Simmers' Paradise => General Sims 2 Help => Topic started by: plastikjess on January 19, 2009, 09:23:55 am

Title: Pink mailbox = no more rent??? Please help!
Post by: plastikjess on January 19, 2009, 09:23:55 am
I haven't downloaded a hack in awhile, but I do download custom lots. About a month ago, a pink mailbox has popped up in my game, especially on my apartment lots and now my tenants no longer pay rent! I think it came with a lot, but how would I find out which one? I really want my sims to pay rent...that's why I bought Apartment life!

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated! I checked to make sure there wasn't already a topic on this, but I didn't find anything specifically. Sorry if this is a repeat!


Title: Re: Pink mailbox = no more rent??? Please help!
Post by: Naria on January 19, 2009, 12:27:08 pm
I don't think I have a pink mailbox in my game, but I am having the same problem. My Sims pay the first rent when they move in to an apartment, but then they never get the option to do so again, and never get kicked out either.

I have a lot of hacks, though, but to my knowledge none of them were supposed to do this?

Title: Re: Pink mailbox = no more rent??? Please help!
Post by: Naria on January 19, 2009, 01:09:42 pm
My bad for the double post, but answering the question now, as well as my own ...

It's definitely custom mailboxes that break the Pay Rent feature in Apartment Life. All mailbox hacks and custom mailboxes have to be removed. Once they are, follow instructions here to regenerate the regular AL mailbox:,14015.0.html

I definitely have stupid custom mailboxes that came with lots, as well, and of course I'll NEVER be able to find the mailboxes in my custom content. I hope you have better luck.  ;)

If you are stuck in the same boat as me, though, use the Insimenator's Auto Pay Bills feature and you won't get kicked out, at least.

Title: Re: Pink mailbox = no more rent??? Please help!
Post by: on January 19, 2009, 01:11:51 pm
Don't worry about the double post this time, but in the future, please use the edit button instead of replying to yourself :)

Title: Re: Pink mailbox = no more rent??? Please help!
Post by: plastikjess on January 19, 2009, 04:16:33 pm
After following that link to another, I realized I should try to find any mailboxes through Clean Installer...not my downloads folder which was nearly impossible. I deleted all three custom ones just named "MailBox" and so far I have no pink mailboxes and I am able to re-zone the lots again. Thanks for your help Naria!  ;D

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