Simmers' Paradise => General Sims 2 Help => Topic started by: amandamarieomg on May 21, 2008, 03:31:22 am

Title: anyone ever have this problem?
Post by: amandamarieomg on May 21, 2008, 03:31:22 am
I have robots and when my toddlers are hungry they bring bottles but they just keep bringing more and more and have like 7 or 8 all over the place. Is there anything i can do?

Title: anyone ever have this problem?
Post by: EKozski on May 21, 2008, 03:46:08 am
You may want to check if you have any hacks.

If you do, you might have a conflict.

What EP's you have?

Title: anyone ever have this problem?
Post by: cypherathos on May 21, 2008, 05:03:47 am
That's a fraud robot. Make another one.

Title: anyone ever have this problem?
Post by: Theraven on May 21, 2008, 06:24:22 am
robots are generally like that. and let's face it: sims and generally all other creatures inside the game are stupid. that's why we need the hacks that stops them doing those things al over again. I've stopped using robots because in my game , if I have free will on, they cook. and cook. and cook. and cook. mainy desserts. which is very annoying. but unless there's hacks that stops them from doing things like that, they'll continue.

Title: anyone ever have this problem?
Post by: Tenshii~Akari on May 21, 2008, 07:37:04 am
There is, but it's in the graveyard (By Squinge... one of his OFB hacks), and I'm not quite sure it will work any higher than Seasons... :dontknow:  (It didn't need an update last time I checked, but don't take my word for it.  Any use of an unsupported and outdated hack is a risk, so if you're willing to try it and see if it works for BV or higher, it's your call.  ;) )

Title: anyone ever have this problem?
Post by: Aaroneous on May 21, 2008, 02:46:06 pm
There is anther mod that allows you to control what chores Servo does.
Its here
Just go to The Sims 2 then robots, There should be mod called Servo Chore Controller.

Title: anyone ever have this problem?
Post by: amandamarieomg on May 22, 2008, 03:16:50 pm
I have all ep's except uni.

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