Title: Pink icon in Sims Bin in Sims 2 Post by: SilverFox on February 15, 2020, 12:54:00 pm One of my Sims in the Sims Bin is pink and obviously NG, how can I delete it. Sims was not that of the household name but don't remember who it was.
Title: Re: Pink icon in Sims Bin in Sims 2 Post by: Theraven on February 15, 2020, 01:53:58 pm Pink as in the "pink-flashy color" pink?
If it's ingame, it's most likely a regular pink-flashy issue. I assume it can be fixed like you can fix/reset other pink-flashy issues, or possibly by resetting the thumbnail (it's either ctrl/alt/shift and right-click). (I've had it happen in Bodyshop (probably also CAS, haven't tested) with extracted sims recently, but only after I did the DXVK fix at MTS, and when Bodyshop also loads up all my CAS CC. I got somewhat around it by loading in less CC and fewer sims, and resetting the caches. Not by any means a perfect fix, though. A few of the sims I had to re-extract, and some didn't want to work. I'm guessing it's a texture memory issue, like it is ingame, but I've never seen it happening in Bodyshop before. Could be Bodyshop also needs to be running on the DXVK or some such). |