Simmers' Paradise => Sims Stories => Topic started by: starlucid on October 12, 2006, 09:54:53 am

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 12, 2006, 09:54:53 am
This is a story I been working on hope you enjoy it!  I was inspired by the wonderful strange wonderfull objects some of the creators make for us to use in our games  so in the style of the old Night Gallery tv show from the 70s I bring you the box...

The Box


Rosemary:  Maggy...I cant't stay long I have to meet a new client he is  well super rich and there's no way I can keep him waiting...

Maggy:  Really who is it?

Rosemary:  His name is Paul Beal.  Do you know him?

Maggy:  Oooh yeah! Honey big money He owns all the banks in Pleasantview and Veronaville he is definately not someone you want to keep waiting!  Really sad about his wife isn't?

Rosemary:  His wife?  What happened? I don't really know much about him
 his secretary just called and said he was looking for an Art dealer to sell an eastern collection but I have never heard of him except that he is a big wig in town.

Maggy:  Well he is sort of reclusive...but the way I heard it his wife was an acclaimed Egyptologist very well known in her field she came home from her last dig sick with something unknown and the town gossips say it made her psychotic and that she went from being an attractive woman to a monster!  Her name was Elizabeth Merrell I'm sure you heard of her.

Rosemary:  You're kidding!  Of course I have heard of her I spent 3 years in Veronaville museum during my internship studing her finds there is a whole exihibit just with her finds she donated it all and didn't want any publicity for some strange reason so it was very low key.  I didn't know she had passed away.

Maggy:  Well she was sick for about six months her husband tried every Doctor in the country....she finally died about three months ago..
Rosemary:  How sad...

Maggy:  Well I guess the old man wants to get rid of her stuff probably too painfull to look at it now.

Rosemary:  Yes...I'm sure it is..

Maggy:  How have you been feeling Rosemary?  You look a little pale...

Rosemary:  I'm tired I been working a lot.  I have quite a few new clients  that's been keeping very I haven't had time to think about Douglas that much...

(Rosemary thought about that not thinking about Douglas now this is a lie she had thought about Douglas a lot..and it was making her sick.

She thought about their last conversation...where he told her not only was he not asking Laura for a divorce but that for the children's sake he was going to try to work things out with his was so painfull she couldn't take seeing and working with him anymore she had made the move to Pleasantville and while she was doing ok this ill fated affair still haunted her.

 Douglas and her had become close while he translated artefacts for her and one thing lead to another and next thing she knew they were deeply involved.  I suppose what hurt the most is that he told her on the phone that he didn't have the decency to face her and break her heart to her face....)

Maggy:  That's good honey cause he is a maggot!   You just need to get out  there and start dating again you will see there are so many fish in this sea and without barnacles if you know what I mean?

Rosemary:  I'm not ready yet Maggy.....I ended up getting drunk two Friday nights ago right here in this pub and going home with Ali of all people now he won't leave me alone!

Maggy:  "What! You and Ali?"  Maggy screamed

Rosemary:  Don't laugh it just sort of happened I think he slipped me something cause I know I wasn't that drunk..ugh...
Actually I have to go see him today because Mr. Beals items should be in the warehouse I need to do at least a preliminary look over before I go see Mr. Beal this afternoon.

Maggy:  Well just make sure you don't have a drink with him! LOL!

Rosemary:  Yeah.....No kidding!  Now I do have to go love ya Maggy stay crazy!...bye....


Rosemary:  Ali have all the crates arrived from the Beal collection?

Ali:  "Yes baby they are here don't worry... and so am I when are you going to go home with me again?"

Ali put his octopus arms around her trying to plant a kiss on her..ugh not again....Rosemary pushed him hard with a force that even surprised herself.

Rosemary:  ALI! WHAT PART OF DON'T TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!  I told you I was drunk I did not want to go out with you again now unless you want to lose this job don't try it again.  Ok?

Ali:  Ok don gotta be so nasty....

Ali:  Here are the items from Mr. Beal they are very nice there will be some good money here thats for sure I have hired a guard and of course the alarm and the bars so it should be safe.  Of course all the big money items will go in the safe.

Rosemary:  Good!  I already have a really eccentric client in Veronaville that has wants to bid on it as soon as it is catalogued so you need to get to work.  I will be here tommorow morning and help as much as I can.


Ali:  Oh and there is also this.....Ali pointed to an unusual box Rosemary took a closer look at it....what the hell was it?

Rosemary:  What is this it's not Egyptian?

Ali:  No it's not....There is a note attached to it addressed to you I didn't open it.

Rosemary opened the envelope it was a note from Mr. Beal addressed to her.. it read...

Miss Woodhouse please accept this box as a bonus for your help with this matter.  It belonged to my wife and before she died it was the only one of her artefacts that she asked me not to sell.
She asked me to give it away to a pretty girl although we haven't met personally I have heard you fit the bill of her descriptions.
Looking forward to meeting finally.
Paul Beal

Rosemary:  Well this is very cool it's a bonus on top of my commission!

Ali:  You should bury that thing Rosemary....I'm not kidding!

Rosemary studied Ali's face puzzled by his remark.

Rosemary:  Why would I do that?

Ali:  This thing is a Dybbuk box it is evil don't keep it please!

Rosemary:  Dybbuk?  

Ali:  Yes Dybbuk it is a devil inside the box when you open it the devil will possess you and kill you.

Rosemary:  Come on Ali!  I don't believe in such crap!
What is the writting on it?  Can you read it?

Ali:  No it looks like Hebrew but my Hebrew is really not very good you should call Douglas he can translate the writtings..

Rosemary winced at the idea of calling Douglas but Ali was right this was a job for Douglas.  If this Dybbuk box was worth anything maybe she could finally take that cruise she had been planning...of course she had planned to make it a honeymoon with Douglas now it would her alone.....

Rosemary:  Go ahead and package it and send it to Douglas I'll call him and confirm with him tonight.

Ali:  Ok!


Rosemary started the drive to Mr. Beal's cabin it was  it was a bit of a drive since it was in the outskirts of the City.  She pulled up to a quaint log type vacation home it was cozy and by a lake Mr. Beal owned many homes but she had heard since his wife died he spent most of his time in this small cabin gardening which was his true passion besides making millions.
She was met by a caretaker and asked to wait in a lovely patio until Mr. Beal would join her.  She felt nervous for some reason she had dealt with powerfull people before but this felt different she had a feeling Mr. Beal was not your typical millionaire.


Mr. Beal:  Good Morning Miss Woodhouse how good of you to join me!

Rosemary looked up into Mr. Beals lovely blue eyes they were kind and welcoming but there was definately a sadness there that she could detect.

Rosemary:  Mr. Beal it is wonderfull to finally meet you!  Your home is wonderful  you can really breath the fresh air out here.

Mr. Beal:  Well it is way to big for just one old stuffy man but I find the gardens keep me fit particularly the rose garden.

Do you garden Miss Woodhouse?  

Rosemary:  No actually I love plants but have had very little time to plant a garden but maybe your lovely garden will inspire me..

Mr. Beal:  Oh I hope so working with living beautifull things feeds our soul Miss Woodhouse my wife never cared for gardening and spent all her time with her artefacts of the dead all those dead ancient things cold and well not good for anyone..I will give you a plant to take home with you so that you remember to connect with the good and beautifull it's very important!

Rosemary:  Thank you Mr. Beal you have been so generous to me I was very flattered you chose me to take care of these items for you.

Mr. Beal:  Well don't be you were chosen by my late wife she left her wishes written and they were quite specific.. she wanted her collection to be sold and the proceeds to go to a  Archeological research team in Kurdistan and Israel.  She specifically chose you to barter the deal because she liked the way you worked with her items at Veronaville Museum.
She said you had done such a good job that she wanted you to be rewarded generously in this deal.

Rosemary was shocked!  She had never actually met Elizabeth Merrell she had been told at the time that she never attended the Museum except by private viewings a few times and that was before her time there.

Rosemary:  Mr. Beal I am very flattered to be doing this for your late wife her career was astounding...she was an amazing woman.

Mr. Beal:  She she was her illness and resulting death were a great tragedy to me and I wish to honor all her requests she was very very sick at the point of her death but somehow managed to detail her wishes very clearly with her I of course want to honor every single one.

Speaking of which the box I sent you she wished you to have it.  You may sell it or do as you wish but apparently it is quite special so you may want to hold on to it for awhile until you can figure out it's value.
Here is her log on it I wanted to hand it to you in person honestly I looked at it briefly and it sort of reads as ravings my first instinct was to destroy it so no one would ever see how this strange illness had ravished her mind but her attorney was very specific that I hand this personally to you.
Just keep in mind that my wife's illness had made her.....well delusional in the last six months of her life.  I would consider it a personal favor if no one but you ever saw it.

Rosemary:  Yes of course Mr. Beal I will keep this confidential and if what it contains is too upsetting then I assure you I will destroy it.  I want to assure you I will not allow anyone else to read it except for any details having to do with the scholarly analysis of the artefact.

Mr. Beal:  Thank you Miss Woodhouse!  I can see you are a person of character I see now why Elizabeth chose you for this task she was an excellent judge of character.

As Rosemary drove home she thought about calling Douglas for the translation of the box she hadn't spoken to him in over 4 months she decided she would be professional and detached....she wasn't sure she could pull that off but she would try...

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 12, 2006, 10:23:54 am
Installment two shortly...
photobucket is being evil so I kept this first one shorter than I had originally wanted.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on October 12, 2006, 02:10:47 pm
Oooh.. I love it so far! Can't wait to see what comes next!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 12, 2006, 10:18:51 pm
2nd Installment...



Home.....finally!  what a long crap day full of stress and BS....all

she wanted to do was order a pizza and zone out playing some video

games with Steven and sleep until the next day to start the grind


Carmen:  Ahhh good ju aar home I vant to tawk to ju about da boy...

Carmen was Rosemary's  pillar she always made her laugh and kept her

life in order.  After Father died leaving her to raise Steven her

teenage brother alone she would have been lost without her.


Steven hollered from the next room making fun of Carmen's accent

Steven:  Jeah da Boy is hungry caramba!

Carmen made a face and hollered back at him..

Carmen:  Jess!  jast wait ju monkey I bizzy talking to jour sista!

Carmen:  I make all da choppin so ju got food wile I bee gun OK?  Da

bus pik up ju brother in da morningh so ju don got to drive him OK?

Rosemary panicked in horror!  She had forgotten all about Steven

leaving to camp!  Ugh!  What kind of guardian was she?  She felt very

neglectfull poor Steven he was basically raising himself...she promised

herself she would spend more time with him once he was back from


Rosemary:  Carmen....I...

Carmen:  Ju Fogot I new it!

Carmen:  Ju know I'm going to Puerto Rico fo 3 weeks I toll ju!

Rosemary:  Yes Carmen I know it just skipped my mind that today was

your last day before leaving...

Carmen:  Don verry Missy I hire a maed for ju she gunna clean an I made

big choppin so ju have food for avile Ok?

Rosemary:  Yes of course Carmen I have to say I'm going to miss you but

you deserve a vacation you have been running this house completely for

me and honestly I don't know what I would do without you.

Carmen laughed.....Carmen:  Dat's right baby without Carmen eet's not a

good theen!

Rosemary wrote Carmen a generous check which made Carmen's eyes light

up.  Her generosity was well earned and was also a bribe

to get Carmen to come back in case she got to Puerto Rico and decided

to stay in tropical paradise instead of coming back to her job...

Rosemary decided to get the call to Douglas over with the longer she

put this off the harder it would be she went into the study and dialed

his number her fingers did it so mechanically almost like if his number

were stored in them magically....


Douglas:  Hello...Petersons and Associates may I help you?

Rosemary:  Hi Douglas....this is Rosemary....I was hoping I could get

you to examine an artefact that has some type of old Hebrew writtings

on it....

Douglas:  Rosemary.....yes of course go ahead send it to me..

How...have you been?  I thought about you a great deal..

Rosemary:  I have been good very busy and you?

Douglas:  Well...things are the same I'm going to counselling with

Laura but honestly I don't know if we will be able to work things

out...I just don't know if I can make myself love her again you know?

Rosemary felt her stomach flop....this was not going good her intention

was not to ease into another meeting and return to screwing Douglas

behind Laura's back scenario....No she wasn't going there...

Rosemary:  That's too bad Douglas I know how you really wanted to make

it work.  I'm sure you will give it your best try tho...Well back to

business the artefact is some sort of strange box I haven't examined it

but I believe it's Hebrew in Origin and the writting is not Ali's

expertise so if you will take care of this and send me a bill I will

appreciate it a lot.

Douglas:  Rosemary...anything for you no bill required it's on me for

old time sake OK?

Rosemary:  Are you sure?  I'm doing very well Douglas my firm can

certainly afford even your ridiculous fees..

Douglas:  Yes I'm sure I'll let you know when I'm done I'll call Ok?  

Is this your current number here on my caller Id?  
Rosemary:  Yes you can call that number.

Rosemary hung up whew! that was done and over with and while awkward

and stomach wrenching it had not gone too for that bubble

bath and sleep finally....

Steven:  Hey!  

Rosemary:  Hey monster!

Steven:  You want to play my new game? It's really cool....and you

won't see me for a month so you can practice it while I'm gone you know

..since I'm gonna kick your ass and all give ya some time to get ready

for a rematch...

Rosemary smiled the bubblebath would come later spending time with

Steven made her happy he was all she had in the world now and precious

to her.

Next day Rosemary awoke to an Empty house Steven independent as he was

had left on his 6 am bus to camp and Carmen wasn't in the kitchen

making her pancakes and expresso...ugh the house felt too still and

uninhabited she dressed quickly and left for the warehouse she was late

and sure Ali would accuse her of making him do all the work alone..

The Beal collection had to be ready for bids by next week and it was

enormous this would take forever even with both her and Ali working

round the clock.....

Ali:  Man I'm exausted and all stiff from looking at this crap let's go

have a drink!

Rosemary:  Ali I'm not going to screw you again not ever do get that?

Ali threw his head back in a hearty laugh.."Yeah I know I'm not trying

to get into your pretty panties I swear I just seriously need a break

from this my eyes are starting to cross from so much paperwork.."

Rosemary was drop dead tired too she thought about it and said aah what

the hell?  

Rosemary:  Ok Ali we have three drinks that's it we have Melvin drive

us both home and pick us up 7am sharp tommorow so we can get this over

with ok?

Having a few drinks with Ali would be fun he was funny when he had a

few and as long as he wasn't trying to rape her she enjoyed his

Ali was a brilliant antiguities historian she was amazingly lucky to

have him his paperwork was dubious everything he knew was from being

right there in Egypt working with the big names he had the misfortune

of not being able to document his expertise but as far as his knowledge

it was expert without a doubt she had met him at the museum during her

internship there and came to realize how valuable he could really be to

an Art and Antiguities dealer when she opened her own company he was

her first hire.

Ali:  Sounds good to me let me find Melvin he is in the back moving

boxes he can take us in the pickup I tell him to take it home so he can

pick us both up in the morning..

They had a like three drinks at their usual haunt and practically fell

asleep into their drinks.  She was so tired she called a cab by the

second drink and had her third drink while waiting for it to show up.


Once home she plopped into bed without even changing her clothes she

was sooo she dozed off she went right into a weird dream

that was more of a nightmare flavor....
It was just glimpses of weirdness....She saw herself in a strange dark

gallery with disgusting evil looking displays and at the end was

Elizabeth Merrell standing holding a teddy bear looking pale and

bloodied and pretty much like the walking dead...and in front of her

was the creepy box..Ugh!  No more drinks late at night when she was

bordering on exaustion that was just creepy!


The next morning Rosemary woke up to a pounding headache and an

annoying alarm clock...she staggered out of bed

The clock read 6:10 am...Oh Crap Melvin will be here soon she showered

and dressed quickly Melvin and Ali were chatty and cheerfull in the

truck and she felt grumpy and sleepy...

Rosemary and Ali worked into the evening late and ordered a pizza they

ate while they worked and around 7pm her private line rang she was

gratefull for the break and went to answer it instead of allowing her

voicemail to pick up.

Rosemary:  Hello?

Douglas:  Rosemary?  Douglas here...I wanted to talk to you about this

box you sent you have a minute?

Rosemary:  Yeah a few go ahead...

Douglas:  I'm working on the documentation and I will send it to you

with the box but I wanted to ask you where did you get it?

Rosemary:  It was part of a private collection the owner prefers to

remain anonymous but I can tell you the owner was reputable...

Douglas:  Well it's not That old it was made sometime in the 14th

century the writtings on it are mostly ancient Hebrew with some Aramaic

 on the exterior of the box...when I opened it inside it was empty and

dusty as hell I just about had an asthma attack had to use my inhaler

and see my Alergy doctor it's weird cause I haven't had an Asthma

attack since my childhood...

Rosemary:  Oh Doug I'm sorry are you ok?  

Douglas:  Yeah no worries I'm back on medicines and it seems now that

I'm finished working on your little devil box it's clearing up....

Rosemary:  Devil Box?

Douglas:  Yeah....the writings on the outside are mostly Kabbalistic

type spells of an exorcism nature they name a specific demon contained

within the box it was a sort of binding of this demon let me see here

oh his name is ....Azazel
He is one of the fallen angels who rebelled and became a devil in The

book of Enoch.

Anyway inside the box there is more writtings but not in Hebrew or

Aramaic but Enochian writting which is suppose to be Angelic script I

haven't translated that yet as soon as I do I will inlcude it in my

report I should be done by tonight and have it ready to ship back to

you by next day.

Rosemary:  Thank you Douglas! Take your time this particular item is

mine now so there is no hurry on it.

Douglas:  No worries I'm almost done with it and I'm glad to be of some

help.  It was certainly interesting to examine.

Rosemary:  Well considering it's 14th century it's not trully an

antiguity so I guess I'll hold on to it until I find a curio type

collector who might be into the dracula aspect of it.

Douglas laughed ...oh his laugh it made her melt inside why did he have

to be married!

Douglas:  Rosemary it was wonderfull talking to you again please call

me if you need anything  I mean it anything...

Rosemary:  Thanks Douglas I will..

The next day she worked into the night with Ali and the collection was

finally ready for auction.  She went home and slept a good dreamless

dead sleep of exaustion.....she was going to stay home and finalize

some paperwork while Ali repacked the collection for the auction on

Saturday Ali would attend the auction and keep her posted by phone her

Egyptian collector had come by for a private viewing and bought like 15

pieces of it He paid a small fortune and her commission was $20,000

from that sale alone!
She had worked her butt off on this collection and it was finally

paying off!
The auction hopefully would be the icing on the cake and she could

maybe take a week off and unwind maybe take a 3 day cruise and get some

sun she could definately use some of that...

The door bell rang she looked up she wasn't expecting anyone...

At the door was a delivery man with a package she signed for it and

when she opened it she realized it was the box that Douglas was

examining for her...
She put the box in her office and opened the envelope package attached

it was Douglas's report on the box.

She read thru the technical historical parts of it measurements,

descriptions of materials and laquered finish and flipped to the last

page with the translations..
she skimmed over it being it was and formulas of

angelic names with astrological measurements it was almost like reading

some hermetic tablet...(

the last part was the translation of the

Enochian writting it read.....

"Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an

opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl, and cast him therein. And

place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and

let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see

light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the

fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim

the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all

the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that

the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole

earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl:

to him ascribe all sin."

Rosemary tried to digest what she just read...How weird she reattached

the report to the container she didn't feel up to reading it on her day

off and picked up the phone to call Maggy.

Rosemary:  Hey girl feel like doing lunch today?

Maggy:  Rosemary I was just about to call you!  Oh my God you haven't

heard have you?

Rosemary:  Heard what?  What happened?

Maggy:  Rosemary....there was an accident in Veronaville some kind of

chemical fire five people were killed in the fire Rosemary Douglas's

building was burned I'm afraid he was killed...I'm so sorry...I know

you still cared for him....

Rosemary went cold and numb the room seemed to be going black she

stuttered stupidly to Maggy on the phone I just talked to him...

Maggy:  Rosemary I'm coming over Ok?  I'll be there in 10 minutes ok?

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 13, 2006, 12:40:20 pm
I'm trying to get this whole story out I'm sorry if it's choppy! anyway I hate waiting for an ending so I will try to get from 3rd to ending asap! thanks for reading!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 13, 2006, 12:51:41 pm
Third installment

Maggy:  Yes Steven she is sleeping she is upset but I think she will be fine...

Steven:  Do you think I should come back?  I know she was in love with that guy she must be a mess..

Maggy:  No stay there I'm here and although she seems to be a little in shock I gave her a mild sedative and she is sleeping now call her later when you get a chance honey ok?

Douglas's death had been horrific his body was not suitable for an open  casket She made Ali go and he said his widow and children seemed to be  in shock.  Rosemary didn't attend out of respect for Douglas's family he was the love of her life and now not only was he dead from a horrible death but she couldn't even go cry at his funeral...she felt like death warmed over herself...she would wait until some time had passed and she would go to his grave and talk to Douglas and tell him all that was in her heart it would help purge this pain and give her some resolution to his horrible death.

The auction was a big success she made tons of money and Mr. Beal was happy she got her huge commission but the idea of going anywhere to celebrate only made her want to sob....

She noticed the box on her desk it was the last thing her and Douglas shared this creepy evil box maybe it was an omen of what was going to happen.

She decided to open it she had pretty much ignored the box ever since coming to own it.  The artefact just never appealed to her it was ugly gaudy and weird and not worth being included in the Beal Collection...

She decided to opened it and examine the inscriptions and formulaes on the exterior it was truly a white elephant thats for sure.  But somehow the fact that Douglas had looked at them just for her made them special she decided to display the box she would keep this hideous thing in rememberance of their love.

She opened the top to take a look at the infamous Enochian inscriptions as she opened the box her eyes lost focus and she felt a wave of nausea she saw black cloud enveloping her next thing she knew she was falling........

Everything went black..........

Thats when she awoke to find Maggy screaming at her she had called the ambulance they were on their way....she went in and out of concioussness during the ride there and the emergency room she awoke in a small private hospital room her whole body ached she could barely get out of bed she had to go to the bathroom a small door looked like it might be the restroom it seemed like it was a million miles away why was she so weak?  What the hell happened?

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 13, 2006, 02:37:48 pm
this story just got a lot more interesting just a suggestion here a few more pics like you had in 3rd installment will help.
 the storyline is great and well structured.only needs a few more pics:) good job of getting my attention though i will follow this one.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 13, 2006, 02:40:36 pm
yeah I know hotrod i'm working on it will replenish photos having some issues with my game and photobucket but hopefully I will get installment one and two full of pics tonight please look again and let me know!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: SimulatedDork on October 13, 2006, 04:05:49 pm
Wow, this is growing into a good plotline, hopefully with lots of twists and turns. The poses they strike in the photos really suit it :D :P A few tips:

1) More pictures, good luck with sorting out photobuck! 'Tis a nightmare!
2) Maybe break the text/chapters down a little bit? It's a bit intense to read, I had to take a few breaks.

Overall, great work + will follow it as it grows!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 13, 2006, 06:40:49 pm
a blog might work better for you, you can upload the pictures right to it (depending on what blog you use) no needing bhotofucket!

I use for my sims story - it's free! see the link in my sig for a look at mine.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 13, 2006, 07:27:31 pm
Well I'm working on photos for this story it's a good one just need to put up some more visuals I have a lot photos but they are more advanced into the story...

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 13, 2006, 09:48:50 pm
i see spaces you left to add pics that i didn't notice before,lot of people complaining about trouble with photobucket lately,working them in later works too i saw 2 that i didn't see earlier if worse comes to worse use sleepycats idea. i'm off to check hers now:)
the pics that are here have great staging in them so i know you can do it.

wow  maybe you should give sleepycats idea a try looks good and no worries with photobucket pics look good there too if you do put a link here for us to go see i want to follow this story out to see how it ends

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 14, 2006, 10:43:22 am
Thanks hotrod.  I corrected a software conflict some kind of flash error with photobucket so I guess I just finish this off and maybe for my next story I already have a really good idea ...I might follow sleepycats suggestion my next story has me excited sorry I'm Gemini scatter brain! LOL!
I have an ending for this already but I'm still trying figure out how to pose everybody just right...

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 14, 2006, 10:56:58 am
Installment Three:


Nurse:  Miss Woodhouse!  No don't try to get up I will walk you to the rest room!  

The nurse walked her to the restroom her body was reeling in pain she felt as if she had been hit all over with a bat she also felt burning on her face.

When the nurse had put her back in bed she began the usual nurse routine of pulse, bloodpressure check and stuck a thermometer in her mouth...

Nurse:  You are in Pleasantville hospital I'm your nurse Patty I'm going to finish this and get your doctor he has been waiting for you to wake up Ok?

Rosemary nodded ugh even that hurt....why was she in so much pain she knew she had fallen but she couldn't imagine getting hurt this bad from falling in her own study...

The nurse went to get the Doctor and she looked around the room there were flowers she supposed from Maggy and Ali she wasn't even sure how long she had been there.

The doctor came in and greeted her Ah I am glad to finally meet you fully awake he said....My name is Doctor Roberts and I have been attending you since your attack...

Rosemary:  Attack? she gasped

Dr. Roberts:  Yes can you remember any details Ms. Woodhouse?  The police have asked me to notify them as soon as you were awake and able to speak...
As you can imagine many people in the Pleasantville are concerned about some serial rapist beating and raping it's residents..
Rosemary:  I was raped?  

Rosemary touched her head to see if somehow she was dreaming some kind of nightmare from hell she felt open wound in the back of her head she felt faint again....she laid back...

Rosemary:  I don't remember anything except fainting and a very strange nightmare...

Dr. Roberts:  It's ok Rosemary I want you to go ahead and sleep now I will tell the police you are not ready to speak to them about your attack.

Rosemary went into a deep uncomfortable sleep she dreamed strange images of a dark place where she was supose to go up a creepy staircase was a variation of her disturbing Elizabeth Merrell dream but this one was even darker somehow and more frightening...

She awoke to Steven's voice
Steven:  Sis?  are you awake?

Rosemary opened her eyes from her perpetual drug nightmare snooze to see Stevens face his eyes were red he looked as if he had been crying..

Rosemary:  Steven?

Steven:  Don't try to talk I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you I failed I'm an asshole Dad asked me to take care of you and be the man of the family and I left you alone to face that bastard...his voice cracked with emotion and he wept openly.

Rosemary:  Steven I don't remember anything I think I have amnesia or something..
The next day she awoke to someone holding her hand gently..
She opened her eyes and looked to see it was Carmen..
Carmen:  Don worry Missy they gonna catch that cabron he is gonna rot in jail fo wat he done to ju...

Rosemary:  Carmen!  You're here?!

Carmen:  I gave my cell number to Steven so he could call me if emegrenci I flew back as soon as I herd don verry Mamma Carmen don leaf ju no more Ok? I moved into Steven's rrroom and he sleepy on the coowch.

Rosemary cried softly seeing Carmen again allowed her to somewhat rest calmer now that her family was with her she would pull herself back together somehow if she could ever figure out what the hell happened to her to start with..

Later that afternoon....Ali came to see her he looked so upset he had been taking care of everything at work and had an alarm system installed in her home equal to the one at work.

Ali:  Rosemary....I don't know what to say to you I care about you a lot to see someone has hurt this way makes my blood boil....
Rosemary:  Ali I just want to forget this whole experience for one I don't remember anything the only proof I have is that the hospital is saying I was attacked no one was there I was alone when I fainted.
Ali:  You know the Police thought I did this to you....
Rosemary:  What?
Ali:  Yes they kept me in the Police station for 6 hours if Melvin hadn't pulled the security cameras videos and told them we were both working together all day I probably still be in jail.
Rosemary:  I'm so sorry Ali.....I will tell the police when I talk to them you are not involved.
Ali:  I want you to take all the time you need to recover I am handling everything at work OK?  I hope they can catch whoever did this soon so I can kill him for you.
Later that evening two detectives came to see her....they were young and goodlooking "Great two males couldnt' they have at least brought a female?
Miss Woodhouse...My name is detective Alvarez I'm from Pleasantville Police department and this is detective Manning from Veronaville Police department.
Rosemary:  Veronaville?
Detective Manning:  Yes Miss Woodhouse I would also like to ask you a few question if you feel up to it.
Rosemary:  Detective I don't remember anything I fainted and woke up partially on my way to the hospital.
Detective Alvarez:  Yes your doctor has informed us that you have post-trama memory loss but perhaps there are a few details you may recall that might help us.
Rosemary:  I wanted to tell you first of all Ali my employee did not do this.
Detective Alvarez:  Yes we know his story checks out and ......well so does his dna test.
Miss Woodhouse can you recall anyone suspicious around the warehouse or your home prior to your attack?  Anyone who shouldn't have been there?
Rosemary:  No
Detective Alvarez:  If you do have any recollections will you please let us know any at all?
Detective Manning:  Miss Woodhouse....I need to ask you regarding your relationship with Douglas Peterson he was recently killed in a suspicious fire in Veronaville I am investigating his death and well your name came up in the course of my investigation.
Rosemary:  Douglas's death was not an accident?
Detective Manning:  No we think not.  Douglas did some very classified work for the military through the University and his murder may be related to that.
Rosemary:  Douglas never talked to me about any of that...our relationship ended his choice he wanted to remain with his wife.  I was broken-hearted and moved here to try to start over.
Detective Manning:  Miss Woodhouse any information you can recall what so ever please contact either detective Alvarez or myself right away.
Rosemary:  Yes of course.
Nurse Patty:  Miss Woodhouse it looks like will be discharged today!
Rosemary:  Thank God!  No offense but I can't stand it here anymore!
Nurse Patty:  It's not the food is it? (Nurse Patty laughed she was quite pretty when she smiled.)
I need to go over a few things with you before you go.....Dr. Roberts wants you to see this Doctor for follow up.  His name is Dr. Luis Mendoza he is a Psychiatrist that specializes in post-trauma and memory loss.  We have set up an appointment for you.  It is all written down for you.
Nurse Patty:  Another thing we tested for sexually transmitted illnesses and they were all negative but you should have a repeat test in a week with your private doctor.  Here is a list of what he should test for.
Rosemary cringed the whole rape thing had not hit home until now for some reason maybe because she didn't remember it.  She was just gratefull to be going home.  Carmen, Steven and even Maggy was all the therapy she needed right now.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 14, 2006, 11:53:47 am
ahhhh much better lol great update

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 14, 2006, 12:15:51 pm
*eagerly awaits the next installment*

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: SimulatedDork on October 14, 2006, 02:15:18 pm
Lol, that was great! When snapping shots, try not to get the PlumbBob (the thing in my avatar) or those Relationship +/-'s in. It ruins the shot that you worked to so hard to get "just right". I'm following your story almost as closely as I am mine!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 14, 2006, 02:33:19 pm
Thanks simulated! I'm still new at this it's my first try at a real story I'm better with dialogue than pictures I know there is a cheat to get rid of the plumbob have to look it up I'm still adding to installment three it's not done yet.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 14, 2006, 06:25:19 pm
Do you use the in-game camera or take screenshots?

I take screenshots and I use YAFSScreen - it saves them as I take them, to a folder I chose

I feel I get better pictures, the in-game camera sucks and I found it didn't save half the pictures I took *takes alot of pictures* I then edit them in my graphics program and resize if needed.

the cheats
Plumbbobtoggle  [on/off]
showHeadlines [on/off]    (for all sims on lot)
Needed for moviemakers. Makes all thought balloons, speech balloons, and ++/-- type headlines hidden/visible.

I never use them :lol: I just copyed them from the read me for you.

Squinge has some fantastic hacks for movie makers/storytellers

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 14, 2006, 08:07:35 pm
thanks sleepy! I'm writing them down!  I'm going to that link you gave as well!  This being my first story I just wanted to see if I could do it at all I'm finding it's a lot of work I guess I'm more a writter than a director LOL!
Hopefully as I do this story I will get better for my next one!
Ok sleepy I just looked at that and I'm intimidated I'm not too savy with new programs I think I been lucky just to get photobucket to work

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on October 14, 2006, 09:09:09 pm
I love this story! It's getting better still!

Another tip when taking pictures:
press 'tab' in game before you take your picture. Just move around with the arrow keys and mouse to position. Also get the angle right before you press tab becuase it's pretty near impossible to fix it while you're using tab. Your pictures will look about ten times better if you do it right! hope that helps!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 15, 2006, 07:26:27 am
thanks elven i been using tab feature but I definately need to work more on my photos i'm still learning!  I have a monster contest that is in round 2 now which will keep me busy as soon as i get that done i will put up the next installment.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on October 15, 2006, 04:38:57 pm
Next update please lol this is relly good

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 15, 2006, 10:22:43 pm
Installment 4


Back at home Rosemary recovered quickly with Carmen and Maggy taking care of her.  Once she got back to work it was almost as if nothing had ever happened.
Ali had packaged the infamous box and stuck it in the safe he was convinced it had caused everything that had happened.  Rosemary was starting to think he might have a point especially since she was having nightmares where that box seemed to be the main attraction.
Rosemary:  Ali I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon can you handle things here?
Ali:  Yeah no problem I'll call you later then and let you know if those antiques have arrived.
Rosemary:  Ok good I'm going straight home because this office is on the other side of town and I don't want to fight traffic coming back here.
Ali:  No problem I will stay until the truck gets here.
Rosemary:  Ali you're the best see you tommorow then!

She had rescheduled this appointment with Dr. Mendoza already once and today felt a little uneasy she had basically tried to put this whole incident behind her and now a month later she was going have to open that wound again.  She decided if this involved putting her on pills and talking about mother she was not going to go bother with another visit.  
Dr. Mendoza:  Miss Woodhouse it's very nice to meet you!  I'm Dr. Luis Mendoza.  I have been briefed by Dr. Roberts regarding what happened to you and I want to be able to help perhaps recover your memory safely through the use of hypnosis if you are open to that.
Rosemary:  Honestly Doctor I have been trying to forget this all happened and that has been working for me.
Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary as long as you don't face what happened to you these traumatic events could begin to return at any time and cause you psychological damage if you are unprepared to deal with them.
Dr. Mendoza:  Not to mention there is a rapist out there that could hurt someone else if he is not apprehended.
Dr. Mendoza:  Are you willing to try to unlock these memories for your own well being and that of other's Miss Woodhouse?
Rosemary:  I had never thought about other possible victims....yes of course if you think you can help me remember I suppose it's worth a shot.
Dr. Mendoza:  I am very happy to hear you say that Miss Woodhouse! May I call you Rosemary?  and of course you will call me Luis?
Rosemary:  Yes of course.
Dr. Mendoza:  Good!  Today I want to start with some simple hypnosis exercises to see how you respond to hypnotic suggestion.  I plan on taking you only to the moment your attack occurred to see what you actually do recall.
Dr. Mendoza was able to get Rosemary to relax and respond to his hypnotic suggestions he used a small lit pyramid to guide her into a hypnotic state.
He also used his voice which was very soft and persuasive to guide her gently...
Dr. Mendoza: you hear me clearly?
Rosemary:  yes...
Dr. Mendoza:  good I want you to now go back to the events of the day of your attack....I want you to tell what you are doing and seeing OK?
Rosemary:  I am examining the dybbuk box...
Dr. Mendoza:  What do you see on the dybbuk box?
Rosemary:  there are pictures of angels with black wings...they are ravishing young women in all sorts of lurid positions....
Dr. Mendoza:  What are doing now?
Rosemary:  I am opening the box OOOHH Noooo!

Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary you are safe what is happening now?
Rosemary:  Something black came out of it and has gone behind me.
Dr. Mendoza:  What is the black thing that has come out of the box Rosemary?
Rosemary:  I don't know it was like a large shadow it's behind me now it's large and it's breathing on the back of my neck!
Rosemary began to panick at this point and hyperventilate.
Dr. Mendoza: Rosemary slow down your breathing remember you are safe..What is happening now?
Rosemary:  I am leaving my home it is carrying me away in the sky....
Dr. Mendoza:  What do you see now Rosemary?
Rosemary:  I see the ghost of Elizabeth Merrell it is warning me to be carefull!
Dr.Mendoza:  What else Rosemary is happening?
Rosemary:  I am walking up a staircase..
Rosemary:  I am on a bed with this dark thing it is making love to me.
Rosemary:  I can't see his face!  He has black wings OMG! What is this? This is not a dream it's really happening! Rosemary began to panic and thrust about.  She tried desperately to see the face of the creature on top of her but it was unclear
Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary I want you to leave that place and come back to me here to the present in my office you will feel no fear or anxiety you will remember what you have told me but you will not feel any anxiety relating to it understood?
Rosemary:  yes..
Dr. Mendoza:  When I count to three you will awaken refreshed and feeling better than you have in a long time...One.....two.....three!  Wake up Rosemary!
Rosemary awoke to Dr. Mendoza studying her face curiously....she felt ok and somewhat puzzled of what she had told the doctor she wondered if this was just part of her nightmare that become ingrained into her experience.
Dr. Mendoza:  Rosemary you did very well today I would like to see you again to see if we can make some sense of what recalled today.
Rosemary:  Ok Dr. Luis
Dr. Mendoza:  Go ahead and set up an appointment with my secretary for next week and I will see you then.

Rosemary arrived home feeling completely perplexed her hypnosis session left more questions than answers perhaps she had dreamt the whole thing?  It felt very dream like.
She decided she would give Dr. Mendoza a chance to try to unlock her memory after all there was a rapist still out there and she was a little afraid he would come back.
When she arrived home Carmen was waiting for her at the door.
Carmen:  Oh Missy finally you are home!  Ali is calling every five minutes he drive me crazy he haft to talk with ju!
Rosemary:  Ok I'll call him right away probably there is a problem with the antiques shipment ugh!
Rosemary:  Ali?  What's going on?
Ali:  Oh man! I been trying to reach you for hours did you forget your cell phone?
Rosemary:  Yes I left it at home totally forgot it today.
Ali:  Ok are you sitting down?
Rosemary:  Enough with the drama Ali what's going on?
Ali:  Right after you left the FBI showed up here with a court order they wanted that devil box Rosemary!
Rosemary:  What?
Ali:  Yes they had other Military people with them from NSA the court order says that it was a matter of national security!
Rosemary:  Ali thats insane!  
Ali:  Yeah I know!  At any rate that evil box is gone now I and say good riddance!
Rosemary:  You know what Ali?  Me too!
Rosemary had enough of that box to last her a lifetime if the Military thought it was important or wanted that was fine by her she was way over that damn box!
She suddenly had a thought....she had forgotten all about Elizabeth Merrell's log of the box....she had put it in her desk it was high time to sit down and really read how this bad mojo had made it to Pleasantville and really did start when Elizabeth Merrell brought it here.

Just when she layed down to start reading she had an overwhelming urge to vomit.  It came in a violent wave she held her stomach then she did get sick...Carmen was cooking something that smelled vile....
ugh!...porkchops....usually she loved Carmens porkchops but they smelled so bad....maybe the meat was bad she would tell her to throw them out.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 16, 2006, 01:11:39 pm
your on a roll now great looks as if rosemary is preggers by her unknown attacker,nice twist

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 16, 2006, 01:28:38 pm

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on October 16, 2006, 04:54:20 pm

Fantastic update I look forward to more!!! :)

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on October 17, 2006, 01:19:04 am
ooooh.. Suspense, curses, drama! it's too much! xD I love it! your pictures are getting really good too! A huge imrpvement from last time, keep up the awesome work! ^^

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 17, 2006, 07:15:05 am
Thanks Elven and Oddball for the encouragement I think I'm getting a little better! LOL!  I finally finished some stuff for some hard contests whew!  So I downloaded a few things for this story I'm ready to get to work on Installment five it will be up as soon as it's ready!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 17, 2006, 03:49:07 pm
INSTALLMENT FIVE a undisclosed Military base......


Colonel Beal:  Captain Hall I will personally be briefing you today on your assignment.
You will be meeting other operatives and working closely with them. Here is an outline of your mission before I begin your briefing I want you to understand this mission is Above Top Secret and involves intelligence maneuvers that normally are frowned upon in today's military.  If you fail this mission in anyway you will find yourself court-martialed and in Levenworth for a period of time unimaginable you see where I'm getting at soldier?

Captain Hall:  Yes Sir!
Colonel Beal:  Good......come meet the rest of the team..

Colonel Beal:  This is Major Luis Mendoza,
Major Patricia Jones,

Major Ben Roberts.

Colonel Beal:  Have a seat Captain..
Colonel Beal:  You may wonder why an Obstetrician has been recruited into an intelligence mission Captain have you wondered that?
Captain Hall:  Yes Sir I have.
Colonel Beal:  Well Captain as you know our Military has been involved with strategic areas of the Middle East we have seen ourselves having to rebuild ancient cities from scratch.  
One of those locations are in the Uzbekistan region the province of Bukhara.

 Our men while scouring that mountainous region in search of Alquaida rebels made an amazing discovery they found in the frozen ice caps an extremely well preserved body of an ancient man.
Colonel Beal:  This ancient man had recoverable and viable dna.  At this point I would like Major Roberts to continue with his portion of your briefing...Major Roberts?...

Major Roberts:  Yes...well my expertise in this mission involves biogenetic engineering....The recovered frozen specimen which we have code named Gilgamesh has extraodinary qualities....within his DNA are all of our own genome but his own DNA contains unique properties we have never seen on any other earth being......His muscle mass is astounding!  His brain capacity much more advanced than our own brains the equivalent to three of our most advanced artificial intelligence computers wrapped into one brain....
Major Roberts:  Our intent is to clone the cells from our Gilgamesh specimen and produce a viable clone the implications within a military standpoint are well ominous to produce a team of these beings is our ultimate goal.
We have been sucessfull in cloning the specimen but have had  no sucess in a viable pregnancy we believe due to a blood incompatibility volunteer female soldiers in our project have all spontaneously aborted our clones.
We determined that a woman with a blood mutation specific to  people of Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Southern Asian and African ancestry
would correct the spontaneous abortion issue.  A blood disorder called  Thalassemia occurs most frequently in people of Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Southern Asian and African ancestry. The female would also have to be RH Negative blood type.... Unfortunately we could find no such female soldier that would fit this profile.
Colonel Beal:  We tapped into the national blood bank database and found locally one such woman of reproductive age who had the criteria we needed.
Here is a photograph of the woman...
Colonel Beal: In the name of National Security we have been authorized to commandeer a civilian into this project to insure it's sucess.  Failure is not an option in this mission as no expense from the very top has been spared.   This woman is now part of Project Gilgamesh we have already implanted the specimen in her and we should know shortly if it has been a sucess.
Colonel Beal:  Now I would like you to meet the head of this project Lieutenant General Elizabeth Merrell...


Lieutenant General Merrell:  At ease gentlemen we have much work to do and very little time....

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 17, 2006, 05:59:54 pm
wwoooowww this got a whole lot better in last update,are you sure you are new to taking pics?lol i think you are doing a fantastic job.wonderful update.

gotta keep checking back just to see any new twists

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 17, 2006, 06:16:51 pm
thanks hotrod yeah I'm sort of new at this I see my story in my head real well I can't allways get my Sims to cooperate tho! LOL!  One of my majors kept turning on the radio and wanting to dance during their top secret meeting! shoosh don't tell anybody! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 18, 2006, 12:07:54 am
lol getting them to cooperate is a whole different game in itself lol you can yell at them noo but do they listen?noooo lol.keep up the good work i can't wait till next update

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 18, 2006, 12:27:45 am
I'm loving the twists :lol:

I think some people turn off free will when taking pictures for storys.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 18, 2006, 07:38:08 am
I have a few more twists...I think I will try to get up some more soon.  Sleepycat Thanks! you know I'm a big dummy it just never occured to me to shut off freewill!  When I pose the Sims my mind is sometimes too into the story and not into the actual game so I forget these things.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 18, 2006, 09:10:11 am
well don't feel bad, I never think to turn off free will when I'm taking pics :lol:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on October 18, 2006, 04:18:00 pm
Are they Army or Marines because Marines are waaaaaaay cooler

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 18, 2006, 07:24:34 pm
oddball they are NSA whatever that is National Security Agency I want to do another installment to this story I will try to get at least some up tonight.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 18, 2006, 08:36:13 pm

Rosemary had been sick every day now for three days it was just a general malaise and nausea that persisted usually until the afternoon when she would get Ali to bring her some take out of chinese food that she could keep down.

This morning was no different she got up and went to drink some of Carmen's expresso and got a whiff of Steven's spicy omelet Carmen was making and had to run and vomit.

Carmen:  That's it we need to talk don see whas happenin here?

Rosemary:  Yes.....I'm sick with some kind of virus..

Carmen:  Jess a nine monse virus Mija ju are pregnant!
Rosemary:  Carmen! No! No!
Carmen:  Jess! Jess! you need to go to da doctor and fine out!
Rosemary:  What am I going to do?  Pregnant from a rape?  Rosemary felt her whole life flash in front of her in a flash......She could terminate the pregnancy but for some reason she felt she couldn't do that it wasn't the baby's fault....she had to find out for sure then maybe she could think about what she would do.
Carmen:  I am callin Dr. Hall tomorow he is obstetrician and gyno I will see if they can see you right away.
Rosemary:  Ok Carmen just please don't say anything to Steven yet until I know for sure.(

Carmen:  Ju know me I keep my mout shut honey don worry....
Rosemary skipped her coffee and opened the paper maybe reading the headlines would make her forget her own misery...
When she opened the paper she saw the headlines Pleasantview rapist apprehended DNA matches evidence collected by FBI.
Rosemary's jaw dropped....They had caught her rapist but nobody bothered to tell her?
Just then the doorbell rang
It was Detective Alvarez
Detective Alvarez:  Rosemary you have seen the headlines haven't you?
Rosemary:  Yes just now.
Detective Alvarez may I come in?
Rosemary:  Yes of course let's go into my office.
Detective Alvarez:  I am very sorry you had to read it in the paper I was hoping to get here before you would have a chance to read it.
Rosemary:  Did the DNA recovered really match this man?
Detective Alvarez:  See that is the thing that DNA was released by Doctor Roberts to the FBI just a few days ago he wouldn't release it to us.  When I went to a Judge to try to get a court order for this DNA the Judge was ready to sign the order until the Feds showed up and then he denied it.
Rosemary:  I don't understand Detective why is the FBI interested in this case?  
Detective Alvarez:  I don't know either but they released their report last night to us with the DNA and had a match on their database for a local registered sex offender.
The man's name is Louie Thomas he is certainly capable of rape but his priors are mostly statutory rape of a minor under the age of sixteen.  Not exactly The Boston Strangler but these sickos got start somewhere I soppose.
Detective Alvarez:  Rosemary I know you don't remember anything but protocol says you have to at least try to identify him I came to get you to see if perhaps by seeing him on a line up you might recall something.
Rosemary: Detective I might be pregnant from this man I been sick for about a week now...she started to cry..
Detective Alvarez:  Oh man....I'm very sorry Rosemary this really sucks it's all wrong what happened didn't they give you the rape pill?
Rosemary:  Rape pill?
Detective Alvarez:  Yeah...rape victims usually get a pill that makes sure that doesn't happen in the emergency room seems you didn't get that or if you did it didn't work.
Detective Alvarez:  So Rose are you ready to go I will bring you back home or take you to your job afterward?
Rosemary:  Yes....let me call work and tell them I will be late.

At the Police station Louie Thomas was posing for his mug shot and giving the female officer a hard time.....


Louie Thomas:  You know what this is Crap! I haven't raped nobody!
Officer Merick:  Look Louie save it for jury ok?
Louie Thomas:  I'm being set up by The Man! I haven't raped Nobody!
Officer Merick:  Yeah Louie The Man has it out for be a good boy and let's go back to the cell you can call your attorney in a little while OK?

Rosemary looked upon the face of the man who had raped her and felt nothing no memory was kindled in her mind she told Detective Alvarez she had no memory of him and Dective Alvarez told her it was ok they had DNA this guy was a good as convicted specially since the FBI seemed to want it so.  He dropped Rosemary off at home.  Rosemary called Ali and told him she was staying home.
She had a light soup and went to take care of something she should have done a long time ago....
Rosemary:  Douglas....I wanted to come earlier and see your grave but my life has turned to crap since you died....I miss you so much...when you dumped me I thought my heart would literally break into two but I somehow I continued on..... Douglas I am probably pregnant from a man that beat and rape me unconcious.....I saw his face today and felt nothing I feel so numb coming here and seeing your grave makes me want to protect this baby I can pretend it is our baby Douglas....I so wish it was...I can see it as our baby and raise it to think of you as it's father the love of my life...who I will miss everyday until I die.  Wait for me Douglas when it is my time wait for me....I never stopped loving you if you can see me in heaven Douglas please protect me and this innocent poor baby.  I love Douglas...Good bye.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 18, 2006, 08:45:01 pm
yet another great update you really have a handle on it now:) i knew this story was going to be good

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 18, 2006, 08:53:35 pm
*agrees with hotrod50s*

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 18, 2006, 08:54:36 pm
Roflmao!  I just took a close look at my sex offender and well he seems a little too happy in his pant area  in his profile photo!  I guess it's part of of the outfit?  To be extremely manly?
At any rate it fits in with my story I guess! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: dangermouse on October 19, 2006, 04:18:44 am
Wow, great updates, can't wait for the next :)

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 19, 2006, 07:13:25 am
I will try to get another update in tonight.  LOL! I keep getting ideas for more twists in this story...but I don't want make it too long! LOL! Oh what the heck lets twist.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on October 19, 2006, 01:08:01 pm
Awesome updates Star! I love it! ^^ Wow, I can't believe she's pregnant with a clone!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 19, 2006, 03:03:15 pm

At Pleasantville Jail...

Guard:  Louie Thomas your attorney is here!
Louie:  I have an attorney?
Guard:  Apparently Louie....come with me.
Elizabeth Merrell:  Mr. Thomas....My name is Teresa Cain I'm with the law firm Russell, Caine and Tate.  I'm here to represent you on these rape charges.  Please have a seat.
Louie:  Are you a Public Defender?  I haven't hired any attorney.
Elizabeth Merrell:  I was retained by an anonymous friend of yours that did not wish to identified he has paid my retainer if you are uncomfortable with that then I understand I will inform your friend and  give back the retainer.
Louie:  I'm not uncomfortable with a freebie it's just that I don't have any friends so I have no idea who is footing this bill.
Elizabeth Merrell:  Apparently......the person who retained me feels differently Mr. Thomas.
Elizabeth Merrell:  So what's it going to be Mr. Thomas?  Do you want an experienced Criminal Attorney or would you like a Public Defender with 50 cases for the same pay as a 100?
Louie:  OK....Yeah I want you as my Attorney!
Elizabeth Merrell:  Good choice Mr. Thomas.....I'm going to set up a bail hearing for tommorow Mr. Thomas
Louie:  I don't got no money or friends to put up bail!
Elizabeth Merrell:  No worries Mr. Thomas I find a way to get you out of that cell by tomorow.
Louie:  Really?
Elizabeth Merrell:  Mr. Thomas I always get what I want.

Detective Alvarez:  Carla....I'm going to question Louie Thomas on the rape case I think it would help if I had a female with me it might loosen him up and maybe we will get lucky.
Sargent Ryland:  Does he have an attorney yet?
Detective Alvarez:  I don't think so let me check I'll call down to lockup.
Guard:  Teresa Cain?
Elizabeth Merrell:  Yes?
Guard:  The detective handling this case would like to know if you will be present during questioning of Mr. Thomas?
Elizabeth Merrell:  One moment guard I will be right with you.
Elizabeth moved forward and lowered her voice...
Elizabeth:  Mr. Thomas did you commit this crime?  It will be to your advantage to be honest with me because I will do my utmost either way but in order to defend you properly I need to know.
Louie:  I did NOT do this I swear!
Elizabeth Merrell:  Good then we have no need to be uncooperative go ahead and speak to the detectives I now have to get to work on your bail.  Since you are innocent there is no worries of what you might say that will implicate you.  Just don't sign anything OK? Or accept any deals until we speak again OK?
Elizabeth Merrell:  My client waives the right to have me present during questioning he will answer the detectives questions truthfully and cooperate fully.  We maintain this is a case of evidence mishandling and mistaken identity.  As long as the detective does not badger my client then we have no objections.

Detective Alvarez:  Louie....How do you know this woman?
Take a look at her picture Louie.
Louie:  See that's the thing I never seen this broad in my life!
Detective Alvarez:  How do you explain your DNA being recovered from her on rape kit Louie?
Louie:  I don't know!  I'm being set up or something!
That woman isn't even my type she looks like a frightened deer!
Sargent Ryland here is more my kind of woman she looks like she got more meat on her bones!
Sargent Ryland:  Was that suppose to make me hot Louie?
It's no wonder you have to force ladies cause your moves suck!
Louie:  I didn't force Nobody!
Detective: Settle down Louie!
Let's go over your whereabouts again for that day...
Louie: Damn it! I told you I was home!
Just then an Officer knocked and entered the room...
Officer:  Detective may I see you for a moment?
Dective Alvarez: What's going on?
Officer:  The FBI is here...they want to talk to you.
Detective Alvarez:  Damn it!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 19, 2006, 03:08:41 pm
I have more but I'm having company this weekend so I probably won't be able to update til Sunday.  Have a great weekend everyone!  And thanks for reading my little story!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 19, 2006, 06:21:08 pm
can't wait till next update this story gets better every update

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on October 19, 2006, 07:58:05 pm
Another awesome update! ^^ The twists just keep comin'. I can't wait to see what comes next.. and I can't wait to see the end!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 19, 2006, 08:36:05 pm
LOL! me too!  I have written up to installment nine but got to do the pictures I think the pictures absolutely make the story come alive somehow.
At this point my favorite character is Elizabeth Merrell she is does sinester really well!
I almost made the Lt.General a male I'm so glad I didn't this woman is better at being an Evil Jackboot.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 19, 2006, 10:41:48 pm
Ok heres most of 8 was able to get some time to take my shots.


Agent:  Good morning Detective Alvarez I am Agent Cruz and this is my partner Agent Hayek we want to question your suspect Mr. Thomas on an investigation that is unrelated to your case I'm afraid we are on a very tight schedule we will need to see him now as we cannot get back in the area for a few days.
Detective Alvarez:  You know I'm in the middle of questioning this suspect myself can't you come back tommorow?

Agent Hayek:  Detective if you feel you cannot accomodate this today we will remove this prisoner and place him in a federal facility we rather not do this but if we have to play hardball we will.
Detective Alvarez: Fine!  The suspect is already in the interogation room go ahead and question him.
Agent Cruz:  Detective we have already spoken to your Captain and a room has been set aside for our questioning of this suspect please have him moved to that space we will be up shortly.
Detective Alvarez was seething mad...Damn Feds he had had it with them coming and taking over his cases.
He would work for months on a case sometimes 12 to 16 hours until he was sure every t was crossed and every i was dotted only to have these bastards come and pull rank on him and all his work lost.  Oh and his interrogation room wasn't good enough for them! No...ugh!

Agent Cruz:  Mr. Thomas do you remember Leeza Gomez?
Louie:  Yeah that whore!
Agent Cruz:  She has been found dead in an abandoned buiding in Strangetown.
Louie:  That don't suprise me she was a crack head!
Agent Hayek:  Louie her throat was cut.
Louie:  Probably bad drug deal.  She was a sick mother..
Agent Hayek:  Louie...we know you lived with Leeza's Mother and that allegations were made that you....molested Leeza during her teen years.
Louie:  I Was not convicted of anything on that!  Leeza was 17 and she jumped in my bed!
Agent Hayek:  Louie it's going to be a long night I'm thirsty would you like a drink?

I'm having a soda....would you like one?
Louie:.......Yeah I would
Agent Hayek:  Here you go Louie have soda.
Agent Cruz:  Louie tell us about Leeza and her bad drug deals we want to hear all about that.....

Later that evening....

Detective Alvarez:  Detective Alvarez here.
Sargent Ryland:  OK this is bad Louie Thomas just keeled over in lock up he's dead Juan!  Had a heart attack apparently.
Detective Alvarez:  What?
Sargent Ryland:  Yeah about an hour ago the medics were trying to revive him but no dice he apparently had a masive coronary!
Detective Alvarez: But... I just saw that guy he looked as healthy as a horse!
Sargent Ryland:  Yeah I know it's too weird...


Detective Alvarez:  Rosemary I came to give you some disturbing news..Louie Thomas the man accused of raping you is dead he suffered a heart attack while in lock up it was very unexpected.
Rosemary:  He's dead?
Detective Alvarez:  Look I'm off duty as of right now will you join me for dinner otherwise I will just go home to a frozen pizza and my dog.
Rosemary studied Detective Alvarez handsome face and she wanted more information on the rapist as well.
Rosemary: Ok Detective let's go.
Detective Alvarez:  Rosemary my name is Juan.  Please call me Juan Ok?
Rosemary smiled Latino men were wildly attractive to her...
Rosemary:  Ok Juan let's go get a bite to eat.  I have a taste for chinese.

Detective:  Rosemary I suppose this ends your ordeal with Louie Thomas dead you will not have to testify, there will be no trial it ends before it actually started.
Rosemary:  I am not happy that this man is dead it gives me no resolution as to why he did this to me.  But if I am pregnant at least no ties exist between myself and this horrible man.

Detective:  Have you confirmed that you are pregnant?
Rosemary:  Not yet I have an appointment with an obstetrician but I'm fairly sure I'm late, sick and other symptoms as well.
Detective:  Let me guess Dr. Hall?
Rosemary:  Yes how did you know?
Detective:  Well he is sort of the only obstretician in Pleasantville unless you go to Veronaville where all the Doctors seem to be.
Detective:  You know that guy was fine Louie Thomas until the FBI questioned him today I wonder if they did something to him?
Rosemary:  The FBI?

Detective:  Yes they questioned him today for like 6 hours I had to stop my own questioning of him I was pissed because he had an attorney I was afraid he would make bail and then it would be harder to question him.
Rosemary:  So you never got to question him?
Detective:  I started to and they took over.
Detective:  Rosemary he denied everything he said he had never seen you before.
Rosemary:  I see.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 19, 2006, 11:14:04 pm
hmmm seems as if the feds poisoned the suspect lol no great loss and a very interesting twist.i agree with you about the pictures do bring the story to life.

i will be on the edge of my seat waiting for another update i'm really hooked on this story,sort of reminds me of a csi miami type storyline with some occultic undertones always make good stories in my opinon.

i almost forgot to ask where did you find FBI stuff?

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 20, 2006, 06:36:16 am
hotrod here is the link for FBI jackets

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 20, 2006, 08:16:59 am
thanks for the link don't know how i missed them lol.*goes back to waiting for update to story*

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 20, 2006, 09:06:11 am
hotrod I'm enjoying doing this story.  Yes I watch a lot cop shows I guess it shows LOL!  I have learned a lot doing this story what works and what doesn't so I think my next story will be better.

I'm already downloading a bunch of stuff for my next will be very occult with Caribbean witchcraft and hopefully interesting characters that draw you in.
But one story at a time...

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 20, 2006, 10:10:37 am
lol now you got me wanting to read the next one and this one isn't finished yet lol i watch almost every cop show that comes out csi miami is my current favorite.

i love the way they thread little pieces of evidence together to find the killer and the twists lol well you know how to do those just find on your own.

and when magic or cursed items or something along those lines are added and anyone mixes in ts2 then you get a really good sim story just as you have proven,others as well but since you are new to doing this you have already developed a unique style.

everytime i think there are no new type of stories to do someone comes up and proves me wrong lol which is great it keeps me entertained for many hours.

if i could find the rough draft of a story i started back in the late 80s i would turn that into a simstory of my own.

i stopped working on it because i had no form of visual aid back then but it is fairly easy to sim the characters but getting them to behave like i want to get a decent screen shot is almost impossible i keep forgetting that i can turn freewill off lol.

the few friends i allowed to read the rough draft all said all it needed was visual since i was having a lot of difficulty painting pictures with words.

many many authors can but i have always preferred to see pictures of what's going on,you are doing a great job and it does look like you are having fun doing so.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 20, 2006, 10:23:24 am
I love to read *has hundreds of books* but I perfer sim storys to have lots of pictures. I feel pictures really add to the story and can at times say more about whats happening then the words do.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 20, 2006, 10:42:59 am
Me Too!  I read everything even the boring stuff well actually I skim the boring stuff and then end up having to come back to it for reference later. LOL!
I have read a lot on the occult so my stories will usually have an occult twist to them.  It's been a morbid curiosity of mine for years not a religion.  I agree on the visuals we live in a very visual society we are impatient and overstimulated so it's hard to really sit still long enough for text to kick in our imaginations I'm finding that just glimpses of what the author wants to create in these photos with our Sims is a good way to pull people into your story so to speak make them grab a cup of coffee in take a closer look and imagine what will happen next.
I wish I had the patience and expertise to learn to do the videos  maybe some day.....

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 20, 2006, 03:40:10 pm
lol you and sleepy cat are my kind of people i find it funny that the only people that ever thought i was weird were only people who hated to read at all lol.

starlucid noooo way do you use occult references in your stories lol j/k it does show as a passing interest at least and is pretty interesting stuff in itself.

i wasn't allowed to learn anything about it for years some wierd taboo on the whole subject then a friend gave me a book on it that gave a definition of the word occult that made sense the word actualy means the hidden.

lol i thought wow i am not supposed to know about the hidden in short he lifted the taboo for me and only enough to get my interest.

another phrase i liked was magic is not magic but the illusion of magic is.

given some of the mods and hacks we now have for ts2 creating that illusion is getting way easier i will try to put a pic of it in sims pics this weekend to bad i haven't found a way to do fog and smoke yet

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 20, 2006, 04:22:26 pm
photoshop hotrod for smoke and fog I'm not good at it all but sometimes I get lucky! LOL!
I tried it for that nightmare photo and it came out looking really evil like ectoghost type things not really fog but something else weird!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on October 20, 2006, 07:54:10 pm
Yay! More writing...! I agree, the pictures definitely add to the story, and they just wouldn't be sims stories without them of course.

One of my favorite books (and one that really makes you think) is called "The Giver". I read it in school last year. It was one of my favorites in the year. I also loved "the Golden Goblet", but almost nobody in my class wanted to read it because it was a lot longer. I ended up reading it and the other story on the bombs in hawaii.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on October 22, 2006, 12:56:53 pm
rosemary should soooo hook up with the Detective thay make a cute couple lol

Anyways..... Great update keep it up

(P.S. This is how you spell Sergeant , dont worry took me a while too lol)

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 23, 2006, 03:53:53 pm
oddball thanks!  LOL!  i bees a terrible speller we should have spell check on this forum!  My company has left so I will try to get an update within the next few days.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on October 23, 2006, 04:30:09 pm
Ok the only way I know how to spell Sergeant is because Im in Young Marines and that was my rank lol

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 25, 2006, 11:49:46 am
Whew! getting the next installment of this story has been hard the game is really hicuping on me but here is part of the next until I can figure out how to work around the china tea cup karma of my game.


Secretary:  Miss Woodhouse?...The Doctor will see you now follow me.
Dr Hall:  Miss Woodhouse we have done a pregnancy test we should have the results in a few minutes please get dressed the nurse will take some blood for tests and if you will wait in my office I will be right with you.

Dr. Hall:  Miss Woodhouse your test is positive you are indeed pregnant.
Rosemary:  I figured I have never felt this sick
Dr. Hall:  The morning sickness should pass soon you do need to rest as much as possible.
Rosemary:  Yes Doctor.
Dr. Hall I want to do a sonogram to make sure everything is ok my nurse is going to have you drink some water so your bladder is nice and full and I can see the baby better on the scan.  Go ahead and go with her and she will get you started she will give you yet another gown to wear.
Rosemary:  Ok.

Dr. Hall:  Everything appears normal your baby seems just fine Ms.Woodhouse.
Rosemary looked at the small blurb on the sonogram and thought...this is my baby he is so small I wonder what his or her life will be like?
Dr. Hall:  Rosemary I want to see you next week after you blood results get back ok?  
Rosemary:  Yes Doctor.

Detective Alvarez:  Chief can I see a copy of the order for the body of Louie Thomas?  The body is not going to Medical Examiner it's going to some base in Strangetown.
Chief Wheeler:'s all legal and signed by a judge I also thought it was weird I put in a call to the Mayor he told me to leave the Feds alone and mind my own business.
I suggest you do the same Juan.  The whole Louie Thomas thing is case closed got it?
Detective Alvarez:  Yeah I got.

Rosemary:  Ok I wanted to have you all together to tell you that I am pregnant and ....yes I am having this baby.  I need all of my families support without you guys I don't know if I can do this.

Steven:  Ok just so I'm clear the father is the man that attacked you?
Rosemary:  Yes's not the babies fault I plan on telling the baby his father was Douglas.  I would like to erase everything having to do with Louie Thomas in my life.  I don't want the baby to know of this man either.
Steven:  I guess it's not the babies fault...I'm going to be an Uncle!
That's pretty cool!
Carmen:  Missy ju know I am going to love da baby I haven't had a baby in my life foralong thyme.
Maggy:  Oh Rosemary...a baby....we have to go shopping!
Rosemary laughed she hadn't laughed in a long time she felt happy her family was going to be there this was going to work!
Rosemary:  I want to find a new house this house holds bad memories for me and it's too small now with the baby coming I want Carmen to move in as well.

Carmen:  Ju vant me to give up my apartment?
Rosemary:  Yes Carmen if you are willing to stay you will have your own room and I plan on hiring a nanny to be in charge of the baby while I work she will work under you of course.
Carmen:  Ok I like it I will do that.

Dr.Hall:  Mellisa I need Rosemary Woodhouse chart.

Dr. Hall:  Colonel Beal?
Colonel Beal:  Yes Beal here go on.
Dr. Hall:  Project Gilgamesh is a sucess
Colonel Beal:  Great News!
Colonel Beal:  Son I want you to lock up in your safe all references to this project is that clear?
Dr. Hall:  Yes Sir!
Colonel Beal:  I will contact you when we are ready for your report.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 25, 2006, 11:53:35 am
will try to get some more up on this installment maybe tonight.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 25, 2006, 02:00:14 pm
*waits quietly* :lol:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 27, 2006, 04:20:45 pm
wow i almost missed an update lol i'm curious how it will go from here

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 27, 2006, 06:23:08 pm
hotrod my game has been crashing will try to fire it up tommorow did some thngs to try to fix it took out all the hacks lemme see if it will not crash on me

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 27, 2006, 08:05:10 pm
hate when that happens maybe a mod conflict causing the problems hope you can fix it w/o having to reinstall

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 28, 2006, 06:47:48 pm
i tried again today and it crashed i took out all the hacks with clean install and everything that was pink including the inSiminator and well it's a lot faster but when i moved the one sim in a home it crashed again crap he is part of my story dunno what to do i'm thinking it's some custom content relating to this particular sim i created in CAS he is somehow screwing up my game.

I'm going to recreate that character and see if maybe it's that I created somehow a bad sim thats corrupted or something is that even possible?

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on October 29, 2006, 12:43:19 am
That might be possible star.. it sounds really wierd whatever is going on with your game. Hope you can get it fixed soon though. Getting in your game and then having it crash in the middle of loading a lot can be a real time waster, I know! My game used to crash whenever I tried to go into CAS. It ws extremely annoying 'cause I couldn't make any new sims at all. I just had to keep using stupid townies when I was really desperate.

Just make sure that all your cc/mods are updated to your particular version of the game. If you installed any new EP's lately that would be the reason!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 29, 2006, 10:29:42 am
Elven Song I have no expansion packs at all I'm hoping somebody will make me happy at xmas tho! LOL! Pets or nightlife ooohh that would make me happy I'm sure before installing any expansions I would reinstall though.
I'm going to go ahead and fire up my ole sims game and see if I can exorcize whatever demon is messing with it.  hmmm need custom content priest! LOL ah i have one! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 30, 2006, 04:25:44 pm
Installement Nine B


Realtor Mary:  Rosemary as soon as I heard about this house going on the market I wanted to get you over here.  I know space is a issue for you now with your baby coming and all and this house has plenty of it.  It has four bedrooms plenty of room for a family.
Rosemary:  Mary it's very pretty and looks huge!  I also like that it's close to my job.
Mary:  Well...also it's in a great school district which I know is important with a baby coming and your brother still in high school.
Oh and there is a bedroom on the main floor so you could take that bedroom during your pregnancy so you don't have to climb stairs while your pregnant or go up and down to get those midnight feedings once the baby is born.
Rosemary:   Well thats good!
Mary:  Come on let's go in

Rosemary just look the living room is huge!
Rosemary:  Yeah that's nice....
Mary:  Let's go upstairs so you can see the rest of the house.
Rosemary:  Ok I like what I see so far.
Meanwhile in the desert in a restricted area.....Elizabeth Merrell waited for a meeting she could not get out of....
She did not like coming to White Mountain desert it brought back memories she preferred not to stir.
It was here she had been sold into slavery to inhumans by her very own Father.  She could never forget that night....
General Brigader  Allan Merrell:  Elizabeth I have brought you here tonight because I have something very important to tell you.  It will change your life forever.  It is not my choice of a life for you please know that I have no say in this at all.
Elizabeth:  I don't understand Daddy why are we here in these old ruins?
General Brigader Merrell:  Elizabeth these are not ruins they only appear to be so in this place live two very special beings they are as old as time itself.  They have lived though out  our own civilization and are not from earth.  In ancient times they were worshiped as we know they are extraterrestial.
Elizabeth:  You mean aliens Daddy?
General Merrell:  Yes Elizabeth they look like people pretty much except around their eyes but they are very powerfull dangerous beings.  They run the world because of their technology and power.
Elizabeth:  Daddy!  Why are you telling me this?  I'm scared!
General:  Don't be scared Elizabeth as my daughter you will have to serve them it will be your life.  Whatever you are doing you will stop and drop all and be at their beckoning.  Do you understand Elizabeth these beings could destroy us so we will do whatever they want if they become angry they could easily go to an enemy country and destroy us in the process.
Elizabeth:  What do I have to do?
General:  For now all you must do is meet them  as far as we know these are the last two left on earth.
General:  Don't speak let them speak to you their voices are different don't be afraid Elizabeth.  Answer any questions they may ask truthfull because if you lie they will know.
Elizabeth:  Will I be their maid?  Or servant?
General:  No was your last day in a regular school you will now have private military tutors and live here with the Annuna they want to make sure to prepare you properly I will visit you every day and you will be taken to play with other children periodically.
General:  Now go Elizabeth you are going to be a very powerfull woman someday but in this place you are a servant.
Elizabeth remembered walking down to meet the Annuna for the first time she was terrified they were waiting for her.
Inanna:  Hello Elizabeth.....
In front of Elizabeth stood a woman incredibly beautifull but with a voice that sounded almost digital and emotionless.
Inanna:  Don't be afraid Elizabeth I will not harm you.  This is my consort Ea
The male did not speak to Elizabeth that day he spoke in his own language to Inanna.  Their language was gutteral and at best Elizabeth felt it similar in sound to perhaps Arabic.
Inanna:  Elizabeth you will not see us often while you live here we spend most of our time in the lower levels of this ruin the earth sun is harmfull to our biology.
We have been here before your kind was created in ancient times we lived openly but later as your numbers grew we went into seclusion.
Inanna:  We will expect you to live for us and you will.  You will be allowed to see your Father occasionally so now go say good bye to him because you may not see him for a long time.
Elizabeth did not see her Father for three years she lived with the Anunna but barely saw them all her time was spent with tutors hired by the government and when she turned 18 she went directly into a Military academy where she graduated with top honors.  She then worked under her Father until his death.  She enjoyed that time with her Father yet she could never forgive him for handing her over to the Anunna.

Ea:  Elizabeth  I want to know all that is happening as it relates to the Mother of my child..
Elizabeth:  The baby appears to be fine and the mother is tolerating the pregnancy well there seems to be no rejection of the fetus.
Ea:  What about your team are they prepared for the arrival of this child?
Elizabeth:  No one on the team knows it is an artificial insemination except Major Roberts and Major Jones.  The others think it is a clone.
Ea:  Elizabeth secrecy is utmost in this matter Inanna and I were unable to have our own offspring but our kind must not die out every day I spend on this muddy planet I feel closer to death.  
Ea:  You will personally make sure that Major Roberts and Jones are silenced and you will make sure that the Mother of my child is brought her for the birth.  You will assemble a team to handle that when the time comes.
Elizabeth:  Yes Anunna it will be done.

Rosemary:  Mary I love the house I will take it!  It's so quaint and old fashioned I love the idea of bringing my baby to this house!
Mary:  This is definately a lovely place to bring an infant to I agree.  Ok I will call you tomorow for the paperwork for an offer then.
Back at the ruins...
Lt. General Elizabeth Merrell left the ruins alone, tired and thinking about eliminating two innocent people who she happened to like but would have to have killed anyway.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 30, 2006, 04:34:01 pm
wow! *wants more*

I'm glad you got your game sorted out :)

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on October 30, 2006, 04:48:02 pm
yay you fixed it great seeing this story continue.and with yet another interesting twist

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 30, 2006, 04:55:22 pm
finally figured out my games issue it was with clothes!  of all things a particular outfit that I was using was crashing my game.  I will update maybe some more tonight.  btw while you guys posted I was adding stuff so I wonder if you missed some.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 30, 2006, 06:14:34 pm
Quote from: starlucid
btw while you guys posted I was adding stuff so I wonder if you missed some.

yup I did miss some but not anymore :lol:

*is waiting for more*

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on October 31, 2006, 12:34:39 pm

Major Roberts and Major Jones waited quietly in Lt. General Merrell's sitting room.  There was a young Sargeant at a desk that seemed bored surfing the internet.  The whole thing was strange Major Roberts felt they were in for some kind of ass-chewing but he wasn't sure what it was about as far as he knew everything was going smoothly.


Major Jones:  I'm worried what is this about? she whispered...I was told to keep this meet top secret to not even tell my dog about it......I mean I got a direct call from Merrell she asked to keep it quiet even from you.
Major Roberts:  I don't know maybe something has gone wrong maybe someone found out about the insimination I haven't told a soul.  What about you?
Major Jones:  No me either.
Sargeant on phone...Yes General they are here...Yes Madam!

Sargeant:  The General will see you now please follow me Majors.
Major Roberts was amazed at how simple and rustic General Merrells home was even for a horse ranch it was barebones.


Lt. General Merrell:  At Ease Majors!  Welcome to my humble home.  Please have a seat.  First of all is anyone no matter rank or if civilian aware of you being here or coming to my home?

Major Roberts:  No Madam.  As per your instructions I told no one.
Major Jones:  Madam I told no one either.


Lt. General Merrell:  Good.  This property belonged to my late Father I don't come out her often since it's so secluded but I find that when I need to think it is ideal.

Lt. General Merrell:  I would like you to relax you are not in trouble I called you here to be able to speak freely as you know the base is infested with bugs and there is no true clean room to discuss sensitve subjects.
Our mission is a sucess and I want to propose a toast to us for pulling off almost mission impossible.
Lt. General Merrell: To Us!

Lt. General Merrell:  Please sit down enjoy your drinks.  I feel the need to explain what it is you have done by artificially insiminating Ms. Woodhouse.
The donor of the sperm you used is an ancient Extraterrestrial his wife is barren and they are the last of their kind on this planet perhaps the Universe and .......they control everything......


Lt. General Merrell:  Including me...I'm sorry Majors you know too much goodbye....


The majors took awhile to die it was.......messy Elizabeth didn't like messy it was sloppy and she was many things but sloppy wasn't one of them.


Lt. General Merrell:  JEFFREY! GET OVER HERE!

Jeffrey:  What's going on I heard screams!
Lt. General Merrell:  Nothing is going on they are dead you will help me move these two bodies GOT IT?


Jeffrey:  Oh My God!  Why are they dead?
Lt. General Merrell:  Listen to me you little worm!  Because I killed them!  I had no choice.  We will take the bodies to White Mountain base no one takes a dump in that base without my consent so they will never be found.  

Lt. General Merrell:  Listen to me Jeffrey!  I kept you from my own miserable fate.  I unlike my Father hid you from the Anunna so you would not be a slave.  I couldn't do that for my daughter but I did it for you!  If you value your freedom you will help me clean up this mess.  Got it?

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on October 31, 2006, 11:06:01 pm
wow she actually did it!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 01, 2006, 08:21:16 am
I put up some more in awhile I love this character she is a female clint eastwood, charles bronson with the ice of maybe sharon stone but without the hot sexiness just the ice. LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: leanne27_h on November 01, 2006, 12:22:58 pm
The story's great! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 01, 2006, 07:34:33 pm
Wow! I'm finally starting to understand more of this story now! The plot is just getting thicker and thicker! I can't wait to see what tthe baby will look like. I never imagined this baby would an alien/human cross... very interesting twist.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 02, 2006, 12:09:05 am
Installment 11


Ali:  Hey! Rosemary!  Your cop boyfriend he is on the phone for you!
Rosemary:  Oh! Ok.

Rosemary:  Hello?
Detective Alvarez:  Hi Rose can I come pick you up this evening?  I have a surprise I want to prepare you some dinner and since...we have been seeing a great deal of each other lately...I wanted you to meet someone special in my life.
Rosemary:  Sure Luis you can pick me up at 7pm we should be done with this inventory by then.  Who am I meeting?
Luis:  No it's a surprise she will be with us for the dinner I am preparing I'm making you spagetti do like pasta?
Rosemary:  I love pasta!  Ok I will see you later then.
Luis:  Good I pick you up 7pm sharp. bye.

Ali: don't think you seeing this cop is a little disgusting with you being pregnant and all?
Rosemary:  What Ali?  Are you saying pregnant women are disgusting?
Ali:  Nooo...I'm not saying that!  In fact your looking fine...your boobs are even starting to fill in...
Rosemary:  Shut up Ali!  I'm not married or attached and I like this man he is sweet, considerate, he is interested in me as a person and frankly he is hot! in fact if he wants to screw me tonight I'm going to let him!
Ali:  Awwh Man that's a little too much information there Rosemary...but you go have fun honey you have earned it.

Luis:  Are you ready Rose?
Rosemary:  Yes I'm starving! I hope you are a good cook Luis cause I'm really hungry!
Luis:  Well we will soon find out won't we?

Rosemary:  Luis am I meeting your Mother?  Who is this woman we are having dinner with?
Luis:  No my Mother lives in FL.  It's not a relative.
Rosemary:  Ok......I sort of thought we had something going Luis and you are inviting me to dinner with another woman?
Luis: you trust me?  I have always been honest with you why won't you allow me to surprise you?
Rosemary:  Ok long as your not expecting some threesome party then I'm ok with having dinner with your friend.
Luis:  Until I met you Rosemary my friend was my only company so I owe it to her to finally introduce you.


Luis:  Rosemary I would like you to meet Honey!
Rosemary:  Oh Luis she is adorable!  What a sweet doggy!
Luis:  She seems to like you.  Whew!  I was worried she would be jealous!


Luis:  Rosemary I want to talk to you.  I'm crazy about you I think you have noticed that.  I want to be in your life.  I want to protect you.  I want to love you and your baby.  I would like be there for your baby be a father if you will let me.
I want be in your life in any way you will let me be.  If you want to get married we will do that.  If you want to just allow me to be close to you and the baby then thats fine too.  I know you have feelings for me too Rose so tell me how you want me in your life and let me just be there.

Rosemary:  Luis.....I want you in my life....lets enjoy our time together and when the baby is born we can talk about making if official.
Luis:  So.....does that mean you will marry me after the baby is born?
Rosemary:  Yes it does...
Luis:  I would like to be on your baby's birth certificate as the father Rose.
Rosemary:  I would be happy to do that and tell the baby you are the Father Luis.

Rosemary was being swept off her feet she was hopelessly in love with Luis from the first few times they went out together.  She had not felt this way before.  With Douglas it was turmoil and heartache with Luis it was a slow burn that made her feel loved and protected.
Luis:  Rosemary?
Rosemary:  yes?...
Luis:  If I'm going to be a father......shouldn't we get our honeymoon started? as it is we are behind schedule.

Rosemary:  I think we can catch up tonight what do you think?

The fireworks were definately there for Rosemary and Luis.....and definately overdue.

Luis:  Rose I love you
Rosemary:  I love you too Luis.

Colonel Beal:  Lt. General I'm afraid I have some disturbing news..
Elizabeth:  What is it Paul?
Colonel Beal:  It seems Major Roberts and Major Jones are missing I have been unable to locate them and they missed turning in their last report.  It's the damnest thing nobody knows where they are.
Elizabeth:  Paul that is disturbing if they don't turn up within 24 hours list them awol and start proceedings Paul this project is too important to jeopardize it because of two lovebirds flying the coop.
Colonel Beal:  It's definately weird I agree.  I will give them til tomorow this same time if they don't check in I'll start proceedings.
Elizabeth:  Thanks Paul.  Keep me updated and call me when you find them OK?
Colonel Beal:  Yes Madam!

Jeffrey:  Mom!  I want to talk to you!  
Elizabeth:  Jeffrey go to bed I'm tired OK?
Jeffrey:  You always treat me like an idiot child!  Not this time Mother.  I know you went thru a lot having other people raise me and keeping it secret all this time that I was your Son.  But I want to know about my Sister you never have told me about her what happened to her?

Elizabeth:  I don't think I'm drunk enough to talk about this now Jeffrey.  
Jeffrey:  You owe me I had to bury two bodies in the desert the least you could do is tell me the truth.

Elizabeth:  Very well Jeffrey fair enough let me finish my drink and I will tell you about your Sister sit down Jeffrey.

I was Fifteen when your Sister was born.  I met a ranch hand on my Father's property.  The Annuna began to allow me to visit him during the Summers so that I would learn some socialization and socialization I did learn I fell in love with Ben Woodhouse he made me so happy he would not press me on my strange life or ask any questions he just wanted to make love to me.  I ended pregnant and of course the Anunna found out they told me that teen pregnancy was not in their outline for their plans for me.  The child would have to go.

I told Ben Woodhouse that I would have to give up the baby and him we would never be able to see eachother again because the Anunna would not allow me to come back to the ranch until I was an adult.
Ben was heartbroken he did want the baby he said he would not sign adoption papers that he wanted custody of our baby that he had a right to raise it.

I told Ben he could never ever tell the baby I was the Mother and he would have to lie.  It was my only condition to giving him the baby once it was born.
Ben said his own Mother would raise the baby and care for it until he could do so himself and that he would honor my request of keeping my identity.

Once the baby was born I gave her over to Ben and he took her home....I found out a few years later he married and that his wife was a loving Mother to my daughter.  It brought me some peace.....I pulled strings to get her into the best colleges and to get her scholarships and she grew to be a sucessfull woman.

Elizabeth:  Jeffrey I hid my pregnancy from everyone once I was pregnant with you I gave birth in an apartment with your adoptive parents who agreed to out arrangement.
With your Sister I was too young and the Annuna kept a closer eye on me at that time.  They told me that someday they would take my baby girl as the next servant in my bloodline but they accepted her being raised by Ben and allowed her a free life until now....they have taken her as a birth queen to their child and forced me to arrange it.
Jeffrey I wanted so many times to kill them but if I disobey them they will destroy us all.
So now my daughter who doesn't know me will give birth to the Annuna heir.  My only consolation is that they have sworn they will not harm or kill her.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 02, 2006, 12:17:41 am
Holy Cow!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 02, 2006, 03:26:18 pm
Installment 12

Rosemary:  Come on Steven we are almost done see?  Just one more window shade to hang.
Steven:  Aww Rose can't you get Carmen to do this with you?  This sucks not only am I never going to score but now I have to be an Interior designer?  I might as well join a Monastery.
Rosemary:  No!   Carmen is still working on the kitchen she is unpacking the whole thing by herself not to mention she has her own things to unpack as well.

Rosemary:  Steven I can't believe you don't want to help me with this I thought you were looking forward to being an Uncle?
Steven:  Yeah like playing with the baby when it doesn't stink but not playing  lets decorate all day!
Rosemary:  Fine!  Let's do this last one and you can't go back to your macho playstation game then.

Rosemary walked into her room Ugh! more boxes to unpack!  She was starting to think this moving in her second trimester was not a good idea she thought about just leaving them there and taking a little nap but....might as well get it over with she started to unpack them...


That's when she found it.....Elizabeth Merrell's log book on the box....She had completely forgotten about this where was her mind?  Apparently Carmen had found it somewhere in her room and packed it with her other books.


Before anything else could interrupt her she began to read it right away.
It was written so strangely Mr. Beal had warned her that his wife was not right in the head but with all the things that had happen she wanted to read this even if it was crazy...

The mean't for the eyes of the  recipient of the Dybbuk Box  only!

First I want to apologize I must say my pain and guilt run deep.  The box is a replica you will recieve the authentic original in the assigned time.

The original box is not of this world I obtained it as a gift in my childhood and it must remain with me until ritual has been performed to pass it on to the next owner.  Perhaps the ritual has not yet occured believe me it will.

I was given the box on my 9th birthday it came from an Inhuman who by giving me the box branded me as property.  You will be next in line to recieve this curse.......I'm sorry!
Rosemary looked at the next pages they were all page after page of I'm Sorry! over and over again....Poor Elizabeth Merrell she really was insane!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 02, 2006, 04:05:13 pm
trying to get some more up in a little bit

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on November 02, 2006, 04:41:30 pm
this story just keeps getting better you have me hooked

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 02, 2006, 05:00:37 pm

It was well after midnight and Elizabeth Merrell could not sleep even the bourbon wouldn't knock her out tonight....She wanted so much to sleep deeply and dreamlessly.....of course that delicious relief would not come this night...


Jeffrey:  Mom?  What you doing up?
Elizabeth:  I can't sleep Jeffrey...go back to bed.
Jeffrey:  Mom!  I heard you sobbing!  You're drunk aren't you?
Elizabeth:  No not enough to get to sleep tonight.
Jeffrey:  Why do you sit there night after night staring at that box?
Elizabeth:  Because it is a symbol of my misery it is my ball and chain.
Jeffrey:  What are you talking about?
Elizabeth:  Let me tell you about the day I got this box Jeffrey maybe then you will know why I have to drink to sleep every night.

Innana:  Hello Elizabeth!
Elizabeth:  Hello Lady Annuna.
Innana:  Today is a very special day for you is it not?
Elizabeth:  Yes Lady it is my Birthday!
Innana:  Not just any birthday it is your Ninth birthday in my world that is the age of undertaking your life path Elizabeth.
Elizabeth:  Really?
Innana:  yes..

Innana:  Elizabeth I have arranged to spend some time with you today to celebrate.  Does this please you?
Elizabeth:  Yes Lady.
I have arranged all your favorite foods, air-filled poly-urethane bags with amusing faces and a cake is it accurate to your birthday ritual?
Elizabeth:  Yes Lady Anunna it very nice.

Elizabeth:  Well the cake is really a wedding cake but it's very pretty!
Innana:  I chose it because it was within your preferred color spectrum.

Elizabeth:  Lady Annuna let's eat some!
Innana:  You want me to join you?
Elizabeth:  Yes please Lady I don't want to eat alone tonight.
Innana:  I will join you then.

Innana:  This cake is most pleasing!  Why do you only partake once a year?
Elizabeth:  It's chocolate and yes it's wonderful.....I eat it all the time!
Innana:  I want to eat it all the time as well!

Elizabeth was very happy the Anunna very seldom had much to do with her and getting special attention and a new pretty pink dress was a treat.
Innana:  Elizabeth I have a very special thing I am going to give you today.  You will keep it for most of your life it came from my world there are many replicas of it but yours is the only one of it's kind.  
When you have your first child he or she will come to own it and belong to us just as you do.  It was your Father's and now it will be given to you.  If you ever betray us Elizabeth the box will destroy your world we are not affected by it's weapon but your biology is.  It is our guarantee of your loyalty Elizabeth and it has served us well all these many, many years.

Elizabeth looked at the alien box that would monitor her for her whole life it had the ability to remotely verify if Elizabeth had fullfilled a command given by the Anunna.  It was some type of sentient computer that was attached to her biology explained Lady Annuna and she was to take care of it as if it were her treasured pet for most of her life.

The time was coming for the box to go to the next in line it would be soon.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 02, 2006, 05:06:54 pm
very cool! *waits for more*

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on November 02, 2006, 05:10:38 pm
hmmmm now i think i see something i missed is rosemary elizabeths daughter?
or is it too early in the story to answer?lol

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 02, 2006, 05:23:29 pm
LOL! maybe....hmmm...check out Elizabeth's teen lover's last name..that's a clue.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 03, 2006, 02:32:29 am
0-o -connects the dots- General Elizabeth Merrell..? Archaeologist Elizabeth Merrell? Rosemary Woodhouse? Ahhh! I see it all very clearly now. ;) Very tricky star.

And I give you a gold star for making sure that box of yours stays throughout the story. Seeing as it is in the title. ^^
Here's your star, may also be used as an icon. xD Becuase I was feeling random.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 03, 2006, 07:59:56 am
LOL! thanks! I love my tricky star! I'm putting it up right now!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 03, 2006, 08:13:34 am
I'm gonna fire up my game cause I'm close to the finish line on this story I don't want to end it too soon and ruin it I have a few different endings one catastrophic, one just creepy, the other good guys win.
Which do you guys prefer?
myself I like disturbing. but I'm weird. LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 03, 2006, 08:17:25 am
disturbing is good, would make a nice change :lol:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 03, 2006, 09:19:04 am
oh sleepy you are a cat after my heart! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on November 03, 2006, 09:34:12 am
rofl agrees with sleepycat
 does that mean i'm weird too? lol i already told you that you and sleepycat are my kind of people
 cool star i had to scroll all the way back to page 1 to find out rosemary's last name i also agree verrry tricky

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 03, 2006, 02:02:33 pm
Installment 13
Rosemary was having her routine sonogram it seemed Dr. Hall was doing one every week now.
Dr. Hall:  Hmm....
Rosemary:  Does the baby look alright doctor?

Dr. Hall: Yes of course Rosemary everything is fine.  You can go ahead and get dressed and the Nurse will give you your prescription for you prenatal vitamins since the others upset your stomach.  Ok?
Rosemary: umm..ok doctor.
Captain Hall exited the room straight for the office where he shut the door and made a call.


Colonel Beal:  Yes Colonel Beal here.
Captain Hall:  Colonel this is Captain Hall here...I need an emergency meet with the Lt. General Sir.
Colonel Beal: it something I can handle or is this sensitive?
Captain Hall:  Sir I'm afraid it's sensitive.
Colonel Beal:  Good enough come in this afternoon the Lt. General will be here.
Captain Hall:  Thank you Sir!

Rosemary:  Nurse do you think the Doctor saw something wrong on my sonogram?
He seemed surprised and kept doing it over and over.

Nurse:  Ms. Woodhouse don't worry if he would have seen anything wrong he would have told you.
Rosemary:  I guess you're right.
Later that afternoon she went to see Luis and they spent the day in bed her doctor appointments coincided with his days off and this is usually how they spent them.
Rosemary:  Luis I'm worried about the baby!
Luis:  Why?
Rosemary:  The doctor has been doing a lot of sonograms and he is very quiet he hardly talks to me at all during them it's almost like something is bothering him lately about them.
Luis:  Did he say anything was wrong with the baby?
Rosemary:  No he says everything looks good and is normal.
Luis:  Rose then you have to trust him and stop worrying then.
Rosemary:  I guess your right.
Just then the phone rang Luis got up to answer.

Luis:  Rose it's for you it's Ali he says it's very important.

Rosemary:  Hello?
Ali:  Rosemary are you sitting down?
Rosemary:  Why Ali whats going on?
Ali:  Rosemary you are a very rich lady some guy came in said he was buying for his boss to furnish a mansion and well.......he bought everything!
Rosemary:  Everything?
Ali:  EVERYTHING! the store is empty Rose he paid retail! and CASH!
Rosemary:  What?
Ali:  The store is empty he just bought our whole collection he took everything and paid cash.  At first I was suspicious who the hell has cash anymore but his money is good I deposited half of it and checked all the bills with the counterfiet bill scanner.
Rosemary:  Wow! bought everything!
Rosemary:  Who is this guy Ali?
Ali:  Beats me!  He has a strange voice and sort of strange shifty eyes also a weird accent sort of sounds Arab but they guy is not middle eastern he looks more like maybe European.  Dunno doesn't matter everything is gone and as soon as you tell me what to do with all this cash I'm going to book a flight to Pakistan maybe India too we need to restock we are sold out and have no merchandise.
Rosemary:  How long will you be gone Ali?  
Ali:  Well in order to find good stuff you need to give me at least two months.  I will take 10% of this that will be plenty to pay for the trip and buy restock as well.
Rosemary:  OK Ali give it to me how much did we make?
Ali:  Rose he paid 400% mark up you made a million dollars honey!
Now you can relax at home let me shop overseas just have your baby and let the money take care of you!
Rosemary was in shock!  This meant she could stay home with the baby the bills would be taken care of and when Ali got back with the new stock he could handle things for awhile or at least until she had weaned the baby give or take six months.


Colonel Beal:  Captain I know you were reporting directly to Major Roberts and Major Jones but just because they are awol doesn't mean you can bother the Lt. General with BS Understand soldier?  This better be important.
Captain Hall:  Yes Sir I understand this is important.
Colonel Beal:  Alright then let me tell her you are here.

Colonel Beal:  Madam?  Captain Hall is here.
Lt. General Merrell:  Paul....have the conference room swept for bugs I will meet him there.
Colonel Beal:  Madam it was swept this morning.

Lt. General Merrell:  Paul! do it again! and also have Captain Hall swept I will wait in the conference room.
Colonel Beal:  Yes Madam!

Colonel Beal did not like having his ass chewed by the brass so he made sure it was ultra-wept and that Hall was squeaky clean of bugs too.
Lt. General Merrell:  At ease Captain!  Please sit down.  You have my full attention.
Captain Hall:  Yes Madam.  I would have normally gone thru Major Roberts with this information but being he and Major Jones are AWOL I didn't know what to do.  I didn't want to break rank but I felt this information too sensitive to release to anyone but yourself Lt. General.
Lt. General Merrell:  Go on...
Captain Hall:  Ms. Woodhouse is definately pregnant with a twin pregnancy Madam.
I have run two sonograms and there are definately two fetuses in her uterus.  Apparently the second twin was hidden and was not visible before.
Lt. General Merrell:  twins........

Lt. General Merrell:  What is the health status of the babies Hall?
Captain Hall:  They seem fine growing somewhat too quickly if anything.
Lt. General Merrell:  Good so then there are no worries have you told Ms. Woodhouse she is expecting twins?
Captain Hall:  No madam not yet I was waiting on your clearance for that.
Lt. General Merrell:  You may tell her.

Captain Hall:  There is something else Madam.
Lt. General Merrell:  What?
Captain Hall: of the twins at least the one I have been able to see on sonogram appears to be a female......and well this was presented as a cloning of a male subject so that may be either a problem with the implantation of the wrong fetus or.......something else...
Elizabeth was unprepared for this posibility of course her stone face never betrayed her thoughts she decided she had to do some quick damage control here before she ended up having to kill Hall too.
Lt. General Merrell:  Yes......Captain knowledge on this issue was compartmentalized by need to know.  Ms. Woodhouse was actually artificially inseminated this is not a clone.  The Iceman recovered had viable frozen sperm in his testes and rather than clone a sick person it was decided at a higher level to try to bring forth offspring instead.
Captain Hall:  Fascinating!
Lt. General Merrell:  Captain the subject Ms. Woodhouse will need to be brought in as she gets closer to her due date.  A facility has been prepared for the birth and your part in this is concluding.  You may pick up your cover story with Colonel Beal for Ms. Woodhouse study it well because next week when you see her you will be checking her in to this facility within two weeks of that visit.  A plausible health issue has been provided for you to give her as a pretext.  Is there anything else?
Captain Hall:  No madam.
Lt. General Merrell:  Good so this meeting is concluded any other surprises you will report directly to me I will inform Colonel Beal.
Later that night......

Elizabeth:  Well I have a surprising update on the pregnancy.  Rosemary is expecting two babies they are twins!
Annunna Ea:  twins?  This is most gratifying news two Innanna do you hear this we will have two babies not one!
Innanna:  I am most gratified Ea one child for each of us then!
Annunna Ea:  When will the mother be brought in?
Elizabeth:  She will be brought in about 3 weeks it will take me that long to set everything into place.
Innanna:  Very good Elizabeth you have done well.....

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 03, 2006, 06:50:59 pm
I had a feeling it was twins :lol:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 03, 2006, 07:07:43 pm
Well, this was a shock! I still have yet to re-attach my jaw.. :D I can't believe there's two half alien babies in there!

I'm glad you like the avatar. It's not much though. I'll have to make you a really nice one when I have time. ^^

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 03, 2006, 07:12:55 pm
Aww! thanks Elven LOL! I knew this little story would pay off some day! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 03, 2006, 10:34:43 pm
Install 14

Steven:  Carmen!
Carmen:  I'm downstairs dining room!
Steven:  Umm....what are you doing?

Carmen:  Be quiet Esteban I em doing a reading on jour Sista.
Steven:  Ok but what are the coconuts and incense for?
Carmen:  I jooze dem for cleansing of the house it's new house has to be cleansed.
Steven:  How do you clean with coconuts?
Carmen:  Aye Dios Mio! Espiritually Steven!  Not like Mr. Clean!  Ju are making interuption for me now sit down lemme finish dis!
Steven:  I'm sorry Carmen but I do need to talk to you.
Carmen:  First reading den talk!  Ok?
Steven:  Ok what does it mean?
Carmen:  Steven I have a bad feeling I don like I had bad dream with Rosemary so I decide to clean house of bad influence and do reading for her.
I have read the cards twice which I never do because they are crazy and I don understand what it means...
Look....her past it shows a woman who betray her from before she is born.  Den her present iz show old, old berry old man maybe ancient he is powerfull and is making her world what he wants to do he control it completely.  Oh and what covers her is show something new from another world.  Den her immediate future is the lovers a man and his woman who will be in her life soon.  Den Steven the Future is da Moon a card of very bad outcome.
Steven: the cards always tell the truth?
Carmen:  dey do to me.  It is something maybe I don understand maybe God will clear my mind so I can help her.
Carmen:  Ok what you vant to say to me?
Steven:  Carmen I got accepted to Loyola in New Orleans and....I have a full scholarship.
Carmen: Oh my God!  Steven that is so good!
Steven:  Yes I know it's weird because they sent me a letter two weeks ago turning me down and I got one today saying it was a mistake.  I have to leave in a week though and I feel bad I don't want to leave Rosemary with her so close to having the baby.
Carmen:  Steven you have to go it is your opportunity and I know your sister will understand.
Steven:  Carmen do you think she will be ok if I go?
Carmen:  Your sister has a strong Puertorican cop boyfriend who is going to be with her I am sure she will be ok.
Steven:  I hope so....I just have a bad feeling leaving her now for some reason.
Sargeant Ryland: Oooh Alvarez you smell nice!  Ever since you got a girlfriend you smell a lot better dude!
Detective Alvarez:  It's my animal musk Carla don't get too close cause I don't want to you know make you hot or anything!

Sargeant Ryland:  Don't worry honey I think I can resist your animal magnetism relax!  Oh Luis!  I almost forgot!  Chief Wheeler wants to see you in her office right away!
Detective Alvarez:  Do you why?
Sargeant Ryland:  Nope she didn't say.
Detective Alvarez:  Chief you wanted to see me?
Chief Wheeler:  Yes Alvarez come in and shut the door!
Have a seat.  
Chief Wheeler:  Alvarez you have been selected for our Anti-terrorism squad it's a big promotion congratulations!
Alvarez:  Really?  Oh man I can't wait this is good news indeed!
Chief:  Yes, you leave for Artesia New Mexico in a week for training at FLETC.
Alvarez:  FLETC?
Chief:  Yes it stands for Federal Law enforcement training center.  It is a federal facility and it has state of the art training you are very lucky to get this opportunity Alvarez it cost a fortune for this training and you were handpicked by higher ups to recieve it you will there for 8 weeks so start packing.
Alvarez:  Eight weeks?  Chief my girlfriend is eight months pregnant if I'm gone for 8 weeks I will miss the babies birth.  Can I reschedule this training for after the baby is born?
Chief Wheeler:  I'm afraid that is not an option Luis it's now or never and if you refuse it will really look bad for you as far as ever getting ahead in this job.
Alvarez:  Yeah I understand....I have to talk to my girl if she is ok with it then I will go Chief.
Chief Wheeler:  I have to have your answer in two days you have the weekend to break it to your girl Alvarez I suggest......a nice dinner and a positive attitude would help.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 03, 2006, 10:45:37 pm
oooooooooooooooo removing her support, good move! :lol:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 04, 2006, 11:19:57 pm
ok this is going to be a long installment so....heres some of it
Install 15 got get those babies out of Rosemary soon she starting to get bitchy! LOL!


Dr Hall:  Well Ms. Woodhouse this sonogram confirms it for me you are pregnant with twins my dear.
Rosemary:  Twins?!
Dr Hall:  I'm afraid so I suspected it last week when you came in but now I am certain.
Rosemary:  twins.......
Rosemary was in utter shock this was something she really was unprepared for two babies!  Ohh boy!  would she be able to deal with two babies?  She looked dumbly at Dr Hall while he stared at her intently.
Dr Hall:  Also I'm afraid the babies are in distress your blood pressure is way too high you will need to be induced within the next two days or the babies will be compromised.  They are large enough and would do fine outside the uterus.
Dr. Hall:  Rosemary it is a simple induction you and the babies should be fine however there is a small problem......I don't know if you are aware or not but I am in the reserves I will be having exercises with my squad during that period of time.  I leave tonight otherwise I would do it today.
Rosemary: I have to go to another town to have it done?
Dr. Hall:  I have arranged for you to have your induction at a new facility a colleague of mine is opening on Pinewood Island.  They are a husband and wife team you will be their first patient to deliver in their birthing center.  It's a little ways out you will have to take a ferry and a cab once you get to the Island but it's a lovely facility and it's about 90% finished they are attending you as a personal favor to me.
The Nurse will give you the directions and will handle all insurance issues you just pack for a three day stay they will see you sharp at 9am tommorow morning that way you can be prepared for the induction next day.

Rosemary went to see Luis that afternoon as was their custom to see eachother after her appointments.....she delayed telling him this most shocking news....she was a little nervous about how he would feel about two babies.......would he back out of their relationship?
Luis:  Rose I have something I have to tell you.  I have recieved a big promotion at work it is with the anti-terrorism squad it has been a dream of mine to work that squad.
Rosemary:  Luis thats wonderful!
Luis:  Well.....this is the part that is not too wonderfull.....I have to leave tomorow to check in for training it's out of state and it will last 8 weeks...Rose I don't want to leave you!
Rosemary:  I see.....Luis you have to go it's for your career...we have the rest of our lives to be together, I have my brother and carmen I will be ok.
Luis:  Rose are you sure?
Rosemary:  Yes I'm sure you have to go I will be fine!
Luis:  Oh Rose you are so understanding I love you baby....
Carmen:  Well I'm going to start dinner I need to put this away before ju sista gets home.
Carmen:  You talk  to her about ju school...OK?
Steven:  I will I have to go tommorow to find a place to stay I was going to ride the bus up there I have to leave a 4am ugh!  So I have to tell her tonight.
Rosemary:  Ok kiddo what's this news you need to tell me?
Steven:  Rose I got that scholarship!  For Loyola it's a full scholarship!
Rosemary:  Steven!  Oh my I'm so happy honey!
Steven:  See well this is the thing....I have to leave tomorow at 4am to find a place and get set up cause they made a mistake and delayed my paperwork so now I have to rush...and I really didn't want to leave
Rosemary:  Steven it's settled you will leave tommorow and get settled in for school.  I won't hear another word on it.  I will be fine.
Steven:  Are you sure?
Rosemary:  Yes...I am sure you go and make me proud at Loyola OK?
Steven:  OK Cool love ya sis!
Rosemary:  Carmen...I need to talk to you.
Carmen:  Ok why are we whispering?
Rosemary:  Just listen I have to go and check myself into the hospital tomorow.
Carmen:  What?
Rosemary:  Thats right my blood pressure is high and theres more but not now. It's a new place I will have to take a cab I will leave at 5am an hour after Steven I don't want him to know got it?
Carmen:  but aye missy...
Rosemary:  I mean it Carmen nobody is to know this you keep your mouth shut!
Carmen:  Ok Missy!
Rosemary:  Oh and Luis is bringing Honey we are keeping her while he goes out of town for training you will tell him I am asleep and I was too tired he will believe that don't let him in the house just take the dog and let him leave not a word to him either.
Carmen:  Ok I don't like it but I will do it.
The next morning promptly at 5 am Rosemary took her cab to the ferry which would take her to Pinewood Island Facility where she would have her babies alone with no family or friends not even Carmen since she had to stay behind and cover for her....Rosemary felt more alone at that moment than she ever had in her life...

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 05, 2006, 12:16:55 am
*waits very quietly* NOT! *wants more!!!* :lol:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 05, 2006, 01:05:37 am
install 15b
Rosemary arrived early at Pinewood Island Clinic her cab dropped her off in front of a tidy looking brownstone the cab man brought her bags in the door and then left a nice looking guy in green scrubs greeted her outside the buiding.
Carlos:  Hello there!  You must be Rosemary Woodhouse!
Rosemary:  Hi I'm a little early I hope that is ok?
Carlos:  Early is good!  I am Carlos I am your Nurse.
Rosemary:  Nurse?
Carlos: were hoping for a female nurse?
Rosemary:  Well no it's not that it's just's obstetrics and all...
Carlos:  Yes well you haven't lived til you have had my foot massages Rosemary....
Come on I need to get you in a wheel chair you need your stamina for birth tomorow!
Carlos:  This area here is nice and sunny in the mornings after your babies are born you might want to relax in the hot tub since your husband is not here maybe I can join you?
Carlos:  I will pick up your luggage in a little while and unpack for you but first I want you to meet Ethan and Julia Petrochev they are the Doctors who will deliver your twins tommorow.  There accents are a little weird but if you don't understand anything I will explain later don't worry!
Dr Ethan Petrochev:  Rosemary!  Welcome to our clinic!  We are very happy to have you here!
Dr Julia Petrochev:  Yes you are our first patient  and only here so we will spoil you shamelessly welcome!
Rosemary:  It is very nice to meet you!  Thank you so much for accepting me as a patient.
Innanna:  Yes well Dr Hall is a very good friend of ours and it is our pleasure to help him out.  You must be exausted I will have Carlos get you settled in so you can have a nap dear before we examin you.  Is that agreeable for you?
Rosemary:  Yes thank you.
Carlos took her upstairs to a very nicely decorated and large room.  He had already packed her things and brought her lunch he was really very sweet she was starting not too feel strange about having a male nurse.
Carlos:  So before you take your nap can I get you anything else?
Rosemary:  Actually......Carlos my cell phone doesn't seem to be working out here can I use a phone and call my home?  I don't see one in the room..
Carlos:  Ahh well thats because they are not installed yet.  This facility is new and we are not yet wired for phone service they are actually soppose to install them next week since we are not yet technically open.  
Rosemary:  Do you or the Doctors have a cell phone I can borrow?
Carlos:  They don't work out here Ms. Woodhouse we have too much interference on the island.
Rosemary:  Oh....ok I see...
Carlos got her settled into bed and it wasn't long before she was sound asleep she had gotten up so early and was soo tired the babies were not letting her sleep much lately they were very active.  Rosemary went into a strange lurid dream......
In her dream she was in a steamy bath where Dr. Julia was caressing her and embracing her she was a very beautiful woman and although Rosemary had never even thought about a woman sexually in her dream she was very aroused by Dr. Julia's caresses
Dr. Julia whispered into her ear you are our queen without you we disappear and would be forgotten we want to give you all that you want Rosemary anything.....
Dr Ethan:  Stay and be our love forever....we will honor your body as it has never been before.....
Rosemary woke from her erotic dream embarrassed and confused as hell.  She had never had a graphic erotic dream especially with people who were practically strangers a sense of shame came over her as she waited to see the Doctors for her exam.
Ea:  Rosemary......did you have sweet dreams?
Rosemary blushed did he know?  How could he that was ridiculous she was being paranoid.
Rosemary:  I slept well thank you.
Innana:  Everything looks good let's get you to bed early tonight no more food or drink after 8 pm tonight ok Rosemary?
Rosemary:  Ok doctor.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 05, 2006, 01:25:38 am
oooooooooooooooo :glasses7:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 05, 2006, 10:53:58 am
LOL!  you guys voted disturbing LOL! disturbing can go many ways! LOL!  Now I have fire my game and  bring this to a ....climax LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 05, 2006, 12:49:54 pm
yes! yes! climax is good! :lol:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 05, 2006, 02:51:28 pm
LOL have an update will take me awhile to get it up.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 05, 2006, 03:20:44 pm
Install 16
The Birth
Dr. Ethan: Well Rosemary....It's time to bring the babies into your arms where they are quite anxious to be.
Rosemary:  Oh thank goodness!  I am so uncomfortable I can hardly breath anymore from them moving around and their weight.
Dr. Julia:  Well you will feel much better soon.
Carlos is going to start an IV it will sedate you quite a bit and start labor as well.  If you like you may focus on the flourecent light behind me if it helps you relax.
Rosemary:  Oh no it make me dizzy......
Carlos:  I think you should focus on my handsome mug it will put you in a better place! LOL!
Take some deep breaths Rosemary the medication should be hitting you right about now.....
Rosemary:  ooooh yes.....strange.....
Carlos:  You will be able to hear us talk but will still be able to push when the time comes ok Rosemary?
Rosemary:........yes.....ahhh.........having contractions.....hurts
Carlos....ok will up the pain medicine...not too much don't want babies to be affected while they are still in you honey..
Carlos:  Go ahead Rosemary you doing great PUSH!!
Ea:  Here he comes last push.....AAHH A BOY!
Ea:  He is perfect Rosemary!  Perfect!  Carlos take him and attend to him. Julia assist me with the second chid it's coming quickly!
Innanna:  It is a ...Girl!  A beautiful Girl!
Ea.  Carlos administer a sedative to Rosemary so she may rest.
Carlos:  Ok I gave her some a nice dose she should sleep for at least two days!
Rosemary was slipping.....slipping into a deep dark dreamless sleep..
Carlos:  I put in her in her room cleaned her up and she will sleep soundly.
Ea:  Good!

Ea:  Come now Innanna! let our babies sleep come celebrate with me the nurse will care for them and the mother will sleep for awhile!
Innanna:  At last my love......we are not alone in this muddy backward world there are two more of our like kind to accompany us and live on!
Ea:  My Queen let me show you how happy I am at this moment to have shared this with you!
Meanwhile......Carlos tended to the babies...who were hungry..
Carlos:  Well hi there rugrat!  Are you hungry?  Yeah you look hungry ok Uncle Carlos will get you a bottle....but first I got go do some gonna have to sure are a pretty thing but back into your weird crib ya go!
Carlos: Oh! you're not liking going back into your crib huh?  Well too bad!
Carlos turned around to go take care of some things he had to resedate Rosemary she appeared to be stirring in her sleep....when suddenly he heard behind him a noise...
The baby had slipped out of it's crib!
The baby looked right at him and Carlos thru his terror and shock felt a buzzing electric feeling....these babies were NOT HUMAN!  THEY WERE SOME KIND OF MONSTERS!

Ea and Innanna came running to Carlos bloodcurling screams but they were too late....
Innanna:  Oh Ea I have never seen a baby from our world do that.....
Ea:  Remember Innanna these children are hybrids they have qualities we do not know of .....Attend to them carefully I will call Elizabeth we need a nurse for each child and the mother they cannot control their powers they appear to just be hungry.....

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 05, 2006, 03:36:55 pm
lmao! love the babys!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on November 05, 2006, 03:44:27 pm
whooaaa that was cool how on earth did the baby stand up?lol ok so you threw a real unexpected twist *wonders what's next*

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on November 05, 2006, 04:02:08 pm
woah thats AWESOME

(Tip: Its AWL Absent Without Leave , for future refernses)


Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 05, 2006, 06:04:18 pm
Woah. You're so fast with this Star, if this was my story I would be uploading once a week or less! lol. Major news here. I still have to wrap my brain around the fact that it's fraternal twins. Yikes! Baby's got mad skills!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 05, 2006, 06:06:05 pm
hotrod that is cheat for toddlers to get out of their cribs but it also works on infants! LOL!  I just happen to snap that pic while baby was dropping down to the ground so it looks like he is sort of levitating off the ground! LOL!  Just playing this home with these babies is hard they really are demanding little alien rugrats!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 05, 2006, 06:11:14 pm
LOL! Well I'm impatient...I hate to wait myself so I'm trying to get it rounded up I sort of have a system going now with this story so I am able to bang out pictures quicker.   Also my game has weird quirks like male nurse guy he froze on me at first I was seething cause I needed the babies to ....well kill him LOL but believe it or not I was able to get around that by deleting him and then bringing him back with Insiminator and when he was brought back into the lot he was unfrozen strange game I have actually learned by doing this story my way around the strange quirks my game seems to have.

Btw....took my last pics will put up the end of this story tommorow! whew!  It was hard to do I have learned a lot doing this I think my next story will be better....but I'm gonna read others stories for awhile and take a break LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: kareneadams on November 05, 2006, 09:45:11 pm
Im sorry to say this because this story is actually good, but....... doesnt some of the plot and even the leads name, " Rosemary Woodhouse " remind anyone of " Rosemary's Baby "?

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: kareneadams on November 05, 2006, 09:57:38 pm
sleepycat, what part of upstate New York do you live?  I was stationed with my husband for 1 1/2 years up at Fort Drum.  It sucked a lot.  Hope your area is nicer!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 05, 2006, 09:58:14 pm
:lol: I haven't seen that movie in ages!

Quote from: kareneadams
sleepycat, what part of upstate New York do you live?  I was stationed with my husband for 1 1/2 years up at Fort Drum.  It sucked a lot.  Hope your area is nicer!

heh, I'm sort of in the middle of nowhere :lol: between Plattsburgh and Massena (and damned if I can even remember how to spell either right now, hopefully I spelled them both correctly)

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 06, 2006, 08:34:28 am
Quote from: kareneadams
Im sorry to say this because this story is actually good, but....... doesnt some of the plot and even the leads name, " Rosemary Woodhouse " remind anyone of " Rosemary's Baby "?

LOL! karen don't be sorry it's based on that movie!  sort of ....I sort of married my love of great classic horror and scifi together.
I could have used a different name for my character but decided to keep Rosemary Woodhouse to see how many ppl who catch the similarities it's a really old movie and one of my favorites...but my Rosemary is pregnant from a alien satan not ole Nick! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 06, 2006, 10:05:56 am
Final Chapter
Luis:  Carmen  Luis here!  Is Rosemary around?
Carmen:  No she is doctors appointment...
Luis:  Oh.....crap I missed her again...
Luis:  Did you tell her I called Carmen?
Carmen:  Jess she vas happy....
Luis:  I can't call too often from here Carmen my cell won't work in this place it has interference....Will you tell her I will try again tomorow night?
Carmen:  jess I tell her
Luis:  Carmen is Rosemary ok? With her pregnancy and all is she feeling alright?
Carmen:  jess she is good just tired is normal
Luis: Yeah I guess so.... oh how is Honey is she behaving?
Carmen:  jess she is here wit me she is good girl.
Luis:  Ok tell Rose I will try again tommorow night then...
Carmen was very nervous......Rosemary had not called as she said she would....what if the worst had happened and she lied to a cop!  Why didn't she call?
Elizabeth:  These babies want their Mother....They have already killed two nurses!  I can't keep bringing people here for them to kill!
Ea:  What do you suggest Elizabeth?  Innanna also senses they want their Mother she felt one of them try to attack her!
Rosemary woke up out of groggy drug sleep....
Where was everybody?  Where were her babies?  Something was wrong here....Why had they drugged her?  She was furious how dare they drug her and keep her from her own babies!  She looked all around for anyone and found nobody....She noticed the door that lead to the elevator for upstairs it was Dr.Ethan's and Julia's private apartment above the facility...She was going to go up there and demand to see her babies!  Ahh it was unlocked!
Innanna:  We need to tell her the truth Ea!  
Rosemary:  Tell me what?  Where are my babies?  Why did you drug me?  
Innanna:  Calm down Rosemary.....Your babies are fine....I will bring them...Come Elizabeth help me bring them to to her...
Ea:  Rosemary.........things are not what you wife and I we are not strangers to you.......I am the father of your babies.....
Rosemary:  What?  you are insane!  My babies father is dead he raped me and died in prison!
Ea:  No......that was a lie......I will tell you all that happened....this woman the General you saw with us arranged for us Innanna you know her as Julia and myself Ea my true have a child my wife and I are the last of our kind we are from another world we have lived on this planet for eons...we assisted others of our kind in upgrading your biology as our own was losing fertility and our people were dying off on our planet.  As mankind grew so we diminished and our crew died off the only left are Innanna and myself...our mission was to keep our kind from dying off and we had been unsuccessfull we needed a woman of very special blood type to carry our species...imagine our surprise when after all this time we found one!  You!
Rosemary:  So you raped me?
Ea:  No......we sent you that box it had a knockout aerosol and you fainted and the hospital we had a military doctor artificially inseminate you with my sperm......the rape story was a cover to explain the pregnancy...
Rosemary:  So my babies...are half alien?  Rosemary started to feel faint...
Just then...Innanna appeared with one of the babies..
Innanna:  Here Rosemary hold your baby....look she is beautifull isn't she...
Rosemary looked at her baby she was beautifull and seemed completely human....
Rosemary:  I want to leave!  I want to take my babies and go from this place..
Elizabeth:  You can't leave now Rosemary!  These babies are dangerous they have some very volatile abilities they have killed two nurses already!
Rosemary:  Thats ridiculous!  They are just babies!
Elizabeth:  They are not just human babies they are a hybrid human and Anunna......and...the Anunna are different than us Rosemary they have psi abilities that include telekinesis and the ability to manipulate matter with their mind but these babies seem to have those abilities and would be dangerous to just let them out into the community....I suggest you stay here with the Anunna and with their help care for them until the babies learn to control their abilities..
Rosemary:  You are all crazy!...I know you!  You are Elizabeth Merrell!
Elizabeth:  Yes.......I have been monitoring you for the Anunna for years...I...was forced by the Anunna to arrange this they hold all the cards and well....National Security was at stake.....I would like to tell you more..but it is now pointless..
Rosemary:  So that is it you hold me and my babies prisoner here?  My family will miss me what then?  will you kill me?
Inanna:  No we would never harm you Rosemary you are our Eve the Mother of our new species....but Elizabeth is right about the babies let us come up with an arrangement where we can monitor the babies and also allow you to be with them and your family...
I'm going to put the babies back in their cribs you sit and watch them Rosemary....they seem so happy since you are near them now...go sit I have put a rocking chair for you to watch over them.....We will figure out a solution..
Rosemary:  With more lies and deceit?
Innanna:  No you will be told the entire truth I swear it...
Rosemary sat across from her two small babies in their unearthly cribs and wept......was she going crazy?  was this really happening?  What was going to happen now?  Could she trust these two cold unearthly people who had ruined her life?  The presence of Elizabeth Merrell who had caused all this to come to happen?....
baby girl:  Brother do you hear me?
baby boy:  yes.....sister I also hear arguing and our mother cry....
baby girl:  why does she cry brother?
baby boy: Those others that argue make her cry sister...
baby girl:  I do not want my mother to hurts my face and belly brother...

baby boy:  I do not like it either it is like hunger but heavier in my belly...
baby girl:  let's make the loud ones that make our mother cry go away brother.
baby boy:  I tried...but I need more power can you help sister?
baby girl: lets try together now.

baby girl: together we can do it make the bad ones go away...keep trying....
Ea:  NO!  Elizabeth!
Innanna:  Ea!  It's the babies they are killing her!.....and me too!
Ea:  Noooo! What have I done!  Innanna!..
Ea:  Arrrgh....Noo babies not me I am your father! You musn't harm me!
babygirl:  we have done it brother!
babyboy: yes.....we have...
Rosemary's screams were unheard by anyone in the empty facility....she screamed and sobbed in horror for an a long time.....
she sat in her rocker now completely in shock in watch of her two babies who had just killed three people..
She sat there for four hours in frozen horror of what had happened then she heard a small voice.......mother we are hungry will you feed us?
So she got up fed her babies she put them back into their cribs and walked over to the phone and made a call....
Rosemary: name is Rosemary Woodhouse I am calling from the Pinewood Island Clinic I need a cab to the ferry and another cab to recieve me at the mainland.
Dispatcher:  Will there be other passengers?
Rosemary:  Yes I am the proud Mother of twins I will be traveling with my children.
Dispatch:  Ok it will be there in an hour an half..
Rosemary:  Thank you we will be ready......
babygirl:  brother?  we are going home.....
babyboy:  yes......I think we will like home......
The End...

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Sleepycat on November 06, 2006, 11:45:03 am
Wonderful ending!! :bounce:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 06, 2006, 11:47:58 am
LOL! thanks sleepycat!  I almost hate to end it and not see more of wicked babies but......maybe there will be a sequel in store for them....someday...

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: hotrod50s on November 06, 2006, 12:49:53 pm
this story was super i hate to see it end as well but all the "bad guys"are dead,you did leave a really good spot for a sequel when you get around to it.

look forward to another story by you,it was great reading super fine job starlucid

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 06, 2006, 01:02:49 pm
thanks hotrod I sort of feel like my baby grew up and left me....I going to start my new story I guess I'm next story will be spicier, and more occult than scifi...I sort see it in my head now how to transfer it to Sims is the question..LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Rock Chick on November 06, 2006, 01:29:56 pm
I just read it all the way through :) fantastic story ! Thanks x

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: The Mule on November 06, 2006, 01:58:59 pm
Excellent!! Just finished the entire thing too. I loved the Summerian plotline. I wish I could find more of THAT story too.

One the end of a book there's usually and "about the author." Well star...even your user profile is pretty bare. Just who is "Starlucid"??

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 06, 2006, 03:56:16 pm
LOL! I am housewife....Sims addict....some occult knowledge through personal experiences has made me have to know a lot of weird it's sort of fun to put it into stories I guess....... this was fun it was first story and I learned a few tricks...
The Mule I'm an old coast to coast am radio listener and well the whole Anunnaki thing is big on there I love it all of Zacharai Sitchins books love em!....

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: SimulatedDork on November 06, 2006, 03:58:04 pm
I agree with Mule, who is the mystery behind the novel?

And amazing ending, I love when the babies talk to each other! Full of love :D

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on November 06, 2006, 04:29:03 pm
hey can you post pics of the babies only older?

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 06, 2006, 07:22:46 pm
LOL! you miss the babies? LOL! me too!  OK next time I fire up the game I will see if they want to grow some for me.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 06, 2006, 08:52:34 pm
WOW! Very, very good Star! ^^ Although I'm sort of mad at the ending. I wish you would put more into this story. It just doesn't seem ready to end yet... I hope there's a sequel in our future! I can't wait for what comes next, but you have a nice long break first. ^^ I'll make you that icon soon. I just have to get my app. finished for my contest.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 07, 2006, 12:27:46 am
LOL!  Elven this was pretty long...I still have those babies around I guess they could cause some more mischief....later..I have another story I'm working on at a slower pace it will be good I promise the evil twins thing hmm as babies is sort of cool don't know after my next story will think it out right now everybody has writers bug and there are great stories up so I gonna do my new one nice and slow and just enjoy you guys stories for awhile! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: ancienthighway on November 07, 2006, 11:28:19 am
Nice story star!  It is begging for a sequel though :grin:

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 07, 2006, 01:53:17 pm
ok.....I took some pictures of the babies and they had a birthday! OMG! they are sooo cute...I will put up Rosemary's babies later! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: oddball011 on November 07, 2006, 04:41:37 pm
Cant wait

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 09, 2006, 01:43:58 am
They are sooo adorable as toddlers! ^^ Eeee! I wonder how nice they'll look as adults? With Ea as their daddy... Mmmm. xD

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 09, 2006, 08:03:25 am
LOL! Elven I couldn't let horrid Ea be thier real daddy....LOL!  They would have been toads....
Their real father is.............a woman! LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 10, 2006, 01:41:26 pm
0.o! xD I knew it! Their skin is too white to be Ea's or Rosemary's.. right? right? ;) I know I'm right.

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on November 10, 2006, 03:12:39 pm's a secret but ya got out of me their father is Innanna in the story she was so pretty and yet weird alien looking so I made her the daddy!  Shh don't tell nobody!  LOL!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: Elven_Song on November 10, 2006, 05:18:16 pm
Oh.. I'm good. heh. I suspected something when the babies were born, but at first I thought they were Inanna's and Ea's babies. But I realised that maybe it was an all female gene pool because the babies have such round little faces. And hey, I was right. ^^ It's funny how even though your story's finished you've still got a whole bunch of secrets up your sleeve!

Title: The Box Ending up Now!
Post by: starlucid on December 03, 2006, 02:33:49 pm
I'm thinking about doing a part two of this since a lot of people like the twins hmm.....will have to ponder it..

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