Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (12-24-16) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 14, 2008, 06:50:02 pm Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life UPDATED: 12-24-16 :UPDATED ------------------------------- BoilingOil noticed a little issue with only one computer, Sunair Light Computer, and experimented with his own fix to see if it works for him. He relayed the information in a post. I followed up with a fix to that particular computer and re-uploaded the fixed computer. Check my latest post in this thread for the updated file called AL_MQ_SunairLight_ComputerUpdated. UPDATED: 12-24-16 :UPDATED ALL credit goes to Monique for the work she did with the computers (MQ_Cheap_Computer for one). Her work is made available at her original thread (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=64137) at MTS2. **Credit goes to Alexx at MATY for his fix to a bug in the Write Novel TEST BHAV for Monique's Cheap Computer, and he had given me his permission to incorporate the fix into the FT version.** The newly updated AL computers, based on the FreeTime v2.0 computer versions (http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=78086), have new functions and badges in addition to the original functions made by Monique. **These versions -can- use recolors made by both Monique and happygolucky. They are available there (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=64137). NOTE: The recolors are not included with these versions. If you want to get the recolors, please visit Monique's original thread (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=64137) to get them. Updated: 9-22-08: Fixed the enthusiasm issue for all of the AL and FT computers preventing Sims from gaining enthusiasm while they play computer games. *Thanks to Mr Squinge for relaying the issue to me from someone in the thread.* What's Included for AL: Search For Roommate - Enables the apartment residents (teens and up) to search for roommates on the computers. In the Future: Possibly add new functions to let Sims buy the new potions, cauldrons and spellbooks via the Shop Online feature on the computer. What's Included for FT: Give Financial Advice - Better wording than "Give Financial Consulting" only on this computer. Why "Give Financial Consulting" when "Give Financial Advice" is much better and comprehendable? Available only IF the Fortune Sim or Sim with Secondary Fortune Aspiration choose the benefit from their Aspiration window for FT. Browse Web/Blog - Available only IF the Sim has enough enthusiasm points in his or her hobby to do either one. All of the hobbies will become available if the Sim reach that point in some, most or all of his or her hobbies to do so. Enabled for children as well as teens, adults and elders to browse the web and/or blog if they have enough enthusiasm points in their hobby. Write Restaurant Guide - Available only IF the Pleasure Sim or Sim with Secondary Pleasure Aspiration choose the benefit from their Aspiration window for FT. Start Gaming Competition - Available only IF there is more than one computer and more than one Sim on a home or university lot. Similar to LAN Party, but available at all times. Write Novel - Completely revamped to be compatible with FreeTime. This new function enables Sims to choose the plot elements and book cover for their new novels just like they would on the FT computers. Pottery and Sewing Badges - Added to the functions for studying badges on a home lot and a business lot. CAUTION: Buy Video Games Online works, BUT the video game dialog window will only display the original Sims Bustin' Out and SimCity 4 Rush Hour games. Works as originally intended by Monique. Compatibility: Compatible with Twojeff's "computerfixes", JM Pescado's "nohumble", Jfade's "djshumblechoicehack", "djsantihumblehack" OR Mr Squinge's "nohumble". Pick only ONE mod from the above because they all function the same but with different approaches as how Mr Humble is taken care of in game. Instructions: Unzip or unrar the package and install all of them into: C:\Documents and Settings\******\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads Or: C:\Documents and Settings\******\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\AL_MQ_Cheap_Computer You can create a folder in the Downloads folder to place these files in to keep your folders and mods organized. Support: Since Monique is not technically retired and is still MIA from the Sims 2 community since October 2007, her work is more or less unsupported at MTS2, but she hasn't explicitly stated anything about her work. No policy to govern how she wanted to be recognized for the work she did or how she wanted her work to be redistributed, BUT she does deserve the credit and recognization regardless. I request that these new versions for Apartment Life not be uploaded to any site (free and pay) and Exchange without contacting me first. **** These updated computers are "as is" at the moment with new FT/AL features. No new requests (such as new computer meshes, animations and etc.) will be considered. **** Contact: I'm located at either MATY, Simbology or Insiminator if need be. :) Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: jhaejhae on September 14, 2008, 06:58:44 pm Thank you sooooooo much!!!!!
I have been waiting for this!! Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Care on September 14, 2008, 07:12:47 pm yeah Thank you!!!!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: WadeSimMiser on September 14, 2008, 07:23:54 pm I will test it next time I play. Hope to get back to you about it.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 14, 2008, 07:44:37 pm Test what?
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: paperina76 on September 14, 2008, 09:22:44 pm thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!:notworth:
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 14, 2008, 11:41:53 pm Verified that Mr Squinge's "nohumble" mod can be used with any of the AL versions.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: emo5 on September 15, 2008, 02:06:08 am Thank you very much.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: PrinJess on September 15, 2008, 07:20:30 am Is it possible to update the video game list to FT's added games? No rush, I just wanted to point it out.
And thanks very much for this! I've been waiting eagerly for it! Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: zaleth on September 15, 2008, 09:21:22 am Thanks Chaavik for the updates, one day I will learn how you do this so I can update the MQ-Reward_Computer_LS to FT & AL!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Djadzia on September 15, 2008, 10:22:26 am Thank you so much:-)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 15, 2008, 10:57:15 am No, it is not possible to include the games from FT because they're not sold from the game racks in stores. They're obtained from Mr Humble's PCs your Sims get from him when he visit your homes.
I've already looked into this and didn't see how it is possible to include them. The only way you could get the games from FT is to either use Pescado's or DJS' mods to get the PCs. Pescado's has a buyable Mr Humble PC and DJS has one that enables gifts to show up but no Mr Humble. Or not use the mod if you want him to visit your Sim just to get the games. Once you get the PC, place it anywhere in the house or apartment. Your regular computers will then get the games. I suppose I will look into the red computer (the LS computer) and see what I can do with it. I will upload it when it's ready sometimes soon. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 15, 2008, 01:35:09 pm These are new games for FT that aren't available on the video game racks on community lots. The only way to get them to show up on the computer is to either let Mr Humble drop the gift off or get one of the two mods that gives you a choice to accept or reject the gift or buy the computer in Buy Catalog.
I should know. I sent my Sims to the community lots to buy video games. The FT games don't show up as a choice among the older games to choose from to buy. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: PrinJess on September 15, 2008, 01:51:07 pm That's weird...The games show up in the community lots in my game. So..if I didn't have the Humble choice hack, they wouldn't appear? Of course the only game you can't buy is the Sims 3, the Humble computer already installed it.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Rayleen on September 15, 2008, 04:56:44 pm Thank you so much for keeping us updated!!!!!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: caffeinated.joy on September 15, 2008, 05:50:26 pm Thanks!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: pureheart on September 15, 2008, 06:06:51 pm Thank you
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: keirra on September 15, 2008, 06:54:02 pm Thank you!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: film1962 on September 15, 2008, 08:13:06 pm Just a question, do you need to have all the previous computer hacks to make it work in Apartment Life? Or does this hack bring all that stuff forward?
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 15, 2008, 08:33:12 pm Yes, these computers have all of the functions carried forward to AL. If, let's say, you don't have FreeTime but have Apartment Life, you will only see the functions for Apartment Life but no functions for FreeTime (Browse Web, Blog, Write Restaurant Guide.. and so on).
The description is posted above of what's included on top of other options added to the computers for each expansion pack except for OFB.Monique didn't release an OFB version. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: marcia6080 on September 15, 2008, 10:18:38 pm Thanks this is great!!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: matze on September 15, 2008, 11:32:04 pm Cool, fantastic, great.... This job is very helpfull.
Thank you very much for this update. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: kiwianagirl on September 16, 2008, 01:16:15 am Thank you very much.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Simsi2 on September 16, 2008, 02:46:52 am Oooh Thank you soooooo much :0)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: blondecrystal on September 16, 2008, 03:22:01 am WOW! Great job! Thank you!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: rorsdors on September 16, 2008, 04:33:01 am Thanks for this, some mods I’ve loved in my game form the beginning and it’s great to have it back. Cheers!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: pink_cherry105 on September 16, 2008, 04:37:05 am Thank you for this.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Grannysims on September 16, 2008, 08:03:50 am Thank you :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Janis2005 on September 16, 2008, 09:08:46 am Thank you for this. I use this computer all the time when playing.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: mrs ladybug on September 16, 2008, 12:01:24 pm Thank you
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Corylea on September 16, 2008, 03:13:01 pm Thanks so much! I love all of Monique's stuff, and I'm thrilled that you're supporting some of her mods.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Skye on September 16, 2008, 07:26:32 pm When I got permission to use her goodies before she just wanted links and credit noted for her stuff....I think you've covered it pretty well here...good job!
Thanks so much! hugs, Skye Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: moza on September 17, 2008, 12:48:13 am Thank you! This is one of my can't play without hacks! :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: film1962 on September 17, 2008, 03:22:39 am thank you for the info
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: CynaraBlade on September 17, 2008, 03:23:14 am Huzzah! This is one object which is truly indispensable, and I'm happy someone has taken the initiative to pick up where Monique left off. Thank you!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Magicmoon on September 17, 2008, 07:05:36 am Quote from: Chaavik;1381572 These are new games for FT that aren't available on the video game racks on community lots. The only way to get them to show up on the computer is to either let Mr Humble drop the gift off or get one of the two mods that gives you a choice to accept or reject the gift or buy the computer in Buy Catalog. I should know. I sent my Sims to the community lots to buy video games. The FT games don't show up as a choice among the older games to choose from to buy. I was updating one of my Comm lots when I noticed that there is now a 2nd display rack for the video games that looks just like the original in the catalog (with a slightly different description about it being updated). I replaced the old racks on my comm lots with the new one and they sell the new games as well as previous games. Stupid designers made a whole new rack instead of updating the old one. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 17, 2008, 09:50:43 am Do they sell the Sims 3, Spores, EA Sports (I think) and whatever else is with FT?
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: PrinJess on September 17, 2008, 03:32:05 pm Quote from: Chaavik;1384022 Do they sell the Sims 3, Spores, EA Sports (I think) and whatever else is with FT? They have MySims, Spore, plus the defaults, and few others. Only Sims 3 comes with the Humble Computer. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: mdalrn on September 18, 2008, 01:18:48 pm Oh yay! I've been holding my breath waiting for this! thank you thank you!! :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: bratz_615 on September 19, 2008, 05:19:15 pm thanks for the updates! I will check back for possible by reagents via shop online!
edit: I guess I should have post AFTER I installed this but I am not getting any of the new updates. Its still the old computer. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 19, 2008, 06:31:02 pm The Search For Roommate option is available only IF the computer is placed in a household on an apartment lot. Look at the screenshots in the first post.
The game limited the option to apartments only until someone out there figures out how to make Search For Roommate available on normal home lots. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: bratz_615 on September 19, 2008, 09:41:08 pm Quote from: Chaavik;1387377 The Search For Roommate option is available only IF the computer is placed in a household on an apartment lot. Look at the screenshots in the first post. The game limited the option to apartments only until someone out there figures out how to make Search For Roommate available on normal home lots. yep, she was in an apartment. I know that because she got the want to search for roommate. Like I said, none of the AL options were available. I installed this but I am not getting any of the new updates. Its still the old computer. ETA: I have none of the Freetime add ons as well. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 20, 2008, 02:39:54 am Okay, I'm going to ask some questions to cover all the bases to make sure we rule out anything that's causing the problem with the computer(s).
1. Which version was downloaded, and which thread did the version come from? The BV/FT thread or the AL thread? 2. If more than 1 version is downloaded, then which versions were they, and where did they come from - BV/FT or AL threads? 3. How were the computers installed in the Downloads folder? Were they lumped together in one folder or were they put in separate folders for each version such as: \Downloads\MQ_AL_Cheap_Computer \Downloads\MQ_AL_Expensive_Computer Let us know soon! Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: bratz_615 on September 20, 2008, 03:17:43 am Quote from: Chaavik;1387794 Okay, I'm going to ask some questions to cover all the bases to make sure we rule out anything that's causing the problem with the computer(s). 1. Which version was downloaded, and which thread did the version come from? The BV/FT thread or the AL thread? 2. If more than 1 version is downloaded, then which versions were they, and where did they come from - BV/FT or AL threads? 3. How were the computers installed in the Downloads folder? Were they lumped together in one folder or were they put in separate folders for each version such as: \Downloads\MQ_AL_Cheap_Computer \Downloads\MQ_AL_Expensive_Computer Let us know soon! Good news. It works just fine. In my downloads folder, I have sub folders. So, I was installing the new al updated computers in my hack sub folder thinking they would override the old computer files because thats where I though I installed them last time. Well the new versions overrode some files but the remaining old files were in another folder, my objects sub folder (I didnt check there until now). I must have put the old computers into the separate folders (instead of in the same folder) and thats why all the files didnt get overwritten. So thats where the conflict was, THEREFORE, thats where I went wrong! Thanks mate!!!:-P Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: odettesmom on September 20, 2008, 08:36:10 am Many thanks!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: lilibet on September 20, 2008, 11:40:26 am Thanks, I've been waiting for this and kept checking. Obviously I just didn't know where to look. Quick question - do these files overwrite the old ones or do I need to take the old ones out and replace them with the new files? I checked all the threads and didn't find this answer, so sorry if I'm covering old ground. If I have to take them out I'm always afraid I won't get them all.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Squinge on September 20, 2008, 11:44:58 am I would delete the old files first I think she named them different.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 21, 2008, 02:14:30 am No, they aren't named differently. Delete the old computers from previous versions and install the new versions in their own folders so they don't overwrite each other. You can have all of the different computer versions for AL if you want, but they need to be kept in their own folders.
HCDU will report conflicts BUT they work fine if they stay in their own folders. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Squinge on September 21, 2008, 04:01:50 pm Ooops I guess I will let you answer questions about this mod :P
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Jenna on September 21, 2008, 04:05:57 pm RTFM, Dork. :P
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: jphill11 on September 22, 2008, 06:21:03 pm I'm still having the problem of playing computer games not increasing games hobby enthusiasm. This first started back when I patched FT with that patch EA Games later pulled, but now I have all EPs and the new version of the computer for AL and still, no games enthusiasm. IS IT JUST ME? I don't think anybody else has mentioned this and I'm really beginning to wonder. Could somebody test this to see if they also aren't getting games enthusiasm?
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Squinge on September 22, 2008, 06:24:47 pm I will download this & see if it works for me :)
edit: I think I know what the problem is I will let Chaavik know. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 22, 2008, 06:45:27 pm Quote from: jphill11;1391467 I'm still having the problem of playing computer games not increasing games hobby enthusiasm. This first started back when I patched FT with that patch EA Games later pulled, but now I have all EPs and the new version of the computer for AL and still, no games enthusiasm. IS IT JUST ME? I don't think anybody else has mentioned this and I'm really beginning to wonder. Could somebody test this to see if they also aren't getting games enthusiasm? Which computer version did you download for AL? And no the computers did not have enthusiasm added for playing games to begin with. I will look into this. And thank you. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: paperina76 on September 23, 2008, 01:38:21 am thank you for updates!! :angel:
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: greeneyedsims on September 24, 2008, 08:26:18 am You have no idea how much I depend on this computer in my game. THANK YOU sooo much, Chaavik, for keeping it updated!!!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: jphill11 on September 24, 2008, 06:36:05 pm Thank you Chaavik and Squinge for the update!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: lynz4tex58 on September 25, 2008, 01:36:47 am Yay, thanks so much, i've been waiting for these.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on September 25, 2008, 01:38:52 am You're welcome :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: nikkiangel_2003 on October 02, 2008, 01:29:55 pm does this one override http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=78086? I have all expansions and SPs
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on October 03, 2008, 11:52:04 am You don't need the computers from that thread if you have Apartment Life. Remove those before you download the new AL versions from this thread. And as always, put them in their own folders so they don't overwrite each other.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Sinthe on October 06, 2008, 03:36:34 pm Dear Chaavik,
You effing rock. ILU! Thanks so much, Sinthe Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on October 08, 2008, 03:03:30 pm Thanks and welcome :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Sari on October 11, 2008, 10:36:41 am Thank you so much for updating this. All my sims have missed this computer badly :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Jron7667 on October 14, 2008, 12:28:39 am You can't buy The Sims 3 from a rack, but Free Time comes with a game rack that sells the other games: SPORE, MY SIMS, and one or two others,
Quote from: Chaavik;1381572 These are new games for FT that aren't available on the video game racks on community lots. The only way to get them to show up on the computer is to either let Mr Humble drop the gift off or get one of the two mods that gives you a choice to accept or reject the gift or buy the computer in Buy Catalog. I should know. I sent my Sims to the community lots to buy video games. The FT games don't show up as a choice among the older games to choose from to buy. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on October 14, 2008, 02:53:47 pm Yes, it was already obviously stated in the first post about that as well as in a couple of other posts. Read through them first before repeating what was already said in previous posts.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Skye on October 14, 2008, 03:35:17 pm Ahhhh it's all good, now! Thank you so much for this!
Love it! Skye Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: rorsdors on October 15, 2008, 05:10:24 am Thanks you for updating this, giving of your time and expertise is much appreciated.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on October 16, 2008, 09:59:31 pm An update for the AL versions is pending to include enthusiasm for studying and writing.
Also a possible update for the AL versions is pending after I determine whether the two badges for employees are missing or not on the AL versions. Monique left out two employee badges by accident, and while I was testing one of the AL versions with new enthusiasm added to Write, Study and Study Badge options, I noticed that the two employee badges weren't available. Updates will take a little longer until the tests and changes are made. To Do: Look into a fix for Buy Video Games to include the newer games from FT (may not be included until a later update at some point) Possibly add 2 missing badges for employees for AL Add Witch Potion (will probably be included in a later update at some point) Will probably make an alternative thread to include new computers with witch potions for those who want witches in their games so the computers in THIS thread will remain intact for those who do NOT want witches in their games (no witch potions). So there will be options to download with or without witch potions. I will not allow debates over whether witch potions should be included or not in this and the BV/FT threads. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Panther559 on October 22, 2008, 01:54:18 am Sweet!! Monique's versions are quite useful. Thanks.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Calli on October 23, 2008, 11:43:26 pm Thanks so much, Chaavik! I love the original versions of these computers. They are one of my two "can't live without" hacks. I didn't know there were updated versions until today. I snagged them immediately! :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: FairytaleEnding on October 26, 2008, 06:32:43 am Thank you so much! I can't even play the game without Monique's computer!
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: jjab on November 08, 2008, 05:45:06 pm Question? I had both TJ's computer fix & DJ's No humble together before AL, does that mean something has changed? Or is it that I can not have both of them & Moniques PC as well?
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on November 09, 2008, 12:58:09 pm I have all three installed without any problem or conflict between TJ's computerfixes, Jfade's NoHumble and all four versions of MQ's computers that I've updated for Apartment Life. No need to load any of these last.
Keep in mind to keep the computers in their own respective folders than to lump them together in one because some of the computers have updated files. Put them in their own folders and name the folders something like MQ_Cheap_Computer, MQ_Expensive_Computer and so on. HCDU will report conflicts, BUT they don't conflict as long as they're in their own folders. Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: jjab on November 09, 2008, 03:29:04 pm Oh! Ok, I did lump them together..I'll fix that now. Thank you. :) Is it ok if it is a sub-folder of a sub-folder? I like to keep all the mods together based on where they are from, so this would be Monique folders inside of a Squinge folder, inside of the downloads folder.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on November 11, 2008, 05:30:33 am Actually, just a subfolder within the Downloads folder will do. Squinge only helped me with one issue previously, but he didn't update them. You can name the subfolder for each type of computer like for example: \Downloads\MQ_Cheap_Computer, \Downloads\MQ_Expensive_Computer and so on to make it easier to sort the computers by type: Cheap, Expensive, Sunair (Light) and Laptop.
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: jjab on November 11, 2008, 08:48:26 am I'll make a Chaavik folder than. :) I only put it in Squinge's folder because, other than this one, all of the mods I downloaded from this site are his...and I want a folder for each site. So I have a TJ/Simbology folder, a MATY folder, a Inge/Simlogical folder and a Paladin Place folder...I think that's it I'm not sure. I didn't want to name this folder InSim because I'm not going to use InSim.
Thank you for all of the great work, btw! :D Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Essa on November 17, 2008, 09:04:09 am Thank you for sharing. :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on November 17, 2008, 12:59:14 pm Welcome :)
Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: miros1 on November 17, 2008, 01:41:33 pm Thanks!
I think you've got everything but the Alienware computer! Title: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: carolobrien on November 26, 2008, 06:25:54 pm Thank you so much for updating this for us simmers
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Issy on December 12, 2008, 05:52:49 pm Thanks for this! :)
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: CeliB on December 14, 2008, 01:19:07 am Thank you for updating. They are all my favorites. :cool:
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: chubbycheeks on December 17, 2008, 04:59:59 pm This is one of my favorite mods so thanks for updating it. If you plan on doing any further updating to any of the menus I have one to suggest. It would be great if the "School" - "Study Skills" menu included the new "skills" that can be studied from a bookcase...(such as parenting, couples counseling, physiology, fire safety.)
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on December 18, 2008, 03:53:42 pm I originally had plans to update the computers with new skills to study from, but I had to put the project on hold until after New Year's what with the holidays and other things in RL to deal with.
After New Year's, I will start working on them to add new skills. I dropped the plans to add witchcraft stuff to the computers for a reason as not to offend anyone who is for or against this sort of thing. So I am going to stick with that reason and not add any witchcraft stuff. If anyone wants to buy witch craft stuff, there's plenty of mods out there made buyable as well as being turned into one without meeting the NPC witch. Visit MATY and MTS2 for those things. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: fimasobak on December 22, 2008, 04:59:44 am Thank you very much, squinge :kiss:
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: chubbycheeks on December 23, 2008, 03:59:04 pm Cool...totally understand about RL...I'll wait patiently for the update
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on December 24, 2008, 12:16:47 am Thank you very much, squinge :kiss: Don't you mean.... Thank you very much, CHAAVIK? :p Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Vren Lyet on December 27, 2008, 06:39:22 am Me too, I really appreciate all the work you've put into this project.
I love the options Monique's computer provides my Sims and am looking forward to the newly introduced stuff you plan on adding. I know, you don't take requests regarding other computer meshes, but I'd really like my Sims to have iMacs (http://modthesims2.com/download.php?t=272779) and I'd love these to have the same options as Monique's computer. I tried to add these options myself, but apparently, I'm to inexerienced with stuff like that (simply copying behaviour constants/functions and pie menu strings/functions with SimPE doesn't seem work). If it's easy for you to show/instruct me how to add all these neat "Monique"-options to any computer (like those iMacs) I'd be happy to do it myself (for my personal use only). Otherwise, I'd like you to consider adding those two iMacs to the "moniquified" computers downloadable from this page like the SunairLight and the TakaLaptop (if the creator pacotacoplayer agrees, of course). I'd be eternally thankful! :) Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on December 27, 2008, 10:04:10 pm Thanks for reminding me! I haven't looked there lately to change the link to point here.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: theherbalbody on December 30, 2008, 04:24:13 pm I'd love to have an iMac version also. I would be interested in having instructions on how to convert them.
Me too, I really appreciate all the work you've put into this project. I love the options Monique's computer provides my Sims and am looking forward to the newly introduced stuff you plan on adding. I know, you don't take requests regarding other computer meshes, but I'd really like my Sims to have iMacs (http://modthesims2.com/download.php?t=272779) and I'd love these to have the same options as Monique's computer. I tried to add these options myself, but apparently, I'm to inexerienced with stuff like that (simply copying behaviour constants/functions and pie menu strings/functions with SimPE doesn't seem work). If it's easy for you to show/instruct me how to add all these neat "Monique"-options to any computer (like those iMacs) I'd be happy to do it myself (for my personal use only). Otherwise, I'd like you to consider adding those two iMacs to the "moniquified" computers downloadable from this page like the SunairLight and the TakaLaptop (if the creator pacotacoplayer agrees, of course). I'd be eternally thankful! :) Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on January 01, 2009, 06:09:08 pm Can you provide a link to these iMacs please? Thanks!
Adding the features from one of Monique's computers to a different computer is not an easy task. Neither is meshing. Took me about a week or two to get the laptop to look and work right ingame. I had a request from someone awhile back to do the Alienware computer too. The question, yeah, is whether the original creator will give permission or not to use their objects for different purposes. I don't know if pacotacoplayer is active these days. But anyways, provide a link to where you saw these iMacs. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: CBryant911 on January 11, 2009, 02:30:24 pm Neat thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: KOasis on January 14, 2009, 08:43:12 am Thanks for the update :D I've downloaded the laptop because I always get my pcs mixed up :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: theherbalbody on January 24, 2009, 07:53:02 pm Here is the link http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=272779
Thank you so much for considering this. Can you provide a link to these iMacs please? Thanks! Adding the features from one of Monique's computers to a different computer is not an easy task. Neither is meshing. Took me about a week or two to get the laptop to look and work right ingame. I had a request from someone awhile back to do the Alienware computer too. The question, yeah, is whether the original creator will give permission or not to use their objects for different purposes. I don't know if pacotacoplayer is active these days. But anyways, provide a link to where you saw these iMacs. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on January 24, 2009, 10:08:20 pm I checked his profile at MTS2 to see how active he is in regards to asking for permission to use his iMac models. And with the advent of Sims 3 around the corner, who knows if the Sims 2 modders will be around to continue modding Sims 2.
We'll see.. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Miss-BD on February 09, 2009, 11:26:00 pm I know you've mentioned to put the files into different folders (MQ_Cheap; MQ_Expensive; etc) but I was wondering about the global files (MQ_Computer_Global_Bank; MQ_Computer_Global_Bank_Bills_Controller; etc). Is there supposed to be one of these files in each folder, or just a single file for all the different computers?
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on February 09, 2009, 11:28:25 pm Some of the files were updated for specific computers. These computers are generally kept in separate folders.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Miss-BD on February 09, 2009, 11:48:05 pm Ok. Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on February 10, 2009, 12:43:09 am Welcome!
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: tootle54 on February 21, 2009, 12:00:47 pm Thank you so much for the update for AP.....gotta have this Computer
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: bellablues on February 23, 2009, 01:12:54 am This is one of the best mods. A super computer for our simmies!!
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: White Queen on April 04, 2009, 01:47:37 am Thank you !!! It's a great mod !!! 1rock
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on April 05, 2009, 10:41:29 am Welcome ;)
Actually, if Monique was still around, she would be deserving of the work she did originally. Without her novel computers, we would be doing stuff the hard way to make it easier to just play on the lot and not worry about load times between the residential and commercial lots. Too bad she isn't here to see all the work that's been done to keep these ideas alive and updated for newer EPs. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: KiwiChristine on April 05, 2009, 10:12:32 pm There are some hacks I can't live without, and this is one of them. Thanks for the update. 1fanku
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Jenna on April 05, 2009, 10:43:42 pm Too bad she isn't here to see all the work that's been done to keep these ideas alive and updated for newer EPs. Well, she's not stuck down in my basement, so you can't blame me for that disappearance. :P Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: ModernMilly on June 02, 2009, 02:49:16 am I recently download this computer (laptop only) but, the pay for private school option is not there. I am playing the DeBateau family in Belladonna Cove. Is the problem because I need to re-download or because I have Mansions&Gardens or because since she is already in private school it doesn't count? :confused:
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on June 02, 2009, 01:44:42 pm Probably due to the fact the kid's already in private school.
I tend to turn private school fees on when I move a new family into their new home. That way, I don't forget. ;D The laptop is based off MQ's cheap computer code-wise and is no different from the others except for its look. You could use the college adjuster (from TJ's legion of mods at Simbology (http://www.simbology.com) to check to see if she's really in private school. I had cases where my kids went to public school and were transferred to private school the same day around 12 PM with messages about them being transferred to private school. I also think it has to do with the household funds too. If you have more than 5k (roughly), then it can happen. Sometimes it doesn't happen. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Lyrica Xanthia on June 14, 2009, 09:14:23 am Thanks again for your efforts in the upkeep of this hack Chaavik, we would be lost without you :)
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: thurst on June 14, 2009, 05:50:33 pm Thanks much Chaavik 1rock
As I go back and forth with sims 2 and sims 3, have you had a chance to fix and include the LS computer (the red one)? I have looked through the postings, and have not seen a download for it. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on June 14, 2009, 10:17:45 pm No, I haven't done the LS computer. Kind of tied up in other things at the moment, but I will get to that later on when I have a chance. :)
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Squinge on June 16, 2009, 06:29:06 pm Well get to it already :P
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on June 16, 2009, 07:18:04 pm :P When chicken learn to cross the road safely!
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Jenna on June 16, 2009, 09:55:27 pm Not a chance. They're 20 points a piece!
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on June 17, 2009, 04:40:46 am Psh, I want 20k a piece for each time the chicken fails to cross the road safely. :P
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Squinge on June 18, 2009, 09:59:33 pm lmao :P
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: rosesforme17 on August 02, 2009, 12:35:06 pm I just recently tried this, and instantly fell in love with it. Especially the studying the badges online and express pizza delivery. Thank you so much Monique for the original work and thanks to Chaavik for updating it!
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: diamondprincess on August 16, 2009, 10:55:52 am Great Work !!
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Xordaii on January 04, 2010, 04:01:44 pm I noticed that your OFB version of her computers had the Sunair Light in it, but this one doesn't have a download for it? Are you planning to do it someday, or was it deemed not able to be converted?
Edit: nemind! I am dense. The link is buried in the links to your pics, however. Seems I just needed to look a little harder. Thanks especially for that one. I loved the look since I saw a real computer like it being developed on the Science Channel. My son wants to be a mad scientist/inventor when he grows up, so anything Steampunk/Futuristic Tech is just what he wants. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on January 04, 2010, 08:51:21 pm I never did any OFB version. Monique didn't either, but someone did for her and uploaded the OFB versions to the original thread at MTS. That file is buried somewhere in that thread with a lot of pages. I only updated her computers for FT and AL because I wanted to continue using them. Figured other people would appreciate the updated computers.
And all credit still goes to her for her original ideas. :) Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Xordaii on January 04, 2010, 09:50:49 pm My bad :) Must have misread the other link as OFB instead of FT.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on April 07, 2010, 09:05:58 pm In the process of trying to eliminate as much conflict as possible, I decided to try experimenting with one folder using the computers (models like laptop, Easy, Expensive, Sunair, etc) and a complete set of files that all of the computers can use. Originally, I stated that if you wanted all of the models, you would need to create 4 separate folders and install them into their own folders to prevent conflicts. If the little experiment looks great, then I will package a complete set of all the models and files for upload. This will make it easier to reduce the conflicts and make the game run a bit more smoothly with fewer files.
I haven't tested the other models beside Cheap and thought this might work well in the end. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: chrystali on May 21, 2011, 02:27:19 pm Apparently more expensive bills conflict with Monique's older computers, will the new AL versions work with Bigger Bills mods ?
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on June 16, 2011, 12:03:12 pm You will need to give us more details because I don't know whose mod that is. If you have AL installed, then you should try using the AL version.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: salamanderer on December 09, 2011, 04:14:09 pm Wonderful! A wish come true! :)
Are monique's original files necessary for these to work, or do we remove them and use these instead? Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: wotohipi on June 09, 2012, 09:12:01 pm First off, thank you Chaavik for updating this to AL and sharing it. I don't know if you are still active and maintaining this, but if you are, I have a question.
When I found this, I was beyond excited. It's such a great idea, specially the bank-online services. However, I can't seem to get it to work. It does allow me to loan/deposit, but if I close the family, when I return, their account balance is set to 0, so whatever money is deposited is lost, and loans are gone. Kind of defeats the purpose of it all, so it's bumming me out quite a bit. Any idea why that happens? Do I need to download some of Moniques original files? Is it meant to be that way? Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: twerplina on March 09, 2014, 11:30:49 am Funny, I came to this thread (and read all the posts) because that's exactly what happened to me. I've used this mod (Monique's original and Chaavik's updated one) for awhile but never explored the banking aspect. I started to the other day and found the same thing, the accounts disappear.
Does anyone have an idea as to why or how to fix it? Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on March 28, 2014, 06:13:03 pm Have you used HCDU (from Simwardrobe's site) to check for conflicts?
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: LilSister on March 30, 2014, 09:23:43 am Definitely sounds like a conflict - I've been using it for 3 years in a heavily modded game with no problems (I have all expansions & stuff packs).
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Sandilou on May 16, 2014, 12:25:44 pm Hi Chaavik, the banking system removes all banking data when the pc mod is moved out of the game. Rightly so, however, the monies stored in the accounts also disappear. Is it possible to have the money moved automatically into the household funds if the mod is removed? The reason I ask is that when checking mod conflicts/glitches etc, I sometimes move the whole download folder out to check the game in vanilla format. I did this the other day and lost all the savings in the game (whoops!). Please know that I am only asking you to consider a fix if it is quick and easy. Thank you!
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: twerplina on May 28, 2014, 08:02:48 am Belated thanks for your replies and my apologies for not checking back sooner. I did run HCDU before posting and it didn't find anything. I decided to have each computer loaded separately (even though I believe you said it wasn't necessary) and it seems to be running fine now. Perhaps there was a conflict previously, I'm not sure, as I've changed a lot of things in my game since.
I do love all the options the computers provide. It's a great add-on for the game. Thanks for updating it to AL and continuing to look after it. Also, I second Sandilou's request, if it's easily done. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: LilSister on June 05, 2014, 03:39:01 pm If you remove the mod from the game it's "supposed" to remove all the banking data. Since you are manually removing the mod yourself, I suggest that you withdraw the Sims money and add it back to the household account "before" removing the mod from your downloads folder.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: twerplina on June 12, 2014, 05:00:14 pm If you remove the mod from the game it's "supposed" to remove all the banking data. Since you are manually removing the mod yourself, I suggest that you withdraw the Sims money and add it back to the household account "before" removing the mod from your downloads folder. Yes the mod is working as intended. But when you have several hundred households or just lots and lots of sims each with a bank account, it can be quite time intensive to manually move the monies from the bank accounts to the household accounts. I think it would be a great feature to have an 'uninstall' option that would do the move all at once. It wouldn't help in Sandilou's case, but it would be a nice add-on in case you decide to no longer use the computers. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: BoilingOil on December 02, 2016, 06:19:12 am In case anyone ever sends a sim to "Work at home.../Stories" on the Sunair Light Computer, and then gets an error, I've just discovered the reason:
In BHAV "Interaction - Stories" (Instance 0x00001073 - NOT 0x00001075, which has the same name), at Node 0x53 (83) the code is horribly broken. It currently reads: - [prim 0x0015] ~Show String ( UNUSED ) (-), True:10, False: 0 Whereas it SHOULD read: - [global 0x04CE] Badge - Get In Temp 0 - Badge Gain Speed ( Const 0x1000:0x00, Temp 0x0000), True:54, False:FFFC This results in an error when anysim is sent to do "Work at home.../Stories" at this computer. I was able to fix it by copying the information from the equivalent BHAV in one of the other computers. After fixing it, I've re-DLed the version that is currently available in the top post of this thread (because I had the originals by Monique (http://www.modthesims.info/d/64137)), and confirmed that the error is still present. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Chaavik on December 24, 2016, 11:58:06 am Fixed the little issue brought up by BoilingOil and uploaded the updated Sunair Light Computer.
Thank you for bringing this up. I didn't notice the problem because I haven't used that particular computer in a long time. If you find anything else wrong with these computers, let me know. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: BoilingOil on October 30, 2018, 08:24:49 am I'm still very much enjoying this mod, and therefor want to thank both Monique and Chaavik for their work on it.
In the process of trying to eliminate as much conflict as possible, I decided to try experimenting with one folder using the computers (models like laptop, Easy, Expensive, Sunair, etc) and a complete set of files that all of the computers can use. Originally, I stated that if you wanted all of the models, you would need to create 4 separate folders and install them into their own folders to prevent conflicts. I know this response comes a tad late, but I just wanted to mention how I've always felt that with a little care, these computers could all work from a single folder. For files with the same name, it was a bit of a hassle to figure out which one to use, but I could get it to work. The work that you did to streamline it, makes things a lot easier, though. Great job, thanks again. Currently, I'm working to make it so that interest calculations are only made on livable lots, and only for sims that are actually members of the currently active family. Because for those who play without the Community Time Project mod, your sims gaining interest on their deposits while not at their own home lot... that's just nasty, and can lead to extreme results. And the same goes, of course, for sims from other households visiting your current family, or appearing at the comm lot you're visiting... Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (12-24-16) - UPDATED Post by: TalishaRose on April 17, 2020, 02:41:20 am Hi Chaavik,
I only recently got this mod to update Monique's original mod and have noticed that my sims no longer autonomously use this computer. Before they would play games, chat and write articles (if I have the auto WA turned on), now they wont touch it unless I tell them too. The only exception is the school study when I assign it to a child they will go to it and study, but if they need to get their fun up at the end of studying they will not play games on it they will go to the other computer in the house which is Mr Humbles and use that. Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (12-24-16) - UPDATED Post by: LilSister on June 03, 2020, 01:57:34 pm By defaults actions on Monique Computers are non-autonomous. If you want to change this and are familiar with using Simpe it's easy to change. Open computer file in Simpe, click on pie menu functions (TTAB) and open in plug-in view, for actions that you want the Sim to use autonomously change number in autonomy box to 32. Actions that you don't want the Sim to use autonomously should be 64. After you've updated your selections don't forget to commit and save changes. Always make a back-up copy of your file just in case.
Title: Re: Monique's Computer/Laptop Varieties - Apartment Life (9-22-08) - UPDATED Post by: Jatzette on December 21, 2022, 11:03:38 pm No, I haven't done the LS computer. Kind of tied up in other things at the moment, but I will get to that later on when I have a chance. :) I've been wondering whether Chaavik ever got around to this, or whether anyone else was ever given permission to? Seeing as a number of new meshes were uploaded by SigmundSims https://sigmundsims.tumblr.com/post/154982090745/monique-hacked-computers and there is a LS conversion of the standard PC as a standalone item (not bundled) by sunniwawa https://www.tumblr.com/sunniwawa/613229773697777664/a-couple-of-years-ago-i-downloaded-a-bunch-of-ts2 . So I just wondered if there was a monique'd version available at all, I've been looking on and off for months and cannot find any. Thanks to all the creators involved, you're all genius, and I hope I'm not insulting anyone by requesting that, if this hasn't been done, if anyone is available or has permissions to, I'm sure the whole community would appreciate it. And if it does already exist and a link can be posted here I'll be forever in your debt. |