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Author Topic: Fairvalley ~ Episode 5: Love Letters (REAL EPISODE NOW ;D)  (Read 16359 times)
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« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2008, 02:19:08 pm »

Juliet Brenner was beginning to feel things that she hadn't felt in a long time since she moved to Fairvalley. She felt strength, energy, happiness, and even hope for the future. She was even able to pick up painting again, which brought her great joy. Juliet decided that moving to Fairvalley was the best thing she had ever done.

Something did puzzle her though. Every second tuesday of each month, the door bell would ring at exactly 3:00pm in the afternoon. She would answer the door, not thinking anything of it. The next thing she knew, she would wake up in bed, in her pajamas staring at the clock, reading exactly 11:00pm. Juliet decided it must have something to do with her treatment, and it didn't matter what went on during those eight hours. The ends justify the means right?

Besides, Dr. Far...Farley? Dr. Farley told her that her cancers were getting much smaller. She even had the X-Rays to prove it.

Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is Juliet's favorite day of the week. She woke up this morning promptly at 7:00 am. Groggy, she looked at the digital alarm clock on her nightstand. "WED 5/7" glowed in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Its Wednesday! I must get ready! she thought.
She got up and brushed her teeth, selected her favorite sun dress from the armoir, red lipstick, pearls. She looked like June Cleaver by the time all was said and done.

After spending a few minutes sprucing up the house, the doorbell finally rang. She smiled with excitement and pinched her cheeks, as if she wasn't already wearing blush. Xavier Hamilton stood at the door, bearing the usual brown bag filled with assorted food products, after setting down the bag, he revealed a bouquet of flowers. "Hello, Juliet", he said smiling.

Juliet smiled, and took the flowers, smelling them all the way to the vase which she put them in. She turned back to the old man. "They're beautiful. Thank you so much."

He helped her put the groceries into her antique refridgerator. "Hey, do you wanna get outta here for the night?"

"I'd love to." She said, smiling. So, they hopped in her car, and they went out to Fairvalley's nicest restaurant.

The two of them sat across from each other. Juliet enjoyed her salad, and Xavier had a delicious steak dinner. "Would you like to come back to my place tonight, Juliet?" Xavier said, gazing into Juliet's emerald eyes.

"But Xavier! I thought..." Juliet started,
"Forget the rules, you won't get in trouble." He cut her off.
"Okay, if you're sure that it'll be fine with Fairvalley." She said, looking at him warily.

So after the meal, they went back to Xavier's decidedly peculiar home.
"Xavier...this doesn't feel right..." Juliet said, stopping infront of the wrought iron gates.
"It'll be fine...just be quiet for a minute." he said, and waited for silence. "Administrator Security Manual Override" He yelled at the red house, cupping his hands around his mouth. A lamp on the inside of the second story flashed twice. "Okay, now its safe. Come with me" He said, giving Juliet a peck on the cheek and unlocking the gate.

"Honey, am I not supposed to be here?" She asked, walking into the courtyard with caution.
"Well..technically...but that doesn't matter." Xavier said. "I wanted you to see my home".
Juliet walked in past the second gate, and looked marvelously at all of the greenhouses. "What is this Xavier?"
"Its my life's work, Juliet. You're the only one who's ever seen the inside of my fence."
"Xavier...why are you showing me this? Why am I not allowed here? I believe there is something you aren't telling me. Something that the entire town of Fairvalley isn't telling me." She reached for one of the apple blossoms on the tree just above her. "This is so beautiful, Xavier, but why must it be hidden?"
"Juliet..I can't answer those questions. Why don't we go inside. Its chilly out here" he said
"Alright." She said smiling, though she knew that wherever this relationship would end, it wouldn't end well. Juliet, control yourself. This man is BAD NEWS. You should leave. A voice inside her head told her. Oh hush, you. Another chimed in.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 11:17:46 pm by computer2much » Logged

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« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2008, 10:06:11 am »

okay! time for a new episode.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2008, 03:10:25 pm »

I love the creepiness of Juliet answering the door and waking up hours later without a memory of what happened.  And I can't wait to see what Xavier is hiding, and what kinds of mysteries lurk inside his house.

Visit me on my blog - Astral Faery's Magical Tales
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« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2008, 03:33:40 pm »

Oooh. Getting spooky and mysterious.
This is a very good thing. Smiley

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« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2008, 04:46:27 am »

haha. thanks! yeah..i'm working on an episode right now lol. i'm gonna start putting  text and pictures up at the same time XD it'll be easier that way.

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« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2008, 05:50:32 am »

Gabriel's alarm rang loudly, waking him from another homosexually induced nightmare. These were beginning to become a regular occurence. Ugh. I should probably see someone about this. Gabe thought to himself upon waking up.

As he was getting dressed, he remembered that he needed to ask Sean about whatever happened on the first day of school. They were now atleast a month into school, and Gabe woke up every day with the intention of asking him, but every time he saw Sean, his mind would get lost in those big, blue eyes...and the thought was lost with it.

So in order to help him remember, Gabe took a Sharpie and wrote "ASK SEAN" in big, bold letters on his wrist, accompanying "MATH TEST FRIDAY" and "MOW LAWN". As an extra precaution against Sean's gorgeous eyes distracting his thoughts, he put on a pair of really dark sunglasses. On the way out he grabbed an instant breakfast, and headed out the door.

On the way to school, Gabe realized that the only person that he had really befriended at all since moving to Fairvalley was Sean. In fact, he couldn't even really remember the names of any of the other students in his class. In the month he had lived here, his thoughts had pretty much been consumed by Homework and Sean. But mostly Sean. Ugh. I'm hopeless Gabe thought. This is just sad. I'm such a screw up. I can't believe I'm having such faggoty thoughts..

His head in the clouds, Gabe suddenly felt the impact of another body. Soon, he was on the ground, and very confused as to why. Looking up, he saw none other than Griselda Smart. She was the only other name he could remember from his class. Who could forget a name like Griselda? Despite her outlandish name, Griselda Smart was one of the most popular of the Fairvalley ninth graders. She ruled over the teenagers of Fairvalley with a finely-manicured fist. And a cell phone with unlimited text messaging. Sean had told Gabe about the horrors that had been done unto fellow teens with that seemingly innocent device. He said he could speak from personal experience on it, however when Gabe questioned further, Sean simply said he didn't want to talk about it.

Griselda, who had been texting and not paying attention to oncoming sidewalkers, collided with the daydreaming Gabriel Brenner. Little fucker needs to watch where he's going. She thought, but looked at Gabe with a warm smile "I'm so sorry, that was all my fault." She offered her hand to help him up. After becoming upright once more, "why don't we walk to school together?" she asked.

"Sure..I suppose" He said, taking off the sunglasses. Carried away into another daydream, probably involving Sean's getting to know the inside of Gabe's mouth on an intimate level, he didn't say anything to Griselda.

She looked at him inquisitively. "You moved here from.." she scrolled through her phone "Milwaukee right?" Trying to make conversation.

"Yeah.." he said, his daydream broken. "How'd you know?"

"Oh, I think a friend told me. So what is the real world like? Is Chicago totally fabulous or what?!"

Gabe gave her a weird look. "I suppose...I mean, I really like the Shakespeare theater there. what do you mean by 'real world'?"

Griselda looked down for a moment. Shit, he doesn't know? How is that possible? Well I better be careful. She thought. "Oh its just a joke we have around here. The shopping must be totally fab!" she said, enthusiastically.

"I suppose. I mean I don't like shopping all that much." He said, desperately trying to return to his daydream romance.

"I think I would live on Michigan Avenue. So that must've sucked leaving all of your friends and everything behind in Milwaukee. I know for me, it was just awful."

"Yeah, I guess. I mean I didn't really have many friends. I was mostly thankful for the fresh start."

"Oh. Well someone like you MUST have had a girlfriend." She said, flipping her hair behind her shoulder, giving a better view of her rediculously low cleavage.

Gabriel looked off into the clouds, not picking up on the hint. "No, I didn't really date. Who's your boyfriend?" He asked, desperately trying to get her to stop asking him questions.

"No one right now. But I dated that bastard Sean last month. Ugh, that was a disaster."

Gabriel's heart sank at the thought of Sean dating girls. "Oh. What was he like? What was wrong with him? Is he dating someone right now? Did you break it off or did he? Why wasn't it working out?" He asked, a little too eagerly.

That was...odd Griselda thought. "You could totally tell that he totally wasn't into it. He's single, and quite honestly he won't ever find a girl in this town ever again. Why didn't you date in Milwaukee?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Oh. I don't know. I guess I just didn't meet the right person."

"Huh..well what kind of person do you like?"

"I don't, funny, you know. The usual."

"Well...if you had someone in mind, I'd always be willing to help out a friend." Griselda asked with a wink.

"I don't know...I don't think he would be interested, but thanks anyway." Gabe replied.

"He?" She said, stopping their leisurely pace.

"Oh..oops. Did I say he? I meant she" Gabe said, laughing nervously. His face had gone very pale. "She isn't interested in me. She. Its a girl. heh." Holy fuck!! how did that even happen?! Hopefully she doesn't not possible. She couldn't! I mean I corrected myself right?

Griselda sighed. "Yeah....she." It was pretty obvious that she knew.

"Please...don't tell anyone, okay? I'm just... I don't know. Just don't tell anyone. Please!" Gabe pleaded.

"It'll be our secret. Don't worry, my uncle's gay." She said with a little wink. "Its totally cool."

Gabe breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks so much...I'm dealing with a lot right now...I just have to get it all figured out."

"I understand" she said. She said, and looked back at the crowd of her friends waiting outside the school building, which they had arrived at some time ago. "Well, duty calls. Catch you later!" Griselda ran over to her friends, and whispered to them excitedly.

Gabe sat down and worked on some homework he had neglected to finish the night before. Thank God there are nice people in the world.

"Okay everyone! Its time for class! Come on!" Said Dr. Byrne (the ninth grade history teacher) arriving a couple minutes late. Everyone entered the small room, and by the time Gabriel entered the room, everyone had found seats. Everyone found seats that were as far away from Gabe's usual spot as possible. Gabe looked at everyone confusedly and sat down.

Dr. Byrne began his tedious lecture on the French Enlightenment.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 10:57:07 pm by computer2much » Logged
Eighties Escapee

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« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2008, 08:17:59 am »

I'm liking this story so far, the secrets of Fairvally are intriguing me, can't wait to find out what happens Smiley Poor Gabe though! I hope he and Sean get together, they look cute as a couple Wink

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« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2008, 10:59:25 pm »

Finally! I got that one posted. I'll write the next part and I won't post it until I have pictures. Sorry about the huge wait!!!
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2008, 11:08:25 pm »

This is a great story.. I love it...

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« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2008, 11:14:36 pm »

Heart it!

I go to seek a Great Perhaps

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« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2008, 08:09:37 pm »

Okay, so I'm going to Europe for three weeks (yay!) and I'm gonna be leaving on Tuesday (I'm gonna miss pride. its so sad. but I can go next year I suppose...) So I'll try to get the next episode part posted for y'all before I go, but when I don't post for three weeks, that's why lol.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2008, 09:19:51 pm »

Love it!  I like the way Gabe is so preoccupied with Sean, and then slips up, lol.  The conversation between Gabe and Griselda was very smooth and easy to follow - great job!

Have a good time in Europe!

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« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2008, 10:12:00 pm »

Nice story, I can'twait to find out what the secret is... Do you have something in mind?

Rawr :smt106

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« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2008, 01:30:38 am »

Haha yeah, I've the entire story planned out in my head, so you'll just have to keep following Grin. I've been really busy, and probably won't have one posted (with pictures atleast) for a few weeks. But i'll try to put some new text up, so you can read if you wish.

Oh, and I would absolutely LOVE you if you people would continue discussion on this thread, to keep the story on the first page.
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2008, 08:15:40 am »

oh, that's exciting!! i want to read more! Wink
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