Simmers' Paradise => Sims 2 Pictures => Topic started by: on May 23, 2008, 04:21:54 pm

Title: WCIF Questions in the picture threads
Post by: on May 23, 2008, 04:21:54 pm
We all love looking at the pictures here and often admire the skill our members have with making sims or taking great shots and, sometimes, we see something shiney that we absolutely must have for our games. When this happens, the temptation is to type a question in the picture thread begging the picture taker to share where they got that great hair/hat/makeup/clothing/chair/whatever. This is what the WCIF section (,321.0.html) is for. An even better alternative is to send the question directly to the person who took the picture via pm. Either option is acceptable, but please refrain from asking WCIF questions in the picture threads from now on.

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