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Author Topic: Tell Her I Can Sing (chapter 2, up now)  (Read 10052 times)
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« on: June 04, 2008, 12:00:41 pm »

Tell Her I Can Sing

The name Astor is usually accompanied by the thought of fame, fortune...perfection. But we are not related to John Jacob Astor, by blood or by fortune. My father, Edward Astor, unfortunately married a woman named Samantha. At the time, he knew her well, but didn't know her well enough to the know the person she didn't want him to know.

Samantha became pregnant with their first child, my older brother, and even then Dad didn't notice. He was too happy to notice anything besides the fact that the woman he "loved" was going to have his baby.

But even pregnant, she would go behind his back and love others. It was always more than one, but Dad would only ever find out about one of them. Me and my brother, however, would always secretly know that wasn't the truth.

Henry Astor was their first son, and Dad loved him so much, and again he was blinded by his own happiness.

Shortly after Henry, I was born, and I was named Craig Astor.

After I was born, Dad started catching on to Samantha. She'd be out late without her phone, come home at two or three in the morning.

Without knowing it, they fought just downstairs, and Samantha would always start it. Poking, shoving...anything to make Dad mad.

Finally, after she came home so late, he told her to leave...

...and she did so gladly, without once turning back to make sure Henry and I were happy. She didn't call to check on us and she never came by again to see us.

Dad did what he could to make sure we were okay and happy.

Henry would forever look up to Dad, and I think Dad would look up to Henry as well. I would sometimes catch him looking at him in an admiring way. Henry was always tough and made everyone sure that he was okay.

And all the while, Dad never forgot about me. Henry was a demon on the piano and always played. Dad and I would dance or encourage him. He'd tried teaching me a few times, but I could never make my hands go together all at once.

By the time I was a teenager, everything that had been around when Samantha was there was gone. The wall color had changed, pictures were put up and taken down...

But Henry was always glued to the piano.

The walls of our--Henry and mine--room were littered with drawings I'd done, things that twisted menacingly around the bed. Dad would joke, saying I needed to have a talk with a psychiatrist. Though I'd laugh, I was kind of sure he was right.

Dad and Samantha's wedding photo, which had once hung in their--his--bedroom was now nothing more than a memory he'd rather think of as a nightmare.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 09:12:58 am by Alisa_Crawford » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2008, 11:45:39 am »


is there a second part?

Astral Faery

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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2008, 03:53:21 pm »

Ooh - good writing and nice beginning.  I hope there's more - I'd love to see it.  Craig is a beautiful teen!

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« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 04:26:04 pm »

I love the beginning Cheesy
Can't wait to see where this goes, you write really well Smiley

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« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 06:58:38 pm »

Thanks, guys, but through lots of careful tweeking, there are now changes, which means I need to rewrite. And yes... Craig (in the newer version his name will be Briar) is a beautiful teen, but sadly none of those pictures show it well. For some reason, I can only take one picture at a time, and every time I take another it overwrites the last one. So all those were stills form videos I took.

Maybe I'll have to start posting from Photobucket instead of TinyPic, or do something else. Does anyone know a good way to get fairly good pictures from the Sims 2, other than using the camera?

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« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2008, 07:04:42 pm »

By the way, here's a good picture of the updated Astor children.

Briar in back, Henry in front, standing on one leg. And yeah...there is a reason that Henry has a different skin color than Briar.

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« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2008, 04:09:18 pm »

I'm not sure if you still need help on the pictures but I'd recommend that, if you have a program where you can crop/resize pics, you get a screenshot program.
A screenshot program has hotkeys where you can take a picture of the whole screen and place the pics somewhere on your computer.
The one I use when i need it is located here:  

I'm pretty sure it's free and it works fine. If you don't like it try searching for something like:

'screenshot program' or 'screen capture program'

I hope i helped!

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« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2008, 10:41:20 am »

This is interesting, I can't wait for more!

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« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2008, 02:05:05 pm »

Quote from: bamrd;1272761
I'm not sure if you still need help on the pictures but I'd recommend that, if you have a program where you can crop/resize pics, you get a screenshot program.
A screenshot program has hotkeys where you can take a picture of the whole screen and place the pics somewhere on your computer.
The one I use when i need it is located here:  

I'm pretty sure it's free and it works fine. If you don't like it try searching for something like:

'screenshot program' or 'screen capture program'

I hope i helped!

or Gadwin printscreen Smiley

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« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2008, 03:55:14 am »

That was a really great start!! i hope you update soon Smiley

and oh, cool.. i was searching for a screen cap program that worked, wicked!


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« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2008, 10:20:16 pm »


I go to seek a Great Perhaps

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« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2008, 04:37:03 am »

it's great so far, i love henry, whered'you get his outfit if you dont mind me asking? (11+12 pics)
*claps* more updates please!
and... about the screenshots, are you looking in the storytelling folder or the neighbourhoods one? if you go into neighbourhoods then select whichever neighbourhood, then into storytelling all your pictures should be there. if not then i haven't got a clue. :happy8:

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« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2008, 07:13:35 am »

Quote from: hanster;1276762
it's great so far, i love henry, whered'you get his outfit if you dont mind me asking? (11+12 pics)
*claps* more updates please!
and... about the screenshots, are you looking in the storytelling folder or the neighbourhoods one? if you go into neighbourhoods then select whichever neighbourhood, then into storytelling all your pictures should be there. if not then i haven't got a clue. :happy8:

Oh, my God... That's where they all were! Oh, you are a photo ANGEL! I never would have found them.

Oh, and I got Henry's outfit (I'm guessing you mean the one with suspenders) from the myos website. It's a package of about five or six different suspender outfits, and they are BEAUTIFUL ingame.

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« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2008, 08:09:23 am »

The smell of something burning woke me up again. I wondered for only a second if the house was on fire, and then wondered if we should try and save Henry's piano, but decided that if the house was on fire he could manage without the music for a while.

Halfway down the steps, the smell got worse. "Briar, go back to bed," Dad yelled, not even turning to look at me.
"How do you know it's me?" I called back, not stopping.
"Because Henry doesn't like getting up in the middle of the night, and you make a habit out of it," Dad said, smiling.

"So what are you burning?" I asked, rubbing my hands in front of the fire. I really didn't care as long as I got some warmth. Dad had said time and again that he would get a normal heating and cooling system that didn't have a mind of its own, but it never happened.

"Oh, you know," he mumbled, "things that don't matter anymore."
Ah. That basically translated into, "Shit your mom left behind that she will never see again."

"Okay..." I said, "but without this being a cypher, what are you burning?"

"Her wedding dress," he said slowly. Her wedding dress? Wow, he'd actually done it. Henry and I had made fun of him, because that dress had stayed in his closet for years and he hadn't touched it once. I wondered what made him change his mind now.

The story is fairly old, I guess. Older than me at least, and slightly older than Henry. Our mom would wait until Dad ran off to work (after kissing her goodbye and telling her that he loved her) and then she'd run to phone and call up one of her many, many "gentlemen callers".

From there, she may as well have not had a husband, but she did, and even though she knew it all too well, she'd kiss the men to greet them.
One of the guys she was with actually had a family, though he was never caught. Dad said that all the fun was knowing they could have a younger, maybe prettier girl on the side without the commitment.

I'm not defending my mom, but she knew how to work with what she had. It didn't take her long to get from one thing to another, because she and her "friend" to do everything while Dad was gone. And they got busy...quickly.

They did it on a pull out mattress that was normally used for company, and quickly after she'd clean everything, spray air freshener around, and pretend to be the good wife just as her screw of the day ran out the back door.

It wasn't long before the consequences of her misdeeds showed up in a very real way. She got pregnant. Without any reason to doubt, Dad was happy. He'd rub her belly and talk to it, smiling the whole time...

...and never realize how unhappy our mom had gotten. Whether she was unhappy, knowing what she'd done and seeing that the consequences were showing, I can't say.

Now, most women would have learned their lesson by this time and would have stopped in their tracks, or they would have at least taken nine month detour from their gallivanting. But my mother was a trooper, a worker bee, and would not let her good men down.

Even if there was something very big between them.

Dad always stayed up late on the nights that our mom didn't have her phone to make sure she got home safe.

He only ever yelled at her once about coming home late, and even then she just waved him off, but at the slightest sight that our mom may or may not cry in her "delicate situation", Dad cracked.

He apologized a second later about yelling at her. Me and Henry would always say, though never to his face, that he was too gullible to be married to someone with the slightest bit more brain than him.

The baby was born only a few hours later in their bedroom, Dad not knowing what to do and running around like his ass was on fire.

"Their"--her--first child was a boy, and they named him Henry. Dad knew just by looking at him; Henry wasn't his, but like I said and like you've seen, Dad just can't judge people, let alone a baby who didn't have any say in whether it wanted to be born or not.

So, Dad held him close without thinking anything else about it. He never mentioned it, or yelled at our mom and say that he didn't have to raise Henry because he wasn't his. Dad just held him, and he held him more than our mom would ever hold either of us.

When Henry was about two and a half, our mom was pregnant again, and now I was the lucky owner of a nine month ride in the slimy room of life, commonly known as the womb.

I was born in November, but don't let my mom's face fool you. She was only happy that she didn't look like a walking beached skank whale anymore. Dad put in the skank only after she was gone.

My first memory of life was of Henry trying to distract me from the yelling going on downstairs. Mom had come in late, again, and had kissed a guy on the front steps. It was one of the few times she openly cheated, and though Dad knew she did every time she went out, he never said anything about it...except for that night.

"I don't care if you disrespect our marriage, but you doing that in front of the boys, Sam! You can't do that!" He yelled. Again, he wasn't thinking about himself and used us as his shield to try and show her the error of her ways. It wasn't TV. She wasn't suddenly going to become a good mom and we weren't suddenly going to live in the deep south and talk like gentlemen while mother cooked pies in the kitchen. It just wasn't going to happen.

"What do you care, Ed? Only one of them is yours to take care of!" she yelled back, using Henry against him. Dad never wanted to show it, but the fact that Henry wasn't his did bother him. Henry was the proof that our mom was an avid cheater.

"They're both mine, and ONLY mine, to take care of! I want you out, now!" he yelled, and whether he really meant it then, Henry and I will never really know, but she did leave.

Our mom left without a second glance back. She didn't run upstairs to hold me and Henry again, and she didn't look back while she was drove her car out of the driveway. She just left.

Dad came up just as soon as she was gone and hugged us both, saying it over and over...

"It'll be okay, guys," he said, "It'll all be okay."
Kids and babies will believe anything their parents say.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 09:22:05 pm by Alisa_Crawford » Logged

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« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2008, 01:57:03 pm »

Aw...Poor Henry.  It must be hard on him trying to be the good older brother. Sad

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