiped out pretty sharpish...then when things simmer down , we go in and pick up the spoils..." Garrett backed away as Allora's anger grew

" knew there would be a massacre and yet you did not help? How many times Garrett? and you have an airship? weapons??"
Garrett trembled..afraid of what might happen to him...
"Look that's how it was, things have changed...we got shot down...that's why we I should think we'll suffer the same fate...karma for our selfishness if you will"

"Shot down??" Allora gasped
"Perhaps you should kill me now" Garrett moaned...sweat trickled down his face
Allora composed herself a little..."Oh no....No easy release for you coward...we'll need supplies and weapons...then a ride out of this deathtrap when your ship is sound"

Garrett nodded.."Of course ...our best bet is to join forces after all, I will go immediatley and bring back what you requested to the village"
Allora's eyes flashed again....
"You betray us and I will hunt you down and obliterate you , Curr...and that is a promise"

"What the?"....Nate moaned and began to sit up

"Here Nathan " Allora said " Let's get you fixed up, I'll clean those wounds and feed you...we have a trip to make later"


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« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2007, 03:53:54 pm »

i love it! more please!

"I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" Oppenheimer, taken from The Bhagavad Gita.
Rock Chick

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« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2007, 05:44:05 pm »

Thanks for reading Smiley More soon x


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« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2007, 08:13:52 pm »


Sims Addict
Rock Chick

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« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2007, 09:29:04 am »

Thank you for reading ! More soon xx

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