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Author Topic: Fish Out of Water: A Piscine Legacy - Chapter Twenty  (Read 48716 times)
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« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2008, 01:21:19 am »

ohh yeah i was also wondering that x33
your pictures are TOO perfect!
love the story =]


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« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2008, 03:48:26 pm »

YaY Cheesy! Another story!! Ow Sadie u always come up with  great idea's for tales xD, I look forward to read this story just like ur others xD.

PS another story I can add to my favorites Tongue

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« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2008, 05:13:20 pm »

Nice update!  Yeah I use the C key and it works all right for me.  

I'm the stubborn kind, when something works for me, however bad I find I tend to stick to it. *lol*

I tried Gadwin once.  You love it so how could I resist.  However I didn't know where the pictures went once I took them!  Which was frustrating, plus I didn't know how to tell it to put the pictures into a folder on my desktop.  So I gave up.  I probably could have figured out the answers if I wanted, but hmm a bit lazy I guess.

Looking forward to more. Smiley

(1st) Picture Perfect (2nd) The Amazing Race (3rd) Model Swap

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« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2008, 02:54:29 am »

I love this, such an original idea! And your founder is very pretty.

 I used to use the 'C' key, then I found an external program. It's not Gadwin but something else I can't remember.. Pretty easy to use. But yeah, I'll never go back to the C key... I just can't edit the pics when they look all grainy! *shudder* And I hardly ever do contests or anything.

"It's not everyday that you discover you're trapped in a pixel world."
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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2008, 06:22:29 pm »

Another update - but before I start, I have some catching up to do, it seems Smiley

Thanks a lot guys! Cheesy I'm gonna reply generically this time if you don't mind:

There's another program called FRAPS, dunno if that's the one you're thinking of Squirt. Gadwin creates a folder in My Documents called Printscreen Files, and puts the pictures there until you change it via "Destination". It is worth getting used to, honestly Wink A tip from those in the know (like Tenshii) - go into the image tab and make it save as TIFF images. Apparently that's the surest way to get the quality as good as possible before compression (PNG or JPG) starts to mangle it. What I tend to do is edit the TIFF images, then use Microsoft Picture Manager to export them as bulk to JPG, making sure the quality's set to max. JPG's easier on the bandwidth than PNG Smiley

You can find more tips on pictures either in Contest Central or around the main discussion area Wink For now, here's the next chapter.

Chapter Three

These early rises will be the death of me one of these days. Still, at least now I can afford some decent cooking equipment. One thing I was missing in particular was somewhere to wash my hands – I was growing tired of propping myself up in the shower every time I wanted to get clean, and I was quickly feeling grubby upon dry land.

I did so enjoy a breakfast of something other than hot dogs. Admittedly not quite as satisfying, but the difference in taste was refreshing.

After what was becoming a traditional morning swim, I decided to study the cookbook some more. This time I had the means to prepare anything I wished to, and after my initial worry about cooking, I was finding it to be a most relaxing pastime. By the time afternoon came, I dined on truly fresh food... and found myself in a different predicament. What on earth is this tool humans use to eat with? Don’t they eat food with their fingers here?

Apparently not, according to pictures in the newspaper about dining out. It took some getting used to, but I managed in the end. Wouldn’t want to look silly in front of any humans I eat with, after all.

I was accustomed to this other strange ritual of bill paying, too. Why these “companies” feel the need to charge for necessities such as fuel I’ll never figure out. Still, if I don’t pay them I’ll be in trouble, I gather, so I have little choice in the matter.

Things get so dirty on dry land. I found myself with a lot of cleaning to do, and by the time I was finished I was shattered. If I hadn’t risen so early it would be different – I really must get a proper bed when I can. It is nice to sleep outside where the sound of the waves lulls you to sleep, but the dawn chorus of seagulls is enough to stir even the heaviest of sleepers.

There was still plenty of time left in the day when I woke, and I had a chance to give Ariel the praise she deserves for being smart enough to... well, not mess up the house when I have one. It will come in handy sometime, because at some point I will actually have a home and not a box to serve as a bathroom. She is a clever little lady, I’ve grown very fond of her.

Speaking of having a house; I hear there is treasure to be found in these parts. It’s been rumoured that chests filled with riches can be dug up that are worth thousands. If that’s not a reason to find out for myself, I don’t know what is. Luckily I found this old shovel that had been washed up on the beach.

I never did get to find that out, at least for the time being. While I was digging away, I started to feel as though I was being watched.

That man certainly knows how to sneak up on people. He’s been visiting a lot lately; not that I’m complaining, although there’s still something a little... off about things I suppose. There’s something he wants, and I’m not quite sure what it is. He knows I’m still learning about humans and their ways – I can only admire his patience.

We had spent some time chatting on the grass, and night had fallen before either of us had realised. I decided to serve us some salad, although why he had to grab a different plate to the one I’d placed on the table is beyond me. Yes, table! There was only so long I could go without one when I keep getting visitors, although I had to sell the other chair I had. It was worth it however.

He got the idea after dinner to burn off some of our meal, by kicking a little ball between us. I don’t get the game myself, although it was fun trying to get the hang of it – and watching him effortlessly flick the ball with his feet like a professional. He made it look so easy.

I discovered what he really did the other day, too. I thought I may as well join him, and found a different side to him as we sat on the sand. He spoke dreamily of his curiosity about the world, asking me all sorts of questions about my life in the sea. I almost began to miss it as I told him, replying with my own intrigue about dry land and my reasons for leaving the water.

My wondering didn’t stop there, either. I had a genuine interest in learning more about this man; there is so much depth to him, and he keeps pulling me ever further into his ocean. I had to know what he wanted in life, and I got a surprising response.

He said he was fascinated with the spirit world, and would like to see a ghost one day. It seems we have a lot in common, what with our curiosity about the world we live in. I do so wish I could overcome this uncertainty I have about being close to someone; maybe the best approach is to take a step back while I think things through. I need to confide in someone else about this before I think about seeing him again – the more I do, especially now, the more unbearable I find it. Who to turn to, though... and can they help?

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« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2008, 10:03:39 pm »

Yay an update!  I've been coming in and out of insim, hoping for someone to update something because I was unbearably bored.  I usually have something to do!  But, between writers block and no books to read I've been depending on this site!
Great update!  I hope we see some action between them soon, wink wink.

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« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2008, 03:38:22 am »

Okay, I just love that perplexed look when she's figuring out the fork.

And the slow birth of twoo luvv... awwww... Smiley
Sam the T-man
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« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2008, 10:55:19 am »

Hehe, thanks guys Smiley Yeah, it's been a pretty slow process - the CAS sims are always the hardest to fix up 'cause they don't have as long as in-game borns. It was weird with those two - two bolts so they'd flirt, but prolly the LTR was a problem 'cause they kept rejecting each other, too. Still, made for good story material Wink

That picture of her first meal with a fork was well-timed, wasn't it? Cheesy I just caught her about to tuck in and *click* ^_^ Glad you're enjoying it Smiley

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2008, 08:54:03 am »

Damn, all these legacy stories being updated, and mine gets pushed to the third page.. I can take a hint :oops:

I've not proof-read this one so much - I just wanna get on with it so I can play again :angel:

Chapter Four

I got promoted! Thankfully they didn’t request that the “uniform” be returned; I realised very quickly that I would need something more comfortable to exercise in, and I can’t always go for a swim. Happily I also received a hefty bonus on top of an increased salary, which was much needed! I soon referred to my “emergency shopping list” as I was knowing it as; the next of the bare essentials that needed to be bought.

Like a proper bed, which I was only too eager to try out after another restless night. It felt so good to snuggle under the covers with actual walls to block out most of the outside noise. I even slept through the shrieking of the seagulls.

Once I woke and showered, I was eager to find whatever treasures lie beneath my feet...

...and soon made an addition to my shopping list: floors. I still reside for now in a box that merely shelters me from the worst of the elements. Another two items that got added with haste: windows and lights. Ariel will be alright in the dark, but I won’t be able to see a thing.

I discovered little though, sadly. A few rocks and bones – although the bones may come in handy to prevent any strays wrecking the furniture still outside. What I didn’t realise at first was, even rocks can earn a little cash. So much the better, I need every penny if I’m to live in a real house.

I caught such a fright as a fountain erupted from the ground, and found myself darting for cover to avoid the fusing of my legs. Perhaps for now the lack of flooring is a good thing. Still, once the water has been absorbed by the ground, I will certainly remember to avoid digging inside in future.

It was time for Ariel to learn another trick, too. She caught on swiftly, as I had by now come to expect.

Those rocks I found, plus my wages from work, gave me enough to finally purchase somewhere to rest that machine I was given when I first washed ashore. I also heard it was wise to invest in some security for my growing property, especially with that device now on display.  

I was never so glad to own a telephone, as Teddy decided to call. I did still feel a little odd hearing from him again, but we ended up in quite a lengthy conversation about all sorts of things. Any misgivings I had about him soon evaporated as we spoke, although I was still clueless about how to proceed. All I could do for now was continue as we had been, keeping our relationship platonic for now.

Ariel soon cottoned on to my new sleeping arrangements. I awoke the next day to find her staring expectantly up at me and crying, in that way she does when she wants attention.

What else could one do with such a sight? She is an adorable little thing.

As much as I enjoy her company, however, some aspects of looking after a cat leave much to be desired.

She seems to be learning new tricks so well. I wonder if it would be possible to toilet train a cat. There would be no more of this mucky business, that’s for certain.

I was fortunate to befriend one of the ladies who visited me on my first day – Raquel, her name is. The moment I mentioned Teddy, she grew very excited and began to ask me all sorts of questions. I had to urge her back to a steady pace as I explained my anxieties, and she was very understanding. I was so relieved to finally be able to talk with someone about these sorts of issues.

She suggested that I buy myself a mirror and “get into practice.” Since I had no clue whatsoever about romance, I was only too eager to accept – after probing further about exactly what kind of practice I was meant to partake in.

The day after he first called me, he rung again – just as I was about to retire for the evening, as the day had taken it out of me somewhat. It may well have shown in my greeting, but it couldn’t be helped.

I rose with the sun, completely refreshed after being so weary the previous night. In fact I was surprisingly alert, remembering that if I want to progress in the field of dance, I must eventually learn to do so.

Better to look a fool now, than on the dance floor among throngs of humans.

The chill had caught me by surprise, as did these white flakes tumbling gracefully from above. The dancing did stave off the cold for a spell, but after a while of experimentally kicking at the sparkling blanket beneath my feet, the curiosity grew too much to bear. If one can build castles from the coastal sand, what can be done with this substance?

As I sat down to breakfast however, a shudder rippled through my body as I realised that soon now, I needed to build a proper shelter. Winter, as they call it, is here, and to eat in the open air in this icy breeze will do me no good at all.

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2008, 10:10:41 am »

Aw, it's so fun watching her learn about her surroundings and the things that humans do.  At least she got a roof over her head before the snow came!  I look forward to reading more.

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« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2008, 11:21:13 am »

I like the lyrical way you write it's nice. Smiley  

Also yay to another update!  I was hoping you hadn't forgotten. Cheesy

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« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2008, 06:05:41 pm »

finally, more money to explore new "human" things Cheesy
shes moving along quite nicely

:snorting: My Spiffy Thread
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie

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« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2008, 07:42:27 pm »

Thanks guys! Cheesy Just a quick reply before I continue:

@Ari: Hehe, it's fun for me too Cheesy It helps that she's also the playful sort - it all makes her so child-like in that cute, naive sort of way Cheesy

@erica: Forget? How could I forget with all these other legacies being blatantly updated? You all might as well have been nagging me yourselves! :tongue3: :lol: Glad you like my writing Smiley

@YH: Oh, it's about to get even better... Wink

Chapter Five

The substance later melted away, leaving the ground open to another attack from my shovel. It must surely have been a sign from a greater power; I found not one, but two chests laden with treasure; each one selling for five thousand dollars!

It was such a relief I couldn’t tell you. Thanks to this unexpected surge of income, I was able to not only turn my box into a proper house, but I could even add flooring and pretty wall coverings!

I had learned that some people had taken to breeding their pets and, with Ariel being such a darling, I quickly grew excited at the prospect of her nurturing kittens. I heard that an outdoor pet house was necessary for such a task, and happily I was in the position now to purchase one – and still have plenty left over!

It was so nice to finally study the cookbook in comfort, with a roof over my head. So excited was I at being able to cover the walls, I wasn’t so bothered by the lack of appealing designs at the time; ideally I’d like something that reminded me more of home, but for now this will have to do.

I decided to keep the phone in my room for not only convenience, but also so that I would be able to hear anyone who wanted to call. I also chose to upgrade my bed to a double, under another of Raquel’s suggestions. Well, I’ll admit the extra space is nice, although I’m not quite sure why she was so persuasive about it.

She explained about this weather we experience on dry land, and after I told her of my wish to breed Ariel, she was only too happy to point me in the direction of the local pet shop – after making me promise she could own one of the kittens produced. I came home with this little man, who I named Poseidon after an old friend of mine.

Ariel in fact got promoted, adding more to my growing surplus. I decided it was time to buy myself a form of exercise that didn’t require one to freeze in the now icy waters.

Still more training was required for the little lady to progress. This time it was to roll over...

... which, again, she picked up very well – I expected no less by now. She certainly loves to please.

I found myself studying something else a couple of days later; not out of pleasure either, but necessity.

All so I could fix this newfangled contraption, which broke after a mere few uses! I think next time I’ll seek the assistance of someone whose legs don’t turn to fins when they get wet. It didn’t happen, not quite. One scare is one too many though.

Still, the good news is that Ariel has now reached the pinnacle of her career. No more training, unless I wish to of course – there is still the matter of the toilet.

She wasn’t the only one who was going up in the world that day, either. I was being promoted almost daily of late! This particular day though, I was too shattered to feel that delighted – that came later.

After a few days of good fortune, I was feeling brave enough to invite Teddy over. My heart was racing as I reached for his hands, even more so when he clutched mine in return! We merely stood there for a while, a fire inside beginning to burn with enough strength to melt the snow around us. The day really couldn’t get any better.

Or so I thought. He told me he’d hoped our relationship could blossom, saying how much he would love to live by the ocean. The suggestion for him to therefore move in slipped past my lips, and at first I was hoping I could clutch hold of them and force them back into my mouth. I nearly fainted with excitement when he accepted!

I was soon growing tired, however, and had to excuse myself to my bed. How I will sleep with all this happening is beyond me!

If any of you have ever been in the position I’ve been faced with lately, you’ll understand the relief I’m feeling right now! I can understand it must be a steep learning curve for her. The look in her face tells me though, that deep down she’d wanted this as much as I did.

Now I’m able to tell my side of the story, I’d better introduce myself properly. My name’s Teddy Paul and, funnily enough, I’m a Pisces. Co-incidence or fate? Who knows? At any rate it would perhaps explain my love of the ocean, which in turn is partly what drew me to her in the first place. That and I find her childish curiosity adorable, although of course there is more than that to her.

I have to be a little cheeky at this point, as I have a confession to make: although in my current job I, erm, can’t mention as it’s top secret, I’m a designer at heart. I watched her home grow, and couldn’t help but wish to aid its expansion. She has done well in building it up this far, and can only hope she lets me take over the building work. In the meantime though, it’s high time I made some more personal changes...

That’s better; I can see my face properly now! For now though, I must retire myself. Things to do, places to see, cities to sa... erm, build. I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow, that’s for sure.[/I]

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« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2008, 07:01:48 am »

Pictures, gah!  They are so wonderful somehow.  I especially like the solo shot of Ariel.  After so many dogs in my game, it's nice to see a cat.

It was nice to get Teddy Paul's POV.  Interesting names, as I have two characters by those names. Wink  Good names. Cheesy

How wonderful that he is so patient with her.

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2008, 09:59:16 am »

Hehe, thanks Smiley Teddy's a townie, so I had no control over any aspect of his creation whatsoever :tongue3: But my game seems to have a way of generating sweethearts :love2:

Two things that I view as important in legacies or games in general re. townies: empty templates and a modified list of names Wink

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