Simmers' Paradise => Sims Stories => Topic started by: starlucid on November 29, 2006, 07:54:29 pm

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 29, 2006, 07:54:29 pm
This story is about a haunting.  The name Solitaire's is based on a message captured on EVP (electronic voice phenomenon}
Where the spirit is captured on audio.  It was a female voice that said simply "The Solitaires are always alone, they don't die they hold on...they gather together only to do evil.  This recording was recorded by me in my home it is in spanish and English it was a very strange recording and it definately haunts me.   I will post a link to it later on if anyone would like to hear it.
The story is fiction mixed with some reality of true haunts if you like ghost stories you may like it.
Solitario's Don't  Die

Miguel and Teresa brother and sister had been contracted to house sit a large estate by a lake.  The house had been Empty for years caught up in a settlement dispute by distant relatives.


Miguel:  Well Teresa this is it.
Teresa:  Oh my Miguel it's huge!
Miguel:  Yeah this yard is going to be hell to upkeep...let's get in and check out the condition of the inside I will bring our suitcases in a minute let me find the key...
Teresa:  Oh...this house feels cold and unfriendly Miguel...
Miguel:  Yeah well it's been empty for a long time..
Teresa:  It feels like it's looking at us Miguel.....ugh I don't like this place..
Miguel:  Come on Teresa!  We just got here! Give it a chance...I know it's a little creepy it just needs some work cleaning and all come on let's go in.
Miguel:  Hmm...that doesn't seem to be the right key..
Teresa:  Miguel are you sure no one is in the house?  Honestly I feel like we are being watched...
Miguel:  No Teresa!  It's empty.  Ah here it get to work on the kitchen I will bring in our food just concentrate on getting the kitchen done and dinner for now it's late already we have a lot to do tomorow.
The house was pretty dusty but not too bad.  Teresa got busy in the kitchen and Miguel brought their things in.  Teresa could not shake off the feeling of being watched it was almost unbearable.  Never the less she started dinner and kept herself busy...


Miguel:  Oh man I was starving!  There seems to be water puddles upstairs I mopped them up but I'm going to have to find where the leak is coming from first thing in the morning.
Teresa:  Miguel is there a church nearby?
Miguel:  Yes I think so I will go into town tommorow and ask ok?
Teresa:  Ok.
Their first night was pretty uneventfull they were exausted and there was much to do in the old house.
Teresa had overslept and was still tired as she drank her coffee she noticed in the kitchen window a little girl peeking at her she ran to the window but there was no one there...

Teresa:  Miguel there was a little girl with red hair peeking thru the window earlier.
Miguel:  I doubt it Teresa there are no homes around here for miles..
Teresa:  Yeah well I saw her!
Miguel:  Maybe you saw an animal or something...
Teresa:  I don't think so...
Miguel:  Look I have to go into town I will be gone awhile it may be late try to clean up as much as you can take a walk or something to the lake it's quite pretty there you might feel better and less homesick Ok sis?
Teresa:  hmmm well Ok you go ahead I will be fine.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 29, 2006, 08:21:03 pm
Ok I uploaded the audio file to putfile its very hard to hear and in spanish but you can hear her voice it is right at the beginning of the audio clip the voice at the end is me telling my husband "Did you hear that?"  I did not hear a voice but I did hear noises.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 29, 2006, 08:57:04 pm
Chapter two

Teresa decided to take Miguels advise after cleaning up a bit she took a stroll by the lake there were puddles everywhere the same strange unidentified water puddles she had been mopping up inside the house.
Before she knew it, it had gotten dark and was getting darker she took the path back to the house as she walked one of the large puddles began to swirl and out of it came an aparition..


Teresa stared in shock as the same little girl she had seen peeking in her kitchen window stood up from the water puddle and began to walk away..
Teresa was frozen not really with fear she did not feel threatened by this small spirit but in awe of witnessing a ghost so close up.

Teresa called out to the little girl.....Wait!  Dont' go little girl I want to give you God's is you who make the water puddles everywhere?  Isn't it?
The little girl would not answer she just sort of floated away....until she disappeared....
When Teresa got back to the house the puddles were everywhere!  Teresa had to get to church and talk to the Priest a restless child spirit was not good all children who do not live belong in heaven not caught between worlds the very thought made her feel overwhelmingly sad....the child ghost explained why she felt watched but did not explain why she felt danger in this old house.
That evening Marianna showed up Miguels girlfriend and Teresa best friend.
Teresa was so happy to see her at least maybe she would believe her...
Teresa:  Miguel why didn't you tell me you sent for Marrianna?
Miguel:  Well it was a surprise...

Marianna:  Wow what a great house!  I'm going to mix us some drinks to celebrate!
Miguel:  Yeah Teresa seems to think the house is creepy but I like it I think it's great.
Marianna:  You think the house is creepy Teresa?
Teresa:  There is a child ghost I saw her today by the lake she is the one who makes the water puddles everywhere..
Miguel:  What?  Look I'm going to get to the bottom of the leak problem and I assure you it's not a ghost problem it's a pipe problem just relax ok?  Marianna is here now so you don't have to have your imagination working overtime OK?
Teresa:  I'm not lying Miguel she is real..

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 29, 2006, 09:11:43 pm
That message you heard was wierd star! I couldn't hear most of it. I really only heard you at the end mumbling something. 0.o huh. Well, whatever it was.... creepy!

Good story though.. it's got me pretty confused. that's a good thing though, keeps me interested. :D

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 29, 2006, 09:28:56 pm
Chapter two continued..

Miguel:  I can't find anything wrong with the pipes the plumbing is fine....Damn!  I'm going to have to call a plumber thats going to cost money!
Teresa:  It's not the pipes see call your plumber.
Miguel:  Just leave it we deal with this in the morning..
Miguel:  Where is Marianna?
Teresa:  She said she wanted to take a bath and go to bed I put her things in your room downstairs.

Marianna walked into the bathroom the lights were not working.....she turned to get Miguel when she froze.....she could hear a male voice whispering.....Marianna.......Marianna.....can you hear me Marianna...
The voice froze her she could not run, she could not scream or was so close now in the dark she could only feel her heart beating wildly....

disembodied voice......can you feel me touch you Marianna?.....feel me....

Marianna stood frozen in terror unable to move yet feeling the hot breath of something menacing on her face.....

Marianna managed to whisper between her teeth "Don't touch me"  Leave me alone...barely a whisper did it come out of her...

Just then Miguel walked in and just like that she unfroze..
Marianna:  Oh Miguel I was so scared!
Miguel:  What's wrong?  What are doing here in the dark?
Marianna:  The light it's broken...

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 29, 2006, 09:32:23 pm
LOL!  I feel driven to do this not going to be too long a story but I want to get it out of my system to see if I can focus on my other one better.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 29, 2006, 09:50:39 pm
Chapter three

The next morning....
Marianna:  I believe you Teresa!  There was something in the bathroom last night it scared me to death!
Teresa:  You saw the little girl?
Marianna:  No I didn't see anything I heard a voice whispering in the dark but I couldn't see anything it was man's voice.  It called my was horrible I couldn't move or scream.
Teresa:  Oh Marianna I'm so scared we have to do something I hate it here I feel watched all the time...
Meanwhile Miguel worked on the vineyard and small garden it was a mess this would take forever..

He was tired and worried even level headed Marianna was seeing ghosts now he could not afford to have two hysterical women on his hands this job was going to pay his next semesters college tuition and it was a free place to live what was wrong with those two?
There was a small graveyard by the path that was in total disrepair he thought about calling someone to handle that it didn't seem right to mess with the old graves..
Just then he felt a presence behind him he imagined it Marianna to sneak up on him he would spook her...

He waited until she was almost right behind him he could feel her breath on his neck and he turned around quickly and yelled BOO!

Only....there was no one there....Ugh!  Those two were starting to get to him now!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 30, 2006, 02:39:59 am
Oooh.. caught ya Star! ^^ You might want to switch out of build/buy mode before you take a picture next time (second to last pic). lol. Don't worry, it happens to all of us.

Speaking of pictures, yours are very good now! They really imply the actions and help move the story along. Going back to what your first pics looked like these are excellent! ^^

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: hotrod50s on November 30, 2006, 09:26:02 am
lol i didn't even notice the next to last pic showing the grid i was busy reading story and trying to guess what would particular favorite part was when he booed the ghost lol

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 30, 2006, 12:57:37 pm
LOL! yeah shoot I usually try to watch for that...going to move this story along...

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 30, 2006, 06:46:39 pm
Chapter Four

Miguel:  Oh yeah I got the address of the Church for you it's about 20 miles out.
Teresa:  Good I'm going to drive out there Miguel can I use the truck?
Miguel:  Yeah I guess so I don't need it today...
Teresa:  Marianna will you come out with me?
Marianna:  Yes of course..
Teresa:  Well this is's a beautiful church I hope the Priest will help us Marianna...
Marianna:  He will don't worry..

They walked into the small was dark and there didn't seem to be anyone there.....Teresa heart sank....

Teresa:  Oh one is here.....
Marianna:  Then we will wait for someone don't worry..
Sister Marysue:  Hello there!  Can I help you?

Teresa:  Oh yes please we are looking for the Priest.
Sister Marysue:  He is working in the vineyard is there anything I can do to help you?
Teresa:  Sister we need the help of a Priest.  My name is Teresa Juarez and this is Marianna Lopez.  We are all staying at a house by the lake we are contracted as the caretakers of the property for the year.
Since we arrived three days ago we Marianna and myself are experiencing strange phenomenon in the house.
We have seen aparitions, the house has a bad odor and strange puddles of water that come from no leak.
Teresa:  Sister we are afraid.....
Sister Marysue:  Is it the blue house by the large lake?
Teresa:  Yes do you know it?
Sister Marysue:  yes......I do come with me I will get Father Lozario for you.
Teresa:  Thank you Sister!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 30, 2006, 07:10:16 pm
Chapter Four and half
Sister Marysue led them to a small cabin by the church

Sister Marysue:  Father Lozario these young ladies need to speak with you they are caretakers for the Baker Property.
This is Teresa Juarez and Marianna Lopez.

Father Lozario:  Hello Ladies...The Baker Property? hmm...
What can I do for you?
Father Lozario listened quietly while Teresa and Marianna told him all that had happened in the house.  
Father Lozario:Sister Marysue will you fix us some tea please?
Sister Marysue:  Yes of course...
Father Lozario:  Please sit down join me.

After Sister Sue had served them tea Father Lozario took a big breath and began speaking....
Father Lozario:  The house you are caring for has a history in this is the first home in this area the founder of this town built it for his bride in the 1800s.  His name was Joshua Hope.
He was a very important man in this town and owned a great deal of it in his time.  He had an accident on his farm to treat it he began to use morphine and the story goes that he became a dark evil individual with his use of the drug.  
Aparently he became an abusive individual and one day he lost his mind killed his wife and children.  It was a horrible crime and the town was outraged he was hung on his own property...

Teresa:  Father what a horrible story!
Father Lozario: is...Miss Juarez sometimes places retain the essence of great evil that has occured in it.  No one has lived on that property as long as I can remember it has been maintained well enough but always by outside help, I don't recall caretakers ever living on the property.
Marianna:  Father can you do anything if angry spirits lurk there they could be dangerous.

Father Lozario:  I can come by and do a Blessing of the Property but without permission from the Bishop I cannot do anymore than that.
Teresa:  When can you come?
Father Lozario:  I will come tomorow and bless the home for you.
Teresa:  Oh Thank you Father Lozario!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 30, 2006, 07:15:48 pm
simulatedork!  as you can see....Don Lozario is a celibate Priest in my game!
He has a lot of penance to do from his activities in other hoods! LOL!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 30, 2006, 07:51:47 pm
xD I love that! Sister MarySue and Father Lozario... ^^

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on November 30, 2006, 07:54:00 pm
LOL! he looks great in his priestly robes too! LOL!  Now let's see if he can fight the devil....Oh and Marysue I think has experience since she was married to Daniel Pleasant in another life....

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Dinki on December 01, 2006, 01:01:42 pm
My my, cool story starlucid :) I got shivers when the ghost was talking to the girl in the bathroom

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: hotrod50s on December 01, 2006, 03:27:43 pm
lol i knew don looked familar,but until you post i didn't know why shows how often i play pleasantview or whatever it is called loving your new story

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 01, 2006, 06:26:05 pm
Chapter Five
Miguel:  Hey! Man what's the verdict?
Plumber:  Well.....I still have to go down into the crawlspace underneath and check the foundation but.....I have to say....I can find any leaks anywhere even with our scope.

Miguel:  Man...are you sure?  We have puddles all over upstairs...
Plumber:  Maybe somebody is spilling stuff and hasn't fessed up Miguel I can't find no leaks anywhere maybe you should have the roof checked?  Could be that..
Miguel:  Hmm...I climb up there tomorow and check it out thanks Jeff.
Father Lozario:  I'm going to go ahead and do the blessing not tonight first  as you see I brought someone with me to help me find out exactly what might be going on here.
This Nettie Matos she helps me out in this type of cases where there might be something preternal in a home.  She is a strong devout Christian and also happens to be clarivoiant.  She can see spirits and discern whether they are human deceased or non-human demonic.
She will do a walk thru first and inform us of her impressions.

Father Lozario:  Is that agreeable to all?
Teresa:  Yes Father if you think it will help of course.
Father Lozario:  Ok Nettie go ahead we will wait for you here then.
Nettie:  It should not take long I'll see you all then in a bit.

Netties's abilities made her able to feel the presence of spirits in a home and see them.  Mostly she would see pictures in her head and feel cold or feelings of sadness, anger or rage as she walked into the living room she felt no presence there......
Then she heard soft music playing it sounded very muffled very far.....the room felt overwhelmingly sad and oppresive she could see why the women were not at ease in this house there was definately something here she felt herself being watched but could not yet discern from where she continued walking slowly opening herself more in the dark house yet keeping her protection of the cross very evident in her mind....there was something here something.....angry and hateful......
As she walked across the livingroom she felt a chill.....the piano music was more distinct she was getting matter how many dead ppl she saw they always gave her chills and made her heart beat fast.......
Nettie:  Whispering.......The Lord is my shepard I shall not want.....

The music was loud now very loud and singing of a little girl.....
As Nettie opened the door there stood a woman and a the piano oblivious to her presence.....
Woman:  We have to go Lilly he is coming......
Lilly:  Let's go then....

Then they were gone....just vanished...
Nettie felt her head swim and the strong smell of sulpher she gagged and held her head she could now hear strong banging coming from everywhere......
She tried to see in the dark room she felt a new presence now an menacing one where was it?

Nettie:  Are there any spirits here with me?  Show yourself!  In the name of Christ answer me!  Are you good or evil?
Nettie heard a low growl and menacing laughter behind her she turned to see it...
Demon: Whispering falsetto voice.....What do you think you are doing here......Geeet Ouuuut.....

Nettie ran downstairs she managed to compose herself before entering the kitchen she didn't want to frighten them...although what she had to tell would do that anyway......
Nettie:  Well.....I have much I have seen I will take that coffee now Teresa if you don't mind..
Teresa:  Sure of course...
Demon:  We are going to play a little game will do as I say and I won't hurt your Mommy.....Ok?  A game Lilly.......we will have such fun......

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 02, 2006, 01:55:08 am
Chapter Six


Nettie:  I saw two female spirits human.  They seem to be a mother and daughter they seem not to notice I was there.  I think Teresa it might be the child you have been seeing she had long red hair the adult woman was blond and quite lovely.....they both seemed afraid of a male who the adult said was coming then they vanished....I saw them in the parlor by the piano....these two in my opinion are not dangerous spirits....after they vanished I began to feel very sick...
The room got very oppresive and I felt a negative all around me his smell was awfull and at first I could not see him but he was right behind me he growled like an animal and told me to get out his body put out much heat and.....well he scared me.....this one is not human he is in my opinion perhaps dangerous he was very angry at my presence.......Father Lozario I feel there are more but I did not see them it is my belief the negatives control all the spirits here..
Miguel:  Father please clean this home of these evil spirits I need this job I have not experienced anything here I don't want to have to send Teresa and Marianna back I need thier help to upkeep this house.
Father Lozario:  I will do a house blessing but I must warn you that might make it worse if it is infested with demonic spirits what is needed is a house exorcism something I can't do without permission.....I'm sorry..
Miguel:  Please do the blessing and try to get permission for the house exorcism Father!
Father Lozario:  I will..

Father Lozario did a thorough house blessing and felt nothing out of the norm until he went upstairs when he got to the parlor.....he saw an old woman at the old weaver...

Father Lozario:  Excuse Madam......Who are you?
Father Lozario:  Madam?

frail old woman small's me Donny....don't you know your own mother? tee hee.....heeeeee...
Father Lozario recoiled his heart started beating wildly his mother had died two years ago she had died alone in a nursing home his guilt was unwavering over that.....


Evil Aparition:  You were always a big baby Donny!  You where too worried about yourself and your let me die alone!  LOOK AT ME DONNY LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!  NOW I'M IN HEEEELLLLLLL!
The aparition growled and moved with lightning speed Father Lozario was in shock he dropped his bible and forgot all his prayers....
Father Lozario:  Hail Mary Full of Grace...the Lord is with thee Blessed art thou amoungst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus...



Then it vanished leaving Father Lozario shaking, crying and sick to his stomach he went downstairs but first he had to throw up.....
Father Lozario:  The blessing has failed.....there is an evil entity here I will go to the Bishop and ask permission to exorcise it or have him send an Exorcist here it will be up to the Bishop to decide...I'm sorry meanwhile I think maybe the ladies should stay at the church Miguel....we have space in the nunnery..

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Sleepycat on December 02, 2006, 02:41:22 pm
How did I miss this story?

Wonderful story!

my mom has lived in haunted houses (when she was a child) and I had a friend that lived in one.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 02, 2006, 05:12:45 pm
Chapter 7

Teresa:  Father I will not leave my brother here alone I will stay with him if he remains.
Miguel:  Teresa I know you are scared you don't  have to sis..
Teresa:  I know I don't have to but I will not leave you here...

Marianna:  I'm staying too....there is no ghost that is going to keep me from being with Miguel
Father Lozario:  Well then.....I will let you know after speaking with the Bishop.
That Teresa got ready for bed she noticed it was freezing in her bedroom.....she felt the same uncomfortable feeling of being watched....
She got into bed and said her prayers she turned out the light and couldn't fall asleep....she still felt something was there..
She felt like spiderwebs were touching her legs......finally she drifted off to sleep still feeling not alone but yet so exausted that not even fear could keep her awake..

Bishop Goopaye:  What did you want to talk about Don?  You were very misterious on the phone.
Father Lozario:  You excellency I have been asked to banish a demon which has infested a home.
Bishop Goopaye:  I see......You are certain it is a demonic case Don?
Father Lozario:  Yes the demon attacked me during a routine blessing of the home.
Father Lozario:  I wish to ask for official permission to do the ritual of exorcism on this home your excellency..
Bishop Goopaye:  Don I trust your judgement and I will grant permission and assign an experienced Exorcist you may assist during the ritual do you have signed consent from the home owners?
Father Lozario:  Well......the house is inbetween owners caught up in a property litigation I was petitioned by the caretakers on the property who are being oppressed by the demon.
Bishop Goopaye:  Don.....without consent from the owners I will not grant permission.  Do we understand eachother Don?
Father Lozario:  Yes your excellence..

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Sleepycat on December 03, 2006, 01:24:29 am
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *wants More!*

:lol: love this story!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: oddball011 on December 03, 2006, 10:20:20 am
This is cool

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Loli-Jadwiga on December 03, 2006, 11:01:56 am
awesomeness! ~cheers~ This story is really good!!  I'd definitely love to read more!.. :grin:

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 03, 2006, 02:28:18 pm
Took some pics last night but need more will update sometime today..

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Elven_Song on December 03, 2006, 05:09:48 pm
Wow! Very scary! ^^

Awesome job Star, I love whole the whole sotry's coming together!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 03, 2006, 06:24:31 pm
Chapter 8

That same night...

It had been a long night Marianna wanted to spend some normal couple time with Miguel ever since she had gotten there he had been preocupied with all the negativity of this horrible house..


Marianna:  MIGUEL! I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU! I bought some new lingerie it's blue your favorite color.....
Lingerie has a way of making you just about forget anything nasty at least for awhile....
Miguel:  Marianna.....I want you so much.......
Marianna felt Miguels kisses on her mouth she was so in love with him yet his mouth felt hard and rank what?

Marianna opened her eyes to realize......there was no one there.....

She bolted out of bed terrified yet more furious than anything this thing had somehow put her into an erotic dream with with the love of her life and substituted himself in her arms...
Marianna:  Whispering thru her teeth....Where are you?  you bastard....

She watched a whispy shadow leave through the door...
Miguel from the bathroom:  Marianna?  You awake?  I be right there baby..
Marianna:  Yes Miguel I'm here I'm going back to bed now...

The next morning Father Lozario called with the bad news.....
Teresa:  But Father what are we suppose to do?
Teresa:  But we can't just leave we are under contract..
Teresa:  Yes Father I understand  Goodbye

Teresa:  That was Father Lozario....he cannot get permission from the Bishop not without consent from the legal owners which don't exist yet since the house is tied up in court...
Marianna:  So the church will not help us then.....we are alone...
Marianna:  Last night the spirit tried to rape me in my sleep
Teresa:  What?
Marianna:  Yes it put me into a sexy dream with Miguel and then somehow was on top of me when I awoke....

Teresa:  Omg you have to tell Miguel..
Marianna:  No!  I'm not telling him if I do he will make me leave I wont leave him!

Miguel:  Hey!  I hired a helper he will be staying here with us he should be here soon.  That yard is an overgrown jungle I can't do it alone and this guy seems good he is from the Reservation quiet but seems nice his name is Carlos.  Marianna make your famous cheese cake so we can get to know him when he gets here Ok?
Teresa: Yummm haven't had cheesecake in a long time....

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 03, 2006, 06:27:33 pm
The next chapter will be the final chapter I have all the pictures but still need to upload them to photobucket.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: ~*Jax*~ on December 03, 2006, 07:32:01 pm
Looking forward to it!  This is really good! :D

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 03, 2006, 09:10:49 pm
oh inyri in honor of your story my bishop is ...........goopy LOL! he kind of hard to id in his formal priestly garb but he was my star cameo! LOL! Miguel's girlfriend is also a townie but she disguised I think fairly well.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: ~*Jax*~ on December 03, 2006, 10:07:20 pm
Quote from: starlucid;451084
oh inyri in honor of your story my bishop is ...........goopy LOL! he kind of hard to id in his formal priestly garb but he was my star cameo! LOL! Miguel's girlfriend is also a townie but she disguised I think fairly well.

You can't imagine the amount of glee I had when I noticed!! LOL
Thank you! *blush*
Goopy is my ultimate favorite townie.  Can you tell? LOL

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Elven_Song on December 04, 2006, 01:52:33 am
Great update Star! ^^ I love how you incorporate townies in your stories. I can never do it. They're too freakily ugly in my game 'cause i don't have louis' defaults. I would get them but it would totally ruin a story I've got in pause mode in the moment. (the story sucks already, but the whole thing just wouldn't make sense if all my characters suddenly looked really good) xD

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 04, 2006, 12:13:03 pm
I'm not even sure what defaults I have in my game but townies look way better I like my townies they are so plain they feel real to me somehow.....

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 04, 2006, 01:36:38 pm
Chapter 9

Miguel:  Ahh there's the door bell thats him be right back..
Miguel:  Carlos!  Am I glad to see ya!  Did you have difficulty finding the property?
Carlos:  No not too much.....
Miguel:'s kind of isolated out here so there are not too many houses it can be confused with.
Carlos:  I noticed the terrain is very overgrown it will take us awhile to clear.
Miguel:  Yeah it's pretty bad there is also an overgrown vineyard which is soppose to be restored that is where I have started to clear.

Miguel:  Where are your things Carlos?
Carlos:  I have a bag outside.
Miguel:  Well my sister and girlfriend will prepare a room for you in awhile they have to go together they are sort of spooked in this old house it's apparently haunted.
Carlos:  Haunted?
Miguel:  Yeah long story come have some coffee and cake with us in the kitchen you can meet the girls..

Miguel:  Marianna, Carlos he will be staying awhile to help me clear the land.
Teresa, Marianna:  Hi!
Miguel:  I was just telling Carlos about our nasty ghosts...
Carlos:  I am very interested please tell me.......
Miguel told Carlos the condensed version of the haunt....without the nasty incubus details he was unaware of.......
Carlos: say your priest is unwilling to banish this spirit?  Why don't I get rid of it for you?

Marianna:  Carlos you know how to get rid of it?
Carlos:  Well yes I was trained by my Grandfather he was what you spanish folks would call a Brujo or sorcerer he taught me how to master naughty spirits.
Teresa:  There are many spirits here Carlos how will you do this?
Carlos:  My bet there is only one that shapeshifts to whatever image is most frightening to each person it wants to torment.
Teresa:  Why is it doing this?
Carlos:  It has connected to the property because of some defect in it's thinking it views anyone living or dead as it's enemy in its madness it has aquired abilities not usually found in a human spirit which classify it as a demon in the Christian religion.
Teresa:  How will you banish it?
Carlos:  I will go to its realm and kill it so to speak.....I have the ability with certain herbs to leave my body and walk within it's realm there I have allies which assist me to do what I want.
Carlos:  What I do is somewhat dangerous I will need you to participate if you want me to do it.
Miguel:  Well if you can get rid of this spirit or demon we will all do what we must to help you.
Carlos:  Good we get rid of it this evening after work then.

Clearing the land was backbreaking work Miguel and Carlos did the heavy clearing and Teresa and Marianna harvested some of the fruit on the nearby trees...
Marianna:  Teresa I will finish watering the vegetables and you start picking the apples ok?
I hope there are no snakes here ugh.....

Marianna:  Teresa?  you are not listening to a word I say you are too busy checking out Carlos aren't you?

Teresa:  Don't be ridiculous Marianna I am just taking a break it's hot out here!
Marianna:  Don't be angry Teresa he is very goodlooking...and I saw him staring at you so's a mutual crush?
Teresa:  Come on if Carlos is going to get rid of these ghosts we have to hurry..
Teresa:  Miguel....Marianna and I finished our part hurry so we can have a quick dinner and Carlos can start this before dark.
Miguel:  Ok one more hour you go ahead and start dinner then...

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 04, 2006, 02:06:44 pm
Chapter 9B

Teresa:  Please explain to us what will happen tonight?
Carlos:  I have special herbs we will be heighten our abilities you and the others will take Santa Maria tea it will give you the ability to see all that is occuring but not really leave your bodies unless you have that ability is not dangerous and also legal in this country it's botanical name is Salvia Divinorum in that state you will assist me by using your will to destroy the entity.....
Carlos:  I will be taking something different....which is somewhat dangerous it is called San Pedro it will assist me to enter the astral realm where the entity dwells and enters our own realm...
Carlos:  I have already taken my tea this is for the three of you as soon as it takes effect I will begin my task and you will be able to see it if you concentrate on it...

Miguel:  You are sure of the safety of this herb Carlos?
Carlos:  Yes this is safe do not is an old native american herb even kids use it...but for you I am sure it will be an interesting experience...
Carlos:  I want to sit in the front of the house my feeling is close to the trees in the entrance I will have a better chance of summoning the being the ladies can stay here they will be safe....Miguel you come with me we will wait in the front of the property...
Miguel:  Will you girls be ok here while we go out front?
Marianna:  Yes go Miguel
Teresa:  We will be fine
Carlos:  Drink your tea ladies and we can begin.....
Teresa:'s bitter
Carlos:  Yes but you must drink the whole cup....

It began to get dark and a strange fog rolled in........
Teresa and Marianna were beginning to feel the effects of the tea they felt a strange awareness and ability to see all yet remain absolutely calm and in control.  Time seemed to go agonizingly slow each breath was an infinity.....yet they both felt the awareness of each event within their bodies and on the was very strange....yet not unpleasant.......

Miguel:  This tea is making me really feel strange I feel everything is slowed including my own reactions yet I am able to see bugs on the trees up close and instinctually know what they are doing and where they will go.....
Carlos:  Do not worry Miguel it is only sharpening your senses what you see is what a predator animal sees in the woods what you would see if humans had not forgotten we are all animals.....
Carlos:  It is time for me to go Miguel.....
Miguel:  Go?  go where?
Carlos:  There....Miguel see?  I have already left.....stay alert and watch.....

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: ~*Jax*~ on December 04, 2006, 02:35:13 pm
The fog is a nice touch....
*waiting ... *

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 04, 2006, 03:50:22 pm
Final Chapter
With the aide of the psychotrophic cacti Carlos easily left his body he had done many times before just for adventure this would be the first time he would use his ability to actually fight an astral being....he started to sing his call to his allies he called Lobos felt like eternity in this hideous fog waiting for him....
Just when he thought Lobos would not come he poked his head out of the bushes....
Lobos:  You have not called in a long while........I was in another world Carlos...What are we doing here?

Carlos:  Thank you for coming old friend......I need your help to kill an inorganic being has become malicious within my realm it stalks daywalkers and feeds off their fear.
Lobos:  What do you want me to do?  You have the ability to destroy it yourself.
Carlos:  I have never done this before Lobos I need you here in case it attempts to escape I would like you to imobolize it.
Lobos:  Use your call for the crow it will bring The Unrighteous dead they cannot escape it's influence...I will hold it while you kill it go ahead then...


Carlos began the call of the Crow it was not long before something appeared in the path...
Teresa:  Marianna......are seeing?...

Lobos:  It is coming prepare!

Carlos stood up and began to manipulate his will to bring the being closer..

Being:  I am Joshua Hope.  How is it that you have summoned me here?
Carlos:  I am a Dream Walker I have come to walk your realm to find you.
Being:  To find me?  For what?  I rule here this place is mine!
Carlos:  I came to find you and destroy you.  You are guilty of crossing realms and causing evil outside your own realm..
Joshua Hope:  Hah!  You have no power over me you are just a man.

Carlos:  No you are wrong I am a Dream Walker and in this realm I am whatever I choose to be and what I choose to be is your murdered your family in life and the townsmen killed your body but left your evil essence behind it has grown into a spoiled shapeshifting coward that enjoys frightening women...I will now correct you by sending you into a realm of worms where you belong there you will cocoon for eternity until you grow into something beautiful instead of the worm you are now...

Joshua Hope:  Who are you?  How dare you?......Why can't I move?....
Carlos:  I suggest you dont' struggle hurts less when you don't will rest from your madness where I am sending......Go Now!
Joshua Hope:  Argh!........

Joshua Hope:  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?  I ....FEEL PAIN!....
Carlos:  Yes it is a reminder of what you were before will stop when you finally arrive to rest...
Lobos:  He is going now he will not bother you anymore....I am leaving as well....until your next dream Carlos then....
Carlos:  Goodbye friend...
Carlos wanted one more thing before he left this realm the other spirits would soon leave without this instigator here to torment them.....but he wanted a reward before he went back to his body after all he had done a favor.........
Teresa:  How is it that I am here?  I have not left my seat?
Carlos:  I brought you here...
Teresa:  I saw it all he is gone....really gone...
Carlos:  Yes........but there is something I have to do before I go back to my body and you to yours...
Teresa:  What?
Carlos:  This..
Carlos:  Now...Go back to your body and remember....remember...
Miguel:  Oh my God!  It is over!
Carlos:  Yes it is over stay put for awhile you will be a little groggy...
Marianna:  Teresa I think it's over I remember some but I still feel groggy...kind of confused...
Teresa:  I remember everything.....

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Elven_Song on December 04, 2006, 04:40:56 pm
^^ Great ending Star! I loved the whole thing. The whole experience at the end was really interesting. Another awesome story, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in Sarah and Melvin's story now that this one is done. :D

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 04, 2006, 04:46:30 pm
thanks elven I have that story on hold until I can do it justice hopefully soon...

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Sleepycat on December 04, 2006, 05:03:07 pm
Wonderful story!!!! *claps*

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: ~*Jax*~ on December 04, 2006, 05:51:03 pm
Brava! Brava! Bravissimo!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 04, 2006, 06:51:34 pm
aww thanks! This story was so weird but fun to do...

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Bev in NY on December 06, 2006, 03:04:09 pm
Very good story and nice pics too...i will check out your future ones as well...thanx for sharing them..

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on December 06, 2006, 03:19:26 pm
Thanks I'm really trying to do better pics hopefully I will get better I have some ideas for new stories but still stumped on my voodoo one..sighs...

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Rue on December 12, 2006, 10:47:26 am
This was very interesting, a really good idea. I think I´ll start using the fog from now on, those pics were outstanding.

A hint for future writing: try to add some interpunction into your sentences, it will make them easier to read.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: LadyAzmodan on January 11, 2007, 09:47:19 am
that was GREAT! - sorry it took so long to read it, but i read half and then kinda forgot.. but now i finished it, and its a reallly good ghost story! :)

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on January 11, 2007, 07:25:19 pm
LOL! thanks Lady! I love a good ghost story!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: LadyAzmodan on January 13, 2007, 10:14:45 am
oh me too :) and  i LOVED the priests mom, she was abslutely perfect!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on January 13, 2007, 12:26:43 pm
lol!  I borowed the idea from the exorcist...the demon in the story tormented the priest with visions of his dying senile mother.  It was so evil and such a low blow imho completely evil.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: hotrod50s on February 14, 2007, 09:33:02 am
yay i found the one i was looking for lol i couldn't remeber the title and started at the begginning to see if it was this one you did real well with it,great looking sims too females are always pretty and your dudes look good too(take that as a big compliment from me lol i am not into dudes at all)you have a really neat knack for capturing the right pics to make your stories great another fantastic job:)

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: starlucid on February 14, 2007, 11:32:17 pm
Thanks hotrod!  I loved doing this story it's strange one as most of my stories.
I been craving doing a victorian story maybe a little gothic and moody.  First I want get some expansion packs at least nightlife.

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: simenroute on March 18, 2007, 01:22:03 pm
So spooky! And your pictures are great -- very atmospheric. I don't even know how you managed to make some them. Great job!

Title: Solitarios Don't Die... Final Chapter up now!
Post by: Jade21 on April 11, 2007, 01:31:29 pm
Fabulios story,Star!I enjoyed it very much!Just wondering can u do a extra chapter:"What happend with Carlos and Teresa" :D But it's a great story anyway!Hope u do another one soon :worship:

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