Title: Cheats Post by: Dec12741 on June 03, 2009, 11:01:29 pm Does anyone know if there is any cheats for The Sims 3?
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Care on June 03, 2009, 11:09:16 pm Kaching - 1,000 more Simoleons
Motherlode - 50,000 more Simoleons moveObjects [on or off] - Hand tool can move any object in buy and build modes testingCheatsenabled [true or false] - testing cheats on objects (no boolprop) constrainFloorElevation [true or false ] - Allows terrain adjustments regardless of objects/Sims/etc on them disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] - When on, ojects will not snap to slots while holding ALT enablellamas [on or off] - unkown result fadeObjects [on or off] - Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not affect Sims fullscreen [on or off] - Turns on / off fullscreen hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] - Shows or hides talk/thought balloons above Sim heads jokePlease - Prints a random joke to the console moveObjects [on or off] - Removes limitations for placing / moving objects quit - Exits the game resetSim - Returns Sims to a safe, neutral state at their home location slowMotionViz - Puts visuals in slow motion. 0 = normal, 8=slowest. Does not affect the speed of time in-game unlockOutfits [on or off] - This must be entered before going into CAS. Shows career outfits and service uniforms testingCheatsenabled [true or false] - Enables testing cheats There are threads in the sims 3 buzz section pertaining to this already... Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Dec12741 on June 04, 2009, 07:22:00 am Tried those chose and they don't work they are for The Sims 2 games
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Pierre on June 04, 2009, 07:42:20 am Tried those chose and they don't work they are for The Sims 2 games Katching and motherlode works in the sims3 because I use the motherlodecheat in the sims3 so i know it works. Pierre ;) Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Dec12741 on June 04, 2009, 08:38:07 am Pierre1 how did you get it to work?
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: marykate38 on June 04, 2009, 09:01:16 am i have been playing since june first when i got my game and all the cheats listed do work..but just remember moveobjects on no under score i was putting in the underscore and could'nt figure out why it wsant working..lol ttfn have a great day
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: caffeinated.joy on June 04, 2009, 09:14:15 am Tried those chose and they don't work they are for The Sims 2 games I don't have sims 3 yet, Dec, but a lot of those aren't S2 cheats. Example: Sims 2 cheat: boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false Sims 3 cheat: disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] Sims 2 cheat: showHeadlines on/off Sims 3 cheat: hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Pierre on June 04, 2009, 11:36:31 am Pierre1 how did you get it to work? Shit Ctrl C and then type motherlode when your in the familyhome. and if there is a house you like for your sims juts type the cheat free realestate. Title: Re: Cheats Post by: geezy33 on June 04, 2009, 11:47:39 am thank u pierra 1 , I just added it to my Word pad
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Care on June 04, 2009, 11:52:48 am I haven't tried them all but I know some of them work. You don't need boolprop anymore with the sims 3 though.
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: whitemn on June 04, 2009, 12:37:42 pm testingcheatsenabled true
this allows you to shift click mailbox to max ur needs, make them static, and choose career(note: using the career option won't complete your lifetime wish). Also you can shift click sim and have them grow up. Forgot to also add you can have your sim selected and anywhere in neighborhood you can shift click ground and have them teleport their, nice when ur out collecting. Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Chaavik on June 04, 2009, 02:21:04 pm One thing to keep in mind when you shift+click an unselectable Sim:
If you do plan to make the unselectable Sim selectable to check the needs and wishes, you won't be able to unselect the Sim again. The "Make Selectable" option in Sims 3 is not the same as in Sims 2, meaning that in Sims 2, you can make a Sim selectable to adjust the needs, check the wants/fears and personality and then make the Sim unselectable. In Sims 3, that option makes the previously unselectable Sim a permanent member of your current household. I found this out the hard way when I made Don Lothario selectable to check him out and had no option to make him unselectable because I unwittingly made him a permanent member of my Sim's household. So, do be careful with the "Make Selectable" option when you shift+click a visiting Sim. Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Dec12741 on June 04, 2009, 03:31:30 pm Also do you have to press Shift+CTRL+ C at the same time?
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Chaavik on June 04, 2009, 03:45:50 pm Shift+Control+C brings up the command window just like in Sims 2. Shift+Control+Click lets you bring up the pie menu of hidden options on an object or a Sim just like in Sims 2.
BUT the commands are subtly different for Sims 3 because boolprop isn't needed to use the commands. Title: Re: Cheats Post by: DaSpecial1 on June 04, 2009, 04:14:51 pm *Shift* Ctrl C and then type help and the cheat list comes up. If you do that while in CAS you get two extra cheats in the window, 1. The option to make your son or daughter into an NPC ... I forgot the other one 2blush
**Edited to correct the spelling mistake so people don't accuse the poor guy for an unintended profanity word.** Title: Re: Cheats Post by: brat1083 on June 04, 2009, 08:30:32 pm Dasi there a loose not on your keyboard the cause a typo...
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Chaavik on June 04, 2009, 08:36:57 pm Okay, no idea what that meant...
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: brat1083 on June 04, 2009, 08:58:24 pm Okay, no idea what that meant... Carefull read the 1st word of Dasi Last postTitle: Re: Cheats Post by: Chaavik on June 04, 2009, 11:35:25 pm Ah, gotcha... Fixed!
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: DaSpecial1 on June 05, 2009, 12:15:46 am Dasi is a girl ;D...
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Ali on June 05, 2009, 01:42:59 am now if someone could find a cheat to make the damn plumbbob go away
please? pretty please?? Title: Re: Cheats Post by: DaSpecial1 on June 05, 2009, 03:27:15 am I agree Ali, especially since there is no use for it in Sims 3. It doesn't indicate anything in that game.
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Cathy on June 06, 2009, 09:03:39 am Is there something like MaxMotives?
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: DaSpecial1 on June 06, 2009, 09:55:35 am If there is it hasnt been uncovered yet; "testingcheatsenabled true" is the only way for now.
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Dec12741 on June 09, 2009, 04:52:40 pm You guys will no tbelieve this I finely got that cheats message bar(tranparent) on the Screen
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: SimGirl20 on June 10, 2009, 02:00:52 am J.M. Pescado, has a working mod over at MATY, that fixes lots of annoying things in the game, and also makes use of several things such as more CAS slider options, maxmotives, no moving away families, no babies being randomly spawned without the relationship of TWO parents amoungst many other cool things, but I can't think of the link right off hand :-\
Title: Re: Cheats Post by: Chaavik on June 10, 2009, 03:56:41 am Yep, this is the link to Pescado's Awesome mod (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15185.0.html).
Caveat emptor: READ (Really really) the directions how to install the mod(s) from that thread very very carefully. Title: Re: Cheats Post by: charliex on June 12, 2009, 02:17:12 pm I thought I'd post this here since a quick search of the phrase "editme" didn't turn up anything in any other threads. I apologize before hand if this has been posted elsewhere, but for those who are saying "Edit in CAS" isn't working for them, I'd suggest trying "editme". I does exactly what the "Edit in CAS" cheat has been described as doing.