Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on March 25, 2008, 10:48:10 am Please test the Free Time, Kitchen & Bath, and Apartment Life Meshes - I do not own AL and thus am unable to test them (and I haven't installed FT or KBS yet). Regular/Fit, Fat, and Preg states should be checked. Let me know if there are odd seams and/or exploding meshes.
This has been up at MTS2 for ages, so I thought I'd also upload here for those of you who don't venture over there. (Also not sure where on insim this thread belongs as nothing seemed quite the best fit). **** Some people have expressed difficulty getting Squinge's old pregnancy wear any clothes mod to work with Free Time. If you have gotten one of them to work with Free Time, lemme know, kay? Thanks! **** This is Version 1.1 - From my own testing and from feedback and testing from others, it appears that all meshes work fine, and should be safe to use. I can't guarantee there won't be problems, so keep an Eye out. Update 23 Sep 08: Added Free Time and Kitchen & Bath Stuff replacements. Please test these and let me know if they all work. Also removed old update text because they were getting cluttersome. Update 25 Sep 08: Added Apartment Life replacements. Please test these and let me know if they all work. Update 28 Sep 08: Fixed a mesh in the Free Time meshes. Please redownload if you downloaded before today. Update 1 Oct 08: Fixed a mesh in the Free Time meshes. Please redownload if you downloaded before today. **** These sets are default replacement meshes of the Maxis meshes for adult females. Each mesh adds a pregnancy morph to the meshes. The pregnancy morphs for these meshes features a slightly larger pregnancy belly as well as a breast increase. As with all default replacements, you may only have ONE installed for a particular mesh at a time. Make sure these are the only ones you have in your Downloads folder (or your SavedSims folder). You must have Sim/Object Detail Set to High in order for these meshes to be work. *** To make the most out of this set, you will need Squinge's Pregnant Sims Wear Any Outfit (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=7238) mod, or any similar mod that lets you wear any clothes while pregnant. If you have Seasons or Bon Voyage, you will need to get the EP5 version (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=38732) of Squinge's hack. If you have Freetime, grab this one (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=93508), and if you have Apartment Life, grab this one (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=91730). What to download: Here's the rundown of the various files: PregDefaults_Base.rar - Get this if you don't have any hacks that let you wear any clothes while pregnant. Includes the MaternityShirt, Swimwear, Underwear, Tracksuit, Long Dress Loose, Classic Pajamas, and Nude meshes, which are the only meshes normally available while pregnant. These meshes already have a preg morph, but I've added the breast swell. PregDefaults_TS2.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from the Base Game with added pregnancy morphs, including all the career and NPC meshes, except for the Swat Team mesh*. It does NOT include the meshes that are in the PregDefaults_Base.rar PregDefaults_Base.EP1_UNI - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 University. Note that the maxis clothing that uses these meshes is normally not available except for Young Adults, so unless you have custom clothing, or do some extra default replacing of the outfits, you will probably not every have an adult female that uses these. PregDefaults_EP2_NL.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Nightlife PregDefaults_EP3_OFB.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Open For Business PregDefaults_EP5_Seasons.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Seasons (But not the four new career and plantsim meshes) PregDefaults_EP5_Seasons2.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female new career and plantsim meshes from Sims 2 Seasons PregDefaults_EP6_BV.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Bon Voyage. PregDefaults_EP7_FT.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Free Time. Note: Free Time uses three meshes from previous expansions (Fig from Uni, Techie from Seasons, and DressScarfGloves from Nightlife). If it safe to overwrite as they use the same IDs. PregDefaults_EP8_AL.rar - Includes ONLY the adult female meshes from Sims 2 Apartment Life. Note: Free Time uses two meshes from Nightlife (WideJeans and MotoJacket). If it safe to overwrite as they use the same IDs. PregDefaults_SP1_FFS.rar - Includes ONLY one new adult female mesh from Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff PregDefaults_SP2_GLS.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff PregDefaults_SP3_Cele.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 Celebrations Stuff PregDefaults_SP4_HMS.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 H&M Stuff PregDefaults_SP6_KBS.rar - Includes ONLY the new adult female meshes from Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Stuff PregDefaults_Holiday.rar - Includes ONLY four adult female meshes from Sims 2 Holiday Stuff (2006). The Mrs. Claus mesh was also included in the Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack (2005) and the original Sims 2 Holiday Edition. The three non-Mrs. Claus meshes were also included in the Sims 2 Holiday Mini Pack.. Other Expansions/Stuff Packs - Apartment Life meshes will be coming whenever I have it or whenever someone gets me the base meshes. Sims 2 Pets didn't have any new clothes, so there will never be replacement meshes for them. ;) Which ones should I download? - Download the Base Set at the minimum. If you have Squinge's Pregnant Sims Wear Any Clothing (or any similar hack) then you should also download The TS2 Set (which is all the rest of the base game meshes) and each of the files for the expansions you own. Do not just download the set for the latest expansion you own, because you will then not have the meshes from the base game or earlier expansions. Updates/Fixes If you downloaded them before the listed date, you should re-download the following: 02 Aug 07 - PregDefaults_TS2.rar 02 Aug 07 - PregDefaults_EP1_UNI.rar 02 Aug 07 - PregDefaults_EP2_NL.rar 02 Apr 08 - PregDefaults_SP4_HMS.rar 29 Sep 08 - PregDefaults_EP7_FT.rar 02 Oct 08 - PregDefaults_SP6_KBS.rar Compatibility: There are no real incompatibilities. If you download one for a set you don't own, it won't hurt anything; you'll just have some useless meshes in your download file, that's all. * The Swat team pregnant morph obj always ended up corrupted when I imported it into Milkshape, losing three faces somewhere between when I exported the body from Milkshape, and when I imported it back in. I don't know why this occurs, but it is the reason this mesh is left out. Known Issues 1) The Halter top/Camisole top separate in the base game will show a seam if it is paired with a bottom separate that also shows part of the belly. I do not know why this occurs and all the normals are aligned and the vertices are in the same spots. All the other belly-showing separates work seamlessly. If you want to examine the meshes to figure out why, let me know what you find out. Thanks! 2) Now that I've finished, I think the belly may be a bit too large and/or extend too high up. Women of the sims 2 world, let me know if this is the case, and it if really ought to be fixed, and when/if I make a version 2, I will definitely take that into account. 3) I can't decide if the breast swell is too much. An informal poll showed that the most common increase averaged about 1.5 cup sizes, and well.. it's hard to gauge cup size on a 3d Sims 2 model. If you think this is close enough to 1.5 or 2 cup sizes, or if I'm way off, let me know that too. Note: A Version 2 is in the works... slowly. I am using them for my base meshes while updating Maxis clothing to Warlokk's shapes, so they're going a bit slower that the first version. It will have a bump closer to Maxis's, and better-placed on the belly, and will have a very slightly less pronounced breast swell. **** Polygon Counts: All meshes have the same poly counts as the original Maxis meshes, which are too numerous to list. Additional Credits: Warlokk, for introducing me to the world of Poser magnets, without which this would not have been possible. BlooM, for telling me how to add a preg morph in the first place. aberry5000, for without him I wouldn't have gotten the Seasons and Celebration Stuff meshes done. Wojtek2008, for without him I wouldn't have gotten the H&M Stuff meshes done. Also provided the Free Time and Kitchen & Bath meshes, though by the time I got to them, I owned them (haven't installed yet, so I did save some time). marvelousmarja, for getting me the apartment life base meshes to modify. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: BeosBoxBoy on March 27, 2008, 12:57:48 am Thank you Mysticalone - your version is vastly superior to the Maxis stuff. Your meshes look very much more natural. This sort of work never gets enough praise, you did amazing things, and I deeply and sincerely appreciate that you made these. Thank you for uploading these great items on InSIM, Marvine and I have always respected your work, and it is a happy thing to see it here on the site we call home.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: batgirl84 on March 27, 2008, 06:21:54 am Wow Thank you so much for these! I've been looking for something like this for ages =D Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! You Rock!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Twilight-Luna on March 27, 2008, 08:09:22 am thanks
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Thayet on March 27, 2008, 08:14:49 am Wonderful! Thank you so much :)
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: FzzyDg8 on March 27, 2008, 08:53:04 am Thank you very much for sharing this....you've put a lot of hard work into it and it is very much appreciated.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: manfedmedviq on March 27, 2008, 08:59:44 am thanks to you and the people of this forum this game will never die or get boring.
Thank you very much. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: KuriXarya on March 27, 2008, 09:22:08 am Great! Thank you!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Ayray on March 27, 2008, 10:13:23 am You are so gorgeous! Thank you ^___^
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: KateTheSuperKat on March 27, 2008, 10:39:28 am I've downloaded this from Modthesims2 long ago, and I just realised I never thanked you. xD
So thanks, this truly is amazing. :') Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Ghen on March 27, 2008, 10:40:56 am Awesome work! Thanks for sharing! :D
Title: good work! Post by: Cindy* on March 27, 2008, 11:02:52 am thx for sharing Mysticalone!!!:blob6:
greetings Cindy :happy8: Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: lewisb40 on March 27, 2008, 11:50:44 am I used these when the latest EP I had was Seasons. This is some fabulous work and I guess I will test with my latest now, FreeTime!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on March 27, 2008, 12:44:00 pm Thanks guys!
Just added H&M meshes, but they are untested (See note at the top of the post) as I do not have H&M. Let me know if anything needs to be fixed please, kay? :) Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Happenstance on March 27, 2008, 01:08:20 pm Oooo!
Awsome work. Thankies. //H Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: sawcat on March 27, 2008, 01:27:55 pm Awesome, I've been waiting for you to do the H & M stuff so will gladly test.
Also, don't know if you want to link it too, but Dizzy (http://www.nectere.net/smf/index.php?PHPSESSID=4e5659d35589f1f2860e2144ab328a3e&topic=1140.0) has reworked Squinge's mod for Free Time Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Mr Heartache on March 27, 2008, 01:48:11 pm If it helps you at all, I downloaded the h+m meshes and they work perfectly with squinges pregwearall hack ;)
Thanks for these, they're great. I don't normally use the maxi's clothes 'cept for maternity, lol. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: wojtek0 on March 27, 2008, 02:05:29 pm As I'm the one who sent you those meshes, I feel obliged to test them
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Grig 32 on March 27, 2008, 06:06:44 pm Don't force yourself Wotek0 ;)
Well done MysticalOne Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: wojtek0 on March 27, 2008, 06:29:15 pm It is really nice when the meshes work correctly. Congratulations TheMysticalOne!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Sweetdey26 on March 27, 2008, 10:14:47 pm Thanks!! Nice!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Aysen08 on March 27, 2008, 11:44:03 pm Great... now I have to cancel saying "I never get what I wish for." Oh well I'll happily part with it for these goodies!
I've been using the meshes that were available on MTS2 for awhile now and absolutely LOVE them (can't live without them actually). Now I can finally get the complete set. I've stated before that H&M looked like a maternity wear stuff pack to me with all the loose fitting stuff and now it will be! Thank you very much for doing what Maxis should have done in the first place. Here's hoping they'll learn from mistakes and complaints for Sims 3... yeah I know fat chance. Can't wait to test this with FT, now if we just had an update for Squinge's Pregnancy Wear mod. Will attempt with Tom's clothing tester in cheat mode some people swear by (typically crashes my game or worse) until a better alternative comes along or the fabulous Insim (thanks for that too!) is updated. You creative geniuses keep us masses happy! Thanks so much for your hard work and thank you even more for sharing it with us!! Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: matze on March 28, 2008, 12:33:52 am Wow, excellent done! ... and what a gorgeous work.
Thank you very much for doing and sharing Mysticalone. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: homerette on March 28, 2008, 01:40:57 am Thank so much for uploading these here! Sometimes I lose things in the shuffle at MTS2, and this was one of those times. Fantastic work!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: mainegal32 on March 28, 2008, 05:57:15 am Thanks for sharing.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: bopashu2 on March 28, 2008, 06:01:14 am absolutely fantastic! thanks so much for this.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on March 28, 2008, 07:18:33 am I tried to look at the preg wear hacks squinge did.
I learned that I have absolutely no idea how BHAVs and such work. At all. And why what he did makes them work. Also, not having Free Time means I can't know what changed. Apparently the bottom separates from H&M (all two of them) were missed, so I'll try to get them added today. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Sinthe on March 28, 2008, 09:19:50 am I can't wait for the Free Time meshes! Will there also be Teen Style meshes (perhaps for AF, because of the conversions over on MTS2)? If you already answered that, sorry!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on March 28, 2008, 09:50:32 am Added the bottom separates. The main H&M file also now contains the bottom separates, so only download the bottom seperates file if you'd previously downloaded the H&M replacements and don't want to download the 3+ MB file again :D
I don't plan to do the teen style ones since they aren't maxis original for AF. I do have a Teen Preg Magnet set started so I might eventually do them for Teens.. some day.. after all this adult stuff is done. o.O ...Maybe. I'm really only making them to use as a base for a custom bodyshape that'll probably be released in 2012 at the rate I'm getting the AF stuff I want to do done. D: Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Cindy* on March 28, 2008, 10:10:21 am thx for all Info Themysticalone!!!!:happy8:
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on March 28, 2008, 12:13:27 pm The bottoms also apparently ... don't work? Which is weird, since I can't figure out why they wouldn't. o.O Anyone want to test and confirm some more?
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: mamallamasr on March 28, 2008, 05:49:38 pm These are fab! Thanks so much!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: miros1 on March 28, 2008, 10:56:31 pm < worships TMO >
Thank you so much! Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: pdpink on March 29, 2008, 06:43:16 am Question: if I don't use any Maxis clothes, do I still need this? I've got the old Squinge hack and it's been fine. I'd love to have the bigger belly, but I only use outfits that I've downloaded. Mainly because I never use Maxis skintones! Just wondering. Thanks.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: harrtenn on March 29, 2008, 07:29:26 am Incredible work! I really appreciate having these in my game Thank you!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on March 29, 2008, 08:48:36 am Quote from: pdpink;1192385 Question: if I don't use any Maxis clothes, do I still need this? I've got the old Squinge hack and it's been fine. I'd love to have the bigger belly, but I only use outfits that I've downloaded. Mainly because I never use Maxis skintones! Just wondering. Thanks. If any clothes you use still use the maxis meshes, then yes. If you only ever use custom meshes (and never use sims2-generated npcs?), then nope. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: ainara on March 29, 2008, 11:20:15 am [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Thank you, :worship:[/COLOR][/FONT]
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: pdpink on March 29, 2008, 01:53:40 pm Thank you for answering my question. I probably won't download this myself, but to all others, this looks like a cool deal. Keep up the good work!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: BlooM on March 29, 2008, 05:38:33 pm Dont forget that these will not work if you have my sexyfeet replacements installed!! ;) (for all the barefoot meshes that is)
You do not need Squinzes hack if you use the wardrobe changer that comes with the insimenator. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on March 30, 2008, 06:44:19 am Good point.
Still can't figure out why the two bottoms don't work; everything looks right, though I'm not really able to test them myself unless someone makes two quick recolors (without even really recoloring them would be fine, I guess) and I'm iffy on doing that. I know I had this problem back when I did the first batch of base game bottoms, but I remember it being and 'oh duh' kind of thing and I'm just not seeing it. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Cindy* on March 30, 2008, 11:07:44 am thx Bloom!!! :)
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: CynaraBlade on March 31, 2008, 02:21:17 am Oh, cool! I've downloaded much of your other replacements from MTS2, and I'm glad to see you've decided to share them here as well! Thank you!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: judy555 on March 31, 2008, 06:11:32 am wow wow wow Stupendous, !!!!! thank you, thank you.
Title: Actually Pants Work Fine... Post by: Aysen08 on March 31, 2008, 02:36:37 pm Quote from: themysticalone;1193710 Good point. Still can't figure out why the two bottoms don't work; everything looks right, though I'm not really able to test them myself unless someone makes two quick recolors (without even really recoloring them would be fine, I guess) and I'm iffy on doing that. I know I had this problem back when I did the first batch of base game bottoms, but I remember it being and 'oh duh' kind of thing and I'm just not seeing it. TMO just wanted to let you know that I went back and retested EVERY single outfit from H&M against your meshes for both 2nd and 3rd trimester and all work except one outfit that seems to have been missed. This includes both pairs of stand alone pants (including some I have altered in body shop). http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii79/Aysen08/snapshot_74fd13df_14fd1b97.jpg There was only one outfit from H&M that seems to have been missed or isn't working correctly. This went for all three colors. http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii79/Aysen08/snapshot_74fd13df_54fd1b13.jpg Both outfits were applied with the Tom's Clothing Tester. Hope this helps and thank you so much for your hard work, it really is appreciated. If I can do anything else to help you test or further progress, please let me know, it's the least I can do for all you've done for the rest of us. Thanks! Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on April 01, 2008, 06:55:49 am So the pants both seem to work for you?
Without knowing the name of the full body mesh that isn't working, I can't go check to see if I have it/what I did wrong. ANy chance You could find that out for me? Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Kisha on April 01, 2008, 10:48:29 am I think you did a great job!! Thanks:)
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Aysen08 on April 01, 2008, 02:19:16 pm Hopefully this is what you were looking for:
http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii79/Aysen08/TMOFile1.jpg If the info is elsewhere let me know where to get it for you! Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on April 01, 2008, 03:57:15 pm Yeah, that's sufficient. I'll have to see what I did wrong with that one.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on April 02, 2008, 09:35:36 am Oh man, that was a silly error. I uploaded a fixed file for download, and added the corrected version into the main HMS download.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: xox_loey on April 02, 2008, 12:33:05 pm themysticalone... you're a star :) These are amazing, thanks so much for taking the time to do it! Your work is much appreciated :) Thanks again!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Aysen08 on April 02, 2008, 03:30:19 pm Just tested the file again and they now all appear to be working perfectly now! Thanks for the hard work.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Neptune on April 14, 2008, 12:52:58 am Thanks for such great work - maxis clothes suddenly look all shiny and new :happy8:
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: mdalrn on May 13, 2008, 09:17:34 am What an amazing amount of work! Thanks so much :)
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: batgirl84 on May 18, 2008, 09:19:28 am Quote from: shaleak10;1247354 how would i be able to add this to simslife stories and if i can please show me how? bcuz idk how to add things to my simsand also is this to make tens pregnat? You can't add this to simslife stories as it's a seprate game from the Sims 2 which is what these were created for, sorry :( Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: shyadmirer on May 25, 2008, 05:03:54 pm Thank you!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: xox_loey on May 27, 2008, 05:53:58 am Hi, I think I've found a problem with one of the H&M Meshes... the pregnancy morph works fine, but the fat morph has now disappeared.
http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z223/xox_loey/The%20Sims%202/Umm/Untitled2.jpg - fat.. but not... http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z223/xox_loey/The%20Sims%202/Umm/Untitled.jpg - name of the mesh (afbodyjosietopjeans) I've noticed a few times, but finally got off my butt today and got into CAS debug to get the file! It would be great if you could look into it. Thanks again for everything you've done! Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: DoctorWho07 on June 17, 2008, 04:01:31 pm Thanks! This is the same thing I saw at Mod The Sims 2.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: wojtek0 on June 26, 2008, 12:55:07 pm xox_loey, I made a fix some time ago (added a fat morph). A fix will be stored at MTS2 and here soon.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: ''Blakk Velvett'' on July 14, 2008, 05:54:50 pm been looking for these. now my ladies can wear nicer clothes while they're pregnant. beautiful work;)
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: Maireaine on July 15, 2008, 09:04:32 am Absolutely, positively, wonderfully magnificent work! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! :cheer:
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: angeljimmy on July 24, 2008, 11:33:12 pm yay!! :D
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on September 23, 2008, 12:47:19 pm Added Free Time and Kitchen & Bath Stuff mesh replacements (finally). Please verify their integrity. (Oddly, it's usually the fat morphs that screw up if any problems ever occur when I do these.)
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on September 25, 2008, 01:06:28 pm Andddddd in what is probably my fastest update ever...
Apartment Life replacements. Enjoy! Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: mvenatta on September 30, 2008, 05:03:31 pm I don't know if anyone else has this problem. The bathrobes don't work, they look very funky. Everything else works great!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on October 01, 2008, 07:17:45 am In what way do they look funky?
How do they look in: fit, fat, normal? This'll help me figure out what's wrong. ...while I figure out which mesh is the bathrobe. :X Edit: Looks like the bone assignments in the fat morph got wiped out for some reason. I'll go work on a fix now. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on October 01, 2008, 07:40:14 am Fixed.
Kitchen and Bath Stuff download is updated, just redownload and it'll work now. Sometimes I swear the UniMesh export just decides to fail to export bone assignments on the fat morphs. Odd. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: mvenatta on October 03, 2008, 12:26:09 pm In my game the bathrobes have large triangles, streaks, etc shooting out from the clothing with vacant (blank) spot between them. Basically it looks like the bathrobe has exploded. The sim looks like a big sparkler when wearing the bathrobe. I hope this helps explain what is happening in my game.
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on October 06, 2008, 06:44:42 am Quote from: mvenatta;1405102 In my game the bathrobes have large triangles, streaks, etc shooting out from the clothing with vacant (blank) spot between them. Basically it looks like the bathrobe has exploded. The sim looks like a big sparkler when wearing the bathrobe. I hope this helps explain what is happening in my game. See previous few posts. This should be fixed now, but you'll need to redownload the kitchen and bath stuff meshes. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: mvenatta on October 06, 2008, 05:57:37 pm Thanks, it works fine now. I hadn't read far enough down when I posted. Thanks!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: bookasaurus on October 07, 2008, 01:50:10 am These are really nice and must have taken ages.
Will they clash with HystericalParoxysm's Female Modesty Sets for base game and AL? I know I can (and will!) have the sets for the other expansions but I'm greedy and want them all if I can :D Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on October 08, 2008, 06:10:23 am Yeah, they'll clash with HP's modesty stuff*. I gave thought to asking if I could add preg morphs to those, but right now I'm too busy to do so anyway.
* Rather, they will clash with any of those that have new meshes. The ones that didn't need a mesh edit will work fine with these. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: bookasaurus on October 08, 2008, 06:39:12 am Thank you, I downloaded them in case so I shall just take out the outfits that clash before I put them in.
Thank you for sharing your work. Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: quack_quack89 on October 12, 2008, 09:11:18 pm yeah i tested the meshes with apartment life. and they didnt work. i have squinge's hack, but they keep going to the maxis maternity. i dunno. figured because i love your work, i would inform u. so maybe u can fix it and it will work?
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: bookasaurus on October 13, 2008, 03:11:02 am Just getting back to you to say I put them all in minus the ones in HP's Modesty Sets for base game and AL and it's working beautifully and wow their breasts sure get big! Very realistic lol. With these defaults and HP's I've actually started using Maxis clothing in my game and liking it, thank you so much for this. :D
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: themysticalone on October 16, 2008, 09:04:56 am Quote from: quack_quack89;1416991 yeah i tested the meshes with apartment life. and they didnt work. i have squinge's hack, but they keep going to the maxis maternity. i dunno. figured because i love your work, i would inform u. so maybe u can fix it and it will work? Sounds like an issue with squinge's, rather than with anything I did, so you may want to ask for help there. But... 1) Do you have the correct version of squinge's hack? 2) If so, did you try changing your outfit with the dresser? (Sometimes the game will automatically change you into maxis maternity, but you can still change back with a dresser.) 3) Is custom content enabled? - Have you completely restarted The Sims 2 at least once after enabling it? 4) Are you using an apartment life mesh? If not, did you download the meshes for the set where the outfit you are using appears? 5) Are your preferences set for High Object/texture detail? Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: twistingsims on October 19, 2008, 01:32:18 pm Thank you for these awesome replacements, I love em!! :)
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: miros1 on November 04, 2008, 09:00:18 pm Thank you! The reasons to install BV, FT, and AL are slowly accumulating!
Title: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: martinluci on November 10, 2008, 07:12:28 pm you all are truly artists, i appreciate the amount of time and work that goes into it. i thank you all for giving someone without such a gift the ability to enhance their play with it
Title: Re: Adult Female Default Meshes w/Pregnant Morphs (v1.1) Post by: layderude on February 24, 2009, 11:51:58 pm This is awesome !! Thanks!!