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Author Topic: The Avalon Legacy - Updated 12/03/08 - Chapter 23  (Read 139889 times)
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Astral Faery

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« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2008, 07:10:53 pm »

Chapter 3

Jess moving in with me couldn't have been timed better. We got a bedroom finished right before the heavy snow of winter started. It was a harsh winter, with low temperatures and more snow than I've ever seen.

Pyrus seems hardly bothered by the weather. He's checking out his new cat toy.

We sold all of Jess's loot except the hot tub. We thought we'd keep it so we could kick back and relax. Even though the water was warm, the freezing air was still detrimental. Poor Jess stepped out of the hot tub, and the water instantly froze to her body.

I was really worried about her. I was afraid I would lose her already, when I just found her. I did my best to nurse her back to health. First I thawed her out with a hair dryer.

Then I had her stand in front of our little heater. Poor Jess. Thank goodness she's okay. Hot tubbing + winter = bad idea. The hot tub has to go.

Our house is coming along quite nicely. You can see we have our walls up, and can now move our kitchen into the actual kitchen. Things are looking up!

I bought a weight machine to get myself into shape. How exciting that, not only is it inside the house, but I have a whole separate room to put it in.

Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! Check out these biceps!

Now that we have a table, Jess and I can take our meals together and discuss important issues.

Jess got a makeover! The girl is hot, hot, hot!

With Jess's income, it wasn't long before we were able to get our walls and floors done. What do you think? Looking pretty good, huh?

Here's a view of the living room looking into the dining room. Don't you just love the moods the walls bring to the room? Our dining room is warm and inviting. Our living room is deep and relaxing. We found everything we need at Sugah's Place. Beautiful selections. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend it!  (Link at the end of the chapter)

Soon I was able to buy a more comfortable bed.

I know what you're thinking. You're wondering why I have a sink in my bedroom. To prevent the spread of germs, of course. And the burglar alarm? I have one in every room of the house. There's always a chance that the one on the front door won't work, enabling a burglar to get into another room. You can never be too careful.

Speaking of germs, they're everywhere. I'll scrub this shower until it shines.


Jess told me that she was suddenly feeling queasy.

Then she told me why. I'm going to be a daddy!

When our baby grows to be a child, he or she can use my weight room for a bedroom.

Aah!  Right outside the window!

You will never be a part of this Legacy. Go home.

I decided to finally tie the knot with Jess.

Finally! The house is finished. Looks pretty sharp, if I do say so myself.

I've always wanted to write a novel.

Okay, now what's another word for germs?

Bacteria! Of course!

Ah, she's beautiful, isn't she?

In true Legacy fashion, Jess gives birth in the bathroom. Why now? When both the toilet and shower need to be repaired.

Jess: Honey, the baby's coming!

Me:  Hmm? Okay, just one sec.

Jess:  It's a boy! He's beautiful!  

Me:  Okay - be right there.

Jess:  Look at him! Just look at him! He's a little angel. We'll call him Alwyn.

Me:  Arrgh! This bathroom is a mess! I can't stand it! Water everywhere! Germs...

I'm a proud papa! Ewww. Babies are gross!

Ewww. Germs...

I decided to quit the casino job because it was a seven day a week deal. I'm tired of never having a day off. My lifetime dream is to rise to the top of the Medical career. And they have a position open! Unfortunately, my first night is also Alwyn's birthday. I'll be sad to miss it. But our family will be better off.

What a beautiful boy! He'll be perfect to carry on the Avalon Legacy.

Pyrus had some offspring, too. One of these kittens will continue his legacy.

Aww, now that's cute.

The hospital gave me this mechanical dummy to practice my surgical skills on. First, I make an incision with the scalpel.

Now let's see what we have in here...

Hmmm. I have no idea what this is.

Eh, whatever it is we don't need it.

Let's see what else we can find.

A hamburger!? Buddy, you better start watching your diet.

Hello, what's this? Blue, sqhishy.

*thump thump* *thump thump*

Oh no!! It's a heart! I wasn't supposed to take this out!

What do I do now?

He's not breathing! Staring mouth to mouth!

The light is flashing! Why is the light flashing!?

Starting compressions!

Breathe, darn it!

C'mon, breathe!

Don't do this to me! Please wake up!

This isn't funny anymore. Wake up!

Wake up, damn you!!! Please...

He's breathing again! Whew! That was a close one.

Now to close the incision.

There you go, Mr. Dummy, good as new. Nothing to worry about.

Yeah, I'm awesome. I'm going to be a great doctor.

What's next for the Avalon family? Will little Alwyn grow up well? You'll have to read the next chapter to find out!

All the fabulous wallpapers you see in the Avalon house can be found at Sugah's Place.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 03:24:22 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2008, 08:23:58 pm »

hahaha ^.^
and Alwyn is positively adorable!

Im looking for judges and prize donations for my upcoming contest Killer Instinct: The search for the next Assassin.  If you're interested or have any questions, pm me Smiley
Life is just one giant freak show, so just buy a ticket and enjoy the ride...:happy8:
click here to check out my new series, Madhouse! it would be much appreciated Cheesy

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« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2008, 09:01:11 pm »


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« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2008, 11:16:46 am »

Hee hee.  I <3 legacies.  Whether they are serious, or extremely funny like this one! :rofl:

Link: The tights-wearing, puzzle-solving wonder!
"You know, you'd think that after seven dungeons you'd have figured out how to open a door without breaking the key." -Nami (
Astral Faery

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« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2008, 12:28:55 pm »

Aw, thanks guys!

xgreydovex - yes, Elwyn is a sweetie - even though he's really grumpy and obsessively neat.  I have a big soft spot in my heart for him.

xTerrix - thanks for reading!

Medagic - thanks!  I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!
Astral Faery

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« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2008, 04:48:49 pm »

Sorry it's taken me so long to update.  I've been really busy spoiling my readers with 'Between the Light and the Darkness' - lots of chapters have come out back to back (and another one tomorrow):smile:, with lots of pics!  Whew!  I'm pretty worn out, lol.

Chapter 4

I'm glad you could make it back. As you can see, Alwyn has grown to be a beautiful child. He has my gold eyes, and his mother's beautiful dark skintone. The combination is striking. Watch out, ladies - this boy is going to be gorgeous.

He's a great kid. Like me, he helps prevent to spread of germs by keeping things clean.

Alwyn: Germs...

We finally finished our kitchen! I just love the way all the colors blend together here. It really makes me want to get in there and cook!

Our dining room is finished as well. And not a moment too soon, because the headmaster will be here for an interview. If all goes well, Alwyn will be admitted into private school. Nothing is too good for my boy.

I do my best to show him a good time. I gave him a tour of our house, and tried to impress him with some clever conversation. It's not going so well, and I'm starting to fear he'll reject our family.

I shift the conversation, hoping that a man to man talk might be more up his alley.

Headmaster Whatshisname: Are you kidding? I *love* woohoo!  

Yeah, I thought so.

Jess made some fabulous T-bone steaks, which the headmaster inhaled like he hadn't eaten in thirty years. I tried to signal Alwyn with my eyes to never, under any circumstance, let this man into our family. I couldn't abide such a slob in this legacy.

Success! We pass with flying colors.  Now Alwyn will have the best, and most expensive education available.

He's going to grow up to be great.

Alwyn chose the kitten he wanted to keep, and Jess sold the other one to big nose Ben. Yeah, you guessed it - he will never be a part of this legacy.

Stupid shower!

Work, you piece of crap!

Alwyn: Mom, what's woohoo?

Jess: It's uh, er, it's, hmmm..

Me: Well, son, it's like this...

Alwyn: Yeah? What is it dad?

Jess: Honey, I really don't think we should be discussing this at the breakfast table.

Me: Woohoo is one of the greatest things because...

Jess: Elwyn, please! This isn't appropriate!

Me: ...that's how you get babies. Little pooping barfing miracles. Isn't that great?

Alwyn: That's disgusting!

Me: Yep, that's why you should never do it. Now eat your poptart.

Pyrus is upset - but no one knows why. He doesn't even know. I always suspected cats didn't have much going on upstairs.

Alwyn: Ow! You threw it too hard!

Me: Oops! Sorry, son. (ha ha)

Komei: Whaddaya mean you don't like tv? Everyone likes tv!

Alwyn: I just think it's boring. Hey, wanna see what I can do?

Alwyn: Watch me! Almost got it! Keep watching!

Komei: Boo! Boo!

Alwyn: Oof!

Komei: That really stinks, kid.

Alwyn: Wait! I know I can do it. Let me try again!

Komei: Boo!

Alwyn: Look! I did it!

Komei: Boooring!

Alwyn: Ta-daa!

Komei: Um...what was I saying again? Oh yeah - booooo!

Alwyn: This guy is a total jerk. I can see why dad doesn't want him in the legacy.

Sneaky Thief: Hee, hee, hee, what shall I steal first?

The Law: Hold it right there!

Sneaky Thief: Gasp! Oh no! It's The Law!

The Law: That's right, common criminal! You're going to jail!

Sneaky Thief: Aw, can't I just take one little vase? They'll never miss it!

Oh no! I knew it! I just knew I'd be robbed someday! Good thing I just put fresh batteries in the burglar alarm!

Me: Down with thieves! Boo!

Sneaky Thief: Hey, Elwyn.

The Law: Grrr!

Sneaky Thief: You're really cute. Do you think I could be part of this legacy sometime?

The Law: Alright, in you go. You won't be stealing anything on my watch.

The Law: And what nerve! Trying to weasel your way into the legacy. You disgust me. (I wonder if they would let *me* be a part of it...)

Me: Alright, son. I'm going to teach you how to be a great doctor.

Alwyn: You?! Ha ha ha!

Me: I've got my trusty scalpel ready.

Alwyn: Ha ha ha ha!!

Alwyn: This is getting pretty gross. Can I go inside, now?

Alwyn: I'm officially grossed out now!

Me: It's alright, son. I'm an expert. Now let's see what we can find in here..

Me: Oh no! This isn't supposed to come out!

Alwyn: Ewww - it really stinks, dad!

Me: Not again! This isn't supposed to come out, either!

Alwyn: Sigh! Okay, are we done, yet?

Alwyn: I love the snow!

Will Elwyn be able to teach young Alwyn the important things in life so he can carry on the Avalon legacy? Will Alwyn grow into a successful teen? Will Elwyn ever reach the top of the medical career? Tune in to the next chapter to find out!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 03:23:16 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2008, 07:53:24 am »

awww :]
and this legacy is TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!!

Im looking for judges and prize donations for my upcoming contest Killer Instinct: The search for the next Assassin.  If you're interested or have any questions, pm me Smiley
Life is just one giant freak show, so just buy a ticket and enjoy the ride...:happy8:
click here to check out my new series, Madhouse! it would be much appreciated Cheesy
Astral Faery

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« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2008, 10:41:59 am »

LOL - thank you!  I don't think all that many people are interested, but I'm having a good time with it, so I'll continue on.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!

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« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2008, 08:21:55 pm »

yay! :] im glad your going to keep going.
it would be a shame for you to stop :[

Im looking for judges and prize donations for my upcoming contest Killer Instinct: The search for the next Assassin.  If you're interested or have any questions, pm me Smiley
Life is just one giant freak show, so just buy a ticket and enjoy the ride...:happy8:
click here to check out my new series, Madhouse! it would be much appreciated Cheesy

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« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2008, 09:14:41 pm »

Hilarious! Everyone wants to be a star. lol Your doing a great job. I'm reading it now. Can't wait for the next update.

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
                                         -Luciano de Crescenzo
Astral Faery

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« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2008, 09:19:01 pm »

Thanks, guys!  I'm really glad you're enjoying it.  Smiley

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
-For some awesome reading try SimTales:
-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!

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« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2008, 12:54:54 am »

That kid is just too damn cute. Smiley

Love the little father/son moment.

And the "talk": Well, son... it's like this...:worship:
Astral Faery

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« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2008, 12:27:36 pm »

Isn't he adorable?  I was so pleased how he turned out.  I was hoping the baby would have dark skin because I was so eager to see it with those gold eyes.  Alwyn is a little character, too, lol.

Thanks for reading!

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!
Sam the T-man
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« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2008, 02:35:52 pm »

:laugh: This is awesome - I just love that medical reward :laughing: Makes me wanna go ahead with this apocalypse challenge I keep meaning to do Cheesy

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2008, 03:18:46 pm »

I've tried that!  I had a lot of fun with it for awhile.  I stuck with it quite awhile, and want to sometime try again.  I got kind of bored after I had lifted the major restrictions, then I just mainly had the Uni ones left, which didn't affect a whole lot.  Plus I was confused over one of the rules, so I was never sure if I was doing the right thing, lol.

Thanks for your comments.  It's just a little thing I'm doing for lighthearted fun - a little less intense than my other story, lol.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
-For some awesome reading try SimTales:
-Need high quality downloads?  Shop Sugah's Place.  A wall to suit your every need, plus much more.  Stop in today!
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