Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: vonLeeb on March 24, 2008, 04:08:00 pm Hello,
using my Collection Workshop plugin for SimPE I created complete cloth collection packages for everything that I could find on insim and adult for Warlokk (X)Hi-Res females. If I have time I will create collections for teens, CP, FM and other galores. However it takes time to search and download everything for each of them. If I missed some clothing please drop me private message with link to it and I will try to update collection files. Collections for sure include Warlokk sets and everything that TMO created for each size. If it could be identified from description some other stuff is included as well. You need to unrar files and put them in My Documents/EA GAmes/The Sims 2/Collections folder. Many thanks for Warlokk and all creators that makes our simming more interesting. Cheers, vl UPDATE 2008-03-27 FitChick seems to have a momentum. I like her as well, so collection for everything I could find here and on other forums. SlimBB is well organised and easy to download, so he was my favorite. This collection should be in Marvine cabinet, but... to have all collection in one place saves searching time. I hope Warlokk will accept it. In other case I will move it. UPDATE 2008-04-14 Classic Pinup collection for your enjoyment. Evertyhing that I could find on this site and adult. If missed something pls drop me a message. Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Morgaine on March 24, 2008, 04:42:08 pm Hey, you mean it's possible to sort something in a collection without the tedious way in CAS??? That's wonderful!!! I would love to have collections for my CPUs, Fashion Models, Faerie Girls, Ren Gals and so on, and since I have most clothes from here.... thanks for your work!
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: vonLeeb on March 24, 2008, 05:04:00 pm Yes, you are right. I'm able to sort items in a collection and also placement of custom collection in CAS collection bar. Everything in SimPE.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: recycledflesh on March 24, 2008, 06:43:29 pm Quote from: vonLeeb;1186328 Yes, you are right. I'm able to sort items in a collection and also placement of custom collection in CAS collection bar. Everything in SimPE. is that with a plug in?cuz i have simpe but haven't been able to do that Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: vonLeeb on March 25, 2008, 07:24:06 am Well, my plugin is not within official SimPE release. Maybe one day Quaxi will include it. Here (http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=196729) you may find it. I did it over a year ago in response to my frustration of collection management in TS2. Please read a short manual first to have a flavour of what it can do.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: recycledflesh on March 25, 2008, 04:10:03 pm thank you so much:worship::worship::worship:
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: J00wish on March 25, 2008, 09:21:47 pm Great job! Thank you so much
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: BlooM on March 25, 2008, 10:42:21 pm Lol, you wanna include our stuff also? :D
http://www.insimenator.net/forumdisplay.php?f=393 (http://www.insimenator.net/forumdisplay.php?f=393) Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: vonLeeb on March 26, 2008, 07:26:10 pm Yes, once I will attack CP, PG and RenGal as it's the main staff I see on your cabinet.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: BeosBoxBoy on March 29, 2008, 04:55:31 am great idea vonLeeb; I made the topic title a little less ambiguous and added an image for the update. Thanks for making these!
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Warlokk on March 29, 2008, 07:33:26 am Thanks for this, VonLeeb, this is extremely cool, and something I wish we could have done ages ago... making the collections in-game is such a hassle, I just couldn't keep up with it all. Great work!
*edit* Stickied ;) Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: jwilson5 on March 30, 2008, 07:38:56 am Sorry, I am a little confused as to how this works. I tried putting different bodyshape clothing into collections in game along time ago (several EPs past) but the collections don't show up when buying clothes so I could not figure out what it's purpose was and gave up. Which is a shame cause you also don't have the written description come up either so you never know for sure if your buying the right bodyshape stuff.
So doesthis just show up in CAS? Sorry for the stupid question............................... Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Warlokk on March 30, 2008, 08:19:11 am Pretty much, yeah... the in-game shopping browser just really sucks, with no descriptions or Collections available... no idea why they did that, I've complained about it since I started this project... I even mention it in my How-To tutorial. Horrible design decision.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: jjjim on March 30, 2008, 08:49:28 am This is really helpful! Thanks.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: vonLeeb on March 30, 2008, 01:49:54 pm Yeah, these collections just show up in CAS (only). When you press Shift+N being in CAS you will get debug mode with a whole description of cloth the mouse is pointing. Therefore you may guess from description if it's for example natural or enhanced version of the cloth (I don't split them by separate collections) if description doesn't appear in CAS.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: jwilson5 on March 30, 2008, 02:04:01 pm Vonleeb, thanks for the tip about SHIFT N. I saw threads where folks talked about debug mode but no one ever wrote in them what they did to get to that mode. I have always wondered. Just goes to prove you can learn somethign new everyday (even at my age).
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: matze on March 30, 2008, 11:26:41 pm Thank you very much vonLeeb. Your work is very helpful.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Zephyrash on March 31, 2008, 08:07:05 am At last some plain talk about this collections issue. Shift + N sounds like its going to be my new friend. Thanks for the collections!
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Tigeress Kitten on March 31, 2008, 11:00:16 am Thanks, this is fantastic!
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: SVT on March 31, 2008, 11:49:07 am Looks nice! but will this overwrite the existing and add the missing clothes, or classify the clothes i own?
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Warlokk on March 31, 2008, 01:25:04 pm It will only help organize outfits you already have... if you don't have something that is included in the collection, it just won't show up unless you install it later.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: illiandyandra on March 31, 2008, 09:34:24 pm God Bless you, Thank you. I'd give you my first born child but well i love the little bugger alot more than my game...I think...LOL! But Seriously thank you for doing something I've been meaning to do for a really long time.
XOXO Illy Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: SVT on April 01, 2008, 07:16:35 am Thanks warlokk. however i maintain: that's really nice!
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Legolasgurl on May 16, 2008, 04:14:32 pm great job! cant wait for more!
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Amber J. Jeanpierre on July 26, 2008, 01:19:00 pm Quote from: vonLeeb;1187020 Well, my plugin is not within official SimPE release. Maybe one day Quaxi will include it. Here (http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=196729) you may find it. I did it over a year ago in response to my frustration of collection management in TS2. Please read a short manual first to have a flavour of what it can do. My Simpe has a plugins folder not a plugin folder for the first ten minutes I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't show up. But then after exploring the folder I moved it from Plugin to Plugins and now it works great. I have V .68 of Simpe Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Warlokk on August 01, 2008, 09:18:51 pm Umm, these are just the collection files for cataloging them in Bodyshop/CAS. There are no outfits or nudes in this set, they're downloaded separately. And yes, all the nudes are at the adult site.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: danceswithwands on August 02, 2008, 01:54:55 am Don't worry jsadighi- I'm confused too- :lol:
So these aren't the "collections" of all the "clothes" available for the different body size/shapes? These are just a way to help organize the ones you do download? (right?) Sorry- I just downloaded the hi-res shapes and am learning how they work. ;) PS= thank goodness for the tutorial :D Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: Warlokk on August 02, 2008, 09:24:23 am Yep, exactly... which is why they're tiny little files, while the actual clothing sets are much larger and contain dozens of files. You need to download all of the outfit sets for each size separately.
Title: Female Hi-Res Bodyshape Project: UPD: 4-14 Complete clothing collection packages Post by: themysticalone on September 18, 2008, 09:01:22 pm I've been uploading a whole ton of base game conversions lately (...on MTS2), just begging to be added to these collections. :D
I'll eventually get around to uploading them here too, but I'm lazy (honestly). |