Title: "The Walking Dead" TV posters/pictures - set of 10 Post by: Mooncat on May 20, 2012, 06:35:31 pm My favorite TV show ever is The Walking Dead, and I’m such a fanatic of the show that I decided to make pictures for the game so my Sims can appreciate the show too. :)
So here is a set of 10 pictures for The Walking Dead… Five of them were recolored from the Sim picture “The Lady On Red” and the other five are recolors of “SimCity At Night”. Both pictures are in the basegame, so this download *DOES NOT* require any expansion or stuff packs. (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7335/9974461814_ce3d5c6124_z.jpg) (http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2814/9974577263_351772fa9e_z.jpg) (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7422/9974462134_3617be4cb9_z.jpg) (http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3680/9974462054_1c4dc5a49f_z.jpg) (http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3727/9974505956_1764a2c90e_z.jpg) (http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3813/9974505786_f4cb3c96cf_z.jpg) I hope you enjoy these, and I hope your zombie nerd Sims do too. :D Mooncat AKA ~Jen Title: Re: "The Walking Dead" TV posters/pictures - set of 10 Post by: LuckySeven on May 20, 2012, 06:51:07 pm They look awesome Mooncat!
Title: Re: "The Walking Dead" TV posters/pictures - set of 10 Post by: mookie on May 20, 2012, 08:31:44 pm Thank you Mooncat! I have no idea where I'll put these but I'll find somewhere to use them. I love that show too , can't wait to see it when it returns. Much appreciated!
Title: Re: "The Walking Dead" TV posters/pictures - set of 10 Post by: edinfresno on May 21, 2012, 02:45:14 pm Awesome! Epic cheese! YES! YES! I'm getting them! They're definitely going in my game! 1rock 3yay
Thank you! Title: Re: "The Walking Dead" TV posters/pictures - set of 10 Post by: Mooncat on May 21, 2012, 07:52:26 pm They look awesome Mooncat! 1fanku babe! :D Thank you Mooncat! I have no idea where I'll put these but I'll find somewhere to use them. I love that show too , can't wait to see it when it returns. Much appreciated! SA-WEEEEET!!! Another TWD fan!!! I'm dying for Season 3.... God, grant me the strength to survive until October. 1tehe Thanks for the comment, I'm happy you like them! :D Awesome! Epic cheese! YES! YES! I'm getting them! They're definitely going in my game! 1rock 3yay Thank you! Indubiously, my dear! This oozes the most epic of cheese! I'm so glad you like these!! 3thumb |