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Author Topic: The St.James Legacy Chapter One-Three  (Read 6629 times)
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« on: November 07, 2008, 12:35:34 pm »

After much thought and inspiration through the other works I've seen posted here, I havedecided to upload a Legacy of my own.  I hope you all enjoy it. Lori~sahmormakmom~
The St. James Legacy
Chapter One
My life didn't start out like most of you. My mother's history is limited knowledge.  I only know what I've been told about her and my father is even more vague.  I am an orphan in every sense of the word.
According to Ms. Bernice Crumplebottom, she's that old rich witch, Crumplebottom's sister in law, my mother went into labor and gave birth to me in the back alley of Belladonna.
 She said that she was passing by going to the courthouse when she heard the strangled cries of an infant.

Ms. Bernice said that she had seen my mother barely clinging to life in a pool of her own blood still connected to my crying body.
 She called for an ambulance to help my mother.  All that she could manage to get from her lips was that her name was Amanda St.James.
My mother died in the ambulance from the loss of blood.  Ms.Bernice naturally took me to her orphanage.

She placed me in the incubator monitoring me for a while.
That is when she said she took a good look at me.  I had regarded Ms. Bernice as my mother, never knowing my own naturally.  She had said I had the most unusual eyes, demonic as others would later whisper at her out of my ear shot.
Potential parents came and went over the years.

 When I was a toddler Mr.Greene used to visit me regularly.  He had taught me to talk and walk during our many visits.

 He always left saying the same thing to me.  "See ya tomorrow Champ maybe tomorrow I'll take you home." That tomorrow was the longest tomorrow I had never seen.
  It was lucky for me that I had my old bear.  Sure he was ragged around the edges, but he was my best friend.  Ms.Bernice had told me that my mother had the bear next to her when she birthed me so she assumed it was intended for me.  Oh well, if it wasn't it was mine now.

When I was ten, less and less children were being brought to the Orphanage.  I heard people whispering that it was because of me.  I heard Ms. Bernice arguing with the councelmen and the mayor in her office.  They refused to allow the children to come here as long as I resided in the walls.  So she sought out women of the streets by night asking to take their unwanted children when they came.  Very few babies were conveniently left at her door, many were left in the alley where I was born.

I had company even if it was just babies screaming through the next wall, for a few years.

On my sixteenth birthday, I recieved the news that rocked my world.  Ms.Bernice told me that I had to leave.  She said that she was going to give me the money that I was orignally given at birth by the city for being an orphan.  It wasn't much but it was a good beginning for me on my own.  I realized this of course after my brief stint with the psychiatrist.

The next morning I was sent away on the #4 bus, to begin my life wherever it may be.  I had my bear, ragged and torn tucked close to me for protection.  I kept my eyes point to the ground not letting anyone to see them as I boarded the city bus.
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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 12:53:55 pm »

Ooh I like this legacy, its different.....cant wait to read more...

how did you get the baby wrapped in the blanket?

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« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 12:56:07 pm »

It's a fake baby that is supposed to fit in a bassinett.  I used Fat D's Down shift to place the doll in the basket.  Thanks

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« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 04:30:15 pm »

LOVE this, I want more though, Sad

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« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 09:57:00 pm »

oo me likey! go crumplebottom!

I am a Jerry Springer/Nip Tuck God in my sims world.
Is your sim starring in it?

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« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 10:11:09 pm »

Good So Far Smiley

I love the kids hair

is it a boy or girl

btw-where do you geed the naked baby mod

Whoops!<br />didn\'t mean to push that button...<br /><br />BACKSPACE

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« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2008, 09:18:20 am »

It's actually bloom's diaper sometimes their born with a diaper sometimes not.  That particular baby in the birth scene was a girl baby but the baby in crumplebottom's arms is actually the baby being written about.  Thanks

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« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2008, 11:35:54 am »

I rode the bus to the end of its route for hours just behind the driver.   He looked up at me periodically in his mirror. "Hey, you that devil kid folks been talking about in town?"  My eyes snapped up and me with his.  He wasn't afraid of me, he was...curious. Yes that's what Ms.Bernice had said they were.
"No, I'm not a devil child, teen or has been baby.  I'm just an Orphan that no body wanted....Tell me why is everyone so afraid of me?" I said leaning forward resting my arms on the bar.  He glanced at me and smiled a bit before looking about and pulling the bus over flipping his out of service sign.
"It's your eyes.  They aren't like a normal human's eyes.  You were born in the major superstitious part of Belladonna.  You're lucky Crumplebottom's sister-in-law found you and not her.  Shoot she probably would have made sure you smothered somewhere and left you both for dead.  That old coot doesn't have a heart for anyone let alone the little ones.  I don't know how that son of hers lived.  What's your name kid?  Mine's Mervin." He said as he extended his hand to shake with mine.
I smiled thoughtfully at the hand before grasping it firmly as I had been told by Mr.Greene.  I knew it was always important to have a good firm handshake.
"My name is Devon St.James."  Mervin smiled looking at the strength in my young hand.
"Devon is a good name.  My route is over here and I need to return the bus to the lot around the corner.  Where were you headed?"
"A cheap apartment if one is available.  I was too old for the orphanage and was asked to leave on my own."
Mervin thought for a moment then he turned in his seat, popping the air brake and placing the shifter in Drive.  The bus rolled slowly through the dirty section of town.  Garbage rolled down the streets as if Mice and rats were driving them in the breeze.
  Merving pulled in front of a moderately clean building the only one I had seen with a patch of grass and a small pond.  Mervin looked up in the mirror and gave a half-hearted smile. "It's not much, but I know the Landlord he's my sister's third ex, good guy really a shame she couldn't see it, the money grubbing wench that she is.  His name is Dave.  These are what you yuppies would call the projects.  This one is better then those further down the street.  A lot of old folks live in this one.  Good luck in your new life son.  Keep your nose clean, lock the doors at night even when your home, get an education while you can and a job.  Pay all your bills and find a nice girl marry her and be happy.  Best of all, get the hell out of the projects in one piece." Mervin chuckled as he hit the lever opening the door.  I smiled not saying a word as I stood with my bag and trusted friend, bear.  Mervin seen it and chuckled not saying anymore to me.

  I met Dave and he gave me a nice tour of the place.  I chose apartment 7 on the second floor.  I liked the view from the balcony over the playground, small plot of gardens, and the fish pond.  It seemed almost homey in a way.  He asked me if I wanted to use the furnishing inside from the last tenant.  I did for a nominal fee of course.  Found that out the hard way.  Everything was money to these people.

It wasn't great but it was mine.  Dave left and just as I finished with the last of the dirt on the floor sweeping it out the door, a dream in yellow walked up to my door.
My mouth went dry and I had nearly lost my voice.  She smiled at me as she placed my paper on the door mat.
I waved of course like a moron.  Then it happened, she spoke.
"Good Morning.  You're new to these parts.  Welcome my name is Kerie Long.  What's yours?"
I swallowed hard,"My name is Devon St.James." from that moment on Kerie and I talked every morning for the next six months just before she had to run to school.  I found out that I was just three years older then she was.  

After Kerie would leave I would study hard on my books from the local college.  I wanted to be a man of medicine. So I focused my major on Biology.  It wasn't easy. the only times I saw Kerie was in the Mornings for a time.  When I went to work in the late afternoon at the local aquarium. I was in my glory knee deep in fish poop and scum then elbow deep in chum.  The others laughed but I didn't care I had a job and a girlfriend, well at least the job.

One morning, I mustered up the courage to aske Kerie out. But not in the normal way, oh heavens no not the normal way.  She smiled as I grabbed the hat from her head tossing it from the balcony.  It landed in the pond, sank right to the bottom. Then I did it.

 I pulled her in my arms and planted a kiss on her mouth that made my toes curl.
  When we slowly, seperated still holding onto one another, she smiled at me. "I was wondering how long it was going to take you to kiss me?" Kerie joked.  I smiled and shocked her again.
"Move in with me?" I said not knowing what the right and proper time frames were to ask a girl to move in.  She was naturally shocked at first then she agreed.
  I completed my courses for my degree in the university.  I even graduated with honors.

  Living with Kerie and loving her as we have discovered we rather enjoy.

 I know if Ms. Bernice knew the things that me and Kerie were doing she would have a heartattack on the spot.  I knew all the things we were doing were going to get us in trouble on day.  Kerie told me just before I left for the aquarium that she had gone to the free clinic the afternoon before. "I'm pregnant Devon." Those magical words stunned me to the floor my feet couldn't move even if I willed them to.  She started to cry thinking that my silence was a bad thing.  I snapped out of my trance.
"Let's go to the courthouse and get married?" I said calling my boss and telling him I wouldn't be in today.
  Kerie through her arms around my neck absolutely estatic to marry me.  We dressed in our best and walked six blocks to the courthouse.  We made it official.  I didn't think I could feel so much pride. I was a husband and soon to be a father.

  Life as we knew it just couldn't get any better.  The pride I felt every bump in her belly as I traced my hands over.

  It was my child growing within her. flourishing stronger by the day.

  I left for work early in the morning as I normally do. I kissed Kerie's lips as she slept.  At about 10:30 in the morning Kerie called me at the Aquarium.  I wasn't able to answer the call at the time I was helping to feed the sharks.  Forty-five minutes later, I left the aquarium pulling off my wetsuit and scuba gear.  I walked to the phone and called home. Kerie answered obviously in great distress. "What's wrong Kerie?"
"OOOh...I'm in labor...hurry."Kerie cried and panted over the receiver.  I slammed it down and ran to the locker room to get dressed.
  I rushed home tipping the cab an amazing amount of money to get me there in time.
  I ran up the stairs of the apartment complex nearly toppling poor old Mrs. Greg with her groceries.
I ran to the bedroom where I heard the screams coming from.  I sat beside Kerie in shock as I witnessed my son emerge quickly from her body.  He was beautiful and pink.  He had my eyes.

I loved looking at my son that we named Drake as my wife held him.

True to form Two and a half years later, Kerie delivered my second son Kaleb, at home. Just as she had done with Drake.  There were no complications just joy.  I was so proud of her and her strength.  We were still livingin our one room apartment and now we had two boys under the age of three.  

I began working for days away from home on the NOAA research vessel we had a break for about three weeks before we had to head out for another another seven month trek to the antartic to study the whale population.The boys were growing and were looking very healthy.  Kerie was even more beautiful then I had remembered her.
My reunion with her was glorious as always. I did my yoga by moonlight after everyone was asleep to center my thoughts that had been racing since my return home.

The long trips away made it hard on all of us.  But the money was steadily climbing.  I was saving for that old farm on the outskirts of town.  Kerie and I said that It would be a wonderful place to raise the boys.  I could continue with my research but I could do so closer to home and be a veternarian instead of an oceanographer.
I kissed my boys and Kerie Good bye as they slept.  I carried my dufflebag to the awaiting cab, that carried me back to the dock.  My heart sank in my chest to think of the time that I was to be away from my boys and Kerie.
  The months passed by so slowly for us. The research on the whales with my collegues was wonderus.

  Finally after spending the past seven months at sea I return home to a very pregnant Kerie and two energetic boys.  Drake was now five and Kaleb is now two years old.  I was shocked to see how much they had grown since I was gone.  I caressed the swollen belly of Kerie.  Cherishing the precious child within.

  I put in for a transfer to the local aquarium again this time as a researcher on the species that were there.  I was able to be home every night even though it was long after they all went to bed.  
  About a month after my return Kerie went into labor.  She was premature and I had tried to get her to see reason and go to the hospital but she had such a strong aversion to them it was insane.  I sat by her side as she struggled with the baby and my son Denver came into the world.
He was healthy and screaming I cleaned him up and wrapped him in his blanket placing him in the crib.  I returned to a very pale and sickly looking Kerie. My heart ached for her. The amount of blood loss on the bed and still flowing freely.  I grabbed for the phone to call an ambulance.  She placed her hand on mine. "No.  I'll be fine.  I just have to get the placenta out.  This is normal." She said.
I knew it wasn't.  I was the doctor.  Animals yes but still a doctor that knows what the normal birth process was like and experiencing it so often with her twice before. I called the ambulance and while I was on the phone with them giving them the address. Kerie passed away.  I informed them of her passing and they connected me with the local funeral home.
  The day of the funeral was the second most painful time in my life.  I had lost the love of my life.  I stood by her casket with my boys. Her mother never came.  She said she was too distraught to see her baby that way.

I swore through the haze in my eyes that I saw her spirit as we were preparing to have her interned.

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« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2008, 11:45:34 am »

aww thats so sad! poor kerie!
I cant wait to read more!
Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2008, 12:56:07 pm »

Oooh, what a downer of an ending. (The good kind of downer, though, the dramatic kind)
I'll read more of it.........

Post 1,000.

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« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2008, 07:44:05 pm »

o! i didnt c that coming! poor boys!

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« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2008, 08:15:07 pm »

Here I am working long hours at the aquarium and running home to be a single dad to three young boys.  I tell ya, it's not easy.  I managed to save enough money to buy that farm.

 I was actually surprised when Mervin dropped me and the boys off.  Kerie and I had never ventured onto the property to check the place out since back then it was just a dream to us.

  Those first nights alone in this large old house was hard on all of us.  I had begun to drink on occasion in the barn after the boys were in bed.

After a few months had gone by some of the big wigs in town asked if I would be interested in boarding horses for them.  I thought it over and realized it was the perfect opportunity to cut back my hours at the aquarium.  So I took on a horse at first.  I started to get the hang of the farm life.  I began to ride like a pro.

 But the nights were still hard for me.
The boys adjusted easily to their new life and Denver grew like a weed.

 We regularly visited their mother's grave at the St. Christopher's church in town.  She had a lone plot in the corner away from everyone else.  I picked it that way.

Drake, I noticed had become quite the little farmer.  He loves to garden and tend to the small crops we had started to grow.

Time began to go by a little faster for me as I threw myself into my work.  I had a chance run in with an old college friend.  Her name is Vivian Wilder.  She just happened to be outside her apartment in town picking up her paper when I was waiting on the bus.
"Devon St.James is that you? Oh my goodness you've filled out in the last few years." Vivian said as she approached me looking hot in her little dress.

  I looked her over and couldn't remember this woman at first then it dawned on me why.
Vivian used to always sit in the back buck toothed and horn rimmed glasses with her hair in thick pigtail braids the hung limp from her head.  I mentally shuttered at her past image.  I had studied with her a time or two until I met Kerie.
"Vivian.  The years have been good to you.  So what are you doing now?  From the looks of your place your doing well."
"Oh I'm a trauma surgeon at Belladonna Memorial during the week but in the evenings I have this lovely job researching plankton at the aquarium.  They said that one of their top researchers had to adjust his schedule.  It was perfect for me.  What do you do?" Vivian said.

"I am that top researcher at the aquarium.  I lost my wife Kerie a little over two years ago, when my son was born.  So I had to adjust my schedule to be with my boys.  I rather like the new dad role that I've stepped headlong into.  I also train and board horses.  Have you ever ridden before?" Devon asked seeing a natural glow cross her cheeks and a naughty thought crossed his mind.  None of that thought had to do with the animal, just him in the animal's place.
"No, I can't say that I've had the privilege.  Perhaps one day you could show me.  Would you care to join me for a drink?  I'll drive." Vivian asked.  I found myself unable to resist the natural charm she was exuding and my body was feeling urges that I hadn't even thought of since Kerie was alive.  It's nice to know that I'm not broken after all.

 We talked for a good portion of the evening.  I had called the sitter and let her know that I was going to be late but I would tip her well when I got home.
I honestly can't tell you how we ended up in Vivian's closet but let me tell you, if that is what being in the closet feels like then I don't ever want to come out. That woman did things to me I had no idea could be done.  Trust me I thought Kerie and I had done it all.  Obviously, not.

When we finally emerged, it was a wonders the doors still slid properly, I noticed the little lacy number she was wearing and it started my blood to near boiling again.
We dated like this for nearly a year.  Somehow, I was always here in the evening for dinner and dessert.

These lonely nights were making it harder and harder for me to leave and get back to the boys.  So I started to drink again. Secretly.

  I decided that it was hight time me and the boys sat for a group photo.  That was a task in itself.  Drake and Kaleb barely shut up for a blessed second for the camera to catch all of us looking at it.  But Luckily I got it.  I'm so proud of my boys.

It didn't take long for them to run off in the yard trying to find a little mischief to get themselves into.  I watched as Vivian walked up the stone sidewalk to the porch.  She was wearing that hot little number again and I could feel my temperature rising.  The boys liked her well enough I suppose.  She liked to play with them when she came over.  I liked to play with her too, when they weren't around.(sly laugh)
I finally brought myself to the conclusion that I was ready to make that commitment again.  I was now ready to love again. I know Vivian could never replace Kerie.  I wouldn't want her to.  I want someone that I can hold on to for the rest of my life.  I miss that at night, snuggling close against a warm body, smelling the scent of soft jasmine in her hair.

So I approached her and I did it.

"Vivian, I know this isn't the most romantic place in the world that I could have done this but...This is coming from my heart.  I roll over at night and I feel the emptiness beside me, I look across the dinner table seeing an empty chair.  I want you, Vivian, in my life for the rest of our lives.  Will you grow old with me?" I watched as the tears welled in her eyes and she sniffed back her tears. She wrapped her arms around me completely ignoring the glorious two carat diamond ring I had for her.  I suppose it was big enough.
"Yes a million times over Devon I'll grow old with you.  I've been waiting nearly ten years for you to ask me." Vivian said as she snatched the ring from my hand and thrust it on her finger.

Vivian moved in with her German Shepard Jake.  He was a moody thing.  But he guarded the farm well.  So I forgave him of his moodiness.
My drinking still didn't end. By now it was a habit.  Everyone goes to bed I slip out to the barn.

I suppose I indulged a little too much one night because I actually passed out on the floor.  Vivian seen the light coming from the barn and investigated the loft finding me unconscious.

Boy was she mad.  She woke me and took me to the bathroom stripped me down which I generally always did like her to do and pushed me into a cold bath.  She stood over me like an angry mother making sure I scrubbed and sobered up.

After I climbed out of the bath I tried warming her up like I usually do.  Her ice was melting I could feel it in her pulse.

And wouldn't you know, it worked like a charm.  We were mattress dancing within the hour.

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« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2008, 07:28:39 pm »

We settled into our happy home life.  I for the most part gave up drinking altogether.  I know now it's for the better.  My moods still swung from time to time.
  One evening as I was walking to the bus stop I happened to pass by the alley where I was born.  I gave an involuntary shudder trying to imagine what my mother must have been going through in her time of need.  I sank into a guarded depression as my feet moved on their own accord down the alley.  I dropped a few dollars at the feet of an old woman huddled against the wall.

 She wasn't begging but I felt that she needed it.  It was a rather brisk night for fall you could feel the early snow coming.  This woman had no shoes nor a heavy coat.  She glanced up at me and in a harsh raspy voice she spoke. "Take your money!  I don't need it."

"Ma'am?  Surely you could use a few coin to buy some warmth perhaps some shoes to cover your feet?" I said.  She just laughed at me.
"Ah, my dear boy.  you know so little of yourself."
I stared at her in disbelief.

"And you claim to know me?  How have you come to such great knowledge?  I warn you, I am not a believer in soothsayers or false prophets if that is your game." I told her.  She just laughed again clearing the roughness from her voice until it hummed like honey.
"I know who and what you are. We have been searching far and wide for you."
"For me?  How are you so certain that I am the right person." I said just as she lifted her chin revealing the same eyes that I had. For an old woman her face was youthful though it was tattooed in raised designs deep within her dark flesh.
"You are kin to me. Your father still roams this area looking for you.  I swore that you had been born to him and he denies the truth of it.  Do you still have the bear?"  I gave a sudden inhale of breath at the mention of my bear.
"Yes, but it's just a silly ragged old bear. Why?"
"That bear must be protected at all times.  It holds the key to our return.  Your father gave it to your mother to hold in secret.  If it's whereabouts are discovered by the Orknids then they will come and destroy the keeper of the bear and all within it's boundaries."
"Orknids?  What are they some sort of alien?  Tell me of my father so that I may know him?" I found myself asking.

The old woman smiled and gave a slight laugh. "Oh, I see you really don't know.  You haven't been listening to the whispers at night have you?  Very well, Your father, is my only child Kahl Jenson of Zen.  His father is the Lord high master of Zen.  You favor him a great deal, though my Kahl is far more handsome.  I think it is because he bred with one of these inferior beings they call Earthlings.  He told me it was his research that brought him here to this awful place.  He was running by that time from the Orknids.  I had followed hidden in his craft.  We crashed in the thicket of trees in the mountains.  He discovered me when I emerged from the wreckage.  So we lived in some underground hole built for the purpose of protection.  He has blended nicely I believe with the others of this area.  They have him doing something called re-enacting.  They thought his rich clothing and hair were perfect for his job as well as his superior knowledge of weaponry.  That's him there on that poster."

I looked at the image on the poster.  My father, a medieval knight, performing for the masses every evening.  I shook my head and began to walk away as the old woman watched.  

I had a great deal of information to digest that she had just spewed on me.  I boarded the bus and rode silently home.
  It had been several disturbing days since my encounter with the old woman.  I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that she had professed to being my grandmother.  It had been so long since I had even reflected on being an orphan.  This new knowledge even started to affect my love life with Vivian too.  There had been moments when we would be hot and heavy in petting then, it was gone, replaced by deep thought again.

 As if losing it wasn't bad enough, Vivian told me she was pregnant.  It was an ol' great, now I'm going to lose another wife.  I was terrified for her.
  My troubled thoughts began to spill over to our family life.  Vivian spent more and more time with the boys, their bond couldn't have been stronger.  It was me that was feeling so distant and on the outside looking in.  It finally came to a head at dinner.  I noticed that Vivian was looking angry as she was stabbing at her food.

Mistake number one.  I asked what her problem was.  She proceeded to put down her fork forcefully and began to argue with me.  The boys took the que in her voice and cleared out. "Do you really want to know what's wrong with me?  Let's start with you!  When was the last time you did anything with your boys?  They miss you!  How about when the last time was that you tended to the farm and the horses you board?  Exactly!  It's been a while.  Another thing that gets me, is after three years, you still set a dinner plate for Kerie.  At first it was touching now its just plain obsessive.  If you truly want us to get married then you must prove to me that you are ready.

I walked out to the pond and sat on the bench watching the fish suck at the surface. Vivian sat on the couch with the boys letting the guarded tears fall.

"Vivian, don't fight, dad needs you.  Can't you find something that makes you happy?" Drake said  and Kaleb agreed.
"Boys your dad makes me happy, but I am feeling neglected lately just as I know you are too.  I'll go talk to him.  Your happiness is as important to me as my own. Go on and get ready for bed.  I'll be up later to tuck you in." Vivian said as she kissed the boys heads.
  I tossed the last bit of dry grass in the pond as Vivian sat beside me in silence.  I looked over at her and seen how relaxed her face was at the time.

"Devon, I know you have been distracted lately.  I wish you could tell me your problems.  I love you I do.  How can I help you?" Vivian said as Devon pulled her onto his lap.

"I love you too, Vivian.  I just don't know where to start.  I do know that I want to marry you more then ever before.  How about we set a date?"
  A week later I placed a call to the local courthouse and asked if they could send out a judge to officiate our wedding.  We gathered by the moonlight under our homemade trellis as the judge came into the yard carrying his book.  Vivian looked at him and leaned into me.
"You know he bears and uncanny resemblance to you, Devon.  Do you know him?"

 I looked at the man reading us our vows and the shock that filled me nearly burst in my chest.  We got through our vows and the moment that I was able I approached the man.

"Excuse me, are you Kahl?" I asked  getting an unsettled look from the man.

"Yes, I am he.  I was told by my mother that I should come here and find what I have been seeking.  I think she has finally turned mad.  Congratulations on your nuptials." Kahl said as he began to walk away.
"Wait.  I believe I may be what you have been searching for."   He looked at me strangely.
"How's that?  I have been searching for nearly twenty and five years.  What makes you so certain it is you?"

"Because I have the bear." I said seeing the intense shock on his face as he stared at the ragged old bear of my youth.
"Where did you get that?"  He demanded.

"My mother had it with her as she birthed me in an alley.  She lost her life that day.  Ms. Bernice took me in noticing the bear beside my mother she grabbed it for me.  I've had it ever since."
"Give it to me.  It must be protected!" Kahl said.  I tucked the bear out of sight.
"No It is mine!  I have protected it all these years."

"Please, Devon. You don't understand the importance of the bear.  That is how we will get home again.  Inside the stuffing is the key to the portal.  If you lose it then we are doomed to stay here.  Please son, give me the bear."
"No, I can't do that this bear has meant the world to me growing up and I cannot let you take him now."
"Then I cannot help you. Goodnight I'll be in touch."

   Several months had passed since Vivian and I married she is blooming larger and larger. Dr.William Jenkins her OB said we are expecting twins by his sonogram.  Now I am even more terrified.  What if she becomes pigheaded like Kerie?

Vivian swears she wants to go to the hospital.  She wants drugs and the hole kit and caboodle.  I laughed at her but she said she was serious.  She didn't have an issue with the hospital.  She worked in it everyday.  Only now Dr.Jenkins put her on restrictions because of the twins.  So she had to discontinue the research at the aquarium and she had to cut down her hours in the OR.

The boys have really taken to her and the babies.  Denver celebrated his birthday, shortly after Drake.  I was surprised at how much like a man Drake was starting to look.  He even started with a Boy of facial hair. I don't know where the time has gone.
  True to form, when Vivian turned thirty two weeks she was put in the hospital.  There wasn't any complications other than her dilating more then Dr.Jenkins liked.  She was a four.  "Even singletons are admitted at three, Devon if her water was to break right now she would labor very quickly at this rate and you wouldn't make it here in time.  Relax she is in great care." Dr. Jenkins told me.  I wouldn't be reassured until I was able to hold those two squirming pink things and she was able to laugh at me by my side.
  Four more days and I received the call from Vivian in the middle of the night. "Get the boys and come quickly.  I'm in labor."  I rounded the boys up as we sped to the Belladonna Memorial Hospital.
I stood by her side as the first baby, a son slide freely from her.  We named him Jason.  It was the second twin that seemed to take her by surprise.

She was in so much pain trying to bring the baby down.  I thought that the second one was supposed to be easier.
"Relax Vivian let your body do the work.  Devon this twin is large than your son.  That's it Vivian."Dr.Jenkins said as the pain medication wore off and she could feel everything.

Dr.Jenkins exclaimed as he pulled the screaming baby from Vivian, "It's a girl!"  I nearly fainted after four boys, I finally had a daughter.  I cried with Vivian as the doctor whisked the baby away to clean her up. The nurses quickly cleaned and dressed Vivian as I received Jason clean and wrapped in his blanket.

I gazed into the blue eyes of my son.  He was the image of his mother. I walked him over to Vivian as Dr.Jenkins walked our Daughter Kerianne over for Vivian and I to see her all cleaned up.  She looked identical to Jason aside from being a girl.  I was so proud.

    We settled into our new life with twins.  It took more settling from Vivian as she decided to nurse both babies.  She is always tired. Every two hours she has to be up feeding our babies.  but she loves it, she's never without a natural smile on her lips.

  I still wonder why my father has kept such a strange distance from me. The last time we spoke was when he married Vivian and I.  Luckily the vows were legal.  I had to call and verify that the next day at the courthouse.
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