Sims 2 Community Downloads => Neighborhoods => Topic started by: nellie23 on July 02, 2009, 06:51:06 pm

Title: NewEden
Post by: nellie23 on July 02, 2009, 06:51:06 pm
This is another map I made because I wanted more beach and high levels to avoid flooded basements.
Please use a modified neighborhood camera to see the full neighborhood.   To install open rar file in mydocuments/eagames/sims2/SC4terrains, besure to put the package and all the photos in.   And as always feel free to modify and if you want to post it again tell them what the original one was.

admin edit: attached image removed, only 1 permitted as per site rules

Title: Re: NewEden
Post by: gronimo on July 17, 2009, 06:12:38 am
really like da map, danke.    :D

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