Title: Gaming Legends #2: Leisure Suit Larry & Passionate Patti Post by: Artamaeus on December 23, 2009, 11:56:58 pm What can I say? It is a classic! It was the first game to tease viewers with a lil' nudity and A LOT of humor.
Sadly, when it's Creator was no longer invited to be any part of it, the fun element died . . . As did the storyline, the humor; and everything else. Thankfully, it can be downloaded for free on most Abandonware sites. BE ADVISED: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY Lastly, I know these are just sims using Maxis content. But do not assume I am not gonna work my butt off creating some fantastic Sims for you. I do these simple ones whenever I am stuck on a more difficult creation. And when you see the detail of #3, you'll understand. |