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Author Topic: Little Fire Burning (Ch. 85: Till death do us part *23.Apr 16*)  (Read 269030 times)
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« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2008, 07:29:45 pm »

Wow! I love it! You are so good in storytelling (no wonder why you won the Complete the story:Romance contest)!!! I can't wait for next chapter!

Carpe Diem!
Seize the day, life's too short!
Cueille le jour présent, en te fiant le moins possible au lendemain. La vie est trop courte pour ne pas en profiter.
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2008, 02:42:34 pm »

hopefully I can get the next chapter ready by monday. as long as my computer co-operates, that is...

The first 5-6 chapters are finished in writing. I only have to do the pics now.
(and hopefully the net is up´n´go until monday too...)

My site:

Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2008, 02:18:52 am »

love the story and the pics are go great cant wait for more!
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2008, 05:37:42 am »

CHAPTER 4: Homecoming - round 2

"If there are no more complications the next few days, Aidan will most likely be ready to come home next week," the doctor said.
Aidan gave a tiny little smile from behind the bottle - almost as though he understood what the doctor had just said. I joined in. He was going home! 

It had been nearly six painful months for all of us. Six months of walking around worrying about our little son - and brother - lying there alone in a hospital bed when we weren't around. Now the waiting had come to an end.
"Thanks doc," I said, and gave Aidan a careful hug. Only a few weeks ago we had finally been allowed to hold and touch him without wearing gloves and face masks due to a bad infection he'd struggled to get rid of. The doctors still insisted on giving Aidan some extra oxygen through tubes in his nose - but he was breathing on his own now. He was still a bit frail, and still had surgeries planned for the future, but for now he was in as good a shape as could be expected.

He was eating on his own, too, but tended to prefer a bottle over breastfeeding because it gave him a bit less resistance. He needed frequent breaks during meals, and quickly got tired. Only a few days earlier we'd carefully started to introduce Lily to foods like porridge and such, and while she spit out most of it, she was interested in trying. Aidan was still only getting milk with extra vitamins. He was also a bit smaller than his sister - and while Lily had started sitting up with support and roll around, Aidan was far behind her there too, but he had partly rolled over once or twice the past couple weeks, getting tangled in the monitor wires, so we hoped he wasn't too far behind. Both of them were supposed to be roughly on the level of 4 month old babies, so we didn't have too high expectations. Now he only had wires monitoring his vitals, and oxygen tubes to help with his breathing. He'd been moved to the step-down unit about three weeks prior, and had gotten a regular baby bed to sleep in.

A few days before, we'd taken Aidan to one of the family rooms so his older siblings could properly meet their brother, and Tony had been allowed to hold him for the very first time.

He had been over himself with joy, and if I was not mistaken, he was still smiling right now. He had even begged to change Aidan's diaper!

Already from the first second, there had been a strong bond between them, and I saw what I had always seen in Tony - that he was without doubt one of the best big brothers in the world. And from the ear-to-ear smile Aidan gave Tony, I could see the baby agreed with me.

Erica had also been allowed to meet her little brother. She had smiled, pointed at him and happily exclaimed "Aidan baby bother", before staring at him through the entire bottle of milk Tony fed him.

Lily had met her brother for the first time in weeks, too - and I had the feeling she had been really happy to see him again. The two of them had stared at each other with wide open eyes, before Lily had started smiling. He'd smiled back, and grabbed her hand. When we got home, she'd even allowed me to put her down for a while so I could do a bit of cleaning. At times I wondered if she had an invisible connection to Aidan, because she acted as an antenna to his health. If she cried the entire night, suddenly started bawling out of the blue, or refused to be put down, you could bet something had happened to Aidan. She'd been a nightmare during the recent infection, barely sleeping at all.
And now Aidan was going home. Finally we could start being a real family. Not having to visit the hospital all the time would be the best part - and of course the almost six hospital-free months for me before I started working again after the maternity leave.
Life couldn't be better.

When we came home that day, we went straight upstairs to the room we had readied for the twins, to put the final touch on the decorations (Erica's help was mostly limited to testing the toys). The old baby bed we'd used for Tony and Erica had broken a while back, when Tony decided to play pirates with a few of his friends and needed a pirate ship, so we'd invested in a couple sturdier cribs in white.

We'd wanted to give the room to the twins together, and now we finally could. Lily had slept with Peter and me up until now, because it was the only way we could get her to sleep. I hoped this would change once Aidan came home.

A week later, I could finally dress up little Aidan in his own new clothes instead of the hospital wear. In spite of being clothes supposed to fit three month old babies, the clothes were still quite loose-fitting on him.
As we were leaving, I held up Aidan and said "good-bye" with a baby voice while waving his hand toward the doctor and nurses who were waving their good-byes to him. It felt wonderful.

At home, we were met with half our family plus a lot of friends, smiling and waving, and a banner saying "Welcome home, Aidan!"
Everyone wanted to hold him, and since most of them were meeting him for the first time, I could understand it. Tony was overly enthusiastic about it all, and kept the twins very busy doing peek-a-boo games as long no one were holding them. It was wonderful hearing Aidan giggle together with his sister.
That night, the twins slept happily in their beds, which we'd for the occasion put together so they could see each other. The next morning I found them smiling and holding hands through the railings.
Everything felt perfect. 

About a week later we spent their first Christmas at my parents' house, my mom insisting we had more than enough on our hands already. The kids loved all the extra attention and presents, and I was happy to leave all the responsibility in mom's capable hands.

Finally I had all my four children around me - and even though all the diaper changing, crying, feeding and cleaning (Erica and Tony 'helped' a lot by throwing things around and making a mess every so often) took a lot of my energy, I didn't care. I felt so free all of a sudden. We could go for outings in the park, and just be a family again. When Tony and Erica had their tenth and fourth birthday, we went for a big family picnic in the snow. I baked cakes and other goodies, we made cocoa and grilled marshmallows, and everyone had a wonderful time.

Then one night as I was checking on the twins because I heard Lily cry, I found Aidan lifeless in his bed, his skin almost purple. 

Happiness just doesn't last forever.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2019, 05:03:01 pm by Theraven » Logged

My site:

Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~

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« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2008, 11:50:25 am »

i love thisss.
its so goood.

Make not war.

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« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2008, 12:59:22 pm »

great story.
this is amazing

Phillladellphhiiaa Phhhiiillllieess!
woorrlllddd chhhammps!


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« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2008, 07:44:55 pm »

Aww! Just as things were looking up, they go back down. Can't wait to read the next chapter, and see what happens to little Aidan.

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« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2008, 12:22:36 am »

great story! i love it..its so amazing!!

Vampire on the run!

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« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2008, 07:52:18 am »

Lovely story!I wonder what will happen to poor,little Aiden?

"Hold me,
Like you held onto life,
When all fears came alive and entombed me.
Love me,
Like you love the sun,
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart." - Vampire Heart,H.I.M.
Vampire on the run!

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« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2008, 08:14:03 am »

Quote from: ImpishParody;1269038
I loved your previous stories raven, they even reduced me to tears at some points, and this one is shaping up to be on the same level of excellence Cheesy Your pictures are fantastic, I want your graphics card! xD
You're a fabulous writer, keep it coming Smiley

Quote from: theraven
^ well, I want a new computer... graphics might be good, but playing sims is slower than anything. Took me 36 hours to take the last four pics for the third round of the contest. at least it didn't turn itself off while I was playing. Today, It's done that four or five times already - and everything I've done today, is surfing the net.

I'm glad you all like the story - so far at least. (and yes, there is a kleenex warning here, just so you know...)

Yeah,I want your graphics card too!Mine is sh*t.The water in neighbourhood view is just a solid blue strip and it crashes all the time on residential lots. Sad

"Hold me,
Like you held onto life,
When all fears came alive and entombed me.
Love me,
Like you love the sun,
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart." - Vampire Heart,H.I.M.
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2008, 08:35:44 pm »

Sorry about the wait. My net has been messing a lot the last couple of weeks, and my computer froze up a couple of times in a row the last time I used it (you'd think using only Word was not straining at all...). Now it barely starts. And if it does start, THEN it freezes up.... (Someone WILL get a few hard words tomorrow - my comp is barely four years old!)

The story is mostly finished, but I'm having a hard time getting the pics done (if my comp won't work, I can't even get them out of there right now... *cries*). But I'll try to get the next chapter up tomorrow... if it's possible. Can't promise pics right now, though...
Luckily my brother has a (working) computer WITH (mostly working) net...

Vacation, moving to a new apartment, net trouble, computer trouble, vacation without net at all... yipee. NOT!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 06:28:00 am by theraven » Logged

My site:

Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~
Retiered from the sims2

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« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2008, 08:39:44 pm »

Great chapter keep up the gook work

Please do not pm me about happysimmers this site has been close now if you need any thing please look up this forum thank you
The Bird Queen
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« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2008, 08:46:37 pm »

Chapter 5: Heartsick

Sirens howled in my ears, the world around me just a blur of colors. The little body lying on the stretcher had slowly turned back to pinkish again after he'd been given oxygen, but Aidan was still not out of danger. Only a fast reaction from me, starting CPR at once, had saved his life.
I had yelled for Peter to call 911, and as he had ran for the phone, face white after seeing Aidan, the baby's heart had finally started.
While I followed the ambulance, Peter had stayed with the kids since they were still sleeping, promising to come to the hospital as soon as possible. The heartwrenching screaming coming from Lily, Peter desperately trying to calm her down, followed me all the way out the door.
Everything felt so painfully slow. I knew the ambulance drove faster than most of the other cars on the highway, but for all I knew time could have stopped.

Half an hour later, Peter and the kids found me in the waiting room. Erica and Lily were sleeping in the stroller, while Tony looked like he had been crying.
"What's going on," Peter asked me.
"I don't know. They did some tests, and then took him to surgery," I said, tears pressing on.  
He took his arm around me, and so did Tony.

"Have you talked to someone?" Peter said, drawing me into a hug I sorely needed right then.
"They hurried him away so fast," I said, tears dripping down on Peter's shirt as I cried over his shoulder. "They didn't say much."
We sat there in silence, crying and worrying. Three frustrating hours went by, until Celina finally came to tell us the surgery was done.

"There was a problem with one of his heart valves. We've done what we can for him, and he's stabilized now."
She took us to him, and we sat there by Aidan's bed for hours.

It's just so unfair.
Was there someone who did not want my family to live happily ever after?
I mean, why us?
Why my family?
Why Aidan?

Questions without answers.

Two weeks later, we could finally take Aidan home again. We got some medical equipment from the hospital so we could oversee his heart while he was sleeping, and bought breathing alarms to put under the mattress for both the twins - just in case. It was a small comfort knowing we'd have a warning if something like this happened again.  
I found myself almost waiting for the next nightmare.
I didn't know it would happen so soon.
And that it would be even worse than before.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2019, 05:07:01 pm by Theraven » Logged

My site:

Little Fire Burning - Chapter 85 out

~Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain~
Vampire on the run!

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Posts: 71

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« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2008, 12:42:27 pm »

Cool. I don't mind the lack of pics.It took me a while to put up pics in my story too.

"Hold me,
Like you held onto life,
When all fears came alive and entombed me.
Love me,
Like you love the sun,
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart." - Vampire Heart,H.I.M.

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« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2008, 07:09:02 pm »

It's ok. :]
D: What else could possibly happen?!

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter.
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