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Author Topic: Notes from Branwen Prologue  (Read 10158 times)
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« on: July 01, 2008, 06:35:43 am »

My first shot at a Sims 2 story. Tell me what you think :smt106

In these pages I will write the story of my life, I guess I will start off by telling you about me. My name is Branwen DiCaprio, I was born and raised here in Branwen Ridge, haha I know what your thinking, but I find it quite fascinating to be named after a city.

My parents are Miguel and Veronica DiCaprio. Two of the richest sims in this entire city. But just isn't everything.

My father is a lawyer, I don't get to see him much because he's never home. He's always busy with a case.

To me my family seemed perfect. Though my father wasn't around much, I cherished the moments when he was.

However it all went down hill after the disappearance of my older twin sisters Ashley and Ashlyn.

Ashley asked my mom to go to this club that had just opened up downtown called P.U.R.E when my mother said no she freaked and they got into a heated argument.

My mom had to work that night, and while she was gone Ashley snuck out. Ashlyn tried to convince her to stay but she wouldn't listen. So she decided to go with her. They called and taxi...and they were off, that was the last time anyone had seen or heard anything from them. It's been a year now and their disappearance has took a toll on everyone.

Mom soaks up all her pain by constantly drinking until she's passed out on the floor.

Dad throws himself into his job, he's only home 3-4 days a week and even when he's home he just goes straight to his room.

Mom and dad are always fighting now. I'm afraid they might get a divorce one day, I try to make them happy and sometimes it works but not all the time. I don't want them to divorce, our family is torn enough.

This here is my best friend Stacey Gomez

We met each other while attending the same daycare. We would always share our toys with each other, and babble to one another as if we had our own language that only we could understand.

Stacey and I are like sisters, we're inseparable, two peas in a pod. She's the other half of my being. Without her I would be nothing.

But last school year Stacey had to be rushed to the hospital, in the middle of class she passed out.

I was mad, confused, sad and helpless all at the same time. There was nothing I could do to help my poor friend.

She was later diagnosed with Leukemia, she has to stay in the hospital and she can't have many visits. The last time I saw her she wasn't looking too well and all her hair had fallen out.

She seemed so weak and tired, you could hear it in her voice. I couldn't bare to see her that way and I almost cried.

Well I guess that ends the first page of my diary, I need to go catch up on my homework. Goodbye for now.


« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 06:42:10 am by Christian10 » Logged

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:
Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 07:37:54 am »

I read what you've got so far, and it's pretty damn good.
But, here's 2 small cheats for pic taking (Yeah, I do tend to be nitpicky about plumbbobs and thought bubbles appearing in story pics):
-showheadlines off
-PlumbBobToggle off
Astral Faery

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« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2008, 09:50:50 am »

Charming and intriguing so far.  Branwen is a startingly beautiful little girl, and she sure has a rough life.  How awful for her to have so many tragic things happen in her short life.  I liked this so far and hope there's more.  I like the name Branwen, too.  I've considered using that in my legacy sometime.

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« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2008, 02:38:17 pm »

Quote from: SecretAgentZero;1290683
I read what you've got so far, and it's pretty damn good.
But, here's 2 small cheats for pic taking (Yeah, I do tend to be nitpicky about plumbbobs and thought bubbles appearing in story pics):
-showheadlines off
-PlumbBobToggle off

Thanks alot, I forgot about these cheat codes though i've heard of them before. I change it in my next update. If you find any other mistakes feel free to tell me :happy8:

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:

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« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2008, 06:32:57 pm »

haha! i like it pissy chrissy!.....damn stacey toe down!

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« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2008, 12:56:56 am »

Quote from: lilbossy'11;1291175
haha! i like it pissy chrissy!.....damn stacey toe down!

Umm I don't really understand your comment but..thanks anyway. Stacey has Leukemia thats why she looks so ill. :lurk:

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:

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« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2008, 09:00:59 pm »

aww, i feel bad for Branwen Sad her life is so sad, but it is a good story haha, can'twait to read more Smiley

Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me. - Bella Swan, New Moon

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« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2008, 04:58:47 pm »

Chapter 1:: I thought it was addictive love

I wish there was a school expansion pack


Miguel: Dammit Veronica you wouldn't have let them go to that stupid club in the first place they would still be here
Veronica: I was AT WORK I couldn't have possibly known they would've snuck out. However you BUSTER! Were home sleeping on the couch. How do you explain that? these fight always ends up with my mother crying

I wish they'd just be quiet for once. They were so loud last night I couldn't get any sleep. I'm surprised if they didn't awaken the entire city!

In first period today I could hardly keep my eyes open, everything looked like frosted glass and I was just so tired. My parents fighting kept me up all night.

Ms. Birch: Good morning class
Class: Good morning Ms. Birch
Ms. Birch: Today I have some very exciting news! We have a new student with us today, his name is Ravi Custer (RAHH-VEE) and he comes to us all the way from Onagawa, Japan.

My heavy eyes focused on the boy standing in front of the doorway. As soon as I saw him every restless bone in my body sprang to life. "WOW HE'S HOT" I shouted in my mind.

My eyes took in his beautiful black silky hair that rested peacefully on his shoulder, his dazzling light blue eyes, his cute little nose, and his perfect well rounded lips. "EVERYONE GIVE MR. CUSTERS A WARM WELCOMING" Ms. Birch's screeching voice made me come back to reality. I quickly pretended to look at the board before anyone noticed me drooling over him.

I couldn't help but stare at him for the remainder of the period. Already I had scribbled his name on my notebook with pretty pink hearts. A young sixth grade girl...had finally discovered her first true crush.

The remainder of the day flew by, we had a test in English class today and I could hardly conscentrate on what I was doing. The only answer I could ever  come up with was "Mrs. Ravi Custer". Finally it was time for the last class of the day...Dramatics.

Before class started Mr. McCracken announced that we had a new student. Wow new kids from left to right. In math class we got a new girl named Ginger.

Was I surprised when I found out that the new kid was the same cute guy from my first period class?

Does this answer that question?

I blushed a little as I turned my head toward my friend Mayla Primogen to hide my face from him. "Oh my gosh May it's that cute guy I was telling you about from my Science class today.

"Really! Thats him!?" she looked over my head to see him. "Oh he's fine i'd tap that". "MAY" I whispered. "Haha im just kidding Branwen, speaking of your boyfriend he's coming to sit beside you"

I jerked my head to see him walking toward the empty desk beside me. My heart felt as if it were trying to fight it's way out of my chest. My breathing grew harder and harder. Jitterbugs were having a ball in my stomach, and one million things raced in my mind "oh my gosh, how's my hair? Will he like me? Is my lip gloss to glossy? Do I have a planet on my forehead? Does my breath smell? It was endless!

Umm Mr. McCracken? There's an empty desk next to Candace and I said my arch nemesis Angela Ramsey. She turned around and smiled looking at Mayla and I. "Besides im sure he doesn't want to sit beside that bum and her alien companion.

Ravi turns around and walks over to the desk near Angela and her "slave" I mean friend Candace. Leaving the seat beside me empty, truth be told...I was actually glad he didn't sit beside me. But I didn't want him nowhere near that Prada Princess so her negative influence could rub off on him.

Angela Hope Ramsey, she's a stubborn girl yet the most popular in the sixth grade...and seventh! Her parents are high classed sims who came to Branwen Ridge as a summer vacation and fell in love with the place. I wish they'd go back down to the underworld. You may not believe it but me and Angela use to be "freinds" until that day when she called Stacey a bald headed, weak animal who deserved everything she got. It took two security officers to get me off of her.

Speaking of my dearest friend Stacey, I haven't got to see her in two weeks but her parents keeps in contact with my parents. The doctors say that she's doing really well and most of her Leukemia is gone, her last chemo session was today and she should be out of the hospital in one and a half weeks. I'm so happy, im tired of looking at her empty desk in first period and I have so much I need to tell her.

Mr. and Mrs. Gomez have been to the hospital at Stacey's side each and everyday.

Mrs. Gomez is expecting their second child. A little brother or sister for Stacey, she's always wanted to have a younger sibling. Well I really have to go now, Mayla wants me to call her so we can talk about...crushes.


Veronica: DiCaprio Residence how may I help you?
Veronica: Really!?

Mom calls me downstairs, she has this....look on her face, something isn't right. "Branwen...I need to tell you something

It's about Stacey...

« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 11:29:23 am by Christian10 » Logged

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:

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« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2008, 05:32:39 pm »

sorry but somewhere in the update I put bored when it was suppose to be board. By accident.

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:

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« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2008, 06:29:00 pm »


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« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2008, 07:01:28 pm »

Quote from: lilbossy'11;1293072

I try my best:blob6:

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:

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« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2008, 07:02:25 pm »

sorry the prologue isn't working'll just have to read the captions

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:
Astral Faery

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« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2008, 11:22:50 pm »

Ooh - nice cliffhanger.  I sure hope it's good news!

LOL - I laughed about the part where every question made her say 'Mrs. Ravi Custer'.  You did a good job making the sets look like classrooms.  Nice update.

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« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2008, 02:26:47 pm »

Quote from: Astral Faery;1293957
Ooh - nice cliffhanger.  I sure hope it's good news!

LOL - I laughed about the part where every question made her say 'Mrs. Ravi Custer'.  You did a good job making the sets look like classrooms.  Nice update.

Haha thanks im glad someone takes interest in my story. Im sort of pissed about the prolouge not working anymore but oh well. Thanks for commenting :female:

Hey you look bored. Wanna read my stories? Notes from Branwen and The Candler Legacy.:punch:

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« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2008, 11:59:04 pm »

Are the prologue pics still up on Photobucket?

'Cause if they are, you can just repost the image codes in your first post.  That's what I did when one of my pictures didn't show up in my story, and it seemed to fix the problem.

***my sims thread***
"Hey, folks! It's the Saviours of Jazz Ballet
Fearless heroes of kick and spin"
-Saviors of Jazz Ballet (Fear Me, December) by Mew
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