A Safe Haven => General Discussion => Topic started by: SenkoTwiik on January 17, 2009, 02:42:59 am

Title: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on January 17, 2009, 02:42:59 am
Hi Everyone,
This was from the old site, but I miss it, so I'm going to bring it back. I have had some weird dreams in this thread's absence.

I had a dream the other night that I was an emo boy (this is weird because I am not a boy and I am definitely NOT emo). Anyway, in my dream, my step-dad always tried to video-tape me no matter what I was doing, even while I would use the bathroom. I got really mad at him, but I was too small to fight him, so I just told him he was a jerk and a pervert.
Later, I had to go to school, so I got on the bus, and there were a whole mess of ugly brown bowling shoes up in the roof racks so I didn't have anywhere to put my books. So I just sat with them on my lap. There was no wind in the bus but for some reason, my hair kept blowing in my face and I got really irritated trying to smooth it away. Soon my girlfriend got on the bus (i don't know her in real life). She sat by me and I knew without asking that she was on drugs. I really did not know how to deal with her  during the ride over. I was angry and concerned, but I didn't know what to say.

It got weirder and went on, but some of the things I forgot, and some of them are too violent/inappropriate for this site.

Now y'all post your weird dreams so I don't feel like the only person with weird dreams!

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: StupidFriday on January 17, 2009, 09:14:21 am
Well, this will sound confusing, but I had a dream that it was the first day back at school and a new guy was doing everything in his power to make me feel bad (and ironically he looked like my best friend), I confornted him about it and learned he had a hard home life and after a long chat I managed to somehow make him be really kind to me, basically do a full 180 from how I was getting treated. I later met up with my best friend (the one I mentioned before) and he was completely ignoring me.

The only reason why I felt this was weird was because it was a bit like a parallel universe where my best friend was excluding me and my bully wqas acting extremely kind.

Its not the weirdest dream I have had, but its the most recent one I can remember and when I woke from it it really made me think.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on January 17, 2009, 04:15:37 pm
Recently I had the weirdest dream EVER!

Everyone in the world had a CHEESE head but I didn't and they were pretty much harassing me until I finall got a shot and my head turned to cheese too. LOL!!!! It was, pretty, well, VERY creepy.

I also had another where there was this fuzzy little cute animal, and my brother put this goopy sticky stuff on him, and he turned into an alligator. We both got up and ran, and eventually he got me and started eating my legs while my siblings just stood and watched and then I woke up.

My dreams are really wacky.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: maniac19642003 on January 17, 2009, 04:38:08 pm
I've had weird dreams most of my life so I cant even remember them, thankfully, but I have remembered somewhere I'm back in school, as far back as middle school in science class with a teacher I had a crush on at the time. 1dreamy

Not part of the dream there, but in real life one day while in her class, I actually made a sign up saying: "I love Science & I love you." She even hung it up on her wall. 1rock

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Glamily on January 17, 2009, 08:32:22 pm
i keep dreaming that monster trucks are driving around me and then they turn into real monster trucks.. you know they have like mouths and eyes and stuff painted on them.. well the mouths became real and they tried to eat me and my new puppy.... very confusing...

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on January 17, 2009, 08:42:04 pm
Wow R.I.P, that sounds freaky!

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on January 17, 2009, 09:22:26 pm
Oh wow R.I.P. I would be absolutely terrified of that dream and I would be nearly killing myself trying to wake up.

But then again, Dreams Rock.  1rock
[I just had to add that smilie. :)]

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on January 18, 2009, 05:36:08 pm
Last night I had a freaky one. In my dream, it was back when I was 16. My stepdad was still around, and I had a girlfriend. She was so pretty. She looked so much like Luna Lovegood from the HP movies, but her hair was shoulder length and choppy. She was a little older than me, like 17 or 18. I remember she was wearing flipflops, a green wife-beater and some short jean shorts. She was so real, and I remember she was like 4 months pregnant. She had a small bump in her tummy, I remember being happy and wanting to start a family with her (I know we were young, but it's a dream, I can't help it).

Anyway, I just got back from Walmart, which had a laundromat in it for some reason. I got tired of helping some dumb lady find her laundry. I came home to do my hair, and I had like, a million clips, and chapsticks. I couldn't tell which was which, and there were so many colors except the one I wanted, so I left my hair alone.

My girlfriend and I were sitting on the couch in my house together and we were watching tv. I remember seeing my mom and her soon to be ex-husband (they were still together in this dream). They were both getting ready to go somewhere. a commercial came on the tv, advertising a show that was about to come on next. I said something like, "Damn that looks so stupid." and my jerk step-dad said, "Is there anything you do like?" I said yes and held my girlfriend's hand. He said we were sick and I told him to F.O. He got mad at me. My mom left and drove off somewhere while we were arguing. He slapped me in the face and my girlfriend yelled at him to leave me alone. He raised up his hand to hit her, and I remember I got this huge adrenaline rush and jumped up to punch him in the chest as hard as I could. He got his wind back and then got up in my face. I told him to back down or I would burn him down.

So we fought again. My girlfriend was over by the kitchen table yelling for someone to come break us up. Every time he hit me it hurt really bad (he was a big guy), but I kept getting up. I remember I hit him and knocked him off balance and he fell on the floor by the coffee table. I looked over and my computer was on the coffee table (this was the computer I had three years ago, a big desktop). Since he fell kind of in a corner and couldn't get up, I shoved the whole computer off the table onto him. Then I jumped onto the couch and every time he tried to move the tower off of himself, I would stomp it back down onto him. I remember I grabbed my purse and hit him in the head with it until it broke open and all of my stuff came spilling out of it.

Suddenly he turned into a girl, so that it would be harder for me to fight him (I do not like hitting a woman, unless she is starting crap with me). She/he said "I give up" so I helped him/her up. I was like, "Ok. No more nonsense?" He/she nodded and went toward the freezer, saying he/she needed an ice pack. I was fine with that, until he/she grabbed a knife from the countertop and was about to knife me with it. I slapped it away and when he/she went to grab it again, I hit him/her over the head with a heavy glass (that I drank out of yesterday). After being hit with the glass, he/she turned into water and went into the glass. I was so mad I smashed my favorite glass into the sink, letting the water go down the drain, meaning that I just killed my step-dad.

I looked up and my brother was right there, looking so confused. I told him I was sorry that he had to see that. He said he wasn't sure what he saw, and I told him that our step-dad was dead. I just killed him. Oddly he wasn't even mad, like it was not a big deal. My girlfriend ran over to me and hugged me and asked if I was okay. She said I was bleeding, and I was like, "No crap, I got punched in the face, babe."

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on January 18, 2009, 09:53:18 pm
Alrighty then. That was very entertaining to read, LOL!!!
That must've been really weird.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Jenna on January 18, 2009, 10:23:58 pm
*raises an eyebrow* Damn...

I can remember one I had a few years ago. In the dream, I was around sixteen and sitting on my back porch listening to the radio. For whatever reason, there were four cats dancing the Macarena ( just a few feet away. One of my dogs, a border collie, had been sitting next to me, and suddenly turned into my best friend Kate. Her and I were talking about making brownies.

Oddly enough, as we talked, the cats were gone, the radio was turned off, and for some reason, we were standing in the garage.

A few minutes later, I was sitting in Study Hall at school carving up an apple at my desk. The apple turned into a notebook, and I found myself sitting in the cafeteria debating Beavis and Butthead with a talking bottle of Mountain Dew.

That was it. I don't know what I had been smoking or drinking that night, about weird, random, and totally illogical. Hah.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on January 18, 2009, 11:46:38 pm
 2laugh weird, random and illogical is right, Jenna!

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on January 19, 2009, 12:58:56 am
Wow, that was a crazy random dream. The dancing cats would have made be pee myself scared.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Aralie on January 19, 2009, 01:41:25 am
Wow, Jenna! Cats dancing the macarena...That part made me crack up! You have some really crazy dreams!

The last crazy dream I had was kind of Sims related...

I was a Sim and I was married and had 2 kids. We lived in this really nice neighborhood. For some reason there was a ton of air traffic. Lots of helicopters and planes, and even blimps. And of course those crazy floating pig balloon things. Anyway, I guess all of that attracted a lot of aliens. My Sim daughter kept looking through the telescope and really liked the science stuff. One day in broad daylight she was abducted by aliens...My Sim-self was really upset. I guess that just proves I play Sims too much...Haha. The neighborhood in my dream was really cool though. I remember some of it, and I'm thinking about trying to make a replica of it!

Oh, then I had this other weird dream...I was at my grandma's house, and my whole family was there, along with a ton of other people I know. We were preparing for something, I guess. We had tons of different weapons, some were like magical I guess. It was weird. Anyway, all of the sudden we were outside and the sky grew very dark. In the distance we could see something coming towards us. As it got closer, we realized that it was a bunch a bunch of demon-like flying creatures (we seemed to have expected that, but not that they would be flying). They all were really unique from one another, and all very animal-like. In the front, leading the group, were these dark purple elephant-demons...I remember thinking, "Crap, I didn't expect those!" Then I woke up, and my first thought was, 'Why were the elephants purple?' Like everything else was completely normal or something! :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on January 21, 2009, 08:42:38 pm
i just suddenly remembered a dream i had during the christmas break.

i was at the Houston Museum of Natrual Science and there was this fish tank that was a temporary exhibit, right where Body Worlds is (or was) showing, on the second floor. the exhibit itself kinda resembled the Living Seas place at Epcot, and keep in mind that this dream is taking place in 1986. anyways, i was hanging with the eighties lineup of Journey, Stevie Nicks, and Heart's Nancy Wilson and Denny Carmassi (the drummer for Heart at that time).

so we're in the shark exhibit and Ross Valory, Journey's bassist, decides to be a little nutty (from too much Diet Coke, probably) and tosses something in the air. Stevie does the same thing except the thing she tossed, a life-sized baby doll, lands in the shark tank.

Denny and i get upset because the doll looks like Ann Wilson's baby (yes, i know she adopted her kids and was never pregnant, but it was a dream, alright?). i tell Denny, "hey we gotta get that baby. who cares if its a plastic version of Roger (the name of Ann's baby), we gotta get it!" so we walk into the shark tank, and the 12-inch plexiglass thingy that protects the people from the fish (it reached from the floor to the ceiling!) turns into cellophane and Denny and i just walk right through it and we're in the shark tank. and we're not even floating to the top, we're just staying at the bottom and breathing normally, like merfolk with legs.:P

i can see out of the corner of my eye, a Great White, only, it's not so great, about as long as my arm. the "Tiny White" is circling the plastic baby, not really making a dive for it, so i launch myself of a wall and grab the doll and throw it through the cellophane protection. and for some reason, as the baby passed through the cellophane, he suddenly turned into the real-life Roger.

now the protective glass returns to being glass and now the shark is circling me and Denny. Denny is freaking out cause he told me that he was deathly afraid of sharks, but didn't see the shark before i grabbed Roger. the shark is getting closer to us and all of a sudden, the shark goes right through Denny and bites me on my right side! needless to say, the feel of the bite woke me up. i checked, but no one else was in the bed with me. why do i say that? my cat usually sleeps with me at night and i thought he snuck into my room and was "kneeding" at my side, making me think it was a shark bite, but he wasn't there.

kinda creepy that dream was.... :eek:

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Jenna on January 21, 2009, 10:26:16 pm
I had one last night that was a bit on the weird side:

I was at work, sitting at one of the computers trying to pull up a list of the employee error logs. Every time I tried though, a porn site kept popping up and I couldn't close it. To make matters worse, my supervisor kept walking past me every couple of seconds so I had to hunch over the screen to block it.

...and it was a really bad porn site too. Pfft.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Squinge on January 22, 2009, 12:04:41 am
I had one last night I told Jenna to shush & she did :P

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Jenna on January 22, 2009, 12:06:12 am
This thread isn't about fictitious dreams, Dork. Now you shush!

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Squinge on January 22, 2009, 12:18:45 am
at least I didn't mention the other dream I had about you ;)

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Jenna on January 23, 2009, 01:20:14 am
You mean the one where I castrated you with a very jagged, rusty knife? Yeah, I'd be too embarrassed to admit to that too. :P

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Squinge on January 23, 2009, 01:24:21 am
Yes that is the one & shush don't tell anyone about it :P

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: EVStofleth on January 23, 2009, 02:35:03 am
Little late for that don't you think?

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on January 23, 2009, 07:56:01 am
Lol, yeah, it is a little late, ha ha...

But I have the WEIRDEST DREAMS! I was trying to get away from a shark, I had to get some flowers over through this door, but the shark was really big and fast, lol.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on January 23, 2009, 01:27:07 pm
Last night, my dream was pretty short. I was out at walmart and this doofus guy was like hitting on me and trying to ask me out. I got mad at him after politely saying no, and was finally like, "Take a wlk, man. I'm married." Suddenly my husband was there, like out of nowhere. I tried to tell the guy that this was my husband, but before I could, Brandon (my baby's daddy) started to beat the guy up in the middle of the store! So we got out of there fast and went to our favorite restaurant (the one where we had our first date and our wedding reception). This part is realistic, because we go to China Wok (a chinese buffet) once a week if we can.
Anyway, we were eating our food and I saw one of my friends walk by with his girlfriend. I hadn't seen him in a while so I called out to him and gave him a hug. We talked for a few minutes, and when I sat down, my husband was mad at me for some reason. It was a stupid dream.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Squinge on January 25, 2009, 03:59:32 am
Little late for that don't you think?
ummm yeah I guess so damn I am a dork :P

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: EVStofleth on January 25, 2009, 03:02:37 pm
Its ok, we still love you anyways  :kiss:

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Jenna on January 25, 2009, 03:32:57 pm
Imagine having a conversation with a rabbit with an Australian accent and your paramour about onion farming. That's the kind of dream you'll have after consuming too much chocolate and eggnog laced with alcohol.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: StupidFriday on January 26, 2009, 03:11:21 am
Wow that axtually sounds cool Jenna, in a surreal kind of way. But the Australian accent would be normal in my dream.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Hanomaru on February 26, 2009, 03:19:54 pm
Man, do I have a lot of material for this thread. Almost all of my dreams are weird as hell and very realistic - I think my subconscious takes acid while I'm not looking. I'll just post the most recent one for now.

It's summer. It starts off with me looking around, a bit lost and a lot confused, a place that seems at first glance to be my university, but then I go into one of the buildings and it looks more like the inside of one of the business centres nearby, with huge windows and a big waterfall/fountain thing, and balconies everywhere. But outside the window it's still my school - buildings on a hillside and some parking lots and train tracks through the middle. There's no fences or hedges, though, and the parking lots are covered with grass, like it was old and badly maintained. And where there are usually brickwork paths, there's grass, too, and the parking complex is gone.

I start running around, looking for someone, and I realize I'm wearing some weird, vaguely pharaonic headdress and a robe. I get frustrated and start yelling for the person I'm looking for - and realize I'm a man. A pretty sexy one, too, with bright red hair. I am in a lot of my dreams. Also, I find out it's my best friend I'm looking for. All the time I'm running, the whole campus is empty. I run into a building and it looks like my high school drama room - except about ten times bigger. A huge room, completely black, windows along the top of the back wall, and these immense black boxes arranged to form a stage and a kind of stage-above-the-stage, way high up, and all of a sudden I'm sitting on top of that and I'm with her. She's aged back to, like, fourteen or something. She's wearing a robe, too, but it's really ornate and looks really pretty on her. Things happen that make it VERY obvious I'm a man and a bit of a paedophile and they wouldn't be appropriate for this forum, and then there's a ruckus outside.

I look out the window and it's a goddamn WAR of the GODS out there. Lightning bolts are flying, heroes with glowing swords running to their deaths shouting very rude battle cries, blood, chaos, madness, Sparta etc. She grabs my shoulder and says something like, "Hey, you're San Rafael, you have to get out there!" Yeah, San Rafael. The mofoing Archangel Raphael. It's a reenactment of a biblical battle. Then I charge out all manly-like with an awesome staff I didn't even know I had and I'm flying around owning it up (it's all a blur of magic missiles and charred bits of flesh) and my best friend is in the fray also owning it up, mostly by smacking people in the face with bits of ice.

Then all of a sudden it's over and everybody's just milling around talking to each other. We're inside something that looks like the Marrlot (a fancy local restaurant) and this guy that I probably viciously murdered at some point comes up and starts flirting with me and my best friend wanders off to talk costumes with some other girls and he's like "My place?" and I'm like "Maybe next time." And then it's back to the big black room and kids are playing on the now-lit stage and the guy is behind me and my best friend says, "Are those them?" Then I suddenly figure out I'm a history teacher or something and they're my students and somehow the whole place isn't covered with blood and they look up at me and suddenly I'm really creeped out by myself and I wake up.

That was one of the sensible ones, actually. And longer than usual.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on March 28, 2009, 10:29:28 pm
last night, i dreamt that i was in the band hall during percussion sectionals. i was just standing in the corner, minding my own business. actually, i was leaning on this one tuba case and listening to my ipod. anyways, this girl in the top band trumpet section, Tina, who i've had a crush on since sixth grade, but don't know very well, started talking to me just about things in general. that was pretty much my whole dream, just the two of us talking during percussion sectionals.

and the scary part is, this morning when i had to go up to the school for color guard stuff (both me and Tina are in the floor crew), she actually talked to me the whole way to and from contest. so maybe we might actually be friends after all...

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: l ange bleu on April 02, 2009, 10:41:01 am
last night was really wierd...
i was in the restaurant of my former highschool, there was huge board an a wall which looked like the home page of a famous community web site.
everytime i touched a photo of a friend i was sent to a dark  hotel corridor for a figth versus silent hill triangle head monster . the goal steal his sword to free my lovely princess without be cut in two parts
very freaky :'( :confused:

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on May 12, 2009, 01:03:10 am
You had a dream about Pyramid Head? I LOVE that guy!

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: DaSpecial1 on May 12, 2009, 03:10:13 am
I had a dream I was a 007 agent (yes a female one!) and I had to act as like a wedding assistant's assistant (dressed all in black) for this huge aristocratic wedding.   The ? enemy was using the wedding as a cover & a big meeting between  other rebel figureheads was due to happen at some point during the ceremony.   The wedding had to go off without a hitch so that they would proceed.   Then the bride and groom walked into this huge waiting hall crowds cheered as they disappeared into the building).  I escorted the bride to a bathroom she wanted to check her hair & makeup. Inside the bathroom there were two small kids running around in circle jumping over the plumbing joint inder the sink.  I told them to go sit but they took one last jump as they left and kicked the joint apart. Water sprayed everywhere and the brides gown got wet (I bravely got soaked trying to protect her face and makeup).

All of a sudden the grooms entrance music began and my captain started blaring in my hidden earpiece: BOND! This wedding must not be held up!

So the bride is all upset and I shouted run with me! and grabbed her hand.  I ran to this kitchen type area and then yelled  "I got this everyone calm down!!  Pay attention and do exactly what I say... Bride stand here... You (pointing to some guard) quick! I need a blow-dryer and a stick of gum..." (everyone stopped and stared at me)

Bride rasies her hand and says "Achem, what in the world is the stick of gum for?"

I answered at the speed of light:  "Look I have no time for silly questions! the stick of gum is for me to chew *turns on the oven to like 800 degrees*--now get in this kitchen and lay your dress on that oven door until I get that dryer!  And no taking that dress off you'll ruin your hair.

She was good as new in a matter of seconds.  I woke up (laughing) as my captain said in my earpiece: "Bond you amaze even me..."

What was hysterical is I remember how frustrated I felt with all my secret 007 training having to host a wedding and not blow something up.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: brat1083 on May 13, 2009, 11:11:37 pm
I had a dream that sims three was coded by the devil and demons try to possess the players..

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Naria on May 14, 2009, 10:25:41 am
I had a dream that sims three was coded by the devil and demons try to possess the players..

Are you sure that was a dream?

I had a dream the other night I married Sirius Black from the Harry Potter books. I kind of wish I never woke up.  :p I had a really pretty blue and white dress and everything... was shiny.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Alotta Paine X2 on May 14, 2009, 10:34:54 am
I had a dream I found a bag full of money. I was so upset when I woke up.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: hawnsimmer on May 14, 2009, 10:38:27 am
I've been having this dream since I was in my mid 20's. A tooth becomes loose and I remove it. Then another and another. Suddenly all my teeth are falling out and I have to put my hands under my mouth, trying to catch them all. They just keep coming, obviouly more teeth than I actually have in my mouth. I still have this dream from time to time. Apparently a dream of worry and feeling like I can't control the situation that I am currently facing.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Alotta Paine X2 on May 14, 2009, 10:42:44 am
^ I hate those type of dreams.  I still have dreams where I'm naked. Just had one last week. I 'm getting off the elevator (in my old buildling in NY) and I was topless.
WTF and I saw my old friendenemy. I just got off the elevator and went back upstairs.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: hawnsimmer on May 14, 2009, 06:35:02 pm
^I've never had one of those type of dreams, although I believe they are common.... :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: DaSpecial1 on May 14, 2009, 08:09:14 pm
I've been having this dream since I was in my mid 20's. A tooth becomes loose and I remove it. Then another and another. Suddenly all my teeth are falling out and I have to put my hands under my mouth, trying to catch them all. They just keep coming, obviouly more teeth than I actually have in my mouth. I still have this dream from time to time. Apparently a dream of worry and feeling like I can't control the situation that I am currently facing.

I used to have that dreams years ago! Wow had no clue what it meant but it sure made me a more earnest dental patient ;D.

Last night I had a dream I moved to a house somewhat near a volcano for unbelievably low rent.  This place was gorgeous and had a lovely pool which I'd just invited Sean Bean and his wife's kids to come play in ( 2laugh What can I say? I fell asleep watching the Vicar of Dibley). As they were begging him could they come play at auntie's house it started getting a little cool outside so I told them to come the next day.

I went to our new place which I hadnt seen yet (but my spouse was so proud that he'd gotten at a steal) and asked him how close it was to the volcano, an answer he skirted around. Then as I admired the place I saw lava rushing over houses at some distance behind ours and started running.  I spent the rest of the dream outrunning the flow...driving at lightening speeds, narrowly escaping, scaling trees and tall buildings, jumping on trains, buses, Mac trucks, and doing other cliffhanger type near-death escapes, all the while watching my spouse give me that oops-I-goofed-dontcha-just-wuv-me? face as we narrowly outran the flames.  Needless to say I was very relieved I didnt have Sean's kids with me.

Then I woke up hazy & exhausted asking my spouse to phone the school & watch for the lava reports on tv. His reaction----> 1blink  1eyebrow 1blink 1stupid

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on June 27, 2009, 03:59:24 pm
Here's the 'nightmare' I had last night:

Me and Brandon were driving home from God knows where. He was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We got to the VFW (which is on our way home) and there was this guy standing on the side of the road. He was wearing all black and had long black hair, but he didn't look gothic. His clothes were nice. He was wearing black slacks and had a knee-length black coat on. It looked businessy. Anyway, he moved toward the road so I was like, "Baby, slow down, this guy is going to cross without looking." So we stop the car maybe 20-25 feet away from where the guy is about to cross the road.

He starts walking across the road, but I noticed that he was moving faster than his feet were going, like he was walking on one of those flat escalators at the airport. This made me uneasy and Brandon was telling me to check it out, and asked if I saw what he was seeing. I said yes. He quickly got to the other side of the road (even though he was walking slow, only strolling) and then he turned in our direction and floated up off the ground about 2 inches. I remember not being able to see his face, not because it was blurry or anything, I was just too freaked out to notice. But I could have sworn he was wearing sunglasses. He suddenly starts zooming through the air toward our car, and I freaked out. I said to Brandon, "Drive away! HURRY UP!" For some reason I didn't want him to float into the car anywhere near my baby.

That's where I woke up. It doesn't even seem scary now but it really did frighten me bad. I woke up really scared and woke up my husband and made him cuddle me so I could relax a little. I had a hard time getting to sleep the rest of the whole night. I have no idea why it scared me so bad. But I kept telling Brandon to be careful on his way to work whenever he passed the VFW, both going to and from work. He talked to me on the phone during his break and told me that he felt really weird on the way to work, but nothing happened. I didn't tell him anything about the dream, just that I had a nightmare and to be careful.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SimGirl20 on June 28, 2009, 01:02:30 am
I've been reading this thread, and thought I would share one of my most recent, repetitive dreams. I am utterly terrified of spiders, have been since I was really young, I remember when I was around nine I was out in my front yard playing with a stick, I had found and slapping at leaves in one of the trees. I had my back turned, and I guess I didn't feel it fall on me, but, I must have slapped a grandaddy long leg off of a leaf or branch, because about 5 seconds later I feel something crawling on the back of my neck! I quickly brush it off, to see that its a grandaddy long leg. I remember it scared me really bad, and I became afraid of spiders from that point.

When my sister was in 3rd or 4th grade, her teacher told her to pour her soda out the classroom window, because her class was having snacktime, and she had soda left, and couldn't finish it. Autumn reached out the window with her soda (which happened to be a dr. pepper) and shook the can out, and there was a brown recluse spider on the holly bush, right beside the window and it bit her on the arm. She was rushed to the hospital, because everyone knows a brown recluse is one dangerous spider. I remember going to the hospital to see her, and her arm had like bubbles on it, it almost looked like her skin was melting! The doctor told us that, it seemed that when Autumn shook the red dr. pepper can that she had provoked the spider, and it bit her. He told us that, judging by the bite, that the spider had just ate, and released most of its venom into its prey. He told us, that if the spider had bitten her 2 inches deeper into her muscle that it would have killed her. 4cry I was really thankful that the spider had bitten her where it did, and just ate because she would not be here today had it bitten her any deeper. Autumn's arm healed quite quickly, but she still bared the scar for a couple of more months.

Here is where my dream, comes in. I moved out when I was 18 the day after I graduated, well I had been living with my boyfriend for maybe a year and a half, when the spider dreams started happening. Have you ever had a dream so real, that when you wake up, you could have sworn you still see what you did in the dream, in real life? :-\ I would have these dreams where I would be lying in my bed awake, and then all of a sudden I would look down or over or up and there would either be, a spider hanging from a web, or on the bed sheets, or my pillow. I would jump up out of bed, and wake John up telling him to hurry and turn the light on that there was a spider on the bed, of course he would and there would be nothing there.. I would have these vivid spider dreams, for like months on end, not every night, but almost. I haven't had any in a while, and I am thankful because I almost hyper ventilate when I have them, from fright.

I had another spider dream, but not the same a couple of months ago. This time it was really weird and fightening. John's step-dad and mom have a big aquarium in there living room, with a california king snake in it in real life. In my dream, I remember going over to the tank to look in, and noticed Bandit (the snake) wasn't in there, I turned to ask Sheila (John's mom) where he was, and she said that he had died, and that her and Daniel (John's step-dad) had gone to the pet store, and bought a terantula!! :eek: Immediatley I wanted to leave, but for some reason she would not take me and John home. She told me it would be alright, to just look at the spider, I didn't want to make her mad, so I went over and tapped on the glass, which turned out the spider was pregnant and had layed an egg sack on the side of the tank, as I tapped I must have jarred the egg sack because it fell off the side, and busted! I can see all the baby spiders scattering all over the tank, I mean like thousands! I was really freaked out, and told Sheila I was going to go to bed, she told me everything would be okay that the spider could not get out, well she was wrong because in my dream, I woke up to that spider biting the calf of my leg, I remember running away from it, climbing on top of dressers, and tables, beds anything I could get on top of to keep from getting bit. It seemed like anywhere I would go, the spider would climb up and bite me again and again on the leg. I remember waking up, and smacking my leg. That has got to be the most frightening spider dream I have ever had to date. I'm not really sure what these dreams, mean but I'm sure it has something to do with the fear of loosing my sister to a spider bite. I've always heard that if you remember a dream in the morning, then it means something. I remember all my spider dreams, so I feel like someone close to me or myself is going to be bitten.. :-\

Sorry about all that..just had to fill in everybody on the purpose of the dreams. Anyone else have vivid, repetitive dreams like that?

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on June 28, 2009, 10:54:57 am
I used to have weird repetative dreams as well. And one of them kind of had something to do with spiders. I was 5 when these started happening. I would dream of Mr. Freeze's (from Batmans) head chasing after me on metal spider legs. I would run as fast as I could, but he would catch up and poke me with these metal spikes that would come out of his head. I woke up feeling terrified. But I stopped having those as I got older.

When i was pregnant with Daemian, I dreamt about zombies about every night I could remember for a month straight. It was odd.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SimGirl20 on June 28, 2009, 01:54:43 pm
Thats scary, SenkoTwiik. I read in a dream book, that if you have dreams of a spider spinning a web, that someone close to you is simply using you. This confused me, because I didn't really know how to interpret this, into real life, and then it hit me. I live with John and his grandparents in the same house, and John's grandmother is really grouchy, and domineering and controlling. She doesn't like me, I think because she always tries to start arguments between John and I. She tells him stuff that I say, that makes him mad and I wouldn't even say that. I feel like she doesn't want me around, and she's always trying to get a reaction out of me, when she tells me lies about John. If I dissagree with her about something, she'll tell him I said the opposite, which again gets us into an argument. So, maybe these spider web dreams are a feeling of being trapped, and not being able to get out of the house, away from her and out on our own. :-\

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Care on June 28, 2009, 02:53:09 pm
I have loads of wierd dreams. The one's that are vivid still are from when I was a little girl I used to dream about people I didn't know then later I would meet them. That was strange I no longer do that though.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SimGirl20 on June 29, 2009, 08:45:56 am
That's strange Care, My mother would have premonitions when she was in her late 20's early 30's. I remember one time she had one, of my dad sliding up under an 18 wheeler on his motor cycle on his way to work. She had told him the next morning, to be careful and to not make any hard right hand turns, and he wanted to know why she would tell him something like that, she told him she couldn't and to just be careful. He called her that day and told her, that his foot had slipped off the clutch of his bike, after coming around a curb and he just missed a semi on the right. pretty creepy.. I also know of her having one, about 10 years ago, where she had seen a plane crash into the side of a building somewhere on the otherside of the world and kill everyone inside, she said about 3 weeks later she was watching the news, and the exact same thing happened in real life, I can remember watching it with her, she was really freaked out. I always used to tell her if she ever had a dream about me, to not tell me. She hasn't had any more premonitions that I know of, for about 5 or 6 years, but she wouldn't tell me anyway. :-\

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Care on June 29, 2009, 06:16:01 pm
yeah it spooky and feels really wierd like déjà vu almost

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SimGirl20 on July 01, 2009, 09:20:49 pm
Speaking of dejavu, I swear to you guys, I just looked over on my side of the bed and there was a spider that crawled off the side of the bed. I couldn't kill it fast enough, so its still somewhere in this room, and even more alarming it could be under the mattress. Oh my gosh! I'm going to buy some bug spray. I think its so irronic that my spider dreams are trying to interpret thereselves.. I'm really freaked out right now, I just knew those dreams meant something. :(

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on July 01, 2009, 10:17:48 pm
i've been having a lot of weird dreams recently, and they somehow seem to involve Rosario Dawson or Julie Christie. :confused:

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: brat1083 on July 05, 2009, 02:05:27 pm
I dreamed I was looking down at my dead body. I wasn't sad. I was saying thank you and good bye to it as I had to go. 

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on July 06, 2009, 12:03:38 pm
Kind of a creepy dream, brat.

I had a real creepy one last night. It was really long, too. It was actually almost 9:00 before I woke up from it. The first one was about a transexual assassin, talking about how he got started as an assassin. He told a woman who seemed to be named Alice the story while they were laying in bed together one night. I guess he had an abusive home-life and his older sister poisoned him to near death. He said that when he got better, he killed her. His parents didn't know he did, they had no idea what happened to the sister, but they blamed him for her disappearance and started treating him really bad. Eventually when things got really horrible for him as a kid, he murdered his parents and left home. I don't remember the rest but he eventually became an assassin. Weird

The next one was based in a mechanic shop. It was about one of the male mechanics who fell in love with another male mechanic because he thought the 'he' was a 'she'. A bunch of weird stuff happened in the mechanic shop, regarding equipment (like the wrong gasses would be put in the wrong tanks) and the shop started receiving written threats...but I'm not really sure that they had anything to do with the shop mistakes. I don't know what happened after that, but I was actually in the dream at this point, to where I could mingle with the other people. There was a lady by the trashcan and she saw a beetle in it (HUGE beetle). I asked her not to dig through the trash but she insisted on it. She picked out the beetle and announced that these beetles were found in a lot of dead people. I instantly felt sick and started to throw up, and nothing but bugs and the same huge beetle came out of my mouth. It was completely disgusting. It got caught in my throat and I couldn't breathe, so I guess I scared myself awake.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: maou on July 10, 2009, 03:41:30 pm
I had those 3 bizzare dreams in a week
1. It's was me walking to the balkony, but I don't know how than bam I fall from the third floor to the concrete ground and I was consumed by a black hole.
2. Seeing myself as a married and having a aciedent that made me bleed severly and die.
3. Seeing my soul getting out of my body in my bedroom and seeing geomotrical figures like triangles and rectangles which creeped the hell out of me. Thank god in this 1 week I didn't crap or pee my pants 2angel

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: heartless on July 13, 2009, 12:00:21 am
A few nights ago I dreamed I was at a totally awesome carnival but then I had to use the restroom and the bathrooms there were really dirty and disgusting. Gross!
I also dreamed about my ex kissing me and telling me he loved me over and over. It was so vivid when I woke up I nearly cried because he wasn't in bed beside me.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on July 22, 2009, 12:52:48 pm
I had a really weird one last night. For some reason, my mom was at my house and she wanted me to go into town with her. So we did and she stopped at this little shop beside Albertson's. It's this kind of preppy store called Simplicity. My mom said she was going to go in and try to get me a job there (which I didn't even want). She went in with my son, and I stood outside. I looked down and noticed that I was dressed really skanky for being in public. I was wearing flip-flops, a mini skirt and a bikini top, which is something I would never wear in real life, especially with my pregnant stomach sticking out like it was.
So I was suddenly embarassed and wondering what to do. I was going to see if I could quickly get back to the car before anyone saw me.

Well, I was going into the car and some old asian guy in a business suit asked me if I wanted to be a model for his business. I knew right away what kind of 'business' he meant. I was trying not to be rude so I said, "No, I'm not interested. I usually don't dress like this." But he wouldn't leave me alone and tried to rape me. So I freaked out and punched his nose in. For some reason he was wearing a backpack and when I knocked him out, it opened and a whole bunch of Lays potato chips fell out onto the ground.

Suddenly a homeless girl that was probably the same age as me came out and started to eat the chips off the ground. I was like, "Eww, do you want some rreal food?" And then I woke up.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: maniac19642003 on July 22, 2009, 01:09:07 pm
A couple nights ago I had my first Farm Town (facebook) dream :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on July 22, 2009, 03:55:17 pm
i have two dreams, one my brother had and one i had.

my brother had a strange dream not too long ago. it was christmas vacation, my cousins were visiting us and christmas was two days away. for some reason, the Jews decided to bring armageddon on that particular day and boy, were they nuking the hell out of everything!

so my cousin Daniel, in a fit of weirdness, told my brother that if we were all going to die, we might as well die happy. he gave my brother some crack, which they both smoked (in the dream, not in real life). however, after my brother's first puff, Daniel turned into a truck (yes, he turned into a truck) and drove away. 1escape

that was his dream. no offense if you're jewish, but you can't control what your mind does what you're asleep, right? :-\

and now, my dream. well, it was more of a nightmare for me. what happened was, i was asleep in my room, when all of a sudden, a clown breaks in! he looked like some circus clown that had been picked up off the street and thrown into the show. his clothes were battered, unclean and just plain disgusting and his make-up looked like the joker from the Dark Knight (and strangely, call me mad, but i've never seen the movie). anyways, he had a rusty chainsaw with him, and he seemed to have a hard time starting up. after four tries, he turnes on the radio, and guess what's playing? that's right, Heart's "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You". :eek: great. just great. that's exactly what i need to hear while some pyschotic clown butchers me with a rusted, poorly made chainsaw.

in case you're wondering why that song, i hate that song with a flaming passion even though i love Heart and will defend the band at any cost to my last dying breath.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on July 22, 2009, 04:47:03 pm
Haha! Soul, that part about the truck cracked me up! I think I would freak if my cousin turned into one, with or without the crack. And maybe the clown wanted to play you some easy listening so it would be easier for you to relax...while you got chopped up.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on July 23, 2009, 01:17:04 pm
how would listening to a song i hate so much while being mauled by a clown be considered "easy listening"?

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on July 25, 2009, 03:41:48 pm
Cause it's a soft tune. Ever heard of the phrase "Easy listening Classics"?

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on July 25, 2009, 04:38:53 pm
....maybe this ( will explain the song a little better. you can have your own opinion about it, but i honestly think the song itself is horrible.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on July 26, 2009, 12:20:35 pm
I myself am not actually fond of it, but my mom is. She's a Heart freak!

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: girlygirl2775 on July 26, 2009, 12:32:55 pm
Ha,you know whats weird? My ex is in ALL of my dreams.Anyways..I once had this dream I was walking down this unknown street with him.There was a drive-by and he stood in front of the bullet for me.The weird thing was a day earlier then that,we had a huge fight and broke up because he was cheating on me.  :-\

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on July 26, 2009, 04:34:35 pm
I myself am not actually fond of it, but my mom is. She's a Heart freak!

lol, so am i! but that song is the only song from them that i hate! the lyrics creep me most the most. wait, we're getting off-topic, aren't we?

              *We now return you to our normal broadcasting, already in progress.*

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on July 30, 2009, 04:07:04 pm
I had a FREAKISH dream last night.

I was in my son's room, which used to be my room when I was just a little girl. In the dream I was the same age as I am now, but half of the room was decorated like my old room when I was little, but my son's same bed was still there on the other side of the room. I have no idea why I was in there in the first place, but I forgot all about my reasons when I saw a weird creature on top of my old book shelf (the bookshelf hasn't existed in this house for almost 12 years).

It was mostly like a spider, but it was HUGE! It was like the size of a cocker spaniel. It was big and black and had 8 legs, but the front two legs were like that of a lobster, with pinchers. THe creature had a face like a lobster as well, but it also had a mouth like a lizard that blended in with it's face. Needless to say as soon as I saw it I was completely terrified and I backed onto my son's bed and started screaming as loud as I could for my husband to come and save me from it. I didn't want to look at it, but I couldn't break the stare.

It kept opening and closing its mouth really slowly, or it would move a leg, or clip its pinchers together. Either way, every time it moved, it renewed my screaming my head off. It looked like it was going to start climbing down the bookcase toward me, and I got so scared I actually started yelling for Daemian (my little boy that isn't even 2 years old yet) to come and help me. Finally when the screaming hysterically wasn't working, I eventually ran out of the room crying and woke up.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on August 04, 2009, 10:07:13 am
whoa, senko. talk about freakish!
I had a pretty awkward dream last night. I dreamt that I was driving on the way to my orthodontist appointment today. however, whenever I would try to brake, the brakes wouldn't work! so I was pretty much cruising down Clay Road at fifty miles an hour with non-working brakes! and the weird part? there were cops all over the road, and none of them even bothered to stop me whenever I ran a red light!

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on August 07, 2009, 11:28:19 am
Haha, imagine a world where cops didn't jump all over you for every little thing.

Last night I had a weird one. There was two of my husband. They were two different people that looked very close in appearance and both were named Brandon. And I was in love with both of them. I didn't know which Brandon I loved more. Suddenly my friend Lavada was yelling at me and telling me that I got pregnant on purpose to save my marriage (I didn't, it was unplanned) and now I was cheating on my husband with a guy that looked like him. So I got mad at her.

Later, the two Brandons found out about each other and started fighting. Of course my real husband won. Then he got really mad and made me choose which Brandon I wanted to be with and the other would have to disappear. So I started crying and chose my real husband and the other Brandon was really crushed.

The dream itself was way longer, but it was so long and confusing that I had to paraphrase it all so that it wouldn't be too long and boring to read.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Glamily on September 04, 2009, 03:19:10 am
I have a lot of weird dreams.

A few years back I had a dream that my parents were putting me to bed (I was 11) and my mum pulled the covers up around me and they were really high up around my face. And then when they turned off the light they walked down the hallway and turned off that house. I heard harsh breathing (like horror movie breathing) then a evil sorta chuckle (again, think a horror movie) then i saw a hand that was sorta like Freddy Kruegers but with sharp bloody knives appear over me and another hand appeared than drove itself into my leg and I woke up crying..

All of last month I kept dreaming that I was in a green see-through ball that from the outside looked like a ball of wool and purple kittens were chasing it and batting it around.

Now at the moment I keep dreaming that I'm swimming in a pool and Remus Lupin from HP is swimming with me then we're suddenly in a tree and I slip and fall out the tree and land on a purple and green trampoline with the Cheshire Cat..

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: SenkoTwiik on September 04, 2009, 11:18:19 pm
I had one the other night that I was back in high school. I was 16 or 17 again and I was attending a school in another town that I'm not familar with. I still had Daemian and I was still pregnant with Rosie. My husband and I were still a couple but we weren't married yet. He worked while I went to school.

I had just gotten my son out of the school's daycare and the bus drove off without me. So I walked to Brandon's mother's house, which was two stories and very cozy, like a large cabin. I knocked on the door and told her what happened and she said I could stay at the house because Brandon would be home from work soon.

Brandon did come home and asked me why I was there. I told him that the bus left me and he picked up Daemian and started to play with him. Next thing I knew Brandon was asking his mom if Daemian and I could move in (since there were plenty of rooms in the house). She agreed, and we went to my mom's so that I could get my stuff.

For some reason, in this dream, my mom was nothing like herself in real life. She was a fat ugly drunk and she was really mean. I hated her (in real life my mom and I are very close). I told her I didn't want to live with her and I was moving out. She tried to say that I couldn't but I told her I didn't care and that she was an unfit parent and a bad influence on Daemian. She then tried to seduce my boyfriend and I got really mad at her and woke up.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on September 05, 2009, 10:06:17 am
I had a really weird dream the night before with Yoko Ono being in it a lot. I think I'm just going to stop here since, A) I'm too young to post what happened in the dream, and 2) this isn't the adult site. *shudders* now if y'all will excuse me, I need to find some brain bleach.

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: Haruhitastic on September 05, 2009, 11:48:04 am
I had a really weird dream the night before with Yoko Ono being in it a lot. I think I'm just going to stop here since, A) I'm too young to post what happened in the dream, and 2) this isn't the adult site. *shudders* now if y'all will excuse me, I need to find some brain bleach.

You lost me at Yoko Ono.

I had a weird one last's been quite some time since I've had one this strange. XD
I've been thinking a lot about this guy I like, who I have known for a while. He lives down in Brazil, and we've promised each other that somehow we'll meet each other (either he comes up to South Carolina, or I go down to Brazil).
Well, I dreamt I had saved up enough money to fly down there and see him, but I couldn't remember what he looked like. So here I am walking down the streets of Brasilia totally and completely confused, and then I find a Wal-Mart and just stand there in the middle of the parking lot.
My dad then pulls up in his car, and I was freaked out that he was there and he found out I was down in Brazil. So I ran away and then two guys steering a massive line of carts come out from the corral and I was just completely sure one of them was my friend. And then right when I saw him I woke up; and I laid in my bed like "...what the heck just happened."

Title: Re: Weird Dreams?
Post by: soulofthesea on September 05, 2009, 11:51:13 am
^ hence, why I said I needed the brain bleach. :P

EDIT: I just had a weird dream involving my girlfriend, Alexis. I was in the school production of Sweeny Todd, and so was Alexis. And every time I would try to get her attention, even if no one was around us, she wouldn't notice me. Plus, when it was just me and her somewhere, she'd start crying for no reason, and call out to me, even though I was two feet in front of her. Also, nobody in the cast or crew would notice I was there. I almost felt like I was disappearing. Later in the dream, I found out that I had died in some freak accident and was really a ghost, which exlpained why Alexis would suddenly burst into tears when no one was around.

it was a very weird dream. and I've never even seen Sweeny Todd, the movie or the play!

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