Simmers' Paradise => General Sims 2 Help => Topic started by: jesaea on May 09, 2022, 09:14:47 am

Title: Lifetime want mods issue
Post by: jesaea on May 09, 2022, 09:14:47 am
hi! I wanted to use Chaavik's Any LTW For All Aspirations (,91915.0.html) but I already have uni_ltw_sns ( from MATY. Do I need to remove it in order to use Chaavik's mod, or is it needed to unlock Uni's Career's LTW in game? :)

Title: Re: Lifetime want mods issue
Post by: Squinge on June 12, 2022, 08:33:18 pm
No you don't have to remove that mod it won't conflict with AnyLTWforallaspirations

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