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1  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / View art without hobby interest on: October 12, 2008, 11:10:02 am
Okay, so previously I requested to be able to have sims view art from home. This was a misunderstanding on my part on what had changed in the game. I have since figured out what others most likely already understood. The problem is that the sim must have some interest in the Arts and Crafts hobby in order to be able to view any art. So its necessary to get an easel or something and have them work on it just enough that they develop enough interest to view the paintings and sculpture I decorate their home it.

Soooo, if its possible and if you are so inclined, I would like for sims to be able to view art without having to develop the hobby interest first. Since that is how most people would develop such an interest in the first place, it seems a little weird that they have to paint a picture in order to be able to look at somone else's work. Personally, I'm not the least bit artistic but I love going to the museum and craft shows to see what other people have done.

Thank you for your time and consideration,
2  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / Friendship not needed to buy from Witches on: September 20, 2008, 06:43:17 pm
Okay, I really think its stupid that a new witch has to be 'friends' with the High witch in order to buy from her. It's her function and she obviously wants to sell stuff or that option wouldn't be there.

So, if possible, I would really like a mod to fix it so they'll sell their wares to other witches without having to be friends.

Thank you for your consideration.
3  Resident Creators / Mod Requests / view art anywhere on: September 06, 2008, 03:10:56 pm
Recently when I was playing I was confused that my sims didn't have the option to view paintings and sculptures. I was informed that this had been changed to communtiy lots only during Free Time. I am waiting for my copy of Apartment Life to arrive from Amazon so I do not know if this has been changed again with the new ep, but I would really like for my sims to be able to view the art they buy after placing it in their homes.

4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Eyes / Angel Eyes (Sussi recolors) on: September 01, 2008, 02:34:13 am
Let me say flat out with no misunderstandings, I didn't make these I only recolored them.

Okay, so I still love these eyes a whole lot but the originals had too much red in them for my tastes. I thought all the sims who had them looks bloodshot. So I took the red out and did some recolors to get more of a variety.  Sussi's works can all be found at MTS here and the original eyes here.

Not much else to say really. There are 13 colors because I somehow forgot to do more than one shade of brown which I totally meant to do but... didn't.
They come in the following colors:
Light Blue
Pale Blue
Light Green
Olive Green
Brown (kinda dark brown)

That's it. Hope you like them.
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Imperial Hair, Colors on: June 11, 2008, 09:28:43 pm
Hi! I have always loved the 2-for-u's High Ponytail, not sure why but I just always have. A long time ago I asked Ellu here on Insimenator to recolor it for me, and she did a good job. An excellent job. However, now I know more how to recolor I wanted to give it a try myself.

I did the "natural" colors and decided I wanted more. Since I haven't gotten the hang of steaking yet, I went with a whole slew of alternative colors.

The hair is available in teen, young adult, adult, and elder with the elder being the same color as the other ages.

There are sixteen various colors (of which I am not going to attempt to list), all in the same file so you can just delete the ones you don't want. Since I am a rabid X-Men fan, I tried to make colors suitable for every mutant (including She-Hulk) I could think of but they are fine for any sim who likes alternative hair colors.

You MUST download the mesh from here for these hairs to appear in your game. Just go to "meshes", then "hair", and finally the bottom right corner of the second page.

You are welcome to do whatever you like with these, but please give credit where credit is due. Which is mostly Chriko from 2-for-U.
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Imperial Hair, Natural on: June 11, 2008, 09:05:47 pm
Hi! I have always loved the 2-for-u's High Ponytail, not sure why but I just always have. A long time ago I asked Ellu here on Insimenator to recolor it for me, and she did a good job. An excellent job. However, now I know more how to recolor I wanted to give it a try myself.

These are the more "natural" colors. They are color binned but not familied. I removed all unused ages and the only elder is the orangy-red which comes with the mesh that I just recolored the hairband to black. I did include it here because it is a Maxis recolor and not an original texture. Since the elder is also the original Maxis color, I probably should have remove it too, but I decided not to.

There is one black, two browns, two blondes, and three reds.

You MUST download the mesh from here for these hairs to appear in your game. Just go to "meshes", then "hair", and finally the bottom right corner of the second page.

You are welcome to do whatever you like with these, but please give credit where credit is due. Which is mostly Chriko from 2-for-U.
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / Movie Recolors for dizi's OCs on: June 07, 2008, 12:08:35 am

Alright! This was a big project for me, as you can see. What I did was I took some of my original characters and made uniforms for them from SynapticSim's X-Men Colorized Movie set (the more recent one here). Some you will recognize and some you won't from previous uploads.

There is Firewall, Joy, and Sunshine. Then I felt the need to go on and did Zarek from my "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?" contest entry (whom I still simply LOVE), The Three and Marissa (not in the picture because I did forget about her for a little while since I don't think of her as wearing a costume but if Sunshine can then so can Marissa) from Syn's last little contest. But I also felt the need to do a couple that are also close to my heart (I should stop saying that because I really do love all my original characters) Fang and Sanchez.

Now, Fang is a little different in that he is not yet adult in any of my stories yet. However since I was growing up all the rest, I figured I'd do him too. His real name is Victor William Creed, the son of Sabretooth and a little Suzy-homemaker named Jessie. Their story is in "No Place Like Home" (you can find through the link in my signature if interested) and little Billy was born there. Being as he was raised by his mother, he has the abilities of Sabretooth without all the violent tendencies. He can be violent, he has all the instincts, but its not the main thrust of his personality. I will upload the actual sim in the near future.

Sanchez is something else entirely. She doesn't have a codename because she doesn't feel the need. She's an ex-cop who only recently found out she was a mutant. Basically I think she was in denial since she was totally against inheriting the "sight" from her grandmother, setting it in her mind that it was just superstition. Though she knew Wolverine from hanging out at the same bar, she did not come in contact with Xavier's school until a tragedy occurred and a student was viciously attacked and left for dead, she caught the case. Sanchez is the main focus of "Farewell Sunshine" in which the poor girl dies. Sanchez does have a full name, really she does, however she doesn't like it and I can't tell you what it is or she'll hurt me. In the story she's started a relationship with Sam Guthrie, aka Cannonball. Again, I will be uploading the actual sim in the near future.

Now for the good stuff.

Like I said, these are actually only costumes since the sims themselves are already available (except the two mentioned above). The meshes are NOT included! If you don't already have them then, my goodness, why not? All the males use Syn's LBB (though I really should have used the SBB for Zarek), the new version found here. Except Fang who uses the HBB by Marvine and Beosboxboy. The females all use Syn's Adult Female Heels, except for The Three who is on Marvine and Beosboxboy's Female High Heels Mesh. I think that covers all the necessities, if I left anything out just let me know.

I will link to the sims as I introduce them through the rest of this post. (And I will link back to Fang and Sanchez after I post them.)

He has two costumes, the first done by the stupendous SynapticSim as an example for me and which he allowed me to upload. (Both in the same file)

Joy and Firewall
Separate files, one picture.

The Three
I just aged them to adult and changed skintone, added make-up, but they're the same sim. Actually they're all the same sim, it's part of their mutant power which you can read about here.
I couldn't decide which I liked better so there are two only slightly different versions. You might not be able to tell in the pictures but one is lighter than the other. (The light and dark is broken up but all three colors for The Three are in each file, ie: light has the lighter version of the red, yellow, and orange, same for the dark.)



Extra views of her since she's new to you.

It looks like I went a little wild and crazy for her but I just couldn't decide which I liked best. So she has four different costumes. (All in one file.)
Take note of the cut out along the neck on this first one since I went to a lot of trouble for it. Smiley Unfortunately its not very visible with her skin but its there.

The first and third in this picture have some neckwork too. Still can't decide which of the four I like best.

Different skintone but the same sim.
I couldn't make a decision for him either so he has three costumes. (All in one file.)

This is also just an aged version with different skintone and hair.
She's last because I forgot about her and not included in the first picture. I didn't mean to but I don't often think of her as being "in uniform". Just for a couple details possibly missed, Marissa completely fell for Zarek the when he rescued her from a group of people who were selling her ability to heal to the highest bidders. He doesn't feel that he should be in any kind of relationship since he doesn't age but she worms her way into his life and therefore his heart. Isn't that sweet? He tried to dump her with the X-Men but it just didn't work out that way. You can read about her here, though I changed the story a bit. In the actual story the agents didn't find her, the caretakers of the hospital found out what she could do and decided to use her instead. A few years later, Zarek came looking for her at the same time there was a battle with Sentinels outside the hospital. All parties met up and... well, I haven't figured out the rest but I will eventually.

Marissa also gets two costumes. (Both in one file.)
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / dizi's Zelig, aka Firewall on: May 24, 2008, 12:40:24 am
Zelig Daniel Wagner, aka Firewall

And here is a character close to my heart. Zelig was my first X-kid. He first showed up in a story of mine called "Human and the Demon" and is the adopted son of Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler and my original character Jenny. He was actually born in chapter 17. Several chapters at the end of "Demon's Kind" deal with the Wagner's as a family, including them getting Liese and Simon. The more adult version of him is in "What Might Have Been", he shows up in chapter 2 and is more involved from chapter 4 on through the rest (but that story is not yet completed).

I had intended to put his history here but it turned out to be too long, way too long. So it will be after the initial post, but I will put a brief description.

Zelig Daniel Wagner is the adopted child of Nightcrawler and my original character Jenny. As a baby he was most likely attracted to those red glasses of Cyclops. Whatever started it, as he grew up if he didn't go to his parents for assistance with some problem, he went to his 'Uncle Scott'. They were pretty tight and Zelig tried to emulate him to the point that Wolverine called him Scott's "mini-me". It came to a point that it was understood (before it became official) that Zelig would one day take over the running of the X-Men from Cyclops.

In the contest, he ended up in a leadership position much sooner than expected. You can read about his part in the contest here and a further explanation of him and the other characters here. For the sim I did my best to make the strain of this show on his face as much as possible.

Skin- Pooklet's "Compulsion" at Garden of Shadows. Included.
Eyes- Echo66 at MTS, 'Gravel' color of her Mixed Eye Set. Included.
Hair- MYOS at SimsArtistUnion, this one. Included.
Brows-Helaene, 'eva brows', might be on the graveyard as they are no longer on her site, or maybe MTS. Included.
Blush-'Eyelids' by AtomicSpaceKitty (no longer listed for download). Included.
Blush-'Hollow of the Cheek' by AtomicSpaceKitty (no longer listed for download). Included.
Blush-'Mid' male face (makeup under blushes) by Louis@Simcribbing. Included.
Eyeshadow-unnamed male makeup (couldn't find the original download location) by Louis@Simcribbing. Included.
Eyeliner-'Ephemera Asian style Lashes' by teru_k. Included.
Lipstick-'Just Lips-Mid' by AtomicSpaceKitty. Included.
Face Makeup-'Wrinkles' mask, no identification, I think it's layerable (to give that worn and hardened appearance). Included.

(Goodness! He's got more makeup than my female sims. But it was all for that battle hardened look.)

Zelig's clothes are again a combination created from two of SynapticSim's here (I think) and here. The 'X' is actually from the Wolverine and I pasted it onto the costume from the other set after altering the color a little. I think they look good together but what I was looking for was to have that yellow edging on the blue uniform. I thought about going red for "Firewall" (you know, 'red' = 'fire') but it didn't seem to fit him so I kept with a more traditional X-Men blue and gold. His idol is Cyclops afterall, and he wears those colors, soooooo... Anyway, the clothes use The Lean Bodybuilder Mesh by SynapticSim, Marvine, and Beosboxboy.

Personally, I like these glasses by elau on him too. They are not included and are entirely optional but I think they kinda complete his look. I left them off in the contest for some reason. Not sure why, but at the last minute I decided to not put them on him. I generally imagine him in some kind of dorky glasses though whenever I've pictured him as an adult in regular clothes from one of my stories.

However, I did want everyone to see what he regularly looks like, so I am also uploading a 'normal' version of him.

Skin- Pooklet's "Compulsion" at Garden of Shadows. Included.
Eyes- Echo66 at MTS, 'Gravel' color of her Mixed Eye Set. Included.
Hair-by tlkaska at TSR (free download), located here. NOT INCLUDED (packaged with Maxis basegame hair)
Brows-Helaene, 'eva brows', might be on the graveyard as they are no longer on her site, or maybe MTS.
Blush-'Eyelids' by AtomicSpaceKitty (no longer listed for download). Included.
Blush-'Mid' male face (makeup under blushes) by Louis@Simcribbing. Included.
Eyeliner-'Ephemera Asian style Lashes' by teru_k. Included.
Face Makeup-none
Clothes-same as the 'Firewall' verson.

As a bonus, I am also uploading Jenny. I just didn't feel right leaving her out.

Jenny likes to cook and clean. She is very motherly. Jenny is also a normal human. She's just very open and accepting. Jenny fell almost immediately for Kurt, and it didn't take long for him to follow. Soon after she met him, she added a lot of blue clothing to her wardrobe.

Skin- Pooklet's "Compulsion" at Garden of Shadows. Included.
eyes-Echo66 at MTS, "Graveyard Gold" (which is actually a brown color). Included.
hair-pictured with BigBadShar's ponytail which you can find here on TSR, which I just think it suits her. NOT INCLUDED (she comes packaged with Maxis basegame hair).
brows-unknown artist, just says "brownbrows". Included
eyeshadow-Barcelonista, not sure which it is since not identified except by artist. Included.
eyeliner-same, but I think its part of this set on justsims2
clothing is Maxis base game

Both Jenny and Zelig, like I said, are close to my heart. Jenny was my first original character from my fanfiction and she has a large following. Please enjoy them, do what you like with them just give credit where credit is due.

9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / dizi's Joy on: May 21, 2008, 12:40:43 am

Hi, all! Once again I have a character from one of my fanfiction stories. Today we have the daughter of Wolveine and Jubilee. (Yes, I am a W&J shipper, deal with it.) One Joyous Lee-Logan (Get it? "Joyously" Logan, hehehe).

In the story, she is the oldest of four daughters being raised by Wolverine as a single father. Jubilee died of cancer shortly after the youngest was born so Joy is the only one of them to really remember her. She misses Jubilee and having a mother. Because of this she... acted out. To the point that Logan threatened to send her away to Xavier's, though he didn't really mean it, without realizing that was precisely what she wanted. Whenever the girls visited the school, Jean and Scott (who at that time is running the school) fawned over them because they only have boys and both wanted at least one daughter. So Joy wanted to go to the school to be closer to Jean, a good mother figure. (It should be said that Scott and Jean's sons, Rob and Kenny, both have HUGE crushes on Joy.)

Of course, Joy couldn't simply tell Logan that she wanted to go to the school, that would be far too unrealistic for a teenager to speak reasonably to their parent. Oh no, she had to get herself suspended numerous times and expelled three times before asking Jean to speak to him about letting her go to the school. Nobody associated--or especially related--to Wolverine can do something the easy way.
Just to add a twist, remember this is WOLVERINE raising four daughters on his OWN. His girls were not going to be pieces of fluff or victims by anyone's standard, certainly not HIS. So after Jubilee died, he began raising them the only he knew how: he started training them. Logan wound up with the best trained cute little girls there ever was. They also became a little... bloodthirsty. Quick to defend anyone they percieve as 'weak', outgoing, and able to break bones without trying hard is not always a good combination. None of them are to be picked on without serious damage being done. He takes pride in that as well as despairs because of it. We're talking about children afterall, they don't always know where to draw the line. He has not succeeded in teaching them moderation, though their strategy is coming along.

Now, picture all of this in a surly rebellious teenage girl package. A girl with Wolverine's healing-factor, his enhanced senses, his bone claws (stubby and still growing), and better training than most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents get. That was what Logan had to deal with in Joy as a teenager. Not fun.

Since this is the grown-up version I've got here, just take all that to the next level. Beautiful with a bad attitude. Don't tick her off. Joy is tempermental and quick to use her early training. A dangerous woman to deal with. A woman fully able and willing to defend those she cares about to the extreme.

If you would like to read the introduction to MY X-Men universe of this version of the Logan family (I think of the first part of this chaper as "The Trials and Tribulations of Wolverine as a Single Father"), you can do so here. Joy was also used as a main character in SynapticSim and Dracine's "Children of the X-Men" contest, so you can read about her here and here.

I suppose you didn't have to know so much about Joy and her sisters. But it's kinda fun to learn about them, huh? I didn't really have anything in mind when making her or them except to give Woverine a hard time. Seriously, he deserves it. Joy's role just grew. I have plans for her, though in the story she's still a teenager.

As for the sim...

Skin- Pooklet's "Compulsion" at Garden of Shadows. Included.
Hair- Pigtail Prep by Liegenschonheit at Digital Perversion. Included.
Brows- by Helaene, possibly in the graveyard as no longer on her site, the August brows. Included
Blush- none (didn't find it necessary)
Eyeshadow- none (ditto)
Eyeliner- Helaene's 'june-lashes-black', see above. Included.
Lipstick- Bruno, part of the "Chiqui, a Latina Beauty" package. Included

Clothing, now, that's something else. Joy got a whole set of clothes because I couldn't decide which I wanted to use for her. I first recolored Monet's costume from here, making it a darker red. Then I did the same with one of these (not sure which). Added parts from both to make several different uniforms. They all use Marvine & Beosboxboy's mesh which is included thanks to their wonderful policy (thank you very much!). There are four different clothes for her, all in a separate download but one with the sim (I couldn't remember which was which). BTW, used this mesh deliberately due to the more platform style shoes as Joy is a little short in the story and would need the height (she IS the daughter of Wolverine and Jubilee, they are both height challenged).

(The hair in the pictures above is from Seasons.)

This is what you get. Currently, I don't have a teen version but if people want me to make one, I will.

Have fun with Joy, do what you like with her. Just please don't re-upload her without giving me and all the other creator's whose work went into this credit.
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / dizi's Sunshine on: May 18, 2008, 08:17:17 pm

Hi, all! Isn't she pretty? Doesn't she look so sweet? That's because she is!

Let me introduce you to Marian Jessup, aka Sunshine. She is from my stories on (just follow the link in my signature if you're interested). Sunshine, in fact, made her way into three of them, with major secondary roles (kinda) in two.

This is a character created to show the other side of mutant life from the comic books. Sunshine is a mutant, true. However, she has NO POWERS. None. The only thing different about her than a "normal" human is that she is, obviously, yellow. In comic books we always see characters who have some kind of power, something that makes them more rather than simply other. They discuss the 'fact' that there are mutants who aren't very strong or have limited abilities. They discuss physical mutations but show them usually accompanied by some kind of ability or benefit (example: Rockslide, physical mutation but also has properties of ROCK). They discuss a lot of things which we never see, such as the "everyday" mutant.

Well, Sunshine is exactly that. She is basically like any minority, having a different color of skin. How would a mutant like that live in Marvel's universes? Can you imagine her difficulty in finding a job? How she might feel after being rejected by friends and family because her skin color changed overnight? If she lived in the middle of the US, how would she be able to even make her way to a sanctuary like Xavier's? Heck, a government program wouldn't want her except to possibly dissect her. The plight of mutants of this nature are what I would like to see in perhaps a side book to the X-Men. It will never happen though so I write fanfiction about them.

In my stories, Sunshine was lucky enough that her family wanted her away from them and paid to send her to Xavier's School for the Gifted. Barely. She was welcomed there whole-heartedly by X-Men and staff. Students were another thing in that she was often picked on for her lack of powers. Kids being kids and all. At one point she studied under Storm, developing an unhealthy affinity for plants. With financing from a trust set up by Worthington Industries, she eventually left the school to become a florist. Where she hides in the back with her plants and leaves employees to deal with customers who are unaware the store is actually owned and operated by a mutant.

You are welcome to do what you like with Sunshine. I just thought you might like to know about her character as intended by the original author. As I did use her also (again as a secondary character) in a contest held by SynapticSim and Dracine, you can see more about Sunshine here and here.

Don't feel bad for her (even though she does die in one of my stories). In another she will be wooed and won over by a very determined young man who has crushed over her for half his life. Whether she likes it or not, he will ensure her happiness. Eventually.

Now for the sim.

Clothes-recolor by dizi (me!) of SynapticSim's 'Who Wants to be a Superhero?' costume, original here. It is on Syn's Adult Female Heels Mesh (Thanks, Syn!). Both Included
Skintone- by Genesims here. Included
Eyes- recolor by dizi (me!) of Sussi's 'Angel Eyes'. The originals were a little too red in my opinion and made sims look like they had redeye so I just took the red out. Then recolored for the yellow/gold color. Originals located here on MTS. Included
Hair-by DreDo at MTS here and mesh by XM Sims here at the bottom of the page. Both NOT Included (because I made changes, such as colorbinning it and removing unused ages, don't feel right distributing it after making changes)
Eyebrows- are actually Maxis base game (I know, surprised me too!)
No blush (c'mon! can you think of any that would look decent with YELLOW skin?)
Eyeshadow-also by Sussi, can be found here. Included
Eyeliner- again by Sussi, located here. Included
Lipstick- by Helaene, not on her site anymore but might be at the graveyard or something. Included

There is an adult and teen version available for download. They are exactly the same except the clothing for the teen version is on Syn's Teen Female Heels Mesh (Thanks, Syn!) Included

And that's what you get in both/either adult or teen.

Hope you like my Sunshine!
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / dizi's She-Hulk on: May 17, 2008, 08:56:06 pm
Yes! Finally! For everyone to have in their own Sims2 game is dizi's She-Hulk!

Once again, I tribute to Marvel's Jolly Green Giantess, The Sensational She-Hulk aka Jennifer Walters. She is the lawyer turned superhero and back again, can't seem to make up her mind as she loves both occupations.

These are a couple popular pictures of Marvel's She-Hulk. Personally I like the first one better but the second is much more recent. I think it makes her look toxic or radioactive, but that's just my opinion. Besides, what do I expect anyway? Hello, green woman! John Byrne was the writer and artist of "The Sensational She-Hulk" volume 2 which I read and first became interested in her. I thought she was beautiful and funny, and have been a fan ever since. You can find more of his art here.

Now on to the sim itself.

Most of the parts are downloaded, but I did (Yes! Me! I did it!) recolor the skintone myself. Unfortunately, I have no idea who made the original. It wasn't marked. If anyone does somehow recognize it and can tell me how to get in touch with the artist to thank them and get permission, I will do so. Otherwise, I'm counting this as anonymous and free to recolor and upload. Sound reasonable? Hope so, since I just did it.

The male side is a little darker than the female since I just thought it looked better that way. I know it's hard to tell in the picture, but its true. A contributing factor in this decision was that for a long time the artists did make her skin a little lighter than the actual Hulk's. Most likely because she didn't get the full effect of the gamma radiation due to getting it from him.

The included hair is on a Maxis base game mesh but you can find a variety of hair suitable of our lovely Jenn (by your's truly) in this thread.

The clothes are, of course, by Synaptic Sim and the originals found here. I put them on the athletic girl mesh (included per Beosboxboy and Marvine's policy, very much thanks to them) instead of the female bodybuilder because most artists don't show her as big as that one appears (or maybe that's just my opinion). I did it some time back so if you look for it in the bins, you might have to go back a ways.

Other clothing shown in the pictures are by Kathy and Persephone here on insim. The business suit is here and the bathing suit here. (Again thanks to both of these artists.) And the other She-Hulk costume, a more modern one, is once again by SynapticSim and located here.

Eyes are by Echo66 on MTS, part of her 'Graveyard' set. It's the 'Envy' color. She gave me permission to put them on a different schlera but I decided in the end not to do it. I like these eyes, just do.  Included.

Eyebrows by Barcelonista, and are either here or here. Not sure which but this is where they would have to be. Included.

The blush is not identified by artist, so again if you know who did it I would love to know.

The eyeshadow shown is by Tinhen on Garden of Shadows. It is NOT included and the sim comes with Maxis eyeshadow. I recommend downloading Tinhen's from here because it does look much better on her.

Eyeliner by Sussi of the defunct Sussisogoodsims, now held here at MTS. Included.

Lastly, the lipstick is by Nichellerj at TSR here. It is a freedownload and is included. Not sure why I chose red but there ya go.

All that adds up to this face on these clothes.

Hope you like her since I am very very happy with my Shulkie.
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Skintones / Henna'd "Compulsion" on: May 16, 2008, 08:12:51 pm
Hi! I'm really happy with the way these turned out so I hope you like them too.

To begin, let me say that I didn't actually create any of this myself.

From the first time I saw them on Garden of Shadows, Pooklet's 'Compulsion' skins have been my favorite EVER. I simply adore them. She was kind enough to allow me to use them for this project and encouraged me to do it when I first broached the subject. The original skintones can be found here.

The tattoos came from another skintone by Weetzie here on and is located here and here. They're on Enayla's skins and, though I like her skins, I don't really care for them for everyday sims (more for vampires and zombies and such like that). So I extracted the tattoos from the skins and Weetzie kindly gave me permission to use them.

My own contribution came from taking these two elements and putting them together. I took the tattoos for the hands on the second version and converted them to the feet. Then I sort of combined them all together.

There is a small flaw on the design running along the outside and inside of the left foot which I fixed later for the darker skintones. However its only really visible on the medium and it is feet so will generally be covered up with shoes. I don't think it really shows up unless you're looking extremely close-up at the feet. And then probably only if you're looking for it, but I noticed. The flaw, btw, is all mine and Weetzie had nothing to do with it.

There are three sets of all six 'Compulsion' skintones in different mixes of the tattoos. The two darker skins have slightly different colors for the tattoos as the original reddish color didn't look quite right on them. Male and female have the same tattoos because I'm equal opportunity. (Okay, that's not really true. I thought they were a little too girly for males but Pooklet thought they would be fine and it wasn't any real extra work to put it on both male and female, so I did.)

AgingSkins- henna tattoos that progress as the sim ages. Teens start with hands and feet only. Adults add belly and back tattoos. Elders have additional on the left leg.

All tats- henna tattoos on hands, feet, belly, back, and leg for teen-elder

Hands and Feet- henna tattoos on the hands and feet only for teen-elder  

I forgot to take an example picture, but the foot tattoos don't show up very well with the "Sexy-Feet" meshes. However, it does show up with most flat sandals. What I mean is the ones that don't actually cover the foot should show the tattoos still. I did look at them with some custom high-heel meshes where the foot showed and they did appear fine, if a little stretched depending on the mesh.

Thanks again to both Pooklet and Weetzie for allowing me to use their work for this. I'm not talented enough to have come up with anything nearly this good myself.
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / She-Hulk/Dark Green Hair Set on: December 30, 2007, 01:24:35 am
Hey, ya'll!

As some of you might know, I have been working on doing some general hair recolors with The Sensational She-Hulk in mind. I've been finished with them, played with them, and have been happy with them. So now its time to share!

The art is by John Byrne (for those who have heard me before: yes, it's John Byrne not Arthur Adams, my bad!) who was the artist and writer of "The Sensational She-Hulk" vol.2 and I still think he is the best who has ever worked with her. In my opinion.

More recent artists have her looking like this, which I do admit is kinda cool, but I personally think they made her look kinda... radioactive.

Now for the Jolly Green Giantess, I actually recolored 10 different hairs but a couple of them are from paysites or are donation meshes so I went ahead and uploaded them but the meshes are not free. In fact, I didn't include any meshes except for the Jeanette Beiderman because I couldn't find it anywhere. Follow the links for the meshes.

The files are numbered as follows so you can pick and choose after unzipping the files:

#1, by Marko, pay mesh on TSR here.

#2, Myos female hair #11, mesh is free from Sims Artist Union here

#3, Nouk, free mesh here (it's page 9, second down, under Nouk/Genetics/hair)

#4, Ciboulettebis, the "Simple Ponytail", free mesh here

#5 is actually Maxis (don't faint, I like this one)

#6, Roansims female hair #36, donation mesh here

#7, XMsims, pg 21, free mesh here

#8, XMsims, pg 27, free mesh here

#9, the Jeanette Biedermann hair, free mesh (included because I couldn't find where its located anymore, but I believe it originally came from Maxis so it should be fine including it, right?)

#10, Myos female hair #15, free mesh here

Sim credits:
I intend to recolor a skintone that's a little more detailed than the original Maxis for her but I haven't gotten to it yet. When I do, I will upload the whole sim. In the meantime, here's a list of the parts used and seen in the pics.
skintone- The skintones currently pictured are from Genensims and from SynapticSim.
eyebrows- by Barcelonista at Justsim2 (or maybe from modthesims2, I'm not sure, I get confused, it's the same creator either way)
eyes- by Echo66 at modthesims2
eyeshadow- by tinhen at Garden of Shadows
eyeliner (eyelashes)- by Sussi, or SussisSoGoodSims, at modthesims2
lipstick- by Bruno at modthesims2
blush- from Around the Sims, at the bottom left (I actually only used it on the darker skintone)

For the clothes, SynapticSim does have serveral fine costumes for Jenn, Jennifer, She-Hulk, Shulkie, or whatever you prefer to call her. I took this first one and put it on the athletic girl mesh myself for the initial picture, but whatever you prefer. Just check them out here, here, here, here, here, and here if you are so inclined.

All that aside... hey, it's green hair! Don't you have a sim that wants to go green? It can't be just my sims.
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Sims / Dagger! on: October 29, 2007, 11:57:10 pm

A friend at work asked about comic book characters that I like who are NOT X-Men. It took me a while to think of any because I've been involved with the X-Men for so many years that I forget there are other comic books out there, certainly any that are not part of the X-Men 'family' of books. However one of the first non-X-Men titles I ever bought was "Cloak and Dagger". Believe it or not, that was even before they made a guest appearance in the original "New Mutants". For a good synopsis of their history see Wikipedia (there are other places but most tend to leave more out than they put in, mostly in favor of whatever is going on in the comic world now only).

Upsetting for me was that I found better pictures on Deviant Art than any official site. Here, here, here, and here are some that I thought were good representations.

Before anyone asks or gets upset about it, no I did not even attempt to make Cloak. I have stretched my limited abilities as far as they would go with Dagger. Simple recolors I can do with photoshop but this was a little more complex and I sincerely don't think I can attempt to do more at this time. If someone else were to do it... (hint, hint, hint...) I don't think anyone would complain. Also, it wouldn't hurt my feelings any little bit if someone with more skill than me wanted to make a better version of Tandy.

Nobody faint but the costume is ALL ME! Yep, I did it myself. The WHOLE THING! Okay, well, I recolored a Maxis body and then added and made changes, but I did it. And the alpha? Have you braced yourself? I did it from scratch! I sure did! Since this is my very first clothing that I did more than a quick recolor of, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself right now. Oh! The facial marking? I did that one too. Man, I was busy!

hair by helga86, at tsr (not included)
brows by Helaene (included) but I think they're actually listed at simsgraveyard now instead of the site
blush by Helaene (included) same
eyes by bruno (included)
eyeshadow by bruno (included)
lipstick by bruno (included), part of the blossom set
eyelashes by teru k (included due to no policy listed)
skintone by liegenschonheit (included)

Uh, if I've forgotten something just let me know and I'll fix it.

Oh! I know! I've got all expansions and stuff packs if you need to know that.
15  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Wanna dance? on: September 16, 2007, 12:26:53 pm
I think I just haven't recognized how to do it, but I can't figure out how to learn the local dances! Maybe 'dance' is the better word, because my sim wants to learn to hula and I haven't figured out who to do it. In the game, it says to just click on a local who is doing the dance and then ask them to teach you. But I don't get that option. Can anyone help me? Please...
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