Simmers' Paradise => Content Creation & Recoloring Help => Topic started by: Dullahan on April 09, 2012, 01:24:58 pm

Title: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape :SOLVED:
Post by: Dullahan on April 09, 2012, 01:24:58 pm
Okay, so I have been working on a mesh for the past few days, and I finally got it how I want it, but...
Part of the mesh is messed up. Near the bottom of the ears, it is darker than it should be, making it partially transparent ingame and bodyshop.
I'm not sure what I did wrong.
And when you look at it from above, the left ear is completely black.

So, where did I mess up?
Here is the OBJ file.

Title: Re: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape
Post by: Theraven on April 09, 2012, 01:47:17 pm
Did you mirror or rotate those parts of the mesh? If so, you'll have to smooth the black parts (or they will have the wrong shadowing ingame also).

It's in the "vertex" menu, something like "smooth normals" (not those exact words, but I can't check at the moment).

Title: Re: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape
Post by: Dullahan on April 09, 2012, 06:21:32 pm
Yes, I did mirror the ear from the right one.
I don't see anything like that. I tried Sims2 unimesh normal data merge, and it turned the whole mesh black like the ear.
Here is the vertex menu.


I tried 'smooth all' and it made it so the ear is no longer black, but both ears are still different colored from the rest of the mesh.

Title: Re: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape
Post by: Theraven on April 10, 2012, 06:24:19 am
It might have been "smooth all", but I'm not entirely sure. My version of milkshape refuses to work on my laptop, so I can't check at the moment. Just remember to mark the parts of the mesh you want to smooth. If you smooth everything, you might not get a good result (and it's smart to save a copy before you smooth)

Also, if the ears are cones, have you deleted the bottom? That might help on the smoothing.

(and it's entirely possible the smooth function I'm trying to explain is in the face or edit menu. Could even be a plugin)

Title: Re: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape
Post by: Dullahan on April 10, 2012, 11:53:24 am
I think I removed the bottoms. I may not have, though, so I will mess with it.
And I have several copies saved, so.  :D

Okay, I did not remove the bottoms, so I will see if doing that helps at all. I am going to run Bodyshop to see if the smoothing helped with the transparency at all.


The smoothing thing you talked about is Cat's normal smoother, so I will get that and see how it works.


The normal smoother seems to have made it worse. Now the backs of both ears are black, and they have dark stripes through them.

Title: Re: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape
Post by: Dullahan on April 21, 2012, 12:56:13 pm
Problem solved!

I found a 'Align normals (' plugin while looking for tutorials, and decided to try it. As soon as I did, low and behold, it's fixed! The ears are no longer odd-colored, and have no seams!

So, now I have a beautiful mesh. :]

Title: Re: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape :SOLVED:
Post by: Theraven on April 21, 2012, 01:00:31 pm
Align normals  2DOH
I knew it was something like that...

Title: Re: Problems with a mesh in Milkshape :SOLVED:
Post by: Dullahan on April 21, 2012, 01:12:36 pm
Ah, well, thank you for trying. :]

The normal smoother made the irregular normals even worse, so.

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