Simmers' Paradise => General Sims 2 Help => Topic started by: seeknpeace on October 02, 2005, 07:22:02 pm

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 02, 2005, 07:22:02 pm
Ok, at first when I dled the new insimenator for NL, I could not get it to go into the download folder.  I know that sounds nuts, but with the install option, it kept putting it in the wrong folder, even though the correct one was chosen

I manually moved the insimenator, and all the parts of the inteeninater.  How does the inteeninater work?  Is it the choice if teens only?  I also manually moved all the other dls, the npcs, etc, that are new for NL.  

Now, I cannot get a taxi to take me downtown.  I can drive there, but when I get into the taxi, I am transported to downtown, but the taxi nor the sim is there.  The only options are to buy or build.  

Also, there are several sims roaming around downtown and in my city with a face only, no head, perse, and no body.

What have I done and how can I fix this mess.  Thanks so much.  I tried EA tech questions, but no help there.   :cry:

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: jase439 on October 02, 2005, 07:36:26 pm
You need to reinstall Nightlife.  Your installation is cooked.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 02, 2005, 07:48:12 pm
Do I have to uninstall anything first?  If I have to start over completely, what file do I save to not lose my game progress.  This just sucks.  Is there somethint that I did, so I can avoid doing this again.  And, thank you so much for your quick respose.  I have one other question.  I cannot scope the room, it is not an option....Is that part of my existing problem, or something to do with the mods?

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: jase439 on October 02, 2005, 07:52:42 pm
If you can't scope the room, then you 1. don't have any eligible sims in the room to scope...or 2. you have a non-nightlife compliant mod installed that is preventing the option from appearing - which is quite possibly the source of your problems.  You may or may not have completely thrashed your game if you are running non-compliant content in the game.  You can try backing up your My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods directory if you want to preserve your save game, but like I said, it may be trashed at this point.  There may be nothing to salvage.

I would start with a completely clean installation, verify that the game is behaving normally, and then and only then move mods and custom content in one at a time after you have definitively confirmed (by the author) that its nightlife compliant and that it isn't in conflict with anything else in your game.  Too many people try throwing all of their mods into the pot at once and then scratch their heads wondering which of their 3 dozen ingredients is souring the soup.

After reinstalling, you should also mark your objects.package file as read only.  There are bugs in NL which will cause it to stomp all over itself and corrupt its own files.  objects.package is the heart and soul of The Sims 2.  It can be found in C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Objects.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 02, 2005, 11:01:36 pm
Ok, please bear with me.  Some of what you are saying is over my head.  I am sorry to not get it all.

When you say a clean install, do you mean The Sims 2 and all the expansion packs?  Also, when you talk about putting things in one at a time, do you mean like each piece of furniture in a set that someone made?  I have a kazillion objs that were modded or made.  I cannot imagine that you would put each thing in there one at a time?  When I ran the clean install, there are like 2000 things.  There is no way I could do them one at a time, is there?

When I say that I cannot scope, it is not one of the options when I click on my sim.  So, for some reason it is not there, something is interfering, is my thought.  My game plays ok if I drive to downtown and ignore that one dude at the crypt club with no body or head...just a floating face...kinda creepy.  At first I thought he was a vampire..haha.  I had not seen one at that point, but have seen one since.  

The Objects.pkg file, is there only one?  or a kazillion, are all the objects there?  I have no looked yet.    What do I change the extension to make it read only?  .txt?  

When I do reinstall my games, should I start by dling the insimenator and inteeninater first?  Are all or most of the things that  I get from this site usable?  How can I tell if things that I want to dl are compliant?  Whatever is going on was not a problem before NL.  Should I just turn off all dled stuff in the clean installer and see if the game works then?  Add them back how, surely not one at a time?  that boggles my mind.

Thank you for your help and your patience.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 02, 2005, 11:31:32 pm
One other thing, when I run the clean installer, I am deleting all highlighted in pink, they are dups, right?  What at the ones highlighted in red?  I note that we are supposed to delete all career, do I delete all of them in clean installer?  Or, are there others?  I can see barbers, etc, in the clean installer, what I am noticing are the ones highlighted in red.  There may be others not highlighted, right?  I am so confused.  I have been playing sims for a long time and love the sims 2, but NL is buggy with something for me.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: jase439 on October 02, 2005, 11:47:51 pm
Items in red are mods which alter game behavior (hacks).

There is only 1 objects.package file - and it basically contains everything in the game.  If it gets junked, your game is junked.

You should make certain that you have the Nightlife Editions of the InSimenator and the InTeenimater.  Any other version you will shoot yourself in the foot.  As for any other content, you'll need to check back with the original authors (wherever you d/l them from) and inquire as to whether their mod/content has been certified for use in Nightlife.  Do not assume unless you are explicitly informed otherwise.  If you don't know...leave it out.  From the sounds of it, you have alot of downloads.  Sims 2 Clean Installer will let you "disable" content rather than delete it.  It's a good way to manage your files and move stuff back into your game as you determine whether each mod/hack that you have installed is compatible.

If you take away nothing else, I would urge you to take a pessimistic approach and assume all custom content is bunk until proven otherwise.  The alternative is only going to give you headaches.


Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 03, 2005, 05:47:50 am
Ok and finally, do I uninstall ALL of the game, TS2 and all the EP?  When you talk about downloads, me having a lot, they are different colored furniture, etc.  These are not to worry about, right?  I need to be sure.  I have 27 packages, according to clean installer, and I need to know about the career thing please.  When you guys say do away with them for now, is that any that I can see in the clean installer or in content mgr?  

I just want to be sure that you know that these probs started when I tried to install the new uv2.1 vs of the Insimenator and the new vs os the Inteeninater.  Along with the other things that have been promoted on the site, like twins/trips, the new npcs for NL, etc.  Before I tried to get them, I was ok.  And, I did remove the old insimenator and I have never had the inteeninater before this.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: jase439 on October 03, 2005, 08:01:56 am
I would think you would be fine just reinstalling Nightlife.  As to your furniture: while not all furniture does, it *can* come bundled with game altering behaviors.  When I said, "take it all out", I really meant, "take it all out" (furniture, insim, inteen, all of it).  Careers go.  Furniture goes.  The remote control cat goes.  The neighborhood goes (for now).  The whole point of this exercise is to take you back to a known pristine state where everything works as you expect it to - no wild cards - and incrementally introduce content back into the game in a controlled manner so you can draw reasonable cause and effect conclusions when problems being to surface.  Keep a list of what order you have installed things.  As soon as trouble starts to surface, start rolling back your changes by disabling mods in reverse order - one at a time - until the problem goes away.  Sims 2 Clean Installer makes it very easy to do this.  You don't have a controlled system right now - so any conclusions you may have drawn to this point are really rather meaningless.  The only certainty in this equation is that your game is an absolute mess - and that's about the only conclusive conclusion you or anyone can draw at this point.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 03, 2005, 09:25:58 pm
OK, I uninstalled and reinstalled NL.  Then I systematically dled some of the things I had from before.  One thing that I wanted to share was that the woohoo teens caused a conflict.  That one was one of my problems from before.  Just wanted to share that and as I find others I will share them as well.  Otherwise, it runs great.

Is there a particular site that you would recommed for recolors and other furniture, bodys/ppl, etc.?

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: jase439 on October 03, 2005, 09:56:31 pm
Woohoo Teens was just updated this afternoon to work with Nightlife (as in a couple hours ago).  Please see the following URL for a compatible version:

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: ilikefishfood on October 04, 2005, 03:43:04 am
Another reason why a Sim may not be able to scope the room, could be because you need to establish their gender preference.  Just have them "check out" (a flirt option) a Sim of the gender you'd like them to be attracted to, and after that 'scope' will become available.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 04, 2005, 07:08:06 am
No, it was a conflict.  When I reinstalled NL, she could scope in any situation.  When I added a couple things back, she still could.  I went to the same house, same sim and took her to the same nightclub downtown everytime that I have added things back so that I am getting the same response from the same sim in the same situation.  The teen woohoo was my problem.  There may have been others, and I do not know what caused the disappearing body phenom, but Teen Woohoo definately was at least one of the scoping problems.  

I will dl the new one tonight.  Thanks for all your help and as I reload things in, I will let you guys know what happens, if there are conflicts.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 04, 2005, 03:43:20 pm
I went to the link for the NL inteenimater and it said this:

If the folder doesn't already exist, you will need to create it yourself. This mod is not compatible with any other implementation of teen woohoo including the InTeenimater and S2L's Teen Woohoo. You must remove these from your downloads folder prior to using this mod!

So, this teen woohoo that is updated for NL is not compatible with Inteenimater?

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: ilikefishfood on October 04, 2005, 03:53:20 pm
Seeknpeace I believe you were looking at the thread for Jenflower's Teen Whoo Hoo hack no pregnancy mod ; the first thread in that section.  That is a different mod from inTEENinator.  Jenflower's teen whoo hoo no pregnancy was the original mod that Jase based his inteenenator on.  They worked clsoely together and she has asked the inTEEN modder (Jase) to take over support for this mod.  Accordingly her teen whoo hoo mods are in the same section as inTEENenator.  You can use either one or the other; never both.  

Read through the description of both and decide which offers the options that you prefer.  Of course, make sure you have the mod appropriate for the EP that you are using.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 05, 2005, 09:51:37 am
Thanks a lot.  I am confused, when I went to the link provided, the only teen woohoo that I saw said that it did not go with the inteenimater.  Maybe I was directed to the wrong link accidentially or am I missing something on the page? is the latest.  I have dled very few things, and there is a problem that I cannot rectify.  On the neighborhoods that I have created, when I move around the lot, before I pick a house to go into or etc, the grass turns black. If I mess with the night/day toggle or most anything, it goes back to normal, but turns black again when I move around.  It seems to do it especially when I am over water.  I have tried disabling all but the insimenator.  I will try that next. However before I go on, has anyone had this?  Maybe I should start a new link with the black landscape/water issue.  I will do that, if someone answers here, super.  I am really frustrated.  I have never had problems with ts2 until I dled the insimenator and other things from this site.  It may be the combination that I have dled, I have a lot of friends who have the insimenator and use it with no problems.  If I could pinpoint what in the H I am doing, I would frigging stop it, you know?  I just want to play, but, I love the dls too.  They add so much, I think that EA is lazy.  The hackers bring so much value and fun.  Surely I am not the only player that this happens to?  Also, I had another sim with hair and clothes and body, but, no face.  I just killed her off.  She was a nice girl.  ha.  But, I could not find anyone dled by me that had no face.  This may be a mesh thing..not sure.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: Teresa on October 05, 2005, 07:11:07 pm
Quote from: seeknpeace is the latest.  I have dled very few things, and there is a problem that I cannot rectify.  On the neighborhoods that I have created, when I move around the lot, before I pick a house to go into or etc, the grass turns black. If I mess with the night/day toggle or most anything, it goes back to normal, but turns black again when I move around.  It seems to do it especially when I am over water.  I have tried disabling all but the insimenator.  I will try that next. However before I go on, has anyone had this?  Maybe I should start a new link with the black landscape/water issue.  I will do that, if someone answers here, super.

This was an issue pinpointed by maxis as a Graphic card problem
what card do you have?  what are the specs on it?

I am really frustrated.  I have never had problems with ts2 until I dled the insimenator and other things from this site.  It may be the combination that I have dled, I have a lot of friends who have the insimenator and use it with no problems.  If I could pinpoint what in the H I am doing, I would frigging stop it, you know?  I just want to play, but, I love the dls too.

there is nothing wrong with the programs on this site that would cause the issues you have at hand
like i said Graphics seem to be your issue and if you have a smaller end graphics card you may not be able to hold alot with it
basicly just the game and a few other things
the more graphic you use the harder your card works and ends up showing problems if you use to many

I think that EA is lazy.  The hackers bring so much value and fun.  Surely I am not the only player that this happens to?  Also, I had another sim with hair and clothes and body, but, no face.  I just killed her off.  She was a nice girl.  ha.  But, I could not find anyone dled by me that had no face.  This may be a mesh thing..not sure.

First EA and known affiliates are not lazy they brought you the game didnt they?
an expansion full of new and exciting things every 6 months dont they?
so stop with the lazy bit! .. yes the modifiers make it a bit more fun but maxis made the game so we could..

As for the mesh thing i doubt there is a conflict with the mesh maxis made .. try taking out all hacks and putting them in one by one and see what happens .. make sure you use Nightlife compatible hacks.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: seeknpeace on October 05, 2005, 09:38:18 pm
Well, first of all, I DID take all the hacks out and reinstall them one at a time and cannot find the issue with the hack, if that is what it is, and the mesh may not be a maxi mesh.  I did dl a couple of non maxi.  

I think that it would be really cool to be able to say that I think that EA goes so far and stops, uncool to tell me to not say that.  It is my opinion.  Just like all the patches they never made for the SIMs1 EPs past the pet one.  They were too intent on creating the SIMs2.  But, we paid good money for those games too.  I had hell trying to play them, as did a ton of other ppl, until I just gave up.  So, that is my opinon.

I have a media center, fairly new, and a nvidia GE force 5200 video card, BIOS version, driver version date 8-2-05.  I tried changing the settings in the game for the graphics, reading about that here.  Like you, I thought this was a graphics problem, but the baffling thing is that it only happens on the neighborhoods that I have added, not the three that are already set up in the game.  And, the ones already set up have a LOT more stuff in them tbat the ones that I have made.   So the usage with them is much heavier than that ones that I have been building.

Also, all dls that I have added back are titled as NL compatible.  I have made sure of that.  And, I have only added ppl, clothes and very little furniture.  As for the hacks, one at a time.  I did find a conflict, as reported earlier, with the teen woohoos, that was upgraded the day that I reported it.  So, that was causing me some difficutly.  It just makes me gunshy to find dls that make my game more fun.

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: daniball95 on February 13, 2008, 11:33:15 am
okay i know this is the wrong forum or whateer to be posting in but i don't how to make one yet so i need help.I just downloaded the inTEENenator and i when into the game you know the thing after you download custom content that pops up?well the inTeenenator b package popped up with exclaimation points!!!!! what do i do?

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: Tenshii~Akari on February 13, 2008, 07:47:07 pm
It's nothing wrong.  Just turn off your "Display Custom Content Dialog at Startup" option in your Game Options menu.  The next time you start up the game, the box won't pop up.  ;)

Title: Invisible Body
Post by: on February 14, 2008, 11:35:38 am
Please direct all support related for the inteenimator to the inteenimator forums, where support for that mod is offered. Any problems unrelated to inteen? We're happy to help you. :)

Thank you

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