Retired Creators => Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project => Topic started by: Warlokk on December 10, 2006, 11:41:05 am

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on December 10, 2006, 11:41:05 am
Presenting another release in the Hi-Res Bodyshape Series, the long-awaited 36DDD Full-Body Base Set!

*UPDATE 12-11* - Found a problem with the DressLongTwo meshes, uploaded fixes separately, also updated main files.  Get the mesh fixes if you downloaded already.  Thanks for the catch, Gothplague!  :D

The 36DDD Full-Body Base Set includes 8 outfits each for the 36DDD Enhanced and Natural sizes, in all hip sizes 34 thru 40.  There are 3 dresses, 2 PJ's, a swimsuit, tracksuit and underwear.  Combined with the 36DDD Everyday separates ( (as seen in the Family picture), there are now clothes available for your 36DDD gals for all occasions.  Each file contains all 8 outfits for the Enhanced and Natural 36DDD shape in the hip size listed.

For best results, these outfits can be combined with the BodyShape skintones, found in the Complete Nude Collection ( at my Tower section at (over 18 required), or with skintones created for them by others.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you used the Original Bodyshape series, you must remove the 40DDD Formal meshes from your game, since there are newer replacements in this set, but they will conflict.  Making them the same internally allows your old Bodyshape 40DDD Formals to automatically update to the new 36DDD size here, but you have to delete the old meshes.  I have included the 36DDD_Full-Body_Cleanup file here, which is a script to automatically remove those files if you run it in your Downloads folder where the old meshes are stored.  If you want to remove them manually, the filenames are as follows:

12/14/2005  11:31 PM           729,768 MESH_BodyDressLong40DDD-28-34.package
12/14/2005  11:32 PM           729,768 MESH_BodyDressLong40DDD-28-36.package
12/14/2005  11:33 PM           729,768 MESH_BodyDressLong40DDD-28-38.package

Also note that even though the old ones were a 40DDD and these are 36DDD, the shapes are actually the same, I just didn't understand what the numbers in the sizes meant the first time around.  In this set the size is actually more accurate, since the torso is slightly larger than the 34" sizes, while the old 40DDD wasn't, and just had the larger bosoms on the base 34" frame.

As always, feel free to recolor, modify, mangle, mutilate, or whatever you like with these meshes... all textures are Maxis, so they are fair game as well.  My only condition is anything made from these meshes MUST remain free... just like almost everything I used to create them.

Oh, and I feel I must mention one other thing... I am aware this set is not for everyone, however there are many in the community and the world who appreciate or even personify the shapes in this set.  I strive to maintain at least some level of realism in this series, and I can assure everyone there are women in the world who do indeed have a shape something like this, and in the interest of diversity, and due to popular demand, I am proud to present this collection.  If you have feedback on how the meshes can be improved from a technical or artistic standpoint, by all means let me know... if you don't like them strictly on moral grounds, I can assure you I don't and never will share your views, and frankly don't want to hear them, and any posts bashing full-figured or well-endowed women will be promptly deleted.  Thank you.

Now with that out of the way, enjoy the set, and feedback is welcome!

Post by: lucke689 on December 10, 2006, 12:26:22 pm
Thank you for all your hard work! You have made this game soooo much more fun to play with your meshes. All i can say is OUTSTANDING WORK!!!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Verly on December 10, 2006, 12:41:04 pm
Yes, my poor selfsim has some more clothes! hehe, thanks Warlokk. And you are correct, there ARE women that have this bodyshape. I wouldn't have a  correct selfsims without this collection, and I for one thank you very much for including it. :)

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: The Mule on December 10, 2006, 01:34:05 pm
yipee yippe yippee...i'm so glad i can hardly type!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: BlooM on December 10, 2006, 02:51:26 pm
i  just cant imagine how you keep up presenting that much
series, your like a 24hour B00bfactory,  Congrats!!!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: kathy on December 10, 2006, 03:14:10 pm
Big boobies... Nice job!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on December 10, 2006, 03:22:17 pm
Only the best in Big Buxom Bodacious Full-Body Bosoms for you Kathy!  :D

Now if only we could make them bouncy, the sims world would be complete... but ah well...

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: kathy on December 10, 2006, 03:30:49 pm
lmao Now that would be awesome... give them black eyes when exercising rofl

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: BadLuckBlackie on December 10, 2006, 03:42:28 pm
Somehow I just knew you were going to give us all a Christmas gift.  Thank you 'Lokk!

Title: Thanks a lot !!!
Post by: El Pitufo Manitas on December 10, 2006, 05:05:51 pm
All i can say is... well, i'm speechless.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: jaykay13 on December 10, 2006, 05:30:20 pm
Yippeeee!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for all your hard work, now my bigger sim girls can wear some more clothes, these are great, certainly worth the wait. (Do you get to have some rest now?? LOL)

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on December 10, 2006, 05:53:01 pm
Rest?  What is this rest you speak of?  Now I have to decide what to work on next, I've got so many ideas and great suggestions from you guys...

I think it's time for another poll...

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: cableguy7uk on December 10, 2006, 06:42:53 pm
Fanastic! can't wait to try them, thank you.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: hugo0401 on December 10, 2006, 09:23:50 pm
¡ BEAUTIFUL !, your genius is incremented day by day, thanks.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Calinstel on December 11, 2006, 06:42:03 am
Another outstanding addition Warlokk.  Thank you!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: hydraza on December 11, 2006, 10:54:49 am
Thank you, they're beautiful, *sniff*.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: StellaBaby on December 11, 2006, 12:45:02 pm
o0o cool!
Yay for more variety!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: CobainFan on December 11, 2006, 04:04:33 pm
this is great, excellent work, again!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: ShadyJAG3 on December 11, 2006, 05:23:23 pm
Fantastic, as usual!  You make playing Sims2 a blast!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on December 11, 2006, 07:30:35 pm
Updated DressLongTwo meshes for all sizes, found a gap in the neck due to a goof I made when I was making them.  Updated the main download files, also posted the fixed meshes separately for those who got them already.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Truthslayer on December 12, 2006, 12:08:50 am

Lo and behold, a holiday surprise!  You truly outdone my expectations.  Congrats!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: BlooM on December 12, 2006, 01:49:48 am
I did some testing with assigning other bonedefinitions to the boobs(by assigning them more to the clavisimble, looks funny
Ill post one if finished, but at this moment i cant see another bone :P

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Chairman Greg on December 13, 2006, 03:48:12 pm
Hooray!  Now my 36DDD gals don't have to run around naked anymore!

Um... wait a minute here... on second thought, maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on December 13, 2006, 08:39:46 pm
Oh, suuuuure they won't... :laugh:

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: sesimie on December 17, 2006, 01:43:29 am
Ah the wait is over!!......time to start boobifying!! :toothy7:

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: HobbesED on December 17, 2006, 11:17:14 pm
Thanks for the update!! I'm very appreciative of your efforts.

Is it safe to delete the old clothing files too?

I still have the following 13 files in my Warlokk directory with 40ddd in the name:
warlokk_longdress40dddxx.package  (3 sizes)
warlokk_und40dddxx.package  (3 sizes)
warlokk_skn40dddxx.package  (3 sizes)  


And one likely problem child dated 11/24/06
warlokk_top40dddhalter.package.package -- probably a naming mistake

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on December 17, 2006, 11:22:47 pm
You can, but it's not necessary... they should use the new meshes automatically, but they're not really anything better than the new outfits in this set, so it won't hurt deleting them either.  However, other creators' 40DDD outfits you can keep, they will use the new meshes.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Thraxwhirl on January 09, 2007, 02:09:33 pm
Sorry, I'm a tad confused.

We have to delete the old 40DDD Formal Mesh(es), yeah? But it's ok to keep the textures that used the 40DDD 34 clothes, yes?

So, if I DL these new files, what will happen to any of my sims who are already wearing the old 40DDD clothes and using 40DDD 34 skintone(s)? Will they now end up wearing 34B 34 Maxis clothes(including nude state)? Or will they end up with the new clothes?

See, I notice that you've made 2 new shapes/skins for each hip size - natural and enhanced, but if I remember rightly, there was only 1 40DDD in each hip size.

So, will my sims, who use the old 40DDD 34, end up with Natural or Enhanced? Or will they get turned into Maxis Default-sized sims?

Sorry for my confusion.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on January 09, 2007, 02:27:17 pm
The new 36DDD Natural meshes will replace the old 40DDDs.  Any clothing you have already will automatically use these new meshes once they're installed, as will any sims wearing them, as long as you delete the old 40DDD meshes once the new ones are installed.  Otherwise, you'll still see the old shape since it will override the new meshes.

The 36DDD Enhanced is a new shape, so it won't affect any of your old clothing.

Hope that helps!  :D

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Thraxwhirl on January 10, 2007, 07:57:17 am
Ah, right. The Natural replaces the old 40DDD, eh? But the Enhanced is totally seperate.


Thanks, mate. That clarifies things. :)

Up the Irons. ;)

Title: hallo alle
Post by: haza50 on January 13, 2007, 11:09:37 am
ein Wunderwerk

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: RisingSun on March 30, 2007, 03:48:37 am
My eyes are getting tired from browsing through all your content hehe! I was wondering: was the miniskirt full body with high heels ever released for this size? It's very confusing to jump between InSIM and Insimadult with your endless list of work which isnt organized in size groups etc :D

I think i have all the work.. but with a couple of formatting/re-installing the game and finding all the downloads, it gets really messy keeping a track of what I have and what I'm missing of wardrobe for particular sizes (even doing a search for a size gets all sorts of random threads).

If there has been a release of the miniskirt fullbody version of this size a link would be appreciated and I'll spank myself for not finding it!

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on March 30, 2007, 05:01:46 am
No, I only released that in the 34B and 34DD so far, plus some of the newer sizes.  For some reason I had some animation issues when I tried adapting it to the 34A, and I haven't revisited it yet.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: RisingSun on March 30, 2007, 05:39:46 am
Ah okay, thanks :)

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on April 07, 2007, 03:30:47 pm
1.  Download Files.
2.  Extract to Downloads folder.

That's all!  :D

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: simkitty181 on April 16, 2007, 12:21:10 am
my boyfriend loved these (I personally don`t care)  Nice job making my boyfriend happy!  ( I can`t ever make him happy)

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: wademilner on April 23, 2007, 11:16:48 am
Really? Dump him. Make a list of what you are looking for and go find it.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: aborym on July 23, 2007, 10:44:40 pm

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: miros1 on July 27, 2007, 12:07:40 pm
Have you checked with DDO from MTS2?

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on July 27, 2007, 02:00:16 pm
As long as the meshes and the outfits are in your Downloads folder, they should appear.  Also make sure your graphics options are set to High.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: sweetviper on July 27, 2007, 09:26:52 pm
yeah I delete it since I found it in my game and this mod is amazing so thanks

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Wiyaka2 on August 18, 2007, 10:07:00 pm
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on November 19, 2007, 07:04:30 am
Try these:  36DDD Tops Set (  I used the separates for most of the Everyday stuff in this series, combined with the Bottoms set (, you get a decent selection of Everyday stuff.  I don't remember if I classified any of the dresses here as Everyday, I think they're formals, but that can be changed in Bodyshop if you want.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: RisingSun on November 20, 2007, 06:29:37 am
Will this size and all the other sizes be seeing an xhi-res version?

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: Warlokk on November 20, 2007, 06:40:07 am
I suppose I probably should... been getting a lot of requests for it.  I was reluctant to do it since there's just so many sizes though.  It may take a bit, but I'll see what I can do.

Title: *UPDATE 12-11* Warlokk's Hi-Res Bodyshape 36DDD Full-Body Base Set
Post by: argus on January 01, 2008, 11:17:22 am
Great!! I love these, thank you.:worship:

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