HELP!!!Sims 2 Hack Conflict Detection Utility---HELP!!!

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I keep getting this messege when I scan my folders for the sims 2. I have all the EP's and H&M and Celbrations stuff packs. Can someone pleasee help??
I just wanted to make sure none of my files conflict with the

Sims 2 Hack Conflict Detection Utility - Version 2.00.03

Error: 53
File not found: SWsupport.dll

Module: modSimsPackage
Procedure: gfstrDecompressFile
Location: 3000

Install Path: C:\Users\Stephen Scott\Documents
Data Path: C:\Users\Stephen Scott\Documents
Sims Path: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\

In the .zip archive you download you can find 3 files -- a ReadMe.txt, Sims2HCDU.exe (the program itself) and SWsupport.dll. You do whatever you want with the readme, but be sure you extract the .dll file to the exact place as the program.  suppose you haven't done that, that's why you're getting the error message. Re-download, and re-extract, that's all.

Thank you for that info..I'm going to go try it now and see if that helps.

You might also need to get the Visual Basic files from the Microsoft site.  The link is on the SimWardrobe site.

Thanks Miros...

That did it debbycus! Thank You soo much!


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