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Author Topic: The Beginning - A Yuri Couple Backround Story  (Read 5473 times)
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« on: November 07, 2008, 08:11:19 pm »

Please forgive the completely un-original title... >.> Anyways, this is the backround story for my favorite yuri couple, Jean/Clarise, aka butch/femme. =P This started as just a little story in my head but as I got down to writing it, it became a monster! Please keep the negative comments to yourselves, this was just something fun, not a formal or serious story, so it's not perfect. Hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing!

The Beginning

Clarise jumped out of her car and slammed the door. She grumbled and kicked the wheel of her orange sportscar, "At least you chose to break down in front of this garage." She sighed and went towards the garage to see if it was still open.

"Hello! Anybody here?" She yelled as one of the garage doors opened for her. She quickly looked around but saw no one.

A woman dressed in messy tank top and ripped jeans came out of the door at the back, startling Clarise. "Hello. Sorry, I didn't think anyone would be here this late."
Clarise assumed she was one of the mechanics from the grease streaks covering her clothes. She smirked a little bit and then remembered why she was here. "I'm really sorry, but my car just broke down outside your shop." She explained.
The woman stared at her for a second and then laughed to herself. Then Clarise realized what she was wearing. She rushed to explain herself. "I must look like such an idiot." She laughed, "I don't usually dress like this, my friends make me dress up when we go clubbing."

"Oh no, I... I wasn't, er, I mean, I think you look fine." The woman stuttered, slightly taken aback. "Oh, well, thank you. I'm Clarise, by the way." Clarise felt a little weird talking to this woman knowing how she looked, but she also felt strangely comfortable with her.
"Jean, nice to meet you." She answered.
Clarise smiled and reached out to shake her hand. From her appearance, she expected Jean's handshake to be rough and her hands to be coarse. Instead, she was surprised by a firm but very gentle hand, and relatively smooth skin as well.

As they broke their handshake Clarise suddenly experienced a sharp pain in her head. It felt like she was on an amusement park ride, going round and round. Without warning, her knees collapsed beneath her. She felt someone catching her, and everything went black.

Clarise slowly regained conciousness. She felt the warmth around her and thought that she might be at home in bed, that everything that had happened was just a dream. No, it was too real to be a dream. She open and closed her eyes quickly and a flash of pain again came over her. This time it was more sickening than the night before had been. She squinted her eyes carefully and moved to get up slowly.

As she got up, Clarise looked around to try and figure out where she was. Definitely not her home. She started to worry about what had happened to her when she saw Jean placed on a chair beside the bed. "Clarise! Oh thank God you're okay!" Jean rushed to help her up.
"I... w-what happened? Where am I?" Clarise said in a slightly strained voice. Still squinting, she sat up. "My house. When you passed out I didn't know where else to go. I hope it's okay." Jean said worriedly.
 "Thank God," Clarise whispered to herself. She didn't know why but she knew that Jean was someone safe to be with. "No, it's fine." Clarise tried her best to smile. Jean helped support her as she stood up. Clarise felt dizzy again and nearly fell to the floor. Jean caught her again. "Bathroom!" Clarise said quickly, as she felt sick again. Jean carried her into the small bathroom next to her room.

Clarise kneeled in front of the toilet and vomited. She frowned as some ended up on her dress.
"Hopefully you'll feel better now... you must've had something nasty in your drink last night." Jean said as she stood in the doorway. Clarise tried to pick herself up again but she was still too weak. Jean quickly helped her up. "Would you mind if I used your shower?" Clarise asked desperately. "Of course, go ahead. But will you be alright?" Jean worried. "Yes, I think so. Thank you." Clarise smiled to reassure her. "I'll set some clothes out for you." Jean said and smiled as she left the bathroom. Clarise nodded gratefully and began to remove her dirty clothes.

She sighed as the hot water hit her body, washing away the dirt and smells of the night before. Clarise wondered what she would do now, she had no way to get home, but nothing to do there anyways. Her strength was coming back now. She washed face and body quickly and jumped out of the shower. Dressing in the clothes that had been left out for her, she went to look for Jean.

She looked around a bit and found her way downstairs where she smelled something cooking. She stepped into the kitchen and found Jean walking towards her carrying a large plate of omelettes. Clarise's stomach grumbled as the aroma reached her nose and she licked her lips lightly. Jean laughed, "Hungry?" Clarise smiled and nodded eagerly. Jean lead the way to the dining room and placed two plates on either side of the table.

As they both sat there enjoying the meal Clarise realized it was past noon and thought about what she was going to do now. Obviously she had to express her gratitude to Jean, but didn't know how she could do it. Suddenly she realized Jean had finished and was getting up to leave the table. "Wait!" Clarise called out without thinking, "Um, I mean, I was wondering if I could do something for you tonight. I mean, you did so much for me and we barely know each other." Jean blushed slightly, "Don't worry, you don't have to repay me." Clarise smiled, "Then how about we just go out to get to know each other better? Please?" she pleaded for a chance. "I.. um, sounds great." Jean said, a little unsure of herself, but with a hint of happiness in her voice.

Jean had to finish up some work around her house that afternoon but when she was done the girls hopped into her car. It was a simple black Ford , just what Clarise would've expected from Jean. Clarise told her to dress up and she arrived downstairs in a fairly plain ensemble, dark layered shirts, black pants and shoes. Clarise laughed a bit as Jean told her, "This is the dressiest thing I own." Clarise knew she must look awful, so she asked Jean if they could stop by her house. They quickly drove in and Clarise changed her clothes, hair, and makeup as fast as she could. She jumped back into the car and they drove off towards the restaurant.

Once they arrived at the club, Jean walked around to open the door and caught herself gawking as Clarise stepped out of the car. Clarise looked at her questioningly, "What? Something wrong?" Jean hurried for an explaination for staring, "No, err... is that what your hair really looks like?" Clarise put it simply "My hair changes a lot, but this is all real." Jean laughed a bit, she couldn't understand how anyone could change their appearance so often. Suddenly Clarise smiled at her and said excitedly "Let's go, do you want to eat first?" Jean looked back a little worried, "First?" Clarise giggled and beckoned for Jean to follow her in.

Jean followed Clarise and was greeted with a beautiful dark victorian and modern style restaurant. They were seated by an older woman at a table near the back, which they both preferred. They both ate their meals, Clarise stealing bits of Jean's steak after finishing her own lobster because it was too small. Laughing, telling jokes and nearly spitting out food, they seemed to be long time friends as they talked about anything that was on their mind without hesitation.

Soon after the food Clarise jumped right into questioning Jean about her life, her work, everything she could think of. She didn't get much deeper than what she already knew: she worked as a mechanic, had a three-story house, a dog named Vader and a cat she had recently received from her aunt that she just called 'Cat'. She had just turned 25 and was already making quite a good living for herself. No boyfriend or relations of the sort, and not very many relatives either.

Jean sat there and answered Clarise's questions obediently, laughing and smiling in between. Suddenly she asked Clarise a question, "What about you? You know most everything about me, but I don't really know anything about you still." Clarise frowned slightly, "There's not much to tell. Nothing very interesting about my life." Jean became a little uneasy and her voice sounded a little sad, "I really want to know, at least a little bit." She pouted a little bit and Clarise sighed.

She started to divulge bits of her life. "Well, here's the part you already know, I go out partying with my friends, at least every other weekend. I don't really have job, although I was a lawyer for a little while. My backround is Chinese, but I'm not proud of it, and I'm 23. All the boyfriends I've had in the past never stuck around for more than a month." She finished and looked down at the table as if disgusted with herself.

There was a small pause as Jean thought about this. Finally she responded, "That's awful... I mean, that last part." without thinking she put her hand over Clarise's. She squeezed it gently and continued, "You shouldn't think any less of yourself because of your past." Clarise smiled and looked at Jean, thankful and surprised at her comforting words, when she realized that she was touching her hand. Instead of withdrawing her hand she turned it so that she could lock fingers with Jean. Jean blushed as she noticed Clarise's actions and looked up to see her smiling reassuredly. Clarise stood up, still holding Jean's hand "Come with me, I have something else to show you."

They stepped out of the elevator on the 2nd floor and Jean's face went from excitement to nausea. Clarise turned around "What's wrong?" Jean was more nervous than ever and quickly walked towards Clarise "I... I can't do this!" She said, looking as if she wanted to run away. Clarise quickly grabbed her hand to reassure her "Sure, I'll be right here." Jean still looked away, embarassed "But.... I can't dance."

Clarise giggled a this. "Fine then, a quick drink first!" Jean looked at her surprised and shrugged as she quickly gulped down the drink the bartender had mixed. Clarise finished hers as well and took Jean's hand once again, dragging her onto the dance floor.

Clarise quickly found a place in front of the DJ and requested a somewhat slow song. She smiled and guided Jean into the place in front of her. "We'll start with a slow dance, okay? Just put your hands here and step back and forth" She said, placing Jean's hand behind her back. Jean held her hand nervously and stepped stiffly at first but soon she picked up on the steps and relaxed a bit.

Clarise held onto Jean tightly and whispered, "Closer." Jean immediately pulled her closer and they felt the warmth of each other's bodies. Clarise looked into her eyes, but instead of blushing like she had expected, Jean looked back into hers. She hadn't really noticed how beautiful Jean's eyes were before that, bright and green, and innocent. Clarise smiled a bit to herself as she saw sincerity in those eyes. Jean's face showed her true feelings, too hard for her to hide, it was obvious that they were both in love.

Before the moment faded Clarise seized the opportunity and grabbed Jean's lower 'back'. Laughing as Jean yelped in surprise. Jean blushed and laughed as well, thankful for the bright lights and pounding music that hid their presence. Clarise smiled and rested her head on Jean's shoulder. They both stood there unmoving aside from the light steps, back and forth, taking in the sounds, the smells and the feeling.

Soon they both realized how late it had gotten and decided it was best to head home. As Jean drove she had a serious and worried expression, and Clarise wondered why she wasn't talking. Suddenly Jean spoke up, "You don't have a car at home, right?" Clarise looked at her confused, "Yeah, you said it was going to be fixed by tomorrow afternoon." Jean sat, still in her thoughtful position. "I can't just leave you at your house with no way to get around." She looked at Clarise for encouragement "You can stay with me... I mean, until your car is fixed, I'll take you there." Clarise felt warm just from the fact that Jean was thinking so much of her. "I'd like that. Thank you." She smiled and leaned back in her chair, happy about not having to worry about arrangements.

They arrived at Jean's house and she quickly led her back up to the bedroom. She started rummaging through her drawers, "I can lend you something to sleep in, if you want." Clarise grinned as Jean threw most of her rather masculine clothes aside and tried to find something comfortable for her. "It's okay, I've already got something to sleep in." She said, chuckling to herself as she moved towards the bathroom. Jean watched her and looked a little puzzled but pulled out something for herself. She finished changing and walked over to the bathroom, "Clarise..." she said next to the door.

"Yes?" Clarise called as she walked out of the bathroom, smiling as she passed by Jean. She stood somewhat stuck in place as Clarise walked by in nothing but her lingerie "Uh... um, I, I wanted to tell you... that I'll be sleeping downstairs." Clarise looked at her as if that was the funniest thing she had heard in years, "Why?" She asked. Jean shifted uncomfortably as she looked at Clarise. "I want you to stay here," Clarise explained. Jean looked away, surprised, "Well, I didn't know... if you..." Clarise smiled, knowing that Jean wouldn't do anything unless she was absolutely sure. But she was tired of leading, she wanted to see if Jean would take a step on her own. She made soft, elegant steps towards Jean, silently daring her.

Jean smiled and reached out towards Clarise, pulling her in by her waist. Putting her hand under Clarise's chin, she led them into their first kiss. Clarise pulled away slowly and breathed out in amazement, still captivated by Jean's soft lips, tongue and mouth that had for only a brief moment explored hers. Jean put on a worried face "Was it bad?" She questioned. Clarise's mouth formed a smile and told her the truth "Not at all," she said, and found herself reaching for another. They kissed again, longer this time, but before she was swept away completely Clarise stopped herself. She quickly slipped into the soft bed next to her and took in the scent that had permeated there, a mix of light flowers and spice. The smell of Jean.

They both lay in Jean's bed and began to fall asleep. Clarise saw Jean close her eyes and her breathing steadily slowed. As soon as she was sure she had fallen asleep she pulled herself up next to Jean's warm body. She reached towards her and wrapped her body around the other woman's, trying her best not to wake her. Jean turned her head towards her, her eyes wide and definitely awake. Clarise laughed quietly as Jean shook her head and smirked, turning over completely and enveloping the petite figure. Falling asleep in her arms, Clarise felt the love she had with Jean would last an eternity.

The End of the Beginning

Alright, so again, I hope you liked it, and sorry that it was so short! In the end I cut out a lot but it's still very squished.
Give me some feedback! =]
Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2008, 12:53:36 pm »

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What parts did you cut out, and why?
Just curious.

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 02:08:42 pm »

It's good, but I hope the parts you cut out wasn't the best ones. And I love your female sims. They're smexy. :3

Sometimes I creep myself out....:chainsaw:
You're under my control...!
Now click this link: My Sims Cheesy
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« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 06:32:01 pm »

Oooh, loving this!

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« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2008, 07:50:11 pm »

man!! that was really awesome! well written, interesting, story. and pretty sims with pretty images to go..


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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2008, 07:34:59 pm »

I definitely would not cut out the best parts, I couldn't do that to you story readers. Or myself. xD I most likely would go crazy knowing I did something so terrible. No, I cut out parts that were more meaningful to me but did not pertain so much to their development as a couple. Most of it was about how their family/lot became as it is now, such as their pets and house. It wasn't really necessary since this is just the story of their relationship.

LadyAz, thank you! That means a lot since I find your writing and sims way prettier! haha.

Thank you for the comments everyone! =] I may continue to write little mini stories on these two if enough people are interested.

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« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2008, 08:51:18 pm »

Oh my! thank you!

I absolutely mean it when i say this is some of the best stuff i have seen in a very long time! *throws confetti*

Stelio Kontos
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« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2008, 05:16:21 pm »

Quote from: Elven_Song;1450525
I definitely would not cut out the best parts, I couldn't do that to you story readers. Or myself. xD I most likely would go crazy knowing I did something so terrible. No, I cut out parts that were more meaningful to me but did not pertain so much to their development as a couple. Most of it was about how their family/lot became as it is now, such as their pets and house. It wasn't really necessary since this is just the story of their relationship.

LadyAz, thank you! That means a lot since I find your writing and sims way prettier! haha.

Thank you for the comments everyone! =] I may continue to write little mini stories on these two if enough people are interested.

*may or may not want an attachment of the missing segments available for download*

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« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2008, 11:30:18 pm »

Thanks again you guys!

Well, if I continue I will definitely put those missing pieces in somewhere. Prolly the continuing story will concentrate more on how their life is now, and that means explaining more about their everyday life stuff. Hopefully I will be able to make it as interesting!
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