Title: Bypassing Launcher Apartment Life? *Solved* Thank you, theraven! Post by: Hammie on March 13, 2011, 04:54:49 pm I followed the instructions here: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Bypassing_Bon_Voyage_Launcher
But, my computer says the path (EP8) is invalid. Can someone please help me? :confused: Title: Re: Bypassing Launcher Apartment Life? Post by: Theraven on March 13, 2011, 05:00:47 pm I just made a shortcut to my "sims2EP9.exe" file (I've got M&G), and put it on my desktop. Right-click, and choose "create shortcut". This bypasses the launcher.
I also have a shortcut where I added " -w" behind ("sims2EP9.exe" -w) in the properties (remember the space). This makes the game run windowed, and also bypasses the launcher. Title: Re: Bypassing Launcher Apartment Life? Post by: Hammie on March 13, 2011, 05:08:50 pm :D Thank you for the prompt response... However, I was wondering how to find the file sims2ep9.exe as I have M&G, too. I was also wonder how I could make the shortcut? It tells me that it is unable to find the file or the file is corrupted?
EDIT: I was using the wrong file. My apologies. Thank you, theraven! |