Simmers' Paradise => General Sims 2 Help => Topic started by: nikkidanielle on July 19, 2010, 06:34:05 pm

Title: SimPe and Neighborhoods
Post by: nikkidanielle on July 19, 2010, 06:34:05 pm
Forgive me if it seems I'm rambling but I just want to be clear as possible as my question has two parts ;D

First, I spent some free time trying to create my own hood. There are several custom hoods I have that I wanted to combine into one. I'm not sure how to ask this question so I'll use pictures as an example. (Hood pic curtesy of Flabaliki @ MTS)

Say that the square that has a red "X" inside fits 4 50x50 lots perfectly and the square with the red "W" fits 2 30x50 lots perfectly:

How would that look in SC4? I always seem to make my squares too large every time so that instead of my square fitting 4 50x50 lots perfectly, it would fit 4 50x50 lots with either a 20x20 lot or 30x30 lot in between. So I guess my question is what is the scaling size process? I have tried to import the custom hoods into SC4 to see what it would look like for myself but they don't show up (whereas I've gotten the Pleasantview sc4 file to show up fine) so I assume it's because those hoods were created with SC4: Rush Hour and I only have SC4. Any ideas or hints? I've seen and read tutorials about how to create custom hoods but nothing about scaling when you're trying to achieve a certain look.

My second question regarding SimPe has to do with an earlier post I made in another thread. To reiterate, my control buttons on my laptop still don't work, even after a deep cleaning, so I really can't run my game in debug mode as far as while in neighborhood view is concerned. I have some downloaded lots that I want to change the lot zoning from residential to apartment or community. I believe that I had read somewhere that it could be done with SimPe but when I tried to look for the article again on the web, all I could find was how to use the cheat to achieve this.


Title: Re: SimPe and Neighborhoods
Post by: miros1 on July 21, 2010, 08:35:49 am
I'm thinking the conversion is something like m=2n-1, where n is the number of squares in one game and m is the number in the other.  

Try making your 100 square spaces one square smaller (if you're using any math at all, not just eyeballing it).

Edit: I had it backwards.  m=2n+1 where n is SC4 squares and m is TS2 squares.

More info:

P.S. My friends recommend either replacing your laptop keyboard or buying a cheap one to plug into a PS2 or USB port on the back.  The cost of a professional cleaning is higher than either option.

Title: Re: SimPe and Neighborhoods
Post by: nikkidanielle on July 21, 2010, 05:04:04 pm
Awesome! Thanks Miros and your friends too for the help!

I think I'll go buy myself a keyboard this weekend, weather permitting ;D

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