Title: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 26.09.2009 Post by: KalmanKukka on December 21, 2008, 07:24:47 pm (http://enchantedforest.gotop100.com/lists/enchantedforest/custombanners/u181.jpg) (http://dollfactory3.mfbiz.com/) DOLL FACTORY 3 (http://dollfactory3.mfbiz.com/) My name is Lotta. I'm 24 years old girl. I'm from north part of Finland. No, I don't live with polar bears or Santa Claus even if it located near arctic circle. ;) Doll Factory 3 is totally FREE. WELCOME! (http://dollfactory3.mfbiz.com/) UPDATE 26.09.2009 MISS > Hairstyle for females. Mesh is from Peggy Zone. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/Miss.png) UPDATE 08.07.2009 COLD WIND > Hairstyle for females. Mesh is from The Sims Artists Union. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/ColdWind.png) UPDATE 23.06.2009 CHILDREN CASUAL 02 > Mesh is from Liana Sims 2. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/ChildrenCasual02.png) UPDATE 11.06.2009 FLOWER > Hairstyle for females. Mesh is from Peggy Zone. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/Flower.png) UPDATE 22.05.2009 BEAUTY > Hairstyle for females. Mesh is from Peggy Zone. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/Beauty.png) UPDATE 14.05.2009 WALLPAPER SET 01 > No mesh needed. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/WallpaperSet01.png) UPDATE 10.05.2009 SUMMER > Hairstyle for females. Mesh is from Peggy Zone. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/Summer.jpg) UPDATE 01.05.2009 BLANKET SET 01 > Mesh is from Reflex Sims Forum. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/BlanketSet01.png) PAINTING SET 01 > No mesh needed. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/PaintingSet01.png) UPDATE 19.04.2009 TEEN CASUAL 08 > Mesh is from Liana Sims 2. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/TeenCasual08.png) UPDATE 17.04.2009 WITTY BOY (UPDATE) > Hairstyle for males. Mesh is from Peggy Zone. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/WittyBoy-1.png) UPDATE 13.04.2009 PRINCESS > Hairstyle for females. Mesh is from Peggy Zone. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/Princess.png) UPDATE 09.04.2009 SPRING > Hairstyle for females. Mesh is from XM Sims. (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/KalmanKukka/Spring.png) Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 23.12.2008 Post by: lewisb40 on December 23, 2008, 03:50:46 pm Gorgeous textures! The models are gorgeous too. Thanks for the update. :D
Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 26.12.2008 Post by: Dudesim on December 26, 2008, 11:54:41 pm Thank you!!! You do great hair...:)
Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 26.12.2008 Post by: vickylougrl on December 27, 2008, 10:08:03 am This is such nice content! I also do love your hair very nicely done!
Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 01.03.2009 Post by: Jade on March 07, 2009, 07:01:31 am Wow! Really beautiful work, i just love these hair colours, musta have them 1dreamy. I went to your pages but downloads seemed to be closed or not supported. I couldnĀ“t download anything.
Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 01.03.2009 Post by: KalmanKukka on March 07, 2009, 10:53:51 am Wow! Really beautiful work, i just love these hair colours, musta have them 1dreamy. I went to your pages but downloads seemed to be closed or not supported. I couldnĀ“t download anything. Thank you for your lovely comment. Did you click that white arrow? It is link to Mediafire where I have storaged all my creations. :) Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 01.03.2009 Post by: Jade on March 07, 2009, 12:07:22 pm Got it, thanks for help :)!
Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 07.03.2009 Post by: Veckah on March 09, 2009, 02:36:30 pm I can't seem to get to any downloads either.
Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 07.03.2009 Post by: KalmanKukka on March 09, 2009, 09:58:17 pm I can't seem to get to any downloads either. My site was down today because I was making renovation on there. If there is still problems and my advices don't help, I'm interested to know. Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 26.09.2009 Post by: ZenArmada on November 02, 2018, 04:30:38 am I know this is an old topic but sadly the site seems to be inactive? The download area seems to be gone now
Title: Re: DOLL FACTORY 3 | LAST UPDATE: 26.09.2009 Post by: lordtyger on November 08, 2018, 11:45:05 pm Sadly there are a lot of old Sims 2 sites that are no longer online for lots of reasons. If you are looking for content try looking else where on InSim or try looking on SimsCave.