Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: BeosBoxBoy on May 23, 2007, 11:55:31 pm This object would not exist without the intervention of Olemantiker debugging the BHAVs. So it is dedicated most especially to him!
UPDATE 16 June 2007: Improved the Base Object Frame texture so the conduiting is not so damned bright, and corrected the same issue on all the frame recolours. (http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq79/male_order_bride/dixieKitchen/2-tile_back-lit_poster.jpg) Image featured on this object is original art by Kinu Sekigushi. ©2001 Kinu Sekigushi. All Rights Reserved. This item should work with the base game... maybe, god only knows >_< Adding the additional tile to the footprint did strange and unexpected things that I can't say I understand or know a way to correct. It does work flawlessly in Sims Life Stories and The Sims 2 WITH EPS. It wouldn't work at all without the dilligent help of my beloved friend Olemantiker. Please take a look at his gorgeous build sets! As with all my meshy-weshes, feel free to recklessly pirate and rip-off anything you like. Recolour as you see fit, post the mesh with your recolours, include it with lots, blah blah blah Just enjoy! Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: ~*Jax*~ on May 24, 2007, 12:53:12 am OH nicely done!!!
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: PegasusDiana on May 24, 2007, 01:03:10 am These are fantastic thank you for making and sharing them with us. I really need to do some more of the advanced tutorials. Your's is next to divide an outfit. Wish me luck :)
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: kim on May 24, 2007, 05:05:00 pm Nice Job
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Netra on May 24, 2007, 06:50:57 pm Very Nice beosboxboy!!:) I love everything you create!:)
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Brego89 on May 24, 2007, 07:17:00 pm This is way cool! Thanks!
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: howardlpeters on May 24, 2007, 07:17:24 pm Is there no end to the wonders of BeosBoxBoy? Thank you for this. Just when my esprit de Sims starts to fade, you bring a new spark to life. I truly appreciate you mega contributions to the world of the simmies. Big Hugs.
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: rickchasez on May 24, 2007, 09:38:36 pm What can be said that hasn't been already said about the great work of Yakov! Thanks again for sharing!
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Triple_sSs on May 24, 2007, 09:40:57 pm :oogle: Whoa...heh, well, all I can say is, your fashion guy definitely approves this! Fantastic job from a fantastic man! :D
It's just too bad that now you're so old, you're needing assistance now from people like Olemantiker! :lol: Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: blondecrystal on May 24, 2007, 10:58:58 pm Thank you very much beosboxboy. I love the idea of having a picture no the wall with the added bonus of being a light aswell.
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Zephyrash on May 25, 2007, 12:00:09 am beosboxboy well done! And extra frames as well? You spoil us...
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: olemantiker on May 25, 2007, 12:02:25 am Quote from: Triple_sSs;742704 :oogle: Whoa...heh, well, all I can say is, your fashion guy definitely approves this! Fantastic job from a fantastic man! :D It's just too bad that now you're so old, you're needing assistance now from people like Olemantiker! :lol: :sign5: beosboxboy, the old man? :sign5: :wink: you are not very nice to him, Triple_sSs, didn't your mama tell you to be kind and help the old ones across the street - they are helpless!:laugh: yakov, you're not old and it was my pleasure that I was able to help you out... still love, love, love the light!!!:love10: Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Rogue777 on May 25, 2007, 12:07:12 am Very nice work, Yakov and nice assist, Oli (my old friend--long time no see).
Thanks to both of you! :) Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: BlooM on May 25, 2007, 05:33:46 am Ah, that's cool
You got it working, nothing being more frustrated if you create somtin that wont work the way you would like it to. Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: RafaelNunes23 on May 25, 2007, 07:45:06 am Very good thanks :D
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Grandmarmalade on May 25, 2007, 08:41:10 am OH!
Now here is something that will go in every one of my sims homes. It is . . . awesome . . . no, AWESOME. Thanks to two fine men for giving and making a very FINE man to grace my sim's homes and pixelly lives. Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: mattitje on May 25, 2007, 09:49:53 am haha nice boes thx :D
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: oniongirl999 on May 25, 2007, 10:08:33 am What a great idea :)
I really like the art you chose as well. It's like an homage to all the Ju_Beos Sim men you're team's created. Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Ayray on May 25, 2007, 11:28:48 am Wow, cool =)
PS: and that guy on the picture is HOT *___* Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: mirog3715 on May 25, 2007, 02:22:04 pm MMMM... Beautiful!! Thanks
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: vita4all on May 26, 2007, 07:26:03 am This is too cool! Thanks!
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: amythestfenix on May 26, 2007, 10:17:28 am What a clever idea! I really like this! Thanks so much for sharing :)
Title: Awesome work! Post by: platinum on May 28, 2007, 05:39:44 pm I love your Back-lit Poster :clapp: Thank you so much.
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: kathy on June 02, 2007, 07:24:31 am Fantastic job!
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: BeosBoxBoy on June 16, 2007, 02:04:48 am Updated the frmae texture on the base object and the frame recolours to correct a visual issue with the conduit appearing to bright. Please re-download these items and allow the new versions to over-write your existing versions in the Downloads folder
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: JCSpencer on July 03, 2007, 04:52:07 am Excellent idea, and very well implemented. Thank you very much for creating and sharing these! I'm having so much fun with this stuff.
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: DocFX on August 03, 2007, 02:46:11 pm Cheers Yakov (& Oli) for this very unique object :D - what a brilliant idea!... ;)
Thanks for taking time to create/upload/share with us - nice one Youth!!!. :) :D ;) Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: Dmcclure1 on October 20, 2008, 09:09:04 pm :jaw: o pardon me very nice
Title: UPDATED: Back-lit Poster (Wall Light) *THANK YOU OLEMANTIKER!!* Post by: NCeddie51Sim on October 29, 2008, 07:57:39 am Thank you for the back-lit poster!
Not only is the original artwork (and the recolours) wonderful, but I have found that this object is useful as an outdoor sign for community lots, just by making recolours of it with the shop name and any appropriate pics. Looks great outside at night too. |