Title: Bikini brand skin (website for download?) Post by: rosaliacrys on March 29, 2018, 07:17:31 pm Hi everyone, a while ago I posted this question on an account of mine that had a website where I lowered the (skin color) as the brand of bikini.
I do not remember the site, does anyone know where I can download? (https://http2.mlstatic.com/biquini-adesivo-calcinha-bronzeamento-natural-jet-bronze-D_NQ_NP_704305-MLB25004421229_082016-O.jpg) Title: Re: Bikini brand skin (website for download?) Post by: HobbesED on March 30, 2018, 08:54:09 am Cenor at his Sinford Sims site created a tanlines skintone series with bikini lines for the Classic Pinup bodyshape. It had about 25 different skintone shades with tanlines. If that wasn't the site you were thinking of, you still might be able to adapt those skintones to the bodyshape(s) you wanted.
Title: Re: Bikini brand skin (website for download?) Post by: rosaliacrys on March 30, 2018, 10:06:11 pm Thank you! I found the site, I was looking for a lot and you helped me! Thank you, thank you so much! 3yay 3yay 3yay 3yay 3yay 3yay