Title: Sims investigation Post by: ~Amaryne~ on August 10, 2008, 11:24:24 am I'm creating a website and want to have lots of diversity in sims bodyshapes but sometimes it's just getting to much to keep track on.. So I want to ask you guys what bodyshapes would you prefer to find clothes for on a website?
The poll gives a list of shapes we are considering, but unfortunatly we can not have all as that would be way to time consuming for us... Feel free to give other suggestion to bodyshapes with a good variety of meshes that can be recoloured. We do appreciate if you take time to answer on this so we can have the most populare and best of sims bodyshapes for you at the future website! Title: Sims investigation Post by: aqua-sheep on August 12, 2008, 04:59:10 pm i like maxis standard the best. it's most compatible and looks pretty enough.
Title: Sims investigation Post by: EKozski on August 12, 2008, 06:14:39 pm I like the BodyBuilder.
Not enough styles to choose from. Title: Sims investigation Post by: dtbronzich on August 12, 2008, 06:21:47 pm men's clothing in general is very limited, I'd like to see more bodybuilder stuff, but I'd also like to see more Scifi and fantasy stuff for the various female bodyshapes: besides the ones mentioned in your poll, there are the other warlock shapes, DDD-A
Title: Sims investigation Post by: ragnarokhela on September 13, 2008, 10:17:55 pm Female bodybuilder! Erm, please, heh. This sounds like a great idea.
Title: Sims investigation Post by: Sam the T-man on September 14, 2008, 11:08:17 am Athletic girl and slim BB need a bigger wardrobe, but one you didn't mention is even more deprived in that area - the athlete guy! It's one of my favourites, and has to be the least catered for :(
Title: Sims investigation Post by: Lynziesim on September 19, 2008, 07:40:04 am Actually, the one I wanted to vote for the most isn't there. The male athlete is definitely my favorite.