Title: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS -*Dec. 1st!*- Post by: HATTERS on December 23, 2009, 09:48:26 pm I always have a ton of pictures that I take but never end up being shown because I feel like I'm spamming. I shall FEAR NO MORE! Pictures will be put here. -Please, please PLEASE don't take my photos! Some of them took a very long time to take. Plus, they mean something to me. XD Don't claim as your own. -I do build every lot you see in the pictures. ~H A T T E R S Title: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 23, 2009, 10:26:11 pm OLD PHOTOS / BACKGROUND Here are some old links to slide shows of my pictures. Some are sort of recent, some are not. I treat my game mostly realistically and like a story. So everyone of my sims have a background and uniqueness about them. ^_^ It all started with one family, the Josie's. It was the only family in the neighborhood and the main couple were created from a dream I had. http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/?albumview=slideshow So as you can see, they had two children both girls. The oldest is Ceila, who had the betters grades and was 'popular'. :P The younger one was Cam who never had much luck with school or boys for that matter. ;) After a while they're both in there teen's and Ceila meets Rye, a teenager living on his own because both of his parents died. He was living in a crappy apartment and trying to make end's meet. Rye is a romance so of course I intended to have them together. Cam finally gets fed up with Ceila getting everything so she plans to make a move on Rye. But as it turns out, he had his eyes on her first anyway. Unforchantly, they get caught cheating. D: So now the sisters hate each other and pretty much want to tear each other apart. Ceila grows up and moves on from Rye, deciding he's not worth it if he willing to cheat on her. She moves out to her own place. http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/?albumview=slideshow Ceila moves into a really nice apartment (Which I built! ^_^), its close to the beach and she thinks its perfect to start her own life. Right away the guy that owns the apartment starts making moves on her- she’s not interested. Hes’s ugly. D: But another guy comes to her rescue, his name is Alex Sands. Right away they hit it off and become close. Before they even know it there having dinner. Ceila thought everything was finally going right when she gets abducted by Aliens. She tries to tell her boyfriends but he doesn’t believe her. She breaks up with him but he doesn’t want to believe it so he keeps trying to make out with her. Eventually he go home. After a while things die down. she learns how to break dance. ^_^ sweet. Title: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 23, 2009, 11:01:41 pm BACKGROUND CONTINUED. Meanwhile. Cam grows up and moves out with Rye. He told her that she was a lot more important in his life and that he was willing to work things out. (NOT.) http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/?albumview=slideshow' Sadly though, Cam gets pregnant accidentally and Rye realizes he's not ready to be a father yet. He just turned into a adult! So he called up his old flame, and Cam's sister Ceila and invited her downtown. Things got a bit out of hand, in the end Rye 'woohoos' with Ceila publicly in the photo booth. Rye finally gets fed up with the baby so he invites over Ceila and makes out with her right in front of Cam. Cam obviously break's up with him and tells him to get out. She now realizes she's a single mother raising a child so she runs to the store to buy more ‘mommy like’ clothes, plus children ones. Cam decided she needed a fresh start so she moved out of the house she and Rye used to share. Life moves by fast and her Child, Blaine, grows up quickly. He is hands down the most cutest toddler I’ve ever had in my game! ^_^ Cam invites over her parents for Blaine’s birthday because she has no other friends. She hasn’t had time to make any between work and raising a child. Blaine grows up into a child and Cam struggles to fill the dad role in his life. Eventually Cam decided to forgive&forget with her sister. She called her over and they made up. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 23, 2009, 11:12:48 pm MORE BACKGROUND Rye decides he’s tried of being tied down so he moves into an apartment with to other strangers. He quickly learns that they seek the same thing in life. (One romance, one popularity ,the last pleasure.) http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/?albumview=slideshow Right away Rye starts romancing the ladies, greeting them randomly on the street. A red hair girl said he’s work really well with her friend so she set him up on a date. (The new girl is a traveler and starts doing the slap dance, she teaches rye and his roommates. I made him invite her to stay for 3 days just for fun. Now it’s the only thing they ever do. -_-). Soon one party is thrown after another. From slap dance lines to boohooing was what mainly happened at the party. Rye invites over Ceila but he really isn’t interested in her anymore. She’s old news. Now she’s merely his little toy. What he uses when he needs a pick up. The guys throw another party, with all the usual crowd invited. At the last one Ceila and Damian met. They instantly start hitting I off. Damian asks her out on a date, figuring Rye was cool with it. You are now up to date in my game. ^_^ Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: Katie on December 23, 2009, 11:56:57 pm Your pictures are lovely but it's a lot easier for us to have you post each one by one... I only had enough patience for two pictures but the ones I saw were great!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 24, 2009, 02:45:19 am Ooops! Sorry I forgot to change the speed back to fast. It was on the slowest one. :-\
Anyway though, thanks for the comment. I was going to post them one by one anyway, this was just for the background stuff. ;) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 24, 2009, 01:53:59 pm Alright so Rye, Damian and Skylar all went on a vacation to the tropics. Rye had been wanting to buy a vacation home so that was my excuse. I don't have any pictures of the house yet, but I'll show them when I can. ^_^ Since they have about 15 friends, i decided they would invite some of them on the trip. So theres 7 sims total, one of them is Rye's son. Lately he had been getting to know him better so he took him out of school to go on vacation with them! Yeay! On the first day they went to the Ruins/the beach... (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_b83cdc09.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_b83cdc3f.jpg) ^Skylar fooling around as usual. XD (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_f83c5181.jpg) Like father like son. Blaine admiring himself in a bathroom on the beach. ^ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_f83c4e4e.jpg) Rye learns to fire dance ^ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_183c4c44.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_983c4fba.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_d83c4f68.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_f83c4ce0.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_b83cea79.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_f83cea4a.jpg) ^ Digging for treasure (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_d83c430f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_783cd6ab.jpg) Party at the beach house! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_983cda1e.jpg) I can only Imagine there conversation….XD (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_d83cd790.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_d83cd711.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_183cd728.jpg) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 24, 2009, 02:05:56 pm The next day was a day at the beach house/ pirate ship.. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_b83c4204.jpg) Woohoo ;] (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_183cdf97.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_583cdf7b.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_983ceb90.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_f83ce8d6.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_b83ce509.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_d83ce6ca.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_b83ce874.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_d83ce757.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_f83ce650.jpg) After seeing Ceila with Damien all day, he realizes her needs her. Even though he doesn’t want admit it, it hurts him inside when he see's them together. Before he could care less what they were doing. But now he see that she was always what kept him stable. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_983c488b.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/RTT%20Vacation/snapshot_97886b59_d83c4873.jpg) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: Katie on December 24, 2009, 11:58:34 pm Awehh... I love the udpate!!! Awehh that last picture made me smile!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 25, 2009, 09:24:27 pm I love that one too, I think it might be my favorite out of the ones I took that day. ^_^
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: Katie on December 25, 2009, 10:02:29 pm Haha, it's really cute~!
Title: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS Post by: HATTERS on December 26, 2009, 12:21:45 am Update! Damian and Ceila went on a date! Damian had been thinking about asking the big question…. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_383d6ccc.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_383d6cfc.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_783d6bbc.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_b83d6c0a.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_d83d6e5c.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_f83d6fc6.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_d83d6ef1.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_b83d727e.jpg) Later they headed out for Some coffee… (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_d83d70bc.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_983d753d.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_783d75ed.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_97886b59_183d7619.jpg) Yeay! Happily engaged. I big plans for these two. I love them so much. I’m not so happy how he proposed to her though, I could think of a different way. :/ Title: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Dec 25.~ Post by: HATTERS on December 26, 2009, 12:51:22 am Damian and Ceila's Marriage Ceremony Ceila Getting Ready (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_583e4e4a.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_783e4e72.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_983e4f09.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_d83e50e8.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5195.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5094.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_783e513c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5268.jpg) Its killing Rye that he has to be at her wedding. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5837.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_583e57c3.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_383e573a.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e52bd.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_383e5349.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_f83e575c.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_f83e5afd.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_b83e51e0.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5982.jpg) So the Dumb Grim Reaper decided to take Ceila and Cam’s parents lives on her wedding day. -_- (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5c64.jpg)(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_583e5767.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5bf2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/snapshot_183e4e47_183e5e37.jpg) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Dec 25.~ Post by: Katie on December 26, 2009, 01:03:42 am Yay for upadtes! I loved this update! <3
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Dec 25.~ Post by: HATTERS on December 26, 2009, 01:11:41 am hey, I love updates to! XD
I'll probably update again tomorrow or the day after that with my sim 2 Christmas photos. ^_^ Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Dec 25.~ Post by: HATTERS on December 26, 2009, 03:36:56 pm Here is two slightly edited photos of Damian and Ceila's Wedding: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/daminaceila2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Date-wedding/damianceila1.jpg) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Dec 25.~ Post by: Katie on December 26, 2009, 09:49:44 pm Awehh what a pretty Wedding!
Title: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Jan 3rd.~ Post by: HATTERS on January 03, 2010, 09:16:00 pm http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/domandaelli.jpg
A really lame edit I did. D: Forgive my lack of skills because I barely ever edit sims pictures. New pictures soon....maybe. Haven't had time to play. :[ Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Jan. 3rd~ Post by: Katie on January 03, 2010, 09:25:22 pm That looks Good! :D
(especially in comparison to my skill lol XD ) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Jan. 3rd~ Post by: hannahh on January 03, 2010, 09:34:07 pm Aw your sims are so adorable and pretty.
Your men are very handsome. That edit looks great! :D Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Jan. 3rd~ Post by: HATTERS on January 15, 2010, 09:43:56 pm Aw thanks you two! ;D
I plan on updated sometime tomorrow or the day after that. Going to do some serious simming. ;) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Jan. 3rd~ Post by: HATTERS on February 21, 2010, 04:42:44 am Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of posting! (Finals and but loads of homework).I promise I'm going to post photos in the next few days. Pfft, not like anybody cares. :p As soon as I get some picture problems figured out I'll be sure to put some up.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Jan. 3rd~ Post by: moonlight dreamer on February 21, 2010, 02:09:57 pm the wedding pics are awesome!! better editing skills than mine
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Updated Jan. 3rd~ Post by: HATTERS on February 28, 2010, 01:37:47 am ^ thanks! Believe that's about as far as my skill go. :P so...*cough* neglected thread much? I actually have been doing a lot of simming lately, I just haven't had time to organize. BUT NOW, I finally have! So here are some pictures! The first day I played Ceila and Damian's house. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_785f555f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_785f551c.jpg) That is the house I built for them. I quite like it. ^_^ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_f85f5e53.jpg) They had there first child pretty quickly. Its a boy named Azure. :) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_98846983.jpg) Not long after, Ceila had twins...which was not planned. :( Still, I love them! One is a boy (Logan) and the other is a girl (Landin). (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_98856087.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_38857747.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_b8856291.jpg) So adorable! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_5884799a.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_18845fa7.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_1885634c.jpg) Just some spares. Azure is now a teenager and the twins are children. They just grew up in ugly maxis clothes and I haven't changed them yet so I didn't want to show them. XD Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Upd. Febuary 28th.~ Post by: HATTERS on February 28, 2010, 03:21:02 am Ahh so the next day I played Rye and Skyler’s apartment lot. I finally decided to get Skyler a woman, so I made Aire in CAS for him. They meet through mutual friends. There first date was at an art gallery. ^_^ (They’re an artistic couple) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_18870487.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_788984bd.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_d8898568.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_588984a9.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_38898e7e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_58898e22.jpg) Stargazing on the restaurant floor. They’re sort of quarky. XD (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_78898d5c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_b8898c94.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_38898c9c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_18898b30.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_78898b61.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_f8898b73.jpg) I had him propose by the end of the night. ;) She said yes of course. Sorry major picture spamage for the date. I couldn’t help it, they’re just way to adorable together. :D Tah Dah- The wedding day! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_f88be507.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_d88be43c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_988be5bf.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_d88bebd3.jpg) Aire’s best friend Skye, who is also one of the many girls that is with rye. They had woohoo on their wedding day! :o (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_f88be984.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_f88beaa8.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_f88be851.jpg) I love this picture. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_388be6dd.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_97886b59_388be817.jpg) Again I forgot to take wide shots. -_- Grr. Oh well though. I recently just download a butt load of CC objects and I decorated Skylers and Aire’s whole house with CC, which is unusual for me. There house is decorated in all neon colors. I just wish I could find more neon colored CC lights. If anybody finds some, please tell me! I plan on sending these two love birds on a fart east vacation for their honeymoon. As soon as I build one- off they go! Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Upd. Febuary 28th.~ Post by: Prudensh on February 28, 2010, 05:05:12 am I plan on sending these two love birds on a fart east vacation for their honeymoon. *has fit of immature giggles*Seriously, great pictures and I particularly love the art gallery and the shots of them stargazing in the restaurant made me lol. I also love your Sims' names. I think I am going to steal some. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Upd. Febuary 28th.~ Post by: madkitty on February 28, 2010, 10:56:11 am Your sims are so beautiful! I wish that my building skills were half as good as yours ;D
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S // From HATTERS. ~Upd. Febuary 28th.~ Post by: HATTERS on March 02, 2010, 06:15:16 pm Squeee! Aw thanks you two, you make me feel so special! :D Alright I figured I’d post some pictures of Skyler and Arie’s house. I actually quite like it, it’s my first house in almost all CC. Any way, their house is decorated in all neon lights. ;) Outside shots: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_98983c7a.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_58983c54.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_f8983c65.jpg) Main entrway: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_3896d628.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_b8983b87.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_d8983b9f.jpg) Living Room: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_78983baf.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_58983abc.jpg) Dining/Kitchen: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_18983ad2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_38983b3c.jpg) Study: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_98983b54.jpg) The two different bathrooms: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_78983b7a.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_d8983bc9.jpg) Master bedroom: (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_98983c08.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_d8983c2c.jpg) Yeppp so that’s it! I really like their house, I just wish I knew where to find more colored lights. Skyler and Arie already went on vacation, I just haven’t had time to upload them! Until then, thanks for looking! 2fanku P.S. Its my birthday on Thursday. ;) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~Upd. March 2nd. ~ Post by: HATTERS on March 03, 2010, 10:13:13 am Hey guys, I thought I'd post a picture I edited. Nothing extreme, just a little edit. :) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/tehbaby-1.jpg) Full size: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/tehbaby.jpg ;D Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~Upd. March 2nd. ~ Post by: madkitty on March 04, 2010, 06:49:43 pm I like it :D I wish I had your skills!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~Upd. March 2nd. ~ Post by: Katie on March 06, 2010, 08:01:12 pm :)) Love love love love love!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~Upd. March 2nd. ~ Post by: Prudensh on March 09, 2010, 04:08:52 am Your shots are all beautiful, and the lighting in particular is awesome. And I love all your greenery, both indoor and out. Potted plants and flowers really give your rooms that special touch. The pic of the piano with the plant in the foreground is my favourite.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~Upd. March 2nd. ~ Post by: HATTERS on March 22, 2010, 07:55:07 pm madkitty~ daw, thank so much. Trust me, I have none. XD OBretttterBO- hehe thank you! Prudensh- Thank you! I love putting plants everywhere, it makes it look a lot less bare. EEK! SO, it has been a while. I’ve been really busy and haven’t had time to sim. I never posted Skyler and Arie’s Fart East Vacation pictures so I thought I would now. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_d896d83e.jpg) Signing in. I really wanted to build there own hotel, but it would have taken FOREVER. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_1896f5ef.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_f896e8c9.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/fsnapshot_98916cae_5896e7d0.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_3896e8b7.jpg) Hehe. XD (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_3896ebe9.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_5896ec54.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_7896d963.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_78982d27.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_9896e961.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_7898274f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_7896eb80.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_5896fb64.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_5896da3a.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_1896f0b0.jpg) Coming back from a tour. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_d8982f21.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_b8983072.jpg) They found a map to a secret lot! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_5898358e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_389834eb.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_189834f6.jpg) The old guy was really cool, he taunt Skyler this dragon tale thing. It was actually quite cool. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_d896e508.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_d8981aba.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_b896f261.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_9896fa1c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_78982bda.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/Far%20East%20Vaca/snapshot_98916cae_789822c7.jpg) Pretty! Total number of Woohoo’s: 6. Ah, sorry for the sort of random order. It as really fun though, my sims need to go on Vacation’s more often. It took forever for the ninja to teach Arie the ninja ways. I swear, every time she got the wrong answer ! Skyler got food poising a lot which is funny. I'm thinking about redecorating their house now…XD Thanks for looking! 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: HATTERS on March 22, 2010, 08:04:01 pm Oh andddd, here is an edit I did a while ago but never showed you guys. This is my RP sim Lucas on another site. ^_^ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/lucas2-1.jpg) Full Size (PLEASE check out, MUCH better quality!): http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2746/4451573121_a78f6ac35f_o.jpg Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: Ruffnut on March 22, 2010, 09:44:53 pm delicious sims and gorgeous pictures!
I should start a thread too, I have to many and I feel bad for spamming on the threads XD Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: madkitty on March 23, 2010, 03:05:05 pm @Kyle: You should! More piccies... :P
Bahaha, total woohoos; 6. XD Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: HATTERS on April 20, 2010, 05:03:47 pm KyleTheArtist: hehe, I know. I'd be a rich woman if I had a dollar for each time I wished they were real. XD
madkitty: It wasn't really my choice, they kept rolling wants. Have public woohoo, woohoo in bed, woohoo in hot tub, all of those came up almost daily. O_O Hehe typical honeymooners right? XD More pictures soon guys! I just played a couple of days ago but haven't had time to organize them. I hope you guys are enjoying your games! 1woot Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: Zggs on April 20, 2010, 05:16:40 pm I must admit the picture of Rye sitting with the little girl at the wedding on page 2 I think is hilarious. Mostly because of his facial expression.
Is Skyler's hair a peggy? I quite like it. I know what you mean about the woohoo wants. My simself and my sim husband kept rolling wants to woohoo. So did another family of mine - such naughty sims. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: Katie on April 20, 2010, 05:20:04 pm <3 Love. A lot.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: HATTERS on April 20, 2010, 05:34:39 pm Zeggs- heh, I love that picture so much. I just think it's funny because he's a romance sim that has like 5 or 6 lovers. Out of all the girls he could have sat with, he sat with a little kid. He looks mortified like it's ruining his Lothario reputation = amusement for me. XD
I think Skyler's hair is peggy, I'd have to check because I'm not exactly sure. Next time I'm in bodyshop or CAS I could let you know if you want. :) OBretttterBO- thank you! You always have the kindest things to say! Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: Katie on April 20, 2010, 05:36:58 pm I speak the truth! (:
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: Zggs on April 20, 2010, 07:43:38 pm Zeggs- heh, I love that picture so much. I just think it's funny because he's a romance sim that has like 5 or 6 lovers. Out of all the girls he could have sat with, he sat with a little kid. He looks mortified like it's ruining his Lothario reputation = amusement for me. XD I think Skyler's hair is peggy, I'd have to check because I'm not exactly sure. Next time I'm in bodyshop or CAS I could let you know if you want. :) OBretttterBO- thank you! You always have the kindest things to say! Yes that would be nice. I know what you mean about romance sims. My romance sim Kendra has 4 kids (with one on the way) and and only two of them came from the same dad. Usually I don't play romance sims but when I reinstalled my game I can't help but make a lot of them (or at least a lot for me). Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE March 22nd* Post by: HATTERS on April 21, 2010, 07:13:20 pm Zeggs- I checked today and the hair is for sure peggy. :) Alright so lately I've been playing two families. One of them is a family I made a long time ago then reinstalled my game. I remade them a while ago and they're were just sitting in the CAS bin for the longest time. I Played them for a really long time yesterday, so I have tons of pictures! Here are the original two sims, Isabel and Jared. :) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Isabella.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Aiden2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_38d754c1.jpg) They had their first child quickly, this is little Sahara. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_f8d9fe8d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_b8d9ff61.jpg) Party time! Sahara grows up! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_b8da1083.jpg) Her little sister Winter. I don’t know why, but I have no baby pictures of her. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_78da0f6e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_38da163e.jpg) Winter learning to walk. She’s so adorable in her little snow outfit! ;) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_58da0b83.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_58da0659.jpg) Sahara (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_18da08be.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_58da2092.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_78da20c1.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_f8da1eba.jpg) Little play date with all the neighbor’s kids. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_d8d745da.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_b8da0cc5.jpg) Dangit! The robber always comes to my family’s that barely have any money! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_b8da2bad.jpg) Sahara as a teen! I think she’s absolutely gorgeous! I thought she was pretty all natural, but man, with make up on she looks like a model! Sadly her younger sister isn’t as pretty, that’s why there no pictures of her/ :P (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_97f06cd3.jpg) There house, it’s one of my favorite exterior’s. The mom mostly gardens and paints all day while the dad is at work. He’s a musician. I love this family, they all have really high creativity points. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 21st!* Post by: HATTERS on April 21, 2010, 07:53:15 pm Double post, sorry. :) This is the other family I played, the Amherst’s. Both parents don't have jobs, they live on a farm and sell the plants and such for money. I made the Boy based on J.T from survivor (but a little different), and the girl is loosely based off of Jillian, from the bachelorette two years ago. I've had this family for a while, so I'm just posting an update, all previous photos can be found here: (not in order) http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/?albumview=slideshow (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_b746b3ea.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_5729d6b5.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_7729d750.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_5729dae8.jpg) This is what parenthood does to you. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_f74b931a.jpg) Their first born, Louis. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_f74b92f7.jpg) Second Born, Wanda. (I hate this name, I’m going to change it.) Definitely the prettiest so far. J (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_18d71421.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_78d60845.jpg) Thrid born, Dylan. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_f74b8cf2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_78d60640.jpg) And lastly their final Child, Giselle. She’s a child now but I haven’t taken any pictures. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_b8d6108e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_38d6f79d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_b8d6f533.jpg) Them going to a community lot I built. Look who decided to stop by! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_d729d738.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_58d701dc.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/snapshot_7729af56_b72a64d2.jpg) Yeah, not really sure which child that is, but I just had to share this picture. It’s adorable. This is the last time I ever have four children. It’s incredibly hectic and hard. The family has very low income and just one family meal alone is one whole group meal! Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 21st!* Post by: Zggs on April 21, 2010, 09:43:56 pm Awww...I love playing big families sometimes. But it does get hectic when you have two toddlers and an infant at the same time >.< . I shall search for that hair.
Your update wants to make me update my thread with a new family I just created. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: HATTERS on April 22, 2010, 09:28:02 am ^ Playing big families for me always seems better in theory than when I play them. I checked out your family update Zeggs, all your sims are gorgeous. :) Ok, since the eldest child was moving out of the Amherst house, I had to take some family pictures. :) They are in order of age. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/familypic-1.jpg) Full size here: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Thomas%20Family/familypic.jpg not really my favorite edit, I wasn't close enough so the graphics are a little weird. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 22, 2010, 07:33:41 pm Yeah I'm going to make more families tonight...hopefully more people will check out the thread or I may not update it. I'll be busy this summer and if no one bothers it would be easier to just let it go. But I think I'll keep it.
I should take a family picture sometime when some of my families begin to age. I've never done that. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: moonlight dreamer on April 24, 2010, 10:56:45 am I love that piic hatters!! nice family
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: HATTERS on April 24, 2010, 03:13:24 pm You should keep updating zeggs! I would still check it out.
I usually don't take family pictures, but I've recently got into it. :) moonlight dreamer- thank you! they used to be not one of my favorite family's, but now that I started playing them again, I can't take myself away. ;) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 24, 2010, 03:28:48 pm You should keep updating zeggs! I would still check it out. I usually don't take family pictures, but I've recently got into it. :) moonlight dreamer- thank you! they used to be not one of my favorite family's, but now that I started playing them again, I can't take myself away. ;) I might update it again today if you want to take a look and comment on it. I also realized that out of the 6 sims in the picture I have two of the same outfits :D Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: HATTERS on April 24, 2010, 03:57:16 pm ^ alright, I will!
I hate when that happens. That always seems to happen to me with toddlers and children. I can never find enough clothes for them so I always re-use them. Happens with hairstyles a lot for me as well. :) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 24, 2010, 04:20:04 pm No one cares if they are the same, it's still adorable! :3
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Ruffnut on April 24, 2010, 04:23:01 pm True, I can never find decent clothes for my toddlers XD
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 24, 2010, 04:37:46 pm True, I can never find decent clothes for my toddlers XD I usually get mind off of MTS2. Most of my more unique clothes come from GoS. Hairstyles too...or maybe the booty. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 24, 2010, 05:12:27 pm Check out skysims2 ;)
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 24, 2010, 05:36:13 pm Check out skysims2 ;) Never heard of that site. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 24, 2010, 06:25:12 pm You have now, it's my absolute FAVORITE! :)
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 24, 2010, 06:36:15 pm You have now, it's my absolute FAVORITE! :) What's the url? Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Theraven on April 24, 2010, 06:43:17 pm Ever heard of Google (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=skysims2)? ;) That lmgtfy site is a spark of genious :-D!
First link... Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 24, 2010, 06:54:44 pm That site was pure brilliance Raven! ;D
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 24, 2010, 07:07:36 pm Ever heard of Google (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=skysims2)? ;) That lmgtfy site is a spark of genious :-D! First link... That was so nifty to watch O.O Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 24, 2010, 07:12:37 pm Wasn't it!?
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Ruffnut on April 24, 2010, 08:34:13 pm Daaaaym...
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: HATTERS on April 25, 2010, 06:43:12 pm ok ok, I am now checking out the site. ;) You guys may not care if they're the same, but deep down I'll always know they're the SAME. XD
My technology teacher showed me that 'let me Google that for you' thing. Very interesting. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 25, 2010, 10:09:05 pm I should learn that too...
I found that sometimes clothes take up most of my cc, hair does too. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Ruffnut on April 26, 2010, 12:04:27 am My CC is mostly clutter I don't even use half the time xD
But yes, clothes and Hairs are majority as well. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 26, 2010, 11:47:16 am My CC is mostly clutter I don't even use half the time xD But yes, clothes and Hairs are majority as well. Yeah I got a lot of clutter too. On my old laptop I used it all the time but when I reinstalled it on my new(er) laptop I don't as much. Of course I've made sure not to download as much clutter as I used to. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Ruffnut on April 26, 2010, 12:18:44 pm I don't download my clutter, it comes with houses I get from GoS XD
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: HATTERS on April 26, 2010, 05:21:13 pm I downloaded a butch of clutter a while back because I thought I'd be using it.
I really haven't touched it since. To much of a hassle. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 26, 2010, 05:23:43 pm I always use clutter... just not much of GoS clutter, because it's all grungy and not houseish...
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 26, 2010, 06:51:17 pm I always use clutter... just not much of GoS clutter, because it's all grungy and not houseish... Not all of it is grungy...some of it is really cool like the artist set that someone made. A bunch of clutter that has to do with art. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 26, 2010, 08:04:54 pm Well that stuff I've yet to come across I suppose! **grins**
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 26, 2010, 08:56:47 pm I could pm you the link later if you'd like?
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Katie on April 27, 2010, 04:33:38 pm If you want :)
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 22nd!* Post by: Zggs on April 27, 2010, 07:40:08 pm I sent it to you.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 30th!* Post by: HATTERS on April 30, 2010, 01:45:30 pm Alright, I have a small update. Skyler and Arie our now the proud parents of their baby girl named kiera. (I actually didn’t remember her name so I had to open up the game. XD) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_b8de192a.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_78de1962.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_78de1472.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_18de194b.jpg) I love her room a lot. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_38de1ca6.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_38de1cc1.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_b8de1bc7.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_b8de1b60.jpg) Little get together for her birthday. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_58de2344.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_18de237f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_38de224d.jpg) ~~~~~~~ I also have picture’s of Arie’s Friend Skye, who I never showed pictures of before. But her and Arie used to share an apartment before Arie got married. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_f886fba2.jpg) One of her friends, Sam I think his name is… Skye met Rye and of course he had to have her. :P But I accidentally clicked ‘have a baby’ instead ‘woohoo’ and figured I might as well go with it. ;) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_1886f9d2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_7886f99f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_5886ffb2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_18870060.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_d8870052.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_788700a7.jpg) So when she tells him she’s pregnant, Rye freaks out. He couldn’t believe this happened to him again. So being who he is, he dumped her. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_588ae358.jpg) Soon enough, Itan came into the world. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_788ae84d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_988aee48.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_d88aeb33.jpg) At the early age of toddler, he’s already having problems. Arie moved out and Skye is now a single mom raising a child on her own. I for sure want her to get a husband and buy this gorgeous house in the woods I already built. ;) I just don’t know for sure what I want her husband to look like. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 30th!* Post by: Zggs on April 30, 2010, 03:03:26 pm Stupid Rye....at least he makes pretty children :D
And so much pink....I love the update though. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 30th!* Post by: HATTERS on April 30, 2010, 05:23:20 pm yeah I figured at least more of his good genes would be passed on.
I actually hate pink, my whole room is blue. I just like pink as the traditional girl thing for my sims. :P Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 30th!* Post by: Zggs on April 30, 2010, 10:05:23 pm I sometimes use pink for my girl sims. Or blue anyway even if it is a girl.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 30th!* Post by: epssan on May 16, 2010, 08:55:31 am ;DI think it might be my favorite out of the ones I took that day
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 30th!* Post by: Katie on May 16, 2010, 01:00:00 pm I love your sims. Too much. They are cute!!!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *UPDATE April 30th!* Post by: HATTERS on May 30, 2010, 10:21:40 pm thank you! Update coming soon. (either today or tomorrow, whenever I have time.)
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. MAY 30th!~ Post by: HATTERS on May 31, 2010, 12:57:30 am ALRIGHTY. So, I had Rye move out of his old home since he was the only one living there now that his old buds have family's. He now lives on this gorgeous beach lot that sort of has an Italian feel. I love it. I'm mad though because I forgot moving out means it automatically sells his beach lot. arg. I was going to pass that down to his son. Anyway, since I had like $80,000 to make his home I made it really extravagant with tons of cc, with $20,00 to spare. Pictures soon. For now, I've been doing photo shoots with Rye because he only had 7 days left of adulthood. O_O (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/rye2bw-1.jpg) FULL SIZE: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/rye2bw.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/rye1-1.jpg) FULL SIZE: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/rye1.jpg I really don't want Rye to grow old, I just don't see it. I was thinking he could commit suicide or something because he figures it's over. :P Or maybe some accident....I shall contemplate this. Thanks for looking! 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. MAY 30th!~ Post by: Carlwashere on May 31, 2010, 02:42:36 pm Heh, the "I don't want to grow old" type huh?
I suggest an epic last stand protecting some random hot chick. Sounds like a fitting ending. XD Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. MAY 30th!~ Post by: Zggs on May 31, 2010, 02:43:07 pm I'm kind of with you because he's so handsome. But maybe he'll make a handsome elder? Not too many of those around sometimes.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. MAY 30th!~ Post by: HATTERS on May 31, 2010, 04:55:48 pm Carlwashere- Definitely, I don't really fear death that much, I fear getting old. O_O But seriously that's an awesome idea. I was thinking he would just jump off his balcony. But that sounds a lot better. XD Maybe I will do something like that...I haven't quite decided yet. :P
Zggs- I'm guessing he would probably make a good looking elder but I can't picture it. Just the thought of rye still getting woman as an elder makes me laugh. XD Plus, I don't really think it goes with his character. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. MAY 30th!~ Post by: HATTERS on June 02, 2010, 05:43:05 pm ello! So, I since I couldn't decided how exactly Rye was going to die, I decided to play his son's house! I haven't played them forever. O_O Luke's mom is Cam, the sister of Ceila. I haven't mentioned her in a while. Anyway, Luke has been making friends with Sahara Atarny. I decided they would be a cute couple. ;) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f91159a2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_d9115a05.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_39115a29.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_79115b84.jpg) Daww first kiss (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f9115cee.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_59115ccd.jpg) U. C was seriously ruining there date! He kept trying to talk to them the whole time. So annoying. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f9115a63.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f9115a52.jpg) hey hands off! Just like his dad. ;) And Cam was feeling a bit lonely so she decided to call up and old friend (aka booty call) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f9114948.jpg) Basically the date was super awkward. Half the time they never talked, the other half the time he was talking and cam was ignoring it. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f9114b25.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_19114f09.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f9114f8b.jpg) woohoo! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_1911505f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_791150d5.jpg) Man, how awkward is that! His mom coming home with a man at 3 am that Luke doesn't even know. haha. Cam reached the top of her career and now there rolling in cash. Plus with the money they inherited from Cam's dead parents. AND, the posesstions Rye was giving away to Luke. (Because he's dyeing soon). So my one struggling family, barely getting by with 1,000 dollars or less, now has 30,000 dollars. Thanks for looking! 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. June 2nd!~ Post by: Katie on June 02, 2010, 06:33:24 pm I loooove this update!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. MAY 30th!~ Post by: zammy on June 02, 2010, 06:52:27 pm Anyway, since I had like $80,000 to make his home I made it really extravagant with tons of cc, with $20,00 to spare. :eek: $60,000 makes an extravagant home? I must be doing something wrong, mine end up over $100,000 or $200,000... I'm making a small home now (5x4 lot or something? So it's a large lot) with a horse stable and everything and I've already spent about $60,000. I haven't even gotten inside the actual house yet, it's all been stable and horses! Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. June 2nd!~ Post by: HATTERS on June 02, 2010, 07:24:02 pm OBretttterBO- hehe thanks. You should update your thread as well!
zammy - his house is on a pretty small lot, only a 2x2 (I make a lot of small lots because they run faster in my game). It's three stories high not counting the roof and it's pretty jam packed with objects. I'll show pictures later before Rye Dies. ;) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. June 2nd!~ Post by: Katie on June 02, 2010, 07:39:38 pm *Gets of lazy butt to peruse photobucket...*
I have like 251496276 to post... Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~upd. June 2nd!~ Post by: HATTERS on July 07, 2010, 12:54:19 pm Well well well, hello there! I haven't posted in forever because of a couple reasons. Tons of camping, summer, and I got grounded for not cleaning my room. My dad took away my power cord to my computer until I cleaned my room. -_- Any who! I've had these pictures for a while but haven't posted them. Ok, I had Luke go visit his grandparents (for Cam it's her parents) before I had a party for him to grow up. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_79140550.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_d91405b4.jpg) I kind of like the cemetery I built, but I'm not in love with it. I built it really quickly so i could put their graves there. I have a certain section for my favorite sims. ^_^ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_9915806b.jpg) Party time! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_3915815c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_791580e3.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_591588e6.jpg) The parents. I made sure Rye came before he died. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_591589b4.jpg) Together at last! I don’t know why, but Rye was making all these flirt moves on cam. I guess he figured he might as well before he died. Besides, Cam really isn’t in the highest relationship score with him. But since she becoming an elder in a day, I guess she figured why not to. :P (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_f9158221.jpg) Stupid music note. -_- (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_9915925e.jpg) Not sure if I like his makeover, I think I’m going to change it. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_1915d2d6.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_5915d2b1.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_1915d3b7.jpg) At the request of his father, Luke moved out to live with him in his final days. (Which Luke doesn’t know) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/snapshot_973052f2_5915d312.jpg) One last picture of cam before becoming an Elder. Alright, thanks for looking! More coming very soon! 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *upd. July 7th!* Post by: HATTERS on July 07, 2010, 01:14:29 pm Ok, here is a small edit I did like I always do when someone moves out. Luke and Cam in front of their house. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Cam/JosieNoZoomclose.jpg) I would show I larger version, but this time it looks like crap so I'm not showing it. :P Thanks for looking, more pictures posted soon! 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *upd. July 7th!* Post by: HappyThoughts on July 07, 2010, 06:37:53 pm jungle view from the front porch. I never invest in foliage. And I applaud your ability to let your sims die, and all you others who do it too. I haven't been able to let go. Their lucky if I let them age. Luke's a looker, what a shame to lose such a player. Thanks for sharing! ;D
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *upd. July 7th!* Post by: HATTERS on July 08, 2010, 08:58:03 pm Ha, I love plants. It's a bad addiction to greenery.
It's usually hard for me to let them go, but I always package them so I can play them when ever I want. O_O My sim Rye is dieing before he becomes an elder because i can't stand to see him that way. XD Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -upd. July 9th!- Post by: HATTERS on July 09, 2010, 03:28:31 pm Ah sigh, I can't put this off any longer. It is time that you all know what has happened. I played Rye Teimon for the last time. Here is how his last days were spent. He mostly just hung out with his buds Skyler and Damian. Plus, going to his son’s birthday party and having him over. This picture was before Luke’s Birthday V (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/ryeandsongift.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_990fbc29.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_790fb9c2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_390fb92c-1.jpg) I think it’s funny that both of his friends are married and he isn’t. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_190fb7e2.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_190fb7f0-1.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_790f0847.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_990fbf33.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_7915dec2.jpg) Rye is pondering his decision. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_3915de8d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_d915e1ff.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_f915e1ef.jpg) And then it is made. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_1915e622.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/rye%20photoshoot/snapshot_97886b59_3915e5b3.jpg) D: Rye is indeed, no longer alive in my game! Ekk! It feels so weird, he’s been one of my favorite sims of all time. So, this means….Rye is up for download! I have him packaged up and everything.(I was going to post an exact link to the download, but I wasn't sure if that was hot linking. Because it confuses me). If you want him you could either send me a message or download him off of scribblers abode. Right now I’m putting together my favorite shots of Rye Teimon. I will show it when I finish it. So, thanks for looking. :{ Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -upd. July 9th!- Post by: lindsylouwho on July 09, 2010, 03:40:23 pm Wow... sad. But it seems like a fitting end for him. On a happier note, awesome pictures! I've enjoyed going back and following along with your sims' lives. Sorry I haven't commented before now! PS, Luke is hot. I watched The Invisible the other night and he kind of reminds me of the guy in that movie. :D
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -upd. July 9th!- Post by: HATTERS on July 11, 2010, 11:38:33 am Thank you, it meas a lot that your say that! I love making stories for my sims. They mean a lot to me. (I know that sounds really weird. It's just I play them over long periods of time, I just get attached. XD)Hah, Don't sweat it, no need to apologized. The fact that your commenting now is already nice enough.
And no way! The Invisible is my favorite movie! o.o Hmm, now that you mention it, Luke does kind of look like him, very interesting. I bring my favorite pictures of Rye http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20RTT%20Club/Rye%20slideshow/?albumview=slideshow There's a couple of parts where I mess up though. Like when I say Rye was asked to play at 'Cam's wedding', I meant Ceila's. Oh well, I don't feel like fixing it. I played a bit in the sims, so new pictures coming soon. ^_^ Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -upd. July 11th!- (Fav. pics of Rye) Post by: epssan on July 16, 2010, 02:06:18 am I'm not a button, so DO NOT PUSH ME. :eek:
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -upd. July 11th!- (Fav. pics of Rye) Post by: Katie on July 18, 2010, 07:28:23 pm Okay teen Rye was the cutest thing of my life!
Anyways... what the heck epssan?! Okay so question? How with the jumping and the dying?! :eek: *needing to know* Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -upd. July 11th!- (Fav. pics of Rye) Post by: HATTERS on July 25, 2010, 01:49:50 pm epssan - cool...?
OBretttterBO - I know, rye was adorable as a teen. ^_^ I basically downloaded JD-movie AnimBoxes. (http://www.jd-movies.com/moviemakinghelp.php) Then I used the one for nightlife and made him bowl bad. The rest is all moveobjects and snapobjectstogrid false to place him where I wanted. I choose a random death for him. :) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -upd. July 11th!- (Fav. pics of Rye) Post by: HappyThoughts on July 25, 2010, 02:37:09 pm He even looks good laying in a pool of his own blood. I mean that with nothing but respect. Tragic.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *upd. July 31st!* Post by: HATTERS on July 31, 2010, 10:33:26 am happythoughts- XD that made me laugh. Rye will be missed, but he is apart of the past. Time for me to move on! XD Ok since I'm going on a week long trip...I don't want to lose my thread so I'm going to post a couple of pictures. I actually took these months ago. But the family kinda of bores me so I don't know where it's going to go. Skye found a man basically....and I forgot his name. >.< but here they are. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_d948860d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_194738b2_99474c82.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_59476bd5.jpg) lame. I know. but happy simming and thanks for looking at this lame update. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *upd. July 31st!* Post by: HappyThoughts on July 31, 2010, 02:06:03 pm Maybe their boring because you haven't noticed her new boyfriends deep seeded issues. I mean look at that shot of him shooting pool. Why so serious? It's just a friendly game of pool. lol scary. He's goodlooking though, maybe he's secretly her stalker, I don't know, I just don't trust him. lol Enjoy your trip, be safe and have fun.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *upd. July 31st!* Post by: HATTERS on August 09, 2010, 12:24:10 am happythough- haha you right...maybe I need to look deeper into his soul. XD mmm, I got some ideas now to spice things up, thanks!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. *upd. July 31st!* Post by: HATTERS on August 30, 2010, 11:56:05 pm arg so I don;t want to double post but this is more of an update. I haven't played the sims since I last posted because my game has become really slow lately. I'm looking into make it run javascript:void(0);a lot smoother. I really don't want to play unless in runs fast because it's not enjoyable more me. So here's a photo to tie over for a while. I'm going to sort through my CC and delete things I don't want, hopefully that will speed things up.
(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_79488ff0.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_59488f46.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_194738b2_594766c6.jpg) what her (their I guess, but not for long) apartment's look like. Crappy quailty pictures I know, it's because of all my CC. >_> Adios for now. Thanks for looking. 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -August 30th.- Post by: HappyThoughts on August 31, 2010, 03:39:57 pm So their engaged now? Hmmm, its a really nice shot on the balcony though. Maybe he's renting the apartment under an assumed name, bum bum bummmm! lol Okay I'll let you tell the stories here lol. I'm due for an update of my own but I'm just not satisfied with my ideas. So keep them coming HATTER, it keeps me motivated.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -August 30th.- Post by: HATTERS on September 01, 2010, 02:27:39 pm happthoughts- haha maybe. I dunno I'm been really out of it lately. Just haven't been into simming. That always happens when my graphics are bad, and my sims backgrounds aren't interesting enough to me. :/ I might post in a week or so, i really need to clean out some useless cc. AND YES, you should post!
Title: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -October 20th.- Post by: HATTERS on October 20, 2010, 09:53:47 am here's another fail of a picture. I will update eventually with some really pictures. D: I keep getting distracted by addicting games and Zoo tycoon (ultimate).
(http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_59488f9c.jpg) I tried to play my game a couple of days ago but it was really laggish so I'm still thinking of getting rid of my old CC. Plus, getting more ram because lately I've been wanting to play uni but right now I have it uninstalled. my game is unbearably slow and crashes with it on there. :/ Title: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~November 1st~ (WOAH! REAL UPDATE.) Post by: HATTERS on November 01, 2010, 09:19:53 pm WOAH. I'm actually giving an update where I took pictures and not just used old ones?! (That was a long sentence). Yes, well I do have pictures.It's of Skye and her Fiance's house. (I can't remember his name...I never can) Enjoy! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/frontofhouse1-1.jpg) Big:http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/frontofhouse1.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/backofhouse1-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/backofhouse1.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/mainfloor1-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/mainfloor1.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/livingroom2-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/livingroom2.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/dinning2-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/dinning2.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/kitchen2-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/kitchen2.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/clivingroom2-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/clivingroom2.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/pbedroom2-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/pbedroom2.jpg (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/Contests%20and%20Extras/livingupstairs1-1.jpg) Big: http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/livingupstairs1.jpg PLEASE look at the larger sizes! They are much better quality! Yep. So that is what comes out of cleaning out my CC. I went down around 1,500 files. It really didn't make my game much fast and I didn't expect it to. I'm getting more RAM and a New Graphics card so I'm excited! Thanks for looking. :) 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~November 1st~ (WOAH! REAL UPDATE.) Post by: HappyThoughts on November 02, 2010, 02:29:12 pm How your sims find their cars or sidewalks in those jungles is beyond me. (psst thats a joke) Lovely home, I've yet to try the diagnal placing of objects in any of my homes, looks great in your pictures though. Are the diagnal pieces still functional or does it mess that up? Great news about the ram and card coming up, it's ok if life lags, but never the sims. Cheers to your update!!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~November 1st~ (WOAH! REAL UPDATE.) Post by: HATTERS on November 05, 2010, 08:18:36 pm happythoughts~ heh heh. I purposely made this house have a ridiculous amount of trees and shrubbery. Their house is in the more in the wooden area. :) And yes, the objects are still functional, as long as nothing blocks them. :)
Thanks for the kind words, I plan on updating again this weekend. ^_^ Title: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -November 6th- Post by: HATTERS on November 06, 2010, 12:14:04 pm Alright, here's another update! I played Ceila and Damian's house again. Basically and the kids are teenagers now and Celia and Damian grew old. :) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_39e097c8.jpg) Since Sahara's Old boyfriend Luke grew up, Logan took the chance to snatch her up. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_b9e098d4.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_f9e09870.jpg) Logan is a romance sim, so I plan for him to have many more ladies. Sadly though, so far in this area he seems to be of a failure, every ladie he coems onto turns him down. (Besides Sahara). Poor shy Logan. XD (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_f9e0c357.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_b9e0c3ce.jpg) My group of teens had sort of a hang out day with all their friends. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_79e0a588.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_79e0a62f.jpg) Ceila's Birthday Party (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_d9e0b60d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_d9e0b675.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_99e0bb53.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Josie%20Family/Josie%20Gen%202%20Ceila/snapshot_183e4e47_f9e0bb8a.jpg) The party lasted for quite a long time. As you can the police came and shut them down. They were playing videos and had music blaring at 2 am. XD I think it's funny that Ceila beat Skyler every time they played. Azure is going to become an adult in one day! When that happens I will take a family picture. Plus a more close up one of Ceila and Damian as senoirs. I'm excited for all the teens to grow up. I already have everything planned for them. :D Happy simming, thanks for looking. 2fanku (Is it just me or is it a little dead around here...? o.o) Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. ~December 27th~ Post by: HATTERS on December 27, 2010, 11:46:15 pm wow. Ok. I'm a horrible person. I haven't played the sims 2 in months. Even on winter break I haven't been playing. But these are old pictures I never put up so I'm going to show them to keep my thread alive. BECAUSE, I am playing tonight! A little bit of them Rehains~ Aire is has given birth to a boy, I forget his name, but I haven't taken any pictures of him yet. :/ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_1949e864.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_f949e7f3.jpg) http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rehain%20Family/snapshot_98916cae_b949da41.jpg And a bit on the Rellians~ Now Rye's son is a child, but here he's just a toddler. I love this house..it just lagsss so much. @_@ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_39db1725.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_b9d9d3f6.jpg) I really need to change their last names, they are to similar. But anyway, I have all these ideas cooking in my head what i want to do. >:) so expect some new things. I got more RAM recent;y and got rid of old games and programs I wasn't using. So hopefully that will speed my game up. Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -April 24th- Post by: HATTERS on April 24, 2011, 10:56:59 pm *Cough* Well hay, long time no see. Uh, yes, I am alive. You will not believe what happened! My computer totally exploded- not really. I'm just incredibly lazy and went through one of my longest phases of non-simming. I'm stunned my thread is still up but very happy. I have some photos to share! For some reason, photobucket is being annoying and won't let me upload, so I'm using imageshack for now, hopefully it doesn't do anything weird with my photos. o_O Anyway, I played the Rellian household because I realized I was super behind on their family. When Itan becomes a teen I will move to the Rehains! Anyway, I finally decided I need to have Skye and her fiance have there wedding. (Still don't even know his name, sad, isn't it?) They had a small charming wedding in their backyard, the first backyard wedding I've done in forever! This is mostly because they have no friends. :P (http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/6220/wedding1.jpg) (http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3356/wedding2o.jpg) ~ Some Extra pictures of the ceremony/Reception party. (http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/552/snapshot7886e9d85ac0693.jpg) (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/1204/snapshot7886e9d87ac069d.jpg) Itan, being the troubled kid he is, talking about death and making others feel uncomfortable. (http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8317/snapshot7886e9d83ac06ea.jpg) (http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/9159/snapshot7886e9d85ac06e6.jpg) Kind of an odd picture because of Cams neck, but I like it. Especially because they're sleeping together but keeping it casual. XD They are friends with benefits. (http://img807.imageshack.us/img807/5398/snapshot7886e9d83ac071f.jpg) (http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/483/snapshot7886e9d85ac0703.jpg) (http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/8941/snapshot7886e9d83ac06fc.jpg) Now Itan has a step father! ~ (http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5076/snapshot7886e9d85ac0550.jpg) And for laughs, one picture of Skye making out with her husband in her child's room. How awwwkardd. Anyway, Skye had a child with her new fiance and it was a boy. I can remember his name but it started with a P. :D They all wanted to go on a vacation so I went to the Mountain Vacation spot and redecorated a bunch of lots in preparation. Plan on those pictures coming up I finally have an idea how to spice things up with Skye's fiance. Lets just say.....nah I'm not going to say anything but it's going to be amazing. Not to mention sort of funny. ;) haha Thanks for Looking! 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -April 24th Post by: HappyThoughts on April 26, 2011, 12:35:19 am Wonderful update Hatters, good to see you playing again! Hope the new RAM helps your game too. Lovely backyard wedding, lovely backyard lol. Hope to see the honeymoon soon!
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -April 24th Post by: HATTERS on April 27, 2011, 12:10:58 am HappyThoughts~ Thank you! Haha I'm happy to be playing too! They actually already went on the honeymoon but I have yet to upload the pictures. Not to mention, but Skye had three children- two of them being twins! :D I'll have them posted by tomorrow.
Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS. -April 24th Post by: HATTERS on April 28, 2011, 07:21:38 pm Hey hey hey! So I sent Skye and Hade on their honeymoon! (Finally I remembered his name.:rolleyes:) I didn't want to leave Itan home all alone so I made him go as well- to Hades displeasure. They went on a mountain vacation! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_3ac1c94d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_7ac1cd2b.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_3ac1cd3e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_3ac1d66e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_3ac1d513.jpg) Log Rolling. :) Itan wanted so badly to win but never did, which made Hade happy. There is a bit of a competition between these two for attention from Skye. Which has made their relationship go into the yellow. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_9ac1d680.jpg) Love this picture of Her (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/tree1.jpg) Nice Family picture. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_5ac1d658.jpg) Itan was so cute as a child, I knew he had to grow up looking good. Especially with Ryes genes in him. ;) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_1ac1d440.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_9ac1d939.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/campfire1.jpg) Relaxing around the campfire. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_9ac1dac4.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_7ac1db4d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/Moutain%20Vaction/snapshot_7886e9d8_9ac1e3b2.jpg) And Itan got to meet bigfoot! Which made him happy! But more and more, Itan is starting to realize his mother keeps forgetting about him, especially with Hade around and her being pregnant again. ;) ~~~~ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_1ac33f37.jpg) Home Again! And somehow Itan got food poisoning. :( (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_9ac31bf6.jpg) Everything seems nice for a while until... (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_5ac3413f.jpg) Itan is also starting to see something weird In Hade.... (;) Now you know what I was going to do to spice Hade up. ) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_9ac34065.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_7ac348cf.jpg) Pavel was also born, but before the honeymoon. He had some weird cheeks as a toddle, but has grown into them as a child. Not sure I like his hair so i'm going to change it. :) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_3ac3343c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_5ac3492f.jpg) And Skye had Twins! She got pregnant with them on the honeymoon. ;) One is boy, named Jayden, and the other named Jocelyn. They are already toddles. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Rellian%20Family/snapshot_7886e9d8_3ac34ab4.jpg) Itan grew up as well, and he is one sexy sim. :D Thats it for now. ;) As you can see, more excitement is sure to be around the corner, especially since Itan has made friends with Ceila's son Azure, who doesn't have the best reputation. I have been aspired to make my own vacation destination and am very tempted to do so. Thanks for looking! 2fanku Title: Re: P I C T U R E S || From HATTERS -*Dec. 1st!*- Post by: HATTERS on December 02, 2011, 12:21:04 am Wow. So verrrry long time no see. I've been doing tons and tons of simming lately, but for some reason haven't done anything with the photos. So I figured it was time to get off my lazy butt and post some. For some reason I just didn't feel like doing any screen-capture ones so they're all sub-par quality. :-\ (Wa wa waaa) Any who, about a week ago I started off playing the Atarny's. "WHO?" You're probably asking, because I haven't posted them in a very long time. (Going back to page three or so is I think when I introduced them. Jared, the dad is in the music biz and the mom Isabell, is a stay at home mom. She much prefers times to herself, doing things like painting and gardening. They are one of my most creative families ever. Their two daughters, Winter and Sahara have been growing up nicely. Sahara dated Luke Josie for a while but he grew up to an adult so she moved on. Now shes dating one of the Tanne boys (I think maybe Logan??). Winter is much shyer, and is slowly getting to know one of the Amherst Son's. (His name I forgot). But either way, it won't last long, they just started dating and she's going to be an adult soon. On to the pictures! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdc2497.jpg) Nice Family Meal (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdd9b4d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_bbdc3cfc.jpg) Winter grows up so I decided to throw a big party with all the neighborhood teens. ;) She gre up pretty well I must say, though I did take away the glasses shes wearing in this picture because they were glitching. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_9bdc4189.jpg) Sahara with her boyfriend. ~ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdd7044.jpg) Since Shara was going to become an adult, not to mention Jared had been wanting to on on a vacation forever, I decided to send them to the far east. Not to mention Jared had reached the top of his career track and the family had 30,000 dollars, so I figured they had some to spare. :p My once struggling family has become rich. (again) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_1bdd935b.jpg) Winter already calling her guy. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_bbdd8115.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdd820e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_bbdd80f7.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_1bdd8196.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_9bdd816f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_bbdd7982.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_bbdd79c1.jpg) Jared unwinding a little from his stressful job. (He looks dang good in a towel. ;). ) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_5bdd791c.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_1bdd850b.jpg) As you can see, Jared and Isabell were feeling especially lovey-dovey on this trip, so they decided to head on on a date on the town after taken to kids back to the hotel. ;) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_3bdd868e.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_3bdd86a5.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdd86bb.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_fbdd883d.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdd884b.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdd8856.jpg) Things got a little steamy, and a little out of hand. (Being a little daring I pushed risky woohoo..) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_fbdd8c4a.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdd8ca0.jpg) Last day there I wanted to make sure Sahara and winter went out and did something together. For some reason they never really got along but managed to bond on the last day or so of the tip. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_fbdd8ece.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_7bdd8e06.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_7bdd900f.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/Far%20East%20Vacation/snapshot_f7f0627e_3bdd9154.jpg) Sahara got told the dragon legend, for some reason Winter could care less and was fishing in the background. ~ (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdda0cc.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_7bdd9a64.jpg) Now back home again, Sahara grows up and BAM, Isabell realizes shes pregnant....what a curve ball. ;) And shes turning into an Elder in about 5 or so days. This usual group comes over to celebrate. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdda204.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_3bdda0e5.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_9bdda2e7.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_bbdda2c6.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_9bdda212.jpg) Luke definitely still has some feelings for Sahara. He even invites her to move in with him, but shes not sure yet. Sahara loves him like a best friend but thinks that part of romance with him they had in their teens is over. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_dbdda0cc.jpg) Winter also starts to make more moves on her guy. (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_bbde27f9.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_fbde2899.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_9bde290c.jpg) I made Sahara stick around so she could meet her new little sibling. And that is....Saige! Yes finally it is a boy! Jared gets his boy about 15 years later in his sim life than he wanted! (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_5bde30c9.jpg) (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll99/TwE321/The%20Atarny%20Family/snapshot_f7f0627e_9bde305f.jpg) And then soon after, Sahara moves out, decided to take Luke up on his offer to move in with him. Luke still lives in the house he inherited from his dad, Rye, when he died (which I have yet to take picture of yet, doh.). Just so she can get up on her feet and take the world by storm. Little does she know, a big curve ball is coming her way. ;) Azure has grown up recent;y in the Tanne household and I have already built this gorgeous modern house for him with the money his parents gave him. (They are LOADED! Both Ceila and Damian have reached the top of two different career tracks). That house I will also take pictures of soon as well. ;) This thread is getting a little long so I'm going to head off and but Azure's growing up in a different post. Thanks for looking! 2fanku |