Title: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: nobody7382 on April 03, 2009, 04:29:18 am 1omg Only vehicles can use garage doors
* Requires : Nightlife and/or Apartment Life * Compatibility: Apartment Life, Mansion & Garden Stuff * Modifications: Semi-Global (affects all electric garage doors) * Hack Version#: 1.0 Quick Info ~~~~~~~~~~ Prevents both human Sims and pet Sims from using the electric garage door as a means to enter the garage and/or the house. They will now be required to use a normal door to enter. So be sure that the electric door is not the ONLY means of entering the house or garage. Otherwise, humans and pets could become trapped in the garage after their vehicle drives in! Effects ~~~~~~~ Vehicles are now the only objects that can open the garage door. It is most highly recommended that you use this hack along with my "Realistic Billing" hack. It prevents pedestrians from using electric garage doors to enter your home or garage. Because every time the garage door opens, it uses electricity which increases your electric bill. And there is no reason for the lazy Sims to use the electric garage door when a REAL WOODEN DOOR is just a few feet away! * Check out the readme.txt file for more information. Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: nobody7382 on April 03, 2009, 04:43:57 am To anyone wondering, no my "Realistic Billing" hack is not yet available. I had planned to release it back when FreeTime was out and then again when Apartment Life came. But I never finished it 100%. For those curious minds out there, it is basically a Mini Expansion Pack that adds a water/power/trash usage tracking system, power/water outages where real objects in your game will shutoff or power down on the fly (imagine all of the lights going out and your food in the fridge spoiling when you don't pay the electric bill), water/power/trash-pickup billing, massive fixes to bugs with trash bins in general, realistic property tax billing, and a huge pile of other neat things. It required over 50x more hacking and custom code than all my other hacks combined. So you can see why it takes me so long to finish, but I hope to have it available very soon.
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: VampyrMuffinMan on April 03, 2009, 01:18:33 pm Yes! Much appreciated. 2fanku
It drives me nuts that Sims use the overhead door when the standard door is right there... Hell, in some of my houses, there are stairs in the garage that go upstairs, yet sims will go outside, up the drive, through the gate in the fence, then to the front door, etc. An hour or more of game time later, they get to their destination. Right above where they were just standing next to the car, near the stairs. :mad: Now they will probably go out the other door, up the drive... :confused: Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: hawnsimmer on April 04, 2009, 02:09:58 pm Thank You!!! Much Needed!!! 1cheer
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: mrs ladybug on April 08, 2009, 05:53:21 pm Thank you for much needed Mod ;D
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: junglejim on April 09, 2009, 05:46:36 pm just wanted to say thank's,i put it in the game it work's great..rev.jim...
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: chaisipper on April 11, 2009, 10:57:13 am It wears me out to have visitors using the garage doors. Thanks so much for this!
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: odettesmom on May 10, 2009, 10:26:23 am You are wonderful and creative! Thanks so much.
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: Lacrymosa on May 13, 2009, 02:05:29 pm Thank you for this. Much needed.
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: smacart on February 03, 2010, 11:35:13 pm This was much needed thanks a million!
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: LadyKillerCat on February 26, 2010, 01:46:39 pm =O.O= I LOVE YOU! that has been a pain in the tail to keep having sims use that as a door. i don't want wolves in mah home, or people walking around my home at my home businesses. =>.<=
Title: Re: Only vehicles can use garage doors Post by: Lady Aran on August 23, 2010, 10:33:54 pm Thanks for this! I'm so tired of seeing my sims use the garage doors, when there's a door inside the garage that leads INTO THE HOUSE! >.<