Simmers' Paradise => General Sims 2 Help => Topic started by: arechavala on May 15, 2007, 06:20:14 pm

Title: Water tool disapeared after installing Seasons
Post by: arechavala on May 15, 2007, 06:20:14 pm
After I've installed Seasons and I've tried to make a pond, the "water leveler tool" doesn't work anymore as it suppose that had to work. When I use the "water tool" it appears work as if it was the "terrain tool that decreases the height of the floor". But doesn't fill the pond with water.

I've tried it with no CC, (I moved the downloads folder to other hard disk, to ensure no hacks in the game) but the "water tool" still doesn't work.

I hope someone could help me.

Sorry about my English. I'm Spanish speaker native, and I'm not sure what are the English names of the tools.

Thanks for expend your time reading this.

Title: Water tool disapeared after installing Seasons
Post by: Denimjo on May 16, 2007, 05:51:02 am
Could you please tell us what graphics card your computer uses? Maybe it's not sufficient to run Seasons on.

Title: Water tool disapeared after installing Seasons
Post by: arechavala on May 22, 2007, 02:34:16 pm
Quote from: Denimjo;728990
Could you please tell us what graphics card your computer uses? Maybe it's not sufficient to run Seasons on.

Thank you Denimjo.

The problem I had was a misunderstanding with the use of the tool.


Title: Water tool disapeared after installing Seasons
Post by: ancienthighway on May 22, 2007, 03:01:33 pm
Quote from: arechavala;728287
After I've installed Seasons and I've tried to make a pond, the "water leveler tool" doesn't work anymore as it suppose that had to work. When I use the "water tool" it appears work as if it was the "terrain tool that decreases the height of the floor". But doesn't fill the pond with water.

It may have to do with how high the terrain is above the water table.  Try making a bond in Bluewater Village if you have OFB, or one of the other neighborhoods and see if it works.

Title: Water tool disapeared after installing Seasons
Post by: arechavala on May 24, 2007, 08:16:20 am
Quote from: ancienthighway;738976
It may have to do with how high the terrain is above the water table.  Try making a bond in Bluewater Village if you have OFB, or one of the other neighborhoods and see if it works.

Yes. The problem I had, appeared when I tried to refill a pond. I thought that tool will allow me to do that. But not.

Now, when I need to refill a pond, first I delete it and, after I set the level of the terrain I want, with the proper terrain tool, I use the water tool to create the pond. And it works fine. :angel:

Thank you Ancienthigway.

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