Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 22, 2008, 02:19:57 pm Ok so yeah this is my first sim story, infact its the first time i have written here at all. I am really nervous so bear with me because this may take a while......
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 1.... Post by: shibby559559 on October 22, 2008, 02:34:15 pm Hey there, my name is Laura Smith. This is a picture of me with my mum when i was about 2 years old. My dad died when i was a few month old so its always been me and my mum.....Little did i know how things would change.....
(http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_16092581.jpg) I always had a happy childhood. My mum took care of me and gave me lots of attention and plenty of cuddles...... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/thumbnail_560921ed_d609261b.jpg) Until I was 14 years old, when the most precious thing in the world to me was so cruelly snatched away from me..... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/thumbnail_560921ed_d60926e0.jpg) My mum..... What was i going to do without my mum...... I cried and cried until there were no more tears left. My heart ached so bad that i thought it was going to burst right out of my chest.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chaper%201/thumbnail_560921ed_f60926bc.jpg) I then got told i had 2 months to find somewhere to live because i could not keep mums house... I went to see a councillor and she gave me a journal to write in, so here it is........ The Diary of Laura Smith...... TBC ( I really hope this is ok....) Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 2....... Post by: shibby559559 on October 22, 2008, 03:18:38 pm Dear Diary,
Well it has been 2 months since mum died and today is the day i have to move out. I am really going to miss this house.... Theres so many happy memories in this house, just me and my mum, christmas's, birthday's, easter's, mothers day. I miss her so much. The day she died i was in school. I got called in to see the headmaster, i was so nervous because i had been in a little argument with my friend at lunchtime. When i got to the office there was a policeman, my favourite teacher and the headmaster, they looked sad and my teacher looked like she had been crying. They told me to sit down and then my teacher said to me "Laura, we have some news for you dear, and we dont know quite how to put this but your mum was involved in a hit and run accident this morning. I'm sorry Laura but your mum didnt make it, she passed away...." The whole room went blurry, i felt dizzy and sick. I was 14! I needed my mum, who would do this to me? Anyway i dont think i can write anymore about that day, sorry. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_560925bd.jpg) So this is the crappy hut i now live in... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_760b83d4.jpg) Dear Diary, My best friend Kyle comes to see me almost everyday, We have been best friends since the first day of primary school. He makes me laugh and he cheers me up and he listens and understands me. I really like Kyle, he is such a good friend and i am so lucky to have him. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_b60b84a1.jpg) And this is my boyfriend Tony. We have been together for about a year. I never got the chance to tell mum about him because i didnt know how she would react. Tony recently moved in with me because his dad is a pratt and he treats Tony really badly... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_760b850a.jpg) I love Tony but we do argue alot. I think its because im not in the best of moods. Anyway I'm going out with Kyle to the park later for a picnic with some friends so i need to go get ready and make Tonys dinner. Laura x ................................................................................................. Dear Diary, I just dont know what i did wrong.... I am in shock..... I dont know why he did it..... I cant write just now, i need to go lie down..... Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_d60b89fb.jpg) Dear Diary, Its been a week since Tony did what he did to me. Only now can i actually write what happened... At the moment me and Tony have only got a microwave so i put him some dinner in the microwave and gave him it... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_960b87d1.jpg) I got dressed to go meet Kyle, it is the middle of summer so it is so warm, I just put on some shorts and a vest top.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_b60b88ca.jpg) I was only out for a couple of hours, we had our picnic, played football and walked home. As soon as i got through the door Tony jumped out of his seat and started yelling at me... " Look at the state of you, you are dressed disgustingly, go stand on the street corner, your mother would be ashamed of you" All i could do was stand there and mutter "w-what have i done wrong? You didnt know my mother, my mother loved me" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_560b8726.jpg) And then he flipped, he clenched his fist and he slammed it into my face, i fell back onto the floor. Nobody had ever hit me, never. I didnt know what to do.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_560b8925.jpg) I fled to the bathroom and locked myself in there, Tony sat by the door and apologised over and over again but he gave up by 1am and i ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor. The next day Tony threw out all of my clothes, all i have left is an old pink tracksuit. I am not allowed to wear shorts, skirts, vest tops, dresses. If i wear a tshirt i have to wear a jacket and i can only wear trousers. If myself and Tony go anywhere he will get me an outfit to wear. I'm not allowed to wear makeup or have my hair down. Is life even worth living? ........................................................................................................ Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: bigkitty75 on October 22, 2008, 07:37:01 pm I think for your first story this good! Keep up the good work.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Cluedo on October 22, 2008, 07:47:47 pm This Tony character is intriguing. One look at him, one may think he is a troubled young rebel. Looking at his character, he is an abusive, conservative prude.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Starwish001 on October 23, 2008, 04:00:47 pm I like your story! And I like that diary-way of writing; keep up!:)
Title: Thankyou Post by: shibby559559 on October 24, 2008, 09:43:43 am Thanks alot for the positive comments. I was so worried that noone would like it. I'm not the best person with spelling and grammer so if i make any mistakes feel free to tell me.
Thankyou. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Astral Faery on October 24, 2008, 11:14:58 am English isn't the easiest language to work with, and many people struggle with grammar and spelling. As long as I can understand what you're saying, I don't get too hung up on it. ;)
I like this so far. I really feel bad for Laura - to have lost so much and now be living with a control freak. Things are only going to get worse for her with Tony. I hope you write more so I can see what happens next. Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 3 Post by: shibby559559 on October 24, 2008, 11:15:41 am Dear Diary,
The last few weeks have been okay. I am growing used to Tonys demands. I havent left the house since that night. I only go to school and straight back and Tony stays by my side the whole time. I havent seen or spoke to Kyle since we went to the park. He doesnt go to school that much because his dads got some sort of illness which means he needs alot of help. Things are okay between me and Tony now. He loves me and I love him. We will work things out together, as a couple... Life couldnt get much better for us at the moment.. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_760b90a0.jpg) Dear Diary, I found out something today, it was totally unexpected. I dont know what happened. I need to go tell Tony... Laura x "Tony I have something I need to tell you" "What is it?" "Please dont go mad with me" "I promise i wont" "I-I'm I'm" "Just tell me" "I'm pregnant Tony" "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOUR PREGNANT? IS IT MINE?" "Of course its yours, I love you, noone else" "GET THE HELL OUTTA MY FACE, YOU DISGUST ME." Then I knew what was coming...... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_160bca3d.jpg) The blows didnt stop coming, I raised my hands to my face, I screamed and pleaded with him to stop. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_160bca90.jpg) I lay there drifting in and out, all i could manage to whisper was... "You promised you wouldn't get mad. You promised" And then total blackness engulfed me..... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_360bcbd2.jpg) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Music_Is_Life on October 24, 2008, 04:34:36 pm OhMyGod.
I've been a lurker (I'm always lurking) and I thought I should say that I love this. And that I hate Tony - I think he's a butthead. Great story. (: Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 4 Post by: shibby559559 on October 25, 2008, 04:42:17 am Dear Diary,
I am writing this from the hospital. Apparently I was knocked unconscious and Tony phoned an ambulance. He told the paramedics that I fell down the stairs. Its a good job they didn't come into the house as we dont actually have any stairs! My face hurts so much. Nothings broken though, just alot of bleeding and bruising but i'll be fine. The doctor told me that I was lucky not to have lost the baby. He said I am about 4 months gone, if it would have been a few weeks earlier he said I would have almost definately lost the baby. I cant believe it. Tony nearly killed our baby and he doesn't even look sorry. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_960b8f0e-1.jpg) Dear Diary, I am allowed to go home tomorrow. Tony just sits next to my bed all the time, he says he wants to make sure that i'm okay and be there incase I need anything. I know why he's really there though, to make sure I don't tell anybody what really happened. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_760b8f55.jpg) Dear Diary, I have been home for about 3 weeks now. All i have done is slept. I dont even talk to Tony. He is being really nice to me, and I want forgive him I really do but I dont know if i can. He nearly killed our child. He hurt me and I just don't know what to do. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_960b8fd6.jpg) Dear Diary, I went for a scan of the baby today. I couldn't believe it when I saw it on the screen. My little baby, my child. Tony didn't come to the scan, he said that you can't see anything on it anyway, its just a blurry mess. But he's wrong. It wasn't a blurry mess it was my baby. I could see its little nose and its arms and legs and I was so happy. The nurse asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby, but i said no. I want it to be a suprise. It doesn't matter to me what sex it is aslong as it's healthy. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_d60bc4d8.jpg) Dear Diary, I love Tony so much. He went out and bought a crib for the baby today. I do love him and we are going to make things work for our babys sake. I grew up not knowing my dad and i want my child to know their daddy. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_560bc5f6-1.jpg) Dear Diary, Well the baby is due anyday now and I am so excited. I am a little bit nervous but I cant wait to meet my baby and find out what sex it is and hold it. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_160b919f-1.jpg) Dear Diary, Just a really quick note. I had my baby today. I went into labour and it hurt so much, but as soon as the baby was born I forgot all about the pain. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_f60bc864.jpg) Meet our beautiful son - Caleb Thomas Smith. He is so beautiful! (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_160bc8b5.jpg) Life is perfect right now. Laura x Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 5 Post by: shibby559559 on October 25, 2008, 07:45:26 am Dear Diary,
I don't get time to write in here much anymore. Caleb is growing so fast and I spend most of my time feeding, bathing, changing nappies and cuddling him. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_b60e3c3a.jpg) I love my little boy so much, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_560bc98e.jpg) Anyway I best go because it's nearly time for Calebs midnight feed.! Dear Diary I am getting so sick of having no help from Tony. All he does now is get drunk. He spends all his money on alcohol it doesnt matter if Caleb needs nappies aslong as he has his alcohol he's not bothered about anybody but himself. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_960bd011.jpg) Dear Diary, It happened again, he told me it wouldnt happen again.....The past few days have been a nightmare. Kyle came to see me to see how i am because we havent spoke for so long. He wanted to come and meet Caleb and have a chat. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_d60e3d28.jpg) It was great until Tony came home early from school..... "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE" "What the hell is wrong with you? I came to see Laura and Caleb." "DONT YOU EVEN LOOK AT MY SON, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TOUCH MY SON" "Oh so he's your son now, but yet you never hold him, feed him, bathe him, change his nappy, play with him, you dont even love him. Your neglect him and make your poor girlfriend do all the work" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_f60bdc0d.jpg) I cringed whilst Kyle said the last bit. I knew Tony would flip. I told Kyle just to go. I knew what i was in for..... "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT ME TO HIM" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that Tony." "HOW THE HELL DID YOU MEAN IT THEN?" "I-I-um I dont know. I'm sorry Tony. I love you" "YOUR A LIAR" Slam his fist smashed into my face, that familiar taste of blood filled my mouth. He punched me 2 maybe 3 times more. But the worst was yet to come.... He went and got a chair and mde me sit in it, he went to the kitchen drawer, grabbed some scissors and stood behind me. At that moment i thought he had finally snapped and was going to kill me. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_960bcc42.jpg) Then he grabbed a handful of my hair, yanked my head back and i heard the "snip snip snip" sound of the scissors. Then it dawned on me, he was cutting my hair off!! Whilst he was cutting my hair off he kept swearing at me and calling me horrible names and said i deserved everything i got. Finally after what seemed like hours he finished. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_b60bcca5.jpg) Then he just went and got a beer and sat infront of the tv. Acting like nothing had happened. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_160b87b3-1.jpg) Caleb started screaming, i didnt even have time to wash my face. I ran to him and picked him up. As I looked down on him i realised that i couldnt do this to him. I couldnt put him in danger. I whispered to Caleb "Mummy promises she will get us out of here one day, nothing bad will ever happen to us." He just looked up and gurgled at me. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_960bcd1a.jpg) That night when Tony had passed out in bed from being so drunk I tip toed to the phone and rang the only person i could depend on right now. "I need your help, i'm afraid." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_560bcd6c.jpg) The next morning I was up early feeding Caleb and getting Tonys packed lunch ready. Tony went to school at the usual time. Then a knock on the door came and there was Kyle, he looked so worried when he saw me. He pulled me into a tight hug and whispered "I'm so sorry, I shouldnt have made Tony angry. I'm so sorry" I told him it was ok and that i just needed to get away. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%205/snapshot_560921ed_d60bceab.jpg) Kyle told me not to worry. We will soon be going away...... So diary, there you go. Hopefully soon I will be far far away from here, with me beautiful baby and my best friend...... Laura x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Astral Faery on October 25, 2008, 09:59:20 am Wow - powerful update! I'm really happy Laura didn't lose her baby, that would have been tragic. Tony is a piece of sh*t. Nothing more. Just one of those control freaks that thinks he has to smack his girl around because he's so insecure. I'm very happy Laura has such a good friend to help her, and that she had the courage to seek help. Many battered women are too afraid to reach out. But I'm sure they won't get rid of Tony that easily.
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 6 Post by: shibby559559 on October 25, 2008, 12:39:22 pm Dear Diary,
It has been many months since I wrote in here. I found out I am pregnant again, yeah thats right, i'm pregnant. Caleb is getting bigger and bigger, he is such a beautiful little thing. Kyle never did help me so I am still stuck in this hell hole. I havent spoken to Kyle for a couple of months. His dad is getting weaker and weaker now and I know he hasnt got long left, Kyle needs to be with his dad right now, not worrying about me. I am going to the hospital for a scan of the baby later on today. Laura x Dear Diary, I went to the hospital, baby is fine. I didnt find out the sex. I don't mind aslong as it's healthy. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_f60b923c.jpg) Dear Diary, Tony has stopped being nice to me again. He is drinking alot again and he picks arguments and he hits me alot now. I havent told anybody about Tony apart from Kyle but Kyle is so busy I have noone to talk to. Besides would they believe me? Would they think I deserve it for being such a failure? I love Tony, I dont know what i would do without him. But i dont know how long i can last living like this. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_960bd011.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_f60bcf97.jpg) Dear Diary, I havent left the house for 2 months, the violence is getting worse and I am scared that he might kill me one day. He just hits me for no reason. This is my daily routine..... I get up at 5am. I feed Caleb, change his nappy and put him back to bed. I run the bath for Tony, wake him up, get his clothes and towel ready, make his breakfast and packed lunch, then get Caleb up and feed him again, bath him, get him dressed and do playtime with him. I then put the dirty washing in, do the washing up and clean the living room. Then it is lunchtime, I dont usually have time to eat anything, I feed Caleb, change his nappy and put him down for his afternoon nap. I then clean the kitchen and get lunch ready for Tony as he finishes school at 1pm. Then i clean and cook and feed Caleb and change his nappy and clean some more right up until 1am, then i am up at 5am. That is my life..... If i do something wrong its.... SLAP (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_560bd05a.jpg) SLAP (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_560bd05a.jpg) SLAP (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_560bd05a.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, I can't do this anymore, I think he is killing me. I need help but i have been locked away in this room for a month now. I think I am going to die in here...I just want to look at my beautiful Calebs face one last time......... Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_d60bd7cb.jpg) "Laura, Laura, where are you sweetie?" "I'm coming mummy" "Dinnertime sweetie" "I love you mummy" "I love you too sweetie, to the stars..." "and moon mummy" "and back Laura" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_96092629.jpg) I feel so free, I'm not in pain anymore. I'm calm and relaxed and theres no more worries. No more tears. I feel warm and loved. "No Laura you must stay here" "No mummy, I'm going with you" "Your not finished here yet Laura, you have your son to care for he needs you" "No mummy please I need to stay with you" "Laura I love you to the stars and moon and back" "No mummy please dont leave me....Mummy....please...comeback" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/snapshot_560921ed_160e30fe.jpg) ....................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: AjiDivine on October 25, 2008, 11:48:12 pm Whoa! The sad part about it is that this really happens everyday to someone.
You are doing a good job. I am having no problems understanding your writing at all. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 26, 2008, 12:09:07 am Sooo sad.. Poor Laura! I would fight back to Tony, and I would leave with my baby when he was asleep!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 26, 2008, 05:45:04 am Madi - yea thats a good idea but i dont think it is always that easy, You will see :-)
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 26, 2008, 10:28:39 am No! Will she try to get away and fail! NOOOOO!!!
I feel so bad for her.. he abuses her.... =( When's the next one? (No rush, you're much faster than most people making these, so it's okay) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Starwish001 on October 26, 2008, 11:08:55 am I hate that Tony guy! What is she doing still with him?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 26, 2008, 03:36:31 pm I hate Tony too haha.
I have got the next chapter ready, I might do it about later tonight, early night because of work but i'll see how i feel! Glad your enjoying it x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 26, 2008, 08:19:26 pm When will the next part be out...?
I keep checking every 20 minutes :'D Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 27, 2008, 11:31:45 am Aw really sorry Madi.
I had an early night and ive been at work today, will update tonight, i promise :-) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 27, 2008, 12:35:18 pm Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ive jus sat for nearly an hour typing nex chapter up then my computer crashed, i'm not happy :bawl:
Title: Chapter 7. Part 1. Post by: shibby559559 on October 27, 2008, 01:22:42 pm This next chapter is going to be like a story not diary entries....
.................................................................................................... Beep,Beep,Beep,Beep Laura was vaguely aware of the beeping noise coming from the machine. Beep,Beep,Beep,Beep People were talking, she didn't like this. Why couldn't she move. "Help" Laura tried to shout, but no sound came out of her mouth. What was wrong with her. Laura chest was closing in, she couldn't breathe. "I'm dying" was all Laura could think to herself. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_d60bdb5c.jpg) BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP The noise from the machine was getting faster. "We're losing her" Laura heard a voice shout "Laura, its me, Laura, please Laura, wake up" Laura recognised that voice, that beautiful soft voice. Whose was it, she recognised it. Everything was closing in, Laura couldnt do this anymore. She was so tired, so so tired. "Laura please hold on, dont leave us" Finally she knew who that voice belonged to... ....................................................................................................... (3 hours later) "Kyle" Laura whispered, opening her eyes. "Thank god, Laura, i'm here, its okay, i'm here, your safe now" "Where am I?" "Your in the hospital Laura" "What happened?" "Don't you remember?" "Remember what? Kyle please tell me whats happened" "Ok Laura. But i have to warn you, its not going to be easy" Laura sat up in her bed, Kyle held the glass while she took a sip of water, the soothing liquid ran down her throat, her whole body hurt.. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_560bdf52.jpg) "Laura you have been unconscious for 6 weeks. I went to your house because I hadn't seen you for so long and i was worried about you. Tony was just sat in the chair watching tv" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_160b87b3.jpg) "He saw me and jumped up yelling in my face. I told him I needed to see you but he just laughed and told me you were out with a friend. I knew he was lying because I had rung around our mates to see if anybody had heard from you and they hadn't. Then I heard Caleb. He was screaming and screaming. I ran to his room and there he was... He was filthy and his nappy looked like it hadn't been changed in days. " (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/thumbnail_560921ed_960e3ba6.jpg) "I changed his nappy and his clothes and I put him back in his crib. He screamed when i put him down but I had to find you. I ran to your room but it was locked. Tony ran up to me and tried to hit me so I ran outside and rang the police. The policeman came straight away." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_560bdc52.jpg) "The policeman made Tony sit in the living room while we kicked the door down. And there you were......" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%206/snapshot_560921ed_d60bd7cb.jpg) "Oh god, you were just laid on the floor, you were covered in blood, you weren't moving, i thought...i thought you... Laura I thought you were..." "Kyle" Laura had to cut Kyle off, she knew he what he was about to say and she couldn't bear to hear it. "Kyle, I'm ok now, I'm ok, but how is Caleb?" "Calebs fine he has been living with me and my dad. Hes absolutely fine, but he misses his mummy lots" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_b60e52ae.jpg) The nurse came in and told Kyle to leave as Laura needed to rest. Kyle kissed Laura on the head and said bye to her. Laura laid back on her bed and then she saw it......she looked down at her stomach.....her FLAT stomach...... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_760bdf71.jpg) Laura started to scream.... "No, my baby, wheres my baby, whats happened to my baby" Kyle burst back into the room "Laura you must calm down" "Kyle wheres my baby, please not my baby, where is my baby Kyle" "Laura, there something I have to tell you, but you need to calm down abit first..." ....................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 27, 2008, 04:37:10 pm D: Nooooo! Did her baby die???
Well it's very likely, considering she was unconscious for 6 weeks. Nice chapter :'D Make more, and thanks so much for doing this for us! Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on October 27, 2008, 04:45:47 pm Good Story
poor laura Title: Chapter 7, part 2. Post by: shibby559559 on October 27, 2008, 05:32:56 pm "Kyle did my baby die?" Laura so desperately needed to know.
"Laura your baby was in foetal distress, the doctors tried to do an operation but you went into slow labour, you were only 6 months gone." "Kyle, my baby...." "Laura you had an emergency c-section, you had a baby boy. He was very small and very weak but hes a fighter..." "You mean hes alive...." "Yes Laura, he's in the SCBU, but he's okay" "Oh thank god, thank god, i need to see him Kyle" "Ok Laura but not tonight, its now 2am. I will come tomorrow and we will see your baby ok?" "Ok, thankyou Kyle" "No problem, its what friends are for" Laura fell into a deep sleep and she felt more relaxed and happier than she had felt for years. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_d60bdb5c.jpg) "Laura.....wake up sleepyhead" "Kyle?" "Yeah, I have someone here who wants to see you" Laura slowly sat up and opened her eyes. She turned to look at Kyle, and there he was... her beautiful boy Caleb. He was in a brand new pushchair and he had on a new outfit. He looked gorgeaus. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_f60bddd4.jpg) "Hello beautiful boy, mummys missed you lots and lots" Caleb just giggled at her, he still hadn't learnt to talk but in a way Laura was quite thankful that she hadn't missed her first born sons first words. "Right Laura are you ready to see your new baby?" "Yeah I am" Kyle lifted Laura, really carefully, out of her bed, he held her close for a few minutes and she hugged him tight. She was so grateful for what he had done for her, he saved her life and he looked after Caleb for her. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_b60be0c5.jpg) Kyle gently placed Laura into a wheelchair and pushed her and Caleb into her babies room. He wheeled her over to an incubator where a beautiful little boy lay waiting, staring at her through the glass... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_560be16d.jpg) Laura sat for hours stroking her babies hands and feet. In the meantime Kyles dad came for Caleb for lunch and Kyle stayed with Laura. They sat and chatted for hours. Laura decided it was about time to ask Kyle more about him. "Kyle, how come theres just you and your dad?" "My mum ran away when i was a few months old. You know what my real name is?" "Kyle?" "No its James" "Why do you call yourself Kyle then?" "Because my dad wanted to call me Kyle so when mum left thats what he called me." "What name do you prefer?" "James. But my mum chose it and it would hurt my dad if i told him I prefer it" "Yeah perhaps" "Hey have you chosen a name for the little one?" Kyle needed to change the subject. "Yeah I think I have..... Dylan" "Yeah I think Dylan suits him" "Yeh. Dylan James" "James?" "You saved my life Kyle. You prefer the name James, so thats what I want my boy to be called. I hope he's as brave as you are" "You know what? He's a fighter that one so I'm sure he will be." "Dylan James Smith i'm your mummy and this is your Uncle Kyle" "Hey there Dylan...you know i've spent so many hours looking at him, praying for you to wake up so you could meet him" "Yeah well i'm here now and I have met him and I am never gonna let him go, same with Caleb." Laura and Kyle spent many more hours just looking at the little baby in that crib. The little fighter who had already changed and saved so many lives. DYLAN JAMES SMITH (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_360be14c.jpg) Laura went to bed so happy that night. But the next morning Laura was in for another shock...... ........................................................................................................ Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 27, 2008, 05:35:54 pm Oh yeah...SCBU....Special Care Baby Unit (just incase i confused people! sorry.)
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: GtSimsGirl1208 on October 27, 2008, 05:57:35 pm i love this story but it makes me sad
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on October 27, 2008, 08:52:57 pm Yay hes alive!!
Kyle is so sweet Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 28, 2008, 07:13:13 am Yay he's alive! I'm happy!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Starwish001 on October 28, 2008, 10:27:34 am i hope Kyle and Laura would be together:)
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 28, 2008, 12:17:04 pm GTsims - i'm really sorry it makes you sad, but i wanted to make a story that was based on real life. These things happen everyday and it is sad.
arielle - Yeah Kyle is a real sweetie! Starwish - Kyle and Laura are best friends, who knows what will happen. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on October 28, 2008, 05:03:13 pm I love this story its so sad but some parts just make me wanna kill someone becuae that so harsh and some parts make me really happy =)
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 28, 2008, 06:49:35 pm Yay! I'm happy! When will you have the next one?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on October 28, 2008, 07:28:30 pm when will u get the next one in i get so exicited if there is another one posted thats new
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on October 28, 2008, 09:18:41 pm Hey if you want that anoying green diamond thing to go way type
plumbbobtoggle off in the cheat box (ctrl+shift+c) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 29, 2008, 10:45:59 am Yeah thanks for that Arielle.
Dont worry Madi the next post will hopefully be up tonight. I may even make a start now :-) Title: Chapter 7, part 3 Post by: shibby559559 on October 29, 2008, 11:14:20 am (As with the other two parts, this part will be written like a story not a diary)
........................................................................................................ The next morning Laura woke early, she even managed to make herself fairly presentable, she couldn't wait to see Kyle and Caleb again. Just as visiting time was starting a nurse came in and said to Laura that Kyle couldn't make it today, his father was very ill and Caleb had a cold but they would come another day. The nurse went out of the room and Laura started to cry, she was so disappointed she just needed to talk to someone. Just then there was a knock at the door and in came.... "Tony, what are you doing here?" "Oh Laura i'm so sorry" Tony just sat there with his head down not saying another word. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_760b8f55.jpg) Laura hated asking Tony for help but she didnt want to lay in bed all day. "Tony can you help me get into the wheelchair please" "Yeah sure, course i can, yeah" Laura and Tony sat looking at each other for what, to laura, felt like a decade. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_360e2d7c.jpg) "Tony you nearly killed me" "Yeah i know im sorry about that" "You nearly killed our son" "I didnt mean to" Laura exploded, it felt like a volcano had erupted inside of her, she couldn't hold back anymore. "SORRY, your sorry! You nearly killed me and our baby Tony. You left me for dead! You locked me in the room and left me there all battered and broken. Do you have any idea what you have done? How you have made me feel? Because of you I have 3 broken ribs, 2 cracked ribs, a broken nose, 2 broken fingers, a fractured cheekbone, a split lip and black eyes and all you can say is SORRY! You disgust me Tony! I wish I had never met you, I'm glad your mum left, no wonder she left, with you and your dad!" With that Tony fled the room. Suddenly Laura felt sick. All she could think was "oh god what have i done" She loved Tony and she had upset him by saying the meanest thing possible. She knew how much Tony missed his mum. She was as bad as Tony now. For some reason Laura just hoped Tony would forgive her... Laura managed to wheel herself outside and there Tony was he was just stood there sobbing with his head in his hands. He no longer looked like a powerful man just a scared, vulnerable little boy. It took all Lauras strength to pull herself out of the wheelchair, she stood there looking at Tony in shock. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/snapshot_560921ed_760e2de2.jpg) "Tony, Tony" "What?" "I'm sorry Tony, I didnt mean to upset you" "I miss my mum so much Laura" "I know and I shouldnt have said that Tony, your mum loved you so much" "I miss her so much" "Its okay Tony, you have me, Caleb and Dylan, we are your family" "Forgive me?" "Yeah I love you dont I" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%207/thumbnail_560921ed_f60e2e23.jpg) Laura had given Tony another chance.... How many more would she give him? Would she survive another beating? Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on October 29, 2008, 11:16:42 am awww laura is stupid by forgiving tony again!!! i hate tony sooo much!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Starwish001 on October 29, 2008, 11:37:03 am When you're in love there are no bounds but sometimes you should listen to your brain and not your heart; but it's difficult...but I also think that Laura is crazy, like she has no limits...maybe Tony will change? But I doubt it...
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 29, 2008, 12:04:14 pm I think every bad person has the ability to change, but maybe, for some, its sometimes too late....
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on October 29, 2008, 04:27:16 pm when are u gonna post the next one
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on October 29, 2008, 04:31:09 pm ughh
I hate Tony he deserves to cry Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 29, 2008, 05:35:56 pm I hate Tony too. He definetely deserves to cry.
I would come out and laugh, because no insult in the world would match what he did to her. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on October 30, 2008, 10:56:17 am Have got all the pictures for next couple of chapters but i'm having a halloween party tonight and i'm out tomorrow night, if i get chance tomorrow i will post the next chapter but i doubt it. If not it will be either saturday or sunday, sorry!
xx Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on October 31, 2008, 09:16:22 pm Aww, still not up yet? Well take your time :'D
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 01, 2008, 08:18:59 am Sorry Madi, extremely hungover. Will try update at some point today. sorry x
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 01, 2008, 09:56:39 am Okay, I understand. I'll wait, I'm playing with my simmies anyway :D
I am playing with my new simmie, Autumn. She's single, really really nice, and shy, she loves to cook and garden, and she has a husky named Amigo. She's a red head with golden eyes. :'D Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 01, 2008, 08:46:13 pm Still not here? It's okay, but just wondering if anything happened.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 02, 2008, 02:09:56 pm still not here =( well i quesse ur doing more imporant things :tongue8:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: honestsim on November 02, 2008, 02:42:45 pm wow i have read this entire post and first things first she needs to give him a taste of his own medicine. BEAT his ass..!!! poor arsonic in that beer can and cute his dahm hair she better get like JLO in Enough and go postal on that ass. That is not love thats convenience. Love is an action word and im getting the vibe since this is based on real life things may go downhill from now..and just some ideas from a sim writer to another we all love a happy ending but writing outside the norm makes your readers come back for seconds.. have kyle die in a horrible accident and the main character becomes a drug addict i would love for them to grow up and things get a little better like they get a job and move but she still gets beat..im looking forward to the next entry and your doing a great job
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 02, 2008, 03:49:22 pm Will you have it here today shibby?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 02, 2008, 04:17:46 pm Quote from: honestsim;1441953 wow i have read this entire post and first things first she needs to give him a taste of his own medicine. BEAT his ass..!!! poor arsonic in that beer can and cute his dahm hair she better get like JLO in Enough and go postal on that ass. That is not love thats convenience. Love is an action word and im getting the vibe since this is based on real life things may go downhill from now..and just some ideas from a sim writer to another we all love a happy ending but writing outside the norm makes your readers come back for seconds.. have kyle die in a horrible accident and the main character becomes a drug addict i would love for them to grow up and things get a little better like they get a job and move but she still gets beat..im looking forward to the next entry and your doing a great job i love stories that ur talking about i even do that in my sim game just for fun but it is interisting becuase they have kids and then there not gonna live together i am so lucky my parents are still together Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 02, 2008, 05:01:54 pm awww its not up yet...:(
oh well....i can wiat...or can i? xD Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 02, 2008, 05:15:26 pm So So sorry that i have kept you all waiting....
will try now but it wont be a long chapter, i'm tired and headachy x Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 8 Post by: shibby559559 on November 02, 2008, 05:51:50 pm Dear Diary,
I am home from hospital now. I have been home a couple of weeks. Last I heard of Kyle his dad was really ill so I havent been able to speak to him. Caleb is back living with me and Tony now and Dylan is with us too which is brilliant. I love my boys so much and Caleb adores his little brother. Tony is taking care of both the boys much to my suprise, maybe people can change... Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%208/snapshot_560921ed_960e2f23.jpg) Dear Diary, So much for thinking Tony has changed. He will never change but tonight he has gone too far... I put Caleb in his highchair and gave him his dinner and Tony started going off on one saying that I should feed him first not Caleb, I told him to stop being selfish and that Caleb is only a baby and he smacked me... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%208/snapshot_560921ed_160e354b.jpg) He hit me infront of our son. I was appalled but the worst thing was when Caleb had eaten I went and picked him up to take him for his bedtime bath and he pointed at my face and said his first words...."Daddy bad" He pointed at the bruise forming round my eye and he said that his daddy was bad for doing it. I was in shock. An 18 month old baby knows more of what is wrong than his own dad does. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%208/snapshot_560921ed_760e3583.jpg) I cannot stay here with Caleb and Dylan. What if they turn into their father or even worse, what if their father starts hitting them. If he can lose his temper with me over nothing then i am sure he will lose his temper over two little boys arguing or playing loudly when they are a little older and i cant risk that. I love my boys, I will die for my boys if it comes to it, but I know one thing, they are not safe in this house... Laura x Dear Diary, I had such a restless night tonight, Kyle came over today and he said that he is bringing his dads car in 2 days and he is taking me and the boys away. His dad is in a hospice now as he hasn't got much time left, I really feel for Kyle, his dad is so lovely and he helped out with Caleb when i was in hospital, even though he wasn't well. So in 2 days, I will be out of here, me, Caleb and Dylan. I am so nervous but I know it is for the best. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%208/snapshot_560921ed_560e3102.jpg) Dear Diary, Tomorrow is the day that we finally get away from here, I cannot sleep at all and Tony is passed out drunk next to me. I am so excited and happy to be away from here. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%208/snapshot_560921ed_160e3877.jpg) Dear Diary, I knew it wouldn't work. I knew we wouldn't get away. I am trapped here, i will die here and noone will be able to save my boys... Laura x Dear Diary, Tony never found out what i was planning. I waited til Tony had passed out drunk, I went and got Caleb and put him in his warm clothes and put him in his pushchair, I whispered to him "Shhh little man, we are going to play a game, sleeping lions, you have to pretend to be sleeping, dont make a noise or move because if i hear you or see you move you wont win the game and you wont get your favourite sweety" I think he understood but he just giggled at me and pretended to sleep. He is such a good boy. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%208/snapshot_560921ed_f60e3682.jpg) I then went and got Dylan out of his crib and dressed him too. He opened his eyes when i lifted him out, I was so scared he was going to cry but he just snuggled into me and fell back asleep. Tony had left Dylans pram in our room so I had to leave it their and carry Dylan. We went and stood at the bottom of the street round the side of the corner house, we waited there for nearly an hour but then Caleb started crying and Dylan was getting heavy and I knew Kyle had let us down.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%208/snapshot_560921ed_160e3773.jpg) So we returned to the house and here I am, stuck here again... Laura x ........................................................................................................ Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 02, 2008, 08:50:16 pm omg she is stuck here agian i would just run away before i get to mad and beat tony up god i hope she gets out
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 02, 2008, 08:53:48 pm Good job! I can't wait for the next one, poor poor Laura. :(
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 9 Post by: shibby559559 on November 03, 2008, 05:45:33 am Dear Diary,
It has been 2 weeks since Kyle let us down and I still havent spoke to him, I have rung his house a few times but he hasn't answered, I just hope he is okay. Laura x Dear Diary, I did it! I told him to leave! I did it! Laura x Dear Diary, Its been a few days since I told Tony to leave and here is what happened.... Tony was ranting at me again "You stupid cow, what do you mean you haven't got my lunch ready" "I'm sorry Tony, we ran out of bread" "We had 2 slices left last night" "I gave it to Caleb for breakfast" "How dare you" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_b60e38b9.jpg) The argument seemed to last for hours, he kept trying to break me down but I wouldnt let him. "Your useless, your a crap mum and your boys don't even love you""I know my boys love me Tony" But then he said the worst thing possible "Everyone you love dies, your a curse, you killed your mum and you nearly killed Dylan because you couldnt keep your mouth shut, you kept back chatting and disrespecting me. I wish you would AND Dylan would have died, then I would just have my Caleb. No wonder your mum jumped infront of a car, with a daughter like you, i'm glad she died, she was a tart just like you" I snapped, I lost it! SMACK (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_d60e3a41.jpg) "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU WISH YOUR CHILD DEAD, HOW DARE YOU MENTION MY MOTHER, YOU DIDNT KNOW MY MUM, YOU NEVER EVEN SAW HER. YOU ARE EVIL TONY, YOU ARE COMPLETE EVIL AND THAT IS WHY NOONE LOVES YOU BECAUSE YOU DESTROY EVERYTHING THAT CROSSES YOUR PATH." Tony just stood there looking at me, lost. "YOU PUSHED YOUR MOTHER AWAY LIKE YOUR HAVE PUSHED ME AWAY. I DID EVERYTHING FOR YOU BUT IT WAS NEVER ENOUGH WAS IT? YOU ARE PATHETIC, YOU ARE A PATHETIC LITTLE CREATURE AND IF I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN IT WILL BE TOO DAMN SOON" Tony tried to reply but i wouldn't let him. "Lau-Laura" "Now i want you to do one thing Tony. I want you to go pack your things and get the hell out of my home. You dont ever come near me or my children again. If you do come near us i will ring the police and tell them exactly what you are like and they will lock you up and throw away the key" "Laura I love you" "No Tony, you dont know the meaning of the word love. You are controlling and manipulative and i dont want to see you again" "Laura im sorry" "Sorry? Tony its too little too late, sorry isnt going to change my mind anymore. Now please just leave or i will ring the police" Tony hung his head and walked out of the door and i havent seen him since. I am glad I managed to make him bleed though. At least now he knows how i felt all those times. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_960e39b7.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, It has been a few weeks since Tony left and I am really struggling with the boys. It is so tiring, all i want to do is sleep and cry all the time but i cant, i need to be strong for my babies. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_b60e3c3a.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_960e3beb.jpg) Dear Diary, I am so worried, Caleb wont eat and he keeps waking up in the night screaming and I am so scared, I dont know what to do, i cant do this! Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_760e2efb.jpg) Dear Diary, I rang Kyle tonight. I broke down and left a message on his voice mail. I just needed to talk to someone. But he wasnt there and now i feel stupid. I said... "Kyle, it's me Laura. I am worried about you and I dont know what to do. I just hope everything is okay. I'm fine and the boys are fine, just getting on with life.....Okay I lied Kyle. Everything is a mess and i am scared and alone and i dont know what to do anymore. I kicked Tony out but now i am on my own with 2 young children and i cant eat, i cant sleep, Caleb wont eat and he is having nightmares. I dont know what to do. I just feel like ending it. Oh Kyle where are you? I need you so much......" Laura x Dear Diary, It has been 2 days since I left the voice mail and I really thought kyle had fallen out with me. Caleb and Dylan kept me up all last night so i put them down to sleep at 6am this morning and then there was banging on the door. I was so scared.... "Laura? Laura?" "Who-who is it?" "Its Kyle, open up" I threw the door open and Kyle came bursting in and threw his arms around me (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_560e3dcc.jpg) "Laura I am so sorry, I only just heard your voice mail an hour ago, i havent been home in ages, ive been, erm, busy....." What did he mean busy? I just snapped agin, all the worry and hurt flew out of me before i could control it... "Busy? doing what? I waited at the bottom of the street for an hour for you Kyle. I risked my life to do it and you werent there, i needed you and you werent there, you let me down, like everyone else" "Laura, im sorry. I wasnt messing about or anything, i wanted to be here for you, i had everything planned. My dad....he died Laura. Just as I was setting off for you the hospice called and told me that dad had took a turn for the worst, as much as i hated to leave you laura i needed to go see my dad, i knew it was time to say goodbye, you have to believe me Laura, I never wanted to hurt you" "Oh god Kyle, I'm so sorry, i had no idea, im sorry Kyle, im so sorry" "Its okay Laura but i dont have the energy to argue anymore" "Come on, you can have my bed for an hour or so, put your head down and i will go make breakfast" I made breakfast and I went and got Dylan up, then I saw Caleb with Kyle.. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_b60e52ae.jpg) "SSh, i'm here now Caleb, im sorry I let you down little man, i wont ever do it again i promise" "Daddy bad, daddy bad" "Caleb, daddys gone now, hes gone" "daddy gone? mammy k?" "Yes Caleb your mummy is okay now." Caleb just giggled and stared at Kyle. I have a feeling that things are going to get a hell of alot better from now on. Laura x Dear Diary, Kyle rang the council and explained what had happened with both of us and they have moved us to the other side of town. The house is small and it isnt much but to me, it is perfect. Me and my family, Kyle, Caleb and Dylan. All the people i have in the world, but i wouldnt have it any other way! Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%209/snapshot_560921ed_760e4831.jpg) ....................................................................................................... Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. (Muhammad Ali) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Starwish001 on November 03, 2008, 09:08:07 am I don't understand, is the story over or?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 03, 2008, 09:25:19 am Oh no sorry.
The story is far from over!! plenty more to come :-) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 03, 2008, 05:46:05 pm Hurray hurray!!!
Yay Laura! Hurray Kyle! :'DDDDD I'm so happy!!! :) But poor Kyle for his dad dying :( Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 03, 2008, 06:09:39 pm yay she got out from that dreadful place :toothy8:and i'm sad that kyle's dad died:bawl:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 03, 2008, 08:31:53 pm yayy
Kyle is back Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 04, 2008, 04:56:27 am Yeah it was sad Kyles dad dying but I couldn't think of a way around it! Kyles dad was always poorly so it just made sense that he would die eventually! sorry!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 04, 2008, 07:34:43 am Yeah. Well it's not as sad as it would have been if you would have shown him. It's fine, you're doing a good job. :'D
When's the next one gonna be here? Like I always say, take your time! Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 10 Post by: shibby559559 on November 04, 2008, 12:12:44 pm Dear Diary,
It has been a few months since we moved into this house. It is such a lovely little house and the boys get to have a bedroom each... Calebs room (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_960e4881.jpg) Dylans room (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_160e4873.jpg) Caleb loves his little brother so much. He calls him "Dyl" He cant say dylan yet. He calls Kyle "Ky" or "daddy ky". I wonder if Caleb ever thinks about Tony. I would love Tony to be a part of Calebs and Dylans life but i need him to calm down and go to anger management classes first. Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_360e4d6a.jpg) Dear Diary, Kyle is doing really well in school. I get Caleb up on a morning before Kyle goes to school so we can have breakfast together... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_360e4bf9.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, I cant believe that Dylan is 2 already! He is sucha beautiful little boy and I am so proud of both my lads... Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_560e4dca.jpg) Dear Diary, It has been a long long time since I wrote in here. Caleb is 5 now and Dylan is 4! They are beautiful little boys, I found some pictures in the attic so I have stuck them in here.... Caleb aged 3 and Dylan aged 2 (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_960e4fc3.jpg) Caleb blowing out the candles on his birthday cake (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_160e507d.jpg) Beautiful Caleb aged 4 (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_560e50b7.jpg) Dylan blowing out the candles on his birthday cake (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_160e5b71.jpg) Beautiful Dylan aged 4 (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_160e5bca.jpg) Mine and Kyles first kiss (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_760e517e.jpg) Me and Kyle got married on my 21st birthday! (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_160f978a.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, I have been feeling so ill lately. I am tired all the time and I have been sick loads. Laura x Dear Diary, I'm pregnant!!! Kyle is so excited. Caleb wants a little sister and Dylan wants a little brother. I am so happy. Life is perfect! Laura x (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2010/snapshot_560921ed_b60e5990.jpg) ....................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 04, 2008, 04:46:02 pm YAYY! Please don't bring tony back, he sucks, abusing your girlfriend is an unforgivable crime, and she sould never ever speak to him again.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 04, 2008, 04:48:37 pm yay go laura im so happy her and dylan are married i cant wait till the baby comes
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 04, 2008, 05:26:51 pm Yay hurray!!!
:'D Happy times for Laura! Yes, please don't bring Tony back :( He's cruel and deserves to be hit by a car. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 04, 2008, 06:12:03 pm yay!!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 04, 2008, 06:15:10 pm Well your all gonna hate me by the end of tomorrow!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 04, 2008, 06:24:42 pm I bet Tony will show up D:
I just know it! Maybe...he'll come and try to kill them? Maybe he'll steal the boys? Ermm...maybe he threatens Laura! When will it be out? Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 04, 2008, 07:55:59 pm if u kill kyle i will kill u i hope u don't kill him :jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw::jaw:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 05, 2008, 05:42:06 am Couldnt make you wait any longer, so here is the next chapter...
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 11 Post by: shibby559559 on November 05, 2008, 06:45:13 am Dear Diary,
I woke up this morning and Dylan was sick, he cried for me.. "Mummy i'm sick" "Okay sweetie, i'm coming" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/album%2011/snapshot_560921ed_760f9a77.jpg) Poor little thing looked shocking, i cleaned him up and sent him back to bed. Caleb was eating his breakfast. "Caleb sweetie" "yeah mummy" "Dylans not well today, he isnt going to school, will you be okay on your own?" "Mummy i'm nearly 8 years old i'll be fine" "Good boy" So Caleb has just set off for school and Kyles at work so I am going to clean around and make Dylan soup. Laura x Dear Diary, The most horrible thing has happened. Caleb hasn't come home from school! I waited outside at 3pm for the schoolbus to pull up but it drove straight past. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/album%2011/snapshot_560921ed_760f988a.jpg) I ran in and told Kyle what had happened and he rung the school, he spoke to Calebs teacher... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/album%2011/snapshot_560921ed_f60f9b91.jpg) "Good evening Mr Jones, is everything okay?" "Um I was just wondering if Caleb is still at school?" "Caleb Smith? No he went at the usual time" "He hasnt come home, he wasnt on the school bus" "Just a second Mr Jones, I will go speak to the staff who were on duty at hometime" ................Kyle seemed to be waiting for hours........... "Mr Jones, There seems to have been a misunderstanding, a man approached a new member of staff, he told her he had come to pick Caleb Smith up, the teacher asked who he was and he gave your name Mr Jones. The teacher called Caleb over and Mr Jones walked off with him. I'm sorry Mr Jones, have you alerted the police?" "No but I will do immediately, i cant believe this. You know the situation, you know I would never collect Caleb without telling you first. It was Calebs dad who took him wasnt it?" "I dont know Mr Jones, would you like to speak to the staff member who dealt with Caleb?" "Yeah please" ........................More waiting, Kyle was starting to feel sick now............. "Mr Jones I;m really sorry, i'm new, i had no idea.." "What did he look like?" "He was tall with brown hair and grey eyes. Um I dont know anything else sorry" "I have all the information I need" ....................................................................... Kyle dialed the next number, he had a lump in his throat as he listened to the ringtone "Police please, my son has been kidnapped by his biological father. Yeah...1 Sim Lane. Okay thanks" ................................................................. The policeman turned up within minutes. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/album%2011/snapshot_560921ed_560bdc52.jpg) I ran up to him crying "Please you have to help me, my son has been kidnapped" "Caleb?" "Yes thats him, by his father" "Tony Clarke?" "Yes" "I have alerted all the officers in the area, they are looking for him, Mrs Jones, do you have a recent picture of Caleb?" "Yes, here, i havent stopped looking at it for the past 3 hours" "Mrs Jones is Caleb Tonys only child?" "No he has Dylan too." "And where is Dylan?" "He's upstairs asleep, he took the day off of school because he wasnt well" "Okay, and has Dylan or Caleb mentioned seeing their father lately?" "No, Dylan was only a few months old when me and Tony split up and Caleb wouldnt recognise him now, not after this long" "Okay Mrs Jones, we have everything we need, we will be in touch, we will d everything we can to find your son" "Thankyou" As soon as the officer left I broke down....... "Kyle wheres my boy? Why would Tony do this? Oh god where is my boy?" Kyle pulled me into a hug "Its ok baby, we will find him" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/album%2011/snapshot_560921ed_f60f9a65.jpg) Dylan is so upset that his brother isnt around... "Mummy where is Caleb?" "Hes....on a schooltrip sweetie" "How long for?" "A week or so hunni" "He's missing isnt he, i heard daddy on the phone" "Yes Dylan, your brother is missing, but we will find him ok?" "I miss him mummy" "So do I baby" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/album%2011/snapshot_560921ed_561ce94e.jpg) Oh god, why would Tony be so cruel, after all these years to just uddenly decide to do something so evil. Wheres my baby??????????? Laura x ......................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Astral Faery on November 05, 2008, 10:00:34 am Wow. That's pretty tense stuff. I've been following this story, but not commenting like I should (sorry). I'm really enjoying it so far - lots of twists and turns, believable characters, and enough suspense to keep me coming back. Nice job!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 05, 2008, 10:19:14 am thankyou, im glad your enjoying it
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: poppy_123 on November 05, 2008, 03:20:54 pm I Love this story, you did a really good job.x
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 05, 2008, 03:54:20 pm Aw thankyou poppy, that means alot.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 05, 2008, 05:32:36 pm Stupid Tony has to go off and ruin a perfect family
ugh... good chapter though :) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 05, 2008, 06:29:37 pm ugh i hate tony he always has to ruin the story and laura's life hasin't he already ruined enough life's i wish tony is gonna die soon
Btw i love your story Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: honestsim on November 05, 2008, 07:03:32 pm that bastard i hope they find him and lock his behind up..
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 05, 2008, 09:31:49 pm Tony is an a** and he is a really f*cked up child. xD
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 06, 2008, 05:32:02 pm Noooooo! Where the @#*$ is CALEB!!! Hurry and update!!!
(Lol, go on and take your time!) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 07, 2008, 05:40:49 am LOL madi I always wait for your comments before i update, it always makes me laugh :-P
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Sane Enough on November 07, 2008, 11:33:43 am good. good.
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 12 Post by: shibby559559 on November 07, 2008, 12:10:32 pm Dear Diary,
It has been a few weeks since Caleb was taken and it is so hard. I know I need to keep going for the baby and Dylan but it is just so hard. I want to scream and cry and hit things, I just want my boy home safe with me, where he belongs. I miss him so much it hurts. We try to carry on like normal for Dylan but i know he is hurting too.... At the dinner table last night Dylan just blurted out.... "Mummy is Caleb in heaven with Grandma Elizabeth?" Kyle was quick to answer.... "Dylan, Caleb has gone away for a while that is all, he is still alive and well" Kyle must have guessed that i didnt have a clue what to say. After all we dont know it Caleb is alive and well! We know nothing! (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_760f9ab7.jpg) I am so worried, i just need to know where my boy is! Laura x Dear Diary, It has been many months since i wrote in here, I didnt have anything to say, my days are filled with Dylan screaming and carrying on because Caleb "left him". I dont know what to say to Dylan anymore. The police have no leads as to their whereabouts... Laura x Dear Diary, I went into labour this morning, I didnt want to leave Dylan and go to the hospital so I called the midwife and I had the baby at home... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_361cdcfa.jpg) Meet our gorgeous baby girl - Mia Elizabeth Jones. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_f61cdd51.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, Mia is growing by the day. She is such a beautiful girl. Mum would be so proud at having her granddaughter named after her (Elizabeth).... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_f61cdd51.jpg) She is always wanting plenty of cuddles.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_761cdd88.jpg) Kyle absolutely adores his little girl...... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_761ce235.jpg) But I am so worried about how Dylan feels about his sister. He has to sleep in Calebs room now so Mia can have his old room. Its not like he sleeps in Calebs bed, he has his own brand new bed. But he just says "I hate the baby, its not my sister, im not sleeping near her" because his bedroom is next door to hers, so he keeps falling asleep on the sofa.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_561cdbca.jpg) I just dont know what to do, I make sure he gets lots of attention and plenty of cuddles so hes not left out.... Laura x Dear Diary, Mia is 1 year old now, she had her birthday the other week.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_761ceacd.jpg) Dylan still wont talk to his sister. He will pass things for her but he wont ever lok at her or talk to her, he doesnt mention Caleb anymore either which is worrying....it just feels like he has given up caring... Laura x Dear Diary, I got quite a shock the other day... I could hear Dylan talking so i went to his room but he wasnt there so i went to Mias room and he was sat on the floor with Mia laid on the floor next to him.... He didnt see me and this is what I heard.... "Hi Mia, your my little sister y'know. I'm your big brother Dylan. I have a big brother, he is called Caleb. You havent seen him yet but you will one day. Hes nice and hes funny and he always looks...lookED after me. I miss him, one day when we see him again you will love him as much as I love him. Dont forget Caleb. Mia, I love you because your my sister and Caleb wanted a sister so much" He looked up and saw me.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_361cea22.jpg) "Um Hi mum" "Hi sweetie, you ok?" "Yep just talking to Mia" "Ok sweetie, shall we put Mia back to bed now? and its your bedtime too mister" "Ok mum" We tucked Mia and shut the bedroom door and went to Dylans room, i tucked him in and kissed him goodnight as I left the room I said... "Dylan, your a good boy and a nice big brother to Mia, me and daddy are proud of you and Caleb will be too" "Good, love you mummy, night night" "Love you too sweetie, night night" I am so glad he has started to bond with his sister finally. Laura x Dear Diary.... Just a quick update to say we are all doing fine, still no sign of Caleb but we keep positive, one day we will see him again.... Dylan is doing alot better in school, he still needs extra support but he is really improving. Mia is 15 months old now... and I have just found out I am pregnant again! Dylan is suprisingly excited, Mia doesnt quite understand and Kyle is over the moon...I just wish Caleb was here too.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_561ceb2f.jpg) When i found out I am pregnant... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2012/snapshot_560921ed_361ce44c.jpg) Laura x ........................................................................................................ Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 07, 2008, 04:52:24 pm wow laura s pregnate agian and mia is so pretty great upload =)
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 07, 2008, 07:20:10 pm wow AGAIN!?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 08, 2008, 03:08:19 am Yay! BUT SADNESS! Where is CALEB?! Mia is pretty :'D
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: magma067 on November 08, 2008, 10:23:07 am the story's great and i cant wait till the next update-i hope it's coming soon
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 08, 2008, 10:29:27 am Bad news.....
I cant find some of the pictures so in chapter after this next one, their are some big jumps in ages! reall sorry! Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 13 Post by: shibby559559 on November 08, 2008, 11:33:29 am Dear Diary,
I never keep up to this diary anymore, Mia is growing and growing, so is my bump! So i am forever chasing Mia round the house cleaning up after her... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_f61d009c.jpg) Dylan is doing fine, he wants a little brother, he said girls are annoying! Mia adores Dylan and follows him all over! (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/thumbnail_560921ed_1621daac.jpg) As much as he moans about Mia, Dylan adores her and he always wants to play with her! (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_f621dae4.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, I went for my scan today....boy was i in for a shock.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_b61cf0d4.jpg) The sonogropher frowned "Is everything ok?" "Yes Mrs Jones, I am just going to get a colleague but everything is fine" I waited in that chair for ages, Mia was getting restless "Mummy out, out" Mia wanted to go crawl around the floor "Not long now Mia" Just then the sonogropher came back into the room followed by a friendly looking woman "Please, is my baby ok?" "Mrs Jones, your baby is fine, so is your other baby" It took a few minutes for me to realise what she meant "You mean, I'm having...theirs 2 of them?...I'm having twins?" "Yes you are Mrs Jones, congratulations" "Oh wow, thats brilliant! thankyou! Did you here that Mia, your going to have TWO little brothers or sister...." Just like the others, I didnt want to know what sex they were.... I didnt mind. I couldnt wait to go home and tell Kyle the news.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_f60f9a65.jpg) "Hey hunni, hows the baby?" "They are fine" "Thats good....wait, what do you mean THEY?" "Theirs 2! We are having twins" "Oh wow, well thats great hunni" ................................................................................ Dear Diary, Me and Kyle sat down and had a chat this morning... "Laura, i've been thinking....Now that there are two babies on the way i think its time we looked for another house" "No, no we cant, Mia can share with Dylan, the twins can have Mias room" "Laura, Dylan is a growing lad, he wont want to share with his little sister, and its not really fair on him..." "We cant move Kyle, what about Caleb?" "Laura, I think it is time you realised that Caleb might not be coming home" "He will Kyle, what if he turns up and we arent here and he thinks we dont love him anymore and we have moved" "Laura you know we need to move out, we just dont have the room here. I love Caleb too you know.....dont think i havent thought the same as you" "I know, i'm sorry, your right, we need to move house..." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_361cf130.jpg) It is going to be so hard moving out, I have so many memories in this house, especially memories of Caleb. I just hope Dylans ok with moving, I dont want to cause him anymore upset... Laura x Dear Diary, I told Dylan about moving house today.....I told him at bedtime... "Dylan sweetie, you know you are going to have two new baby brothers or sister? Well this house is too small for us all now. We will have to find a bigger, better house..." "Mum its ok, Calebs gone, if he needs us he will find us some way, its ok mum we need a new house....I dont think Caleb is coming back anymore..." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_961cdc5c.jpg) It broke my heart to hear Dylan say those things. For the past 4 years he has waited for his brother to come home.... Laura x ..................................................... Dear Diary, We have moved into our new house now and the babies are due in a month... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_161d002b.jpg) The house is so beautiful. The twins will share a room, Dylan has his own room, Mia has her own room and we have saved a spare room for Caleb, just incase.... Laura x Dear Diary, Kyle adores the kids so much, he is really taking care of us all, he is doing really well in his job and he is spending extra time with Dylan to make sure Dylan doesnt feel left out when the babies are born. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_f621db71.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/snapshot_560921ed_d621db21.jpg) Laura x ......................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 08, 2008, 11:41:49 am Make Caleb come home!!! D:
*weeps* Make Tony and Caleb appear! Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 08, 2008, 12:03:50 pm Yay Twins!!!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 08, 2008, 01:09:35 pm Ok so i am going to do the next chapter because my sister is nagging me for more! I refuse to tell her what happens mwahaha.
Dont forget that i lost half the pics so everyone grows up quick and i dont have any pics of the twins :-( Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 14 Post by: shibby559559 on November 08, 2008, 01:42:47 pm Dear Diary,
The babies are due anyday now and I am huge, I feel sick, tried and dizzy all of the tiime... Laura x Dear Diary, I have had the babies! Luckily Kyle was around when i went into labour... "KYLE, quick, the babies are coming, oh god i'd forgotten how bloody painful this is. Kyle come quick, NOW!" "Ok baby ive phoned the ambulance, there on their way...." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/chapter%2014/snapshot_560921ed_561d027a.jpg) I was in labour for 12 hours, then i finally had them. Two beautiful, healthy baby boys.... Meet Elijah Max Jones and Elliot Leo Jones. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/chapter%2014/snapshot_560921ed_161d0345.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, It has been a long time since i wrote in here, the twins are nearly 1 and we have been so busy changing nappies, feeding, playing, bathing, aswell as working, helping Dylan with homework, taking Mia to and from nursery. Its been hectic but i love every minute of it.... Kyle adores his sons.. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/chapter%2014/snapshot_560921ed_761ce235.jpg) I cant stop cuddling them.. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/chapter%2014/snapshot_560921ed_761cdd88.jpg) Dylan and Mia dont seem that interested, they just care about each other... "DEELON" "Its Dylan, Mia" "Deelan?" "Close enough" "Caylib" "Caleb" "Mummy" "Yeah well done" "Dadda" "Daddy, well done" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2013/chapter%2014/snapshot_560921ed_1621daac.jpg) Bless him, he is so patient with her. He teaches her to talk and he sings nursery rhymes to her.....he is such a good big brother. Everytime I look at the twins, i remember when Caleb and Dylan were babies. I miss Caleb so so much. Laura x ....................................................................................................... Sorry its a really short chapter, i lost the pics :-( The next chapter will be better, i hope! Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 08, 2008, 02:14:29 pm dang she has 5 kids that is alot and the boys are so cute and dylan is so nice to mia i cant wait till the next story
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 08, 2008, 02:40:35 pm The twins are so cute!
If you want to make your sims younger again type in agesimscheat on Then you can click on them and make them older or younger again It usually doesn't work for babies though :) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 08, 2008, 05:46:41 pm Aww! When will Caleb come back?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 08, 2008, 06:28:19 pm YAY! more babies! How many is she gonna have?
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 15 Post by: shibby559559 on November 08, 2008, 06:47:14 pm Dear Diary,
I really need to keep up to writing in this thing. I havent wrote in here for well over a year...perhaps nearly 2 years..... Nothing has changed really, Caleb is still missing....we still miss him and think about him everyday...He will be 15 now...So many years I have missed out on. Dylan is 14 now, he hates having his picture taken....This picture is really old, but here he is with Elijah. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_b61d04f4.jpg) Kyle hasnt changed, he runs around after the kids all day long.. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_f621dc46.jpg) Laura x ............................................ Dear Diary, I managed to find more photos of the kids.... Mia with her little brothers.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_962245d6.jpg) Dylan cuddling Elijah (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_76224721.jpg) Dylan playing with Elliot (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_962246e8.jpg) Mia giving her brothers a kiss (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_f622461b.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_b622464e.jpg) Mia cuddling her daddy (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_562247c8.jpg) Me cuddling Mia (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_d6224793.jpg) Laura x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 08, 2008, 06:48:47 pm awww.....how adorable
CALEB NEEDS TO COOME BACK!!!! D: Title: Part 2..... Post by: shibby559559 on November 08, 2008, 07:09:12 pm This is gonna be written as a story.....
.................................................................................................. "mummy, mummy, help me" Mia cried out "Mia whats wrong?" "I fell" Mia had split her lip but it looked deep. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_761d080d.jpg) "Dylan..." Laura cried out for her son "yeah?" "I need you to watch your brothers, Mia has fallen and I need to take her to the hospital" "Is she ok?" "Yeah shes fine, just a cut lip love" "Ok see you later" "bye love" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_361d062f.jpg) "mama, mama" A little voice cried out, Dylan raced upstairs and picked one of his brothers our of their crib (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_7621dc9d.jpg) "Shhhh Elliot, its ok, go back to sleep, mummys home soon and daddy" "dada?" "Yeah daddy, night night Elliot" "Ni Lan" (night Dylan) Dylan cuddled his little brother and put him back in his crib, Elliot soon fell asleep. Elijah stayed asleep.... ....................................................................................................... At the hospital Mia was crying.... "Mummy it hurts" "I know sweetie, try and sleep and forget about it" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_361d06d1.jpg) Mia drifted off, Laura went and asked the nurse to keep an eye on Mia while she made a phonecall.... Laura rang Dylan and explained that they were still waiting for the doctor to sew Mias lip up. Laura had just put the phone down when an ambulance screeched up... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_761d0721.jpg) Two paramedics jumped out and one of them were carrying a little baby....A young boy, just abit older than Dylan, ran behind them.... "please help my baby, Bailey I love you" The young boy cried out "He looks so young too have a baby....." Laura thought too herself "Please tell me what is happening...." The boy cried out... .......................................................................... Laura went back to Mia, who was fast asleep, and then decided to go get herself a drink. On the way back from the vending machine Laura saw the boy with the baby.... "Bailey, its ok, daddys here, its ok" A nurse ran up to the boy.... "Sir, you the doctor wants to see yourself and Bailey" "Will I get in trouble?" The boy looked so scared and vulnerable... "No its not your fault..." The nurse replied kindly "Ok, and by the way its Caleb.....Caleb Smith..." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2015/snapshot_560921ed_561d0708.jpg) Lauras knees went from under her....She had to sit down in a chair.... "No, it couldnt be....Caleb....there must be a millin Calebs....But Caleb Smith! Oh god, Caleb....No it cant be....Can it?" ..................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 08, 2008, 07:19:26 pm omgee!!!!!!!!! :O its CALEB!!!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: TheRandomTeam on November 08, 2008, 07:28:57 pm nooooooo u have 2 update soon plz! im dying 2 know what happens
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 08, 2008, 08:27:56 pm Yay
Calebs back I wonder what is wrong with his baby Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 08, 2008, 09:26:10 pm Yay Caleb's back! Why the hell does he have a baby? What trouble did he get into?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 09, 2008, 09:23:39 am lol he got into trouble with a baby cant wait for next chapter
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 09, 2008, 10:23:00 am Gasp TWISTY-PLOTNESS!
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 16 Post by: shibby559559 on November 09, 2008, 12:10:07 pm Again this will be written more as a story.....
..................................................................................................... Laura slowly walked back to the room where Mia was. Mia was still fast asleep, Laura just sat there, in shock, thinking.... "Caleb Smith, it must be my Caleb. He looked so scared, what has he got himself in to? Where is Tony? God whats been happening all these years?....And why has he got a baby?...wheres the babies mum?....oh my god, I'm a grandma." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_361d06d1.jpg) So many questions Laura needed answering, she had waited and prayed for years for Caleb to come home...She couldnt just stand back and let him walk back out of her life..... Laura knew what she had to do..... ...................................................................................................... Laura entered the room and looked around, where was Caleb? She looked across the room where the baby was asleep, she slowly walked over, she had to see her grandchild....The baby started crying........ "Shhh baby, its ok, shhh im your grandma, what has happened to you little one?" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_161d076f.jpg) A voice made Laura jump. "Who are you? What are you doing? Get the hell away from my baby" It was Caleb. "Hi Caleb" "How do you know my name?" "Caleb I dont know how to tell you this...." "Just tell me who you are" "I'm-I'm your mum Caleb" "My mums dead, now get the hell outta here" "Caleb, I'm your mum..." "Look lady i dont know who the hell you are so get lost ok?" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_d61d07ef.jpg) "I am not dead, your name is Caleb Thomas Smith, you have a brother called Dylan James Smith, your dad is called Tony Smith he took you from school when you were little, I was pregnant with your little sister, Mia Elizabeth. I married a man called Kyle, he lived with us. You used to call him daddy Ky, you called your brother Dyl! Please Caleb I am your mum sweetie and i have waited for so lng for this day to come...." "Mum?" "Yes baby, I'm your mum" "But Tony told me you died" "He was a poorly man Caleb" Caleb broke down in tears, Laura reached down and pulled him up into her arms (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_b61d0885.jpg) "Shh sweetie its ok, i'm here now, mummys here now" "Mum...." "Shhhh" Laura was crying herself, all those years she had prayed and waited and cried and hoped and here he was, right infront of her, her little boy, her first born child....Oh god how much she had wished for this cuddle..... ..................................................................................................... Laura held her boy for about 10 minutes, she had missed him so so much. Just then Mia burst into the room.... "Mummy, i was looking for you" "Sweetie, i'm so sorry..." Mia looked up at Caleb... "Hi i'm Mia, who are you?" "Hi Mia, my name is Caleb? "Caleb? I like that name, I have a brother named Caleb but I've never met him, my big brother Dylan tells me about him all the time" "Mia hunni the nurse will need to see you soon, will you go back to the room and I will be there in a few minutes..." Laura couldnt face telling Mia just yet.....She needed to tell Kyle and Dylan first.... At that moment the baby started crying....Laura had heard the paramedics mention his name but could not quite remember it... Caleb handed Laura the baby... "Mum, meet your grandson, Bailey Smith. Bailey meet your grandma" "Hi beautiful Bailey" "Caleb I cant believe I have a grandson..." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_561d08b6.jpg) ...................................................................................................... Just then a nurse entered the room..... "Caleb you can go now, the doctor will see you in a minute and give you medicine for Bailey, he has a mild chest infection but he will be fine, you need to take him to your GP in 2 days time..." "Ok, thanks nurse...." Caleb turned to his mum.... "Well, erm, yeah i..." "Caleb heres my number, stay in touch please..." "Mum, I, mum i'm homeless...I mean I have nowhere else to go..." "Oh Caleb, you do have somewhere to go...Your coming to my house, we can be a proper family again...." .................................................................................................. Caleb hung around at the hospital until Mia's lip had been sorted out, then they all got a taxi home.... Unbeknown to Caleb, Laura had already rung home, all the kids were in bed, only Kyle was awake... "Kyle" "Yeah hunni, hows Mia" "Shes fine we are waiting for the taxi, Kyle can you get some pyjamas out of the wardrobe in our room" "Um yea why?" "I'm bringing Caleb home.." "Caleb...CALEB....OUR Caleb..." "The one and only, but please, dont wake the kids up, he looks exhausted and probably just wants to sleep" "Ok hunni, but whats happened..." Laura quickly mentioned what had happened at the hospital... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_f60f9b91.jpg) "Ok hunni, I'll get the spare cot out for Bailey shall I" "Please love, will you put it in Calebs room?" "Course.... Kyle was so happy, he looked after Caleb all those years ago when Laura was in hospital...He loved that boy so much...he loved all the kids but there was something extra special about Caleb.... .................................................................................................... "Caleb" Kyle ran up to Caleb and threw his arms around him "Dad" Caleb felt so safe in his dads arms "Ive missed you son" "Ive missed you too, your my real dad you know that dont you?, I hate Tony even though he is my biological father i hate him" "Its ok Caleb, we aint ever gonna let you go" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_16220ba1.jpg) Laura sat downstairs with Caleb..... "Do you want to talk" "Tomorrow mum, I just want to sleep, sorry but im so tired" "Its ok baby..." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_f6232d5c.jpg) In Calebs room Baileys crib stood in the corner of the room.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_f621dcff.jpg) Laura sat on the end of Calebs bed watching him sleep....At last her family was complete, noone was gonna come between them again........ (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2016/snapshot_560921ed_f6232d1d.jpg) ........................................................................................................ Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: bigbluebeauty on November 09, 2008, 12:25:04 pm Who is the mother of the baby? Where is she? Did Caleb pull another kidnapping like Tony did with him? Where is Tony? Is he dead? So many unanswered questions. Love the story.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 09, 2008, 01:30:57 pm dont worry all will be revealed....
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 09, 2008, 02:01:38 pm yay caleb is home :happy7: Bailey is so cute :toothy7:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 09, 2008, 02:14:01 pm Yay Caleb is home! But BAD Caleb for getting a girl pregnant!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 09, 2008, 04:27:27 pm lol
awww caleb is home!!! Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 09, 2008, 04:29:14 pm Eeek, again with the twisty-plotness!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 09, 2008, 06:45:54 pm YAY!!
:) Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 17 Post by: shibby559559 on November 10, 2008, 09:39:32 am Dear Diary,
I had such a wonderful sleep. It was the best sleep I have had for years. My boy is home and I have a beautiful grandson.....Caleb woke up late this morning so he didnt get chance to see Dylan and the twins, I havent told Dylan that Caleb is home, Mia was asleep in the taxi so I dont even know if she knows Caleb is even here! I cant wait til Dylan comes home from school and sees Caleb... Laura x ................................................................... Dear Diary, Me, Kyle and Caleb sat down and this is what Caleb has told us.... I remember the day that Tony came to get me from school he said... "Hi Caleb I'm your dad, I've come to get you today and bring you home" I walked off with him, he didnt even hold my hand at the roads, it was so strange.... When I got home he sat next to me on the sofa, he said... "Caleb, your mummy and Dylan were in an accident this afternoon, they died." "No...." I started to cry, it hurt so much... "Caleb Kyle doesnt want you, so you are going to live with me" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_561cb24c.jpg) I just sat there, I cried and cried but Tony must have got fed up with me. "Go to your room now, I will call you at dinnertime" I went and sat in my room, all I had was a bed and a toy. I played with my toy for hours...Tony must have forgotten dinner and me, because he didnt come and get me until breakfast the next morning... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_161cb272.jpg) All Tony ever did was sit infront of the tv and get drunk. I hated him, I wanted to punch him....I was grieving for my dead mum and brother and he just ignored me... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_361cb28b.jpg) I had such a miserable childhood but then when I turned 14 thinggs got better....I started going out with a lovely girl, she was 17 and so pretty. I couldnt believe she would fancy me... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_961cd465.jpg) We had only been together a few months when Whitney found out she was pregnant..... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_d61cd5b7.jpg) I was scared and not ready to be a dad but i knew that I had to stand by Whitney....Tony didnt say anything to me about it, he never spoke to me really, unless he was sending me to the shop for beer and cigarettes.... Whitney moved in and we got everything ready, i got a part time job and then the day came... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_161cd6c4.jpg) I was so happy when Whitney had our son. I chose his name and I was so happy. Bailey Dylan Smith (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_d61cd716.jpg) I loved my boy so much and I loved being a dad but Whitney became all quiet and she wouldnt even look at our son, I quit school so i could take care of Bailey... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_761cd7be.jpg) Then one day when I was at work I snapped. My son was at home and I knew that Tony and Whitney wouldnt be looking after him so I quit, I walked out. When I got home I heard laughing in the bedroom..... Tony and Whitney in bed together...... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_161cd89a.jpg) They werent even bothered about being caught. I flipped.... "You cow, how could you do that to me?" "Your a boy Caleb, I needed a real man" I turned to Tony "I HATE you, I wish you would have died not mum, I hate you" "Get the hell outta my house" "Fine I will" Whitney called me back to the room "Caleb" "What?" I thought she was gonna apologise and tell me she loved me "Take your son with you, I want nothing to do with either of you" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2017/snapshot_961cb24b_161cd8fb.jpg) As I walked out I heard them laughing............I hated them so much.... I walked around town for days, stealing formula for Bailey and scraps of food for me....Then one day Bailey didnt look well, he was grissly and he kept crying and coughing...I knew I had to take him to the hospital so I rung an ambulance......... ...................................................................................................... Caleb burst out crying he stood up and nearly fell back down he was crying that hard, I stood up and pulled him into a hug "Caleb is ok, your home now you never have to go back there again, everything will be ok i promise... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/thumbnail_560921ed_d6232d93.jpg) Caleb went upstairs and got showered and changed, Bailey was with Kyle playing games with the twins. Just then Dylan came bursting through the door.... "Hiya mum" "Hi love, you ok?" "Yeah fine" "Dylan sit down sweetie, i have something to tell you" "Um ok, is everything ok?" "Yes fine but Dylan, I dont know how to put this..." "What is is mum...." "I bumped into Caleb last night when i took Mia to the hospital..." "CALEB? My brother Caleb?" "Yes, he has had a difficult time love, and he has a son" "What?! he is 14! he has a child? Whats he called? How old is he?" "He is called Bailey Dylan, and he is 7 months old" "Wow, he named him Dylan?" "Yes love" "Where is Caleb?" "He's upstairs" "HERE? Oh wow" With that Dylan went racing up the stairs shouting Calebs name. "Hey bro" Caleb emerged from his bedroom "Caleb..." "Dyl..." "I missed you" "I missed you too bro" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_961d08fb.jpg) "Whats happened?" "Come sit down and i'll tell you..." Caleb and Dylan sat in Calebs room for 2 hours talking about everything what had happened.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_96246bc6.jpg) Laura x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 10, 2008, 04:19:16 pm Aww, All happy now.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 10, 2008, 05:24:28 pm yeah, for now...:twisted:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 10, 2008, 05:46:56 pm Happy! For now??? What?!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 10, 2008, 05:49:15 pm Lol you'll see...
I'll update tomorrow x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 10, 2008, 05:51:48 pm Yay! I'll be waiting!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 10, 2008, 06:12:01 pm Yay
Finally something good happened poor Caleb though :( Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Lola136 on November 10, 2008, 06:21:05 pm TONY IS A BAD MAN! good story.
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 18 Post by: shibby559559 on November 11, 2008, 06:14:16 am Dear Diary,
It has been a long long time since I wrote in here. I have been so busy spending time with Caleb and Bailey and going out on family outings. I have pasted some pics in here though.... Bailey sleeping in his crib (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_b6224464.jpg) Caleb adores the twins (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_b6247039.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_7624700f.jpg) Caleb is such a good dad (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_f6220aa3.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_5624b442.jpg) Dylan adores his nephew (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_d6246c35.jpg) All the kids in the swimming pool (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_b624b1c8.jpg) Dylan and Caleb (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_36247a12.jpg) Elijah, Mia, Elliot (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_96247542.jpg) Elijah, Mia, Elliot, Bailey (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_362475f0.jpg) I cant believe how fast the kids have grown up... Mia (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_f624b6c3.jpg) Bailey (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2018/snapshot_560921ed_5624b60a.jpg) I have such a perfect family, everyone is happy and everyone gets along.... Laura x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 11, 2008, 05:48:09 pm Aww
everyones so cute Caleb and Dylan look just alike Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 11, 2008, 06:43:30 pm Everything is happy for now.. :'D
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: magma067 on November 11, 2008, 08:17:39 pm i hope everything stays this way, btw great story, i hate tony...and that wh*** whitney
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 11, 2008, 10:47:55 pm lol same here i hope so too
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: bigbluebeauty on November 12, 2008, 12:43:48 am I have a question where did you find the realistic blood masks for faces to look beat up I have not seen any so graphic. Was it made with some program? if so what program was it?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 12, 2008, 09:43:16 am Sorry, I cant remember exactly where I got the blood masks from, I googled it and I think alot came from MTS2
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 12, 2008, 12:31:05 pm The wiki content list might have it. Probably under horror or medical.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 13, 2008, 09:12:19 pm When's the next one?!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 14, 2008, 10:30:23 am Sorry for the long wait.....
I may try and write the next chapter now...if not tonight.... I havent been well :( Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 19 - part 1 Post by: shibby559559 on November 14, 2008, 01:16:34 pm Dear Diary,
Why cant my life ever just be simple...I will explain........... A couple of days ago we were all sat in the living room, watching tv and the kids were playing, Bailey went to the kitchen for a drink then he came back into the living room... "Grandma" "Yes love?" "Theres a boy at the door..." "Eh?" "A boy..at the door" I went and had a look.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_3624d4e1.jpg) There was a young boy, younger than Bailey just stood at the door. The poor love was shivering, it was a cold night in the middle of winter... "Hello there..." The boy just looked at me "Sweetie, are you ok, what is your name?" "B-blake" "Hi Blake, I'm Laura., what are you doing here?" "M-mu-" "Its ok take your time" The poor little mite looked s scared "My mummy sent us here" "Us?" The boy turned round and looked at the bottom of the stairs. I went down the steps and there stood 2 pushchairs and 2 baskets, the pushchairs each had a little girl in. I peered in the baskets and there was a baby in each. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_9624d42e-1.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_3624d44c.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_1624d456.jpg) I called for Kyle and he came running outside with Caleb, Dylan and Mia in tow... "Whats up love?, Oh...." Kyle looked at the babies "We need to get them inside, its freezing out here" I told them... Caleb carried one of the babies inside and told Blake to follow him. Dylan and Mia carried the toddlers inside and I carried the other little baby inside, Kyle carried the pushchairs and baskets inside... Once inside I went straight into organising mode... "Caleb, Dylan go upstairs and get the cribs out of the cupboard and set them up, your dad will come up soon and help you" "Bailey, Elijah and Elliot go and help your brothers move an extra bed into your room, tell them they have to share a room" Mia came up to me "Mum i'm gonna take this little one upstairs, she can sleep in my bed for now and i'll be setting up my old bed for her, she can share with me" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_5624d799.jpg) It took 2 long hours for all the moving and building to be finished but finally we managed to get the little ones to bed... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_d624d8f8.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_3624d974.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_f624d9bd.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_d624d9b3.jpg) Caleb, Dylan, Mia, the twins and Bailey all decided to go to bed. I went and checked on the babies, they were fine, I went downstairs and Kyle was sat talking to Blake.... "So what did mummy say to you" "daddy is bad and you are going to live with better people" "Did she say anything else" "no, just to give you this..." Blake handed Kyle a piece of paper "Ok little man, do you want to go to bed?" "Yes please, but dont leave me" "Ok" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_7624da08.jpg) As Kyle and Blake passed me in the hallway, Kyle handed me the piece of paper. I sat on the sofa and read it.... "Dear Laura and Caleb, please take care of my children. I have to get away from here or he will kill me, be careful he knows where you live and it was him who told me where you are. Blake is 4, he goes to the same school as Bailey. He doesnt know Bailey is his half brother, He likes football and is allergic to oranges, he is a quiet boy and is shy. Skye is 3, she is very outgoing and friendly, no allergies. Summer is 18 months old, she cant talk but can walk little steps, no allergies. Hollie and Hayden are 14 weeks old, they have no allergies either. Please remind my children everyday how much I love them. Thankyou to you all for taking care of them. Caleb I am so sorry for hurting you, I have only ever loved you and I will never love anyone again. Whit x Ps - the kids birth certificates are in one of the baskets under the bedding. I found myself sobbing like I hadnt done in years. Whit must be Whitney, Baileys mum. The poor girl, Tony must have treated her so bad, just like he had me. But...Oh my god, Tony knows where we live......... ....................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: JohnnyDeppLuva on November 14, 2008, 02:11:05 pm Can't wait for more ~ it's brill xx
P.s. Laura's kids look very much alike :happy8: Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 14, 2008, 04:40:27 pm Oh my god, I should have seen this coming.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 14, 2008, 05:49:00 pm I hate whitney...
and oh no tony knows where they live! D: Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 14, 2008, 05:50:10 pm Great update
Blake looks just like Caleb :) Skye is adorable too! This is offically my new favorite story can't wait for more Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: bigkitty75 on November 14, 2008, 06:18:32 pm WOW!!! I just Love this Story!!!!!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 16, 2008, 08:19:37 am Oh no! Can't wait for the next one.
So Tony did to Whitney what he did to Laura? Just terrible. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 16, 2008, 09:50:38 am Yeah Tony did the same to Whitney.....
Next chapter may be up today at some point hopefully. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 16, 2008, 10:55:16 pm I can't wait!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 16, 2008, 11:06:49 pm nno! please post next one! xD
its okay take your time....just rush...:D Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: qtpie3552 on November 17, 2008, 04:19:15 am Great story, I can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 17, 2008, 08:35:29 am lol sorry about the wait ......
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 17, 2008, 08:49:37 am When will it be here?
Title: Chapter 19, Part 2 Post by: shibby559559 on November 17, 2008, 09:16:47 am Dear Diary,
The next day I called the social worker and they sent someone round immediately. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_1629d372.jpg) I knew it would be hard saying bye to the kids and then having to tell the others what had happened but there was no way we could bring up another 5 kids. I told the social worker this and she asked me if I was sure, I said I was and she said they would have to go into a home until somebody adopted them. Thats when it hit me what I was doing...I told the social worker the children could stay here until they had found a permanent placement for the children where the children could stay together. The social worker said that was ok and left. I sat Caleb down first and told him what had happened with the social worker. "Mum I cant believe you have done that, they are babies, they have noone else in the world. What if that would have been me, what if dad would have put me in care, what then?" "Caleb your dad wouldnt have done that" "How do you know that, he beat you didnt he, he beat whitney!" "Caleb thats enough" I didnt want those memories to be dragged up again "Sorry mum but those kids need to stay with us. And I want to bring them up as Baileys brothers and sisters." "Caleb they are yours and Dylans half brothers and sisters too" "I know but I dont want to admit the truth to them so they can be Baileys brothers and sisters, they dont need to know about Tony, ever." "Caleb this is going to be such hard work" "I know, but you and dad have done it, and you helped take care of Bailey, mum you have to give them a chance, they are just babies, helpless little babies" "Caleb if your sure..." "I am, I am mum" "Ok i'll ring the social worker" "Oh mum thankyou, I love you" "I love you too Caleb, always" "To the moon and stars and back" "thats right" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_7629d6b5.jpg) So I rang the social worker and I went over to the office with Caleb and we signed paper. I will be their legal guardian until Caleb turns 21 then they will be signed over to him. I know deep down I wouldnt have been able to give those children up. I just hope Blake hasnt turned out like Tony, I escaped when Caleb was still a toddler, Blake must have witnessed so much in his short life.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_7629d608.jpg) Laura x Dear Diary, The past few months have been manic, I had forgotten how hard it was looking after babies. Caleb and Dylan take care of Hayden and Hollie. They have grown into such fine lads and I couldnt be prouder of them... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_f629cb04.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_1629cbf2.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_7629cb30.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_9629cc21.jpg) Kyle has to help out with the babies sometimes though, especially through the night because the boys need to get up for school (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_f629d26e.jpg) Mia takes care of Summer and Skye, I help out with the meal times and nappy changes and washing clothes etc... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_f629cc70.jpg) (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_5629ccd3.jpg) Blake is growing into such a beautiful young man, I am so very proud of him. We were so worried at first because of what he had witnessed but after Caleb sat with him and explained that what Tony did was not right and how boys such never hit girls, Blake changed, he started having fun...he couldnt believe how many toys the boys had, he loves playing with the twins and Bailey...I got him a yellow car because the other lads all had a yellow car and I wanted Blake to know how much we all love him... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2019/snapshot_560921ed_b629d19d.jpg) Laura x ........................................................................................................ Laura and Kyle had had a long day, they had taken everyone to the beach for the day, when they got back all the children had gone to bed. Kyle went to the kitchen to make a drink for himself and Laura. Laura looked at the clock, five minutes had passed, why was Kyle taking so long? Laura decided to go to the kitchen and see what Kyle was up to.....The light was till on in the kitchen, the fridge door was open, Laura moved forward slightly and they she saw it..... "KYLE" Laura screamed "Kyle wake up baby, whats wrong" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_d62a44c7.jpg) Laura stood up and then she felt a chill run down her spine....hot breath on her neck.... "Hello Laura...." (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_162a4526.jpg) ....................................................................................................... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: GtSimsGirl1208 on November 17, 2008, 09:45:02 am omg i so did not see this coming god tony is ruining everything again
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: qtpie3552 on November 17, 2008, 10:52:27 am He came back! Dang it the family was doing so well too.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Music_Is_Life on November 17, 2008, 10:54:52 am Oh fudge.
...That was insanely unexpected! Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 17, 2008, 12:01:13 pm NOOOO!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: honestsim on November 17, 2008, 12:35:50 pm yooooooooooooooooo...wtf...that last line was chilling to me. i must say i have been here from the begining and this story could not get any better..i mean wow the plot twists and language formating is very unique. i love how you switch from diary mode to story mode..and i love the unexpected keep doing your thang..
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 17, 2008, 05:34:55 pm OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NEXT ONE!
CAN'T WAIT!!! D: Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 17, 2008, 05:56:46 pm :jaw: omg tony is back he needs to get hit by a train or something becuase i hate him so much and shouldin't he be in jail:rant: and what did he do to kyle :oogle: angry9:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 17, 2008, 06:19:39 pm ahhhh
Tonys back eeeeek Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 17, 2008, 07:09:38 pm holy sh*t! It's tony!!
question how do you make the sims on the ground like that like they're dead? Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 17, 2008, 09:19:27 pm u either get a pose hack or make them really tired
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 18, 2008, 04:09:00 am I just make them really tired :-)
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 18, 2008, 08:15:05 am emoskenesk8er, it looks like she just made him pass out.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 18, 2008, 08:54:18 am When they get really tired I just dont let them go to bed so they collapse
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 part 1 Post by: shibby559559 on November 18, 2008, 10:11:32 am (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_162a4526.jpg)
.....that voice, the voice that she heard so many times in her nightmares. Laura turned slowly to face the owner of the evil voice.... "Tony..." "Laura....My Laura" "What have you done to Kyle?" "I hit him over the head, he cant have you Laura, your mine" "Tony, I am married to Kyle, we have children together..." "I AM THE FATHER OF YOUR PRECIOUS CALEB LAURA, YOU ARE MINE, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE" Tony looked over at Kyle "HE IS NOTHING" he spat it with such venom Laura cringed "Tony lets go sit down, we can talk" Laura knew that saying the wrong things and losing her temper could have serious consequences at this moment in time. ....................................................................................................... Tony went to the living room and sat on the floor, Laura followed and sat infront of him "Tony, why are you doing this?" "I want my family back. I want my kids, you stole my kids, she left me and gave you MY children." "You mean Whitney?" "DO NOT MENTION HER NAME TO ME" Laura flinched she didnt know how to difuse this situation, it was out of her control now. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_562a45ad.jpg) Laura and Tony sat there for what seemed like forever, Laura didnt dare speak. Finally Tony broke the silence "I want my kids back, I'm going to get them" "They are sleeping, it wouldnt be fair to wake them up" "They are my children" "Why dont you go home and calm down and come back tomorrow and we can talk about you getting the children back?" "Your lying to me" "No Tony, I'm not lying to you, but right now you need to think about what is best for the children" "DONT LIE TO ME" Tony roared, Laura was so scared, this wasnt the Tony she loved when they first met, this was an animal, he wasnt capable of reason. Tony stood up and pulled Laura to her feet "Your coming home with me" Laura pulled out of his grip "No Tony this is my home, this is where I belong" "Then if i cant have you noone will" "Tony...." Tony punched Laura with all his might and watched as she crumpled to the floor. (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_f62a465c.jpg) "Now I have to kill the rest of you" ........................................................................................................ Really sorry theres hardly any pics, I lost them again :-( Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: honestsim on November 18, 2008, 11:18:45 am wow i must say im really hopping he does not kill them im hoping kyle wakes up or dylan and caleb wake up and kick is crazy ass...
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 18, 2008, 11:56:28 am Nooo!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Astral Faery on November 18, 2008, 03:18:39 pm O...M...G...
Awesome job so far! Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 18, 2008, 07:15:48 pm oh no!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 18, 2008, 07:59:56 pm Oh no! Laura, FIGHT! Kyle, WAKE UP!
DIE IN **** TONY! Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 18, 2008, 08:01:37 pm nooo :(
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 19, 2008, 06:04:27 pm Next one?
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 20, 2008, 08:08:53 pm when is the next one coming up??????????:toothy8:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 21, 2008, 07:23:59 am Bad news - lost all the pics.......i can only find like 2 pictures!!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: qtpie3552 on November 21, 2008, 04:09:03 pm Oh no! I hope you can find them.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 24, 2008, 11:43:53 am No sign of the pictures anywhere so the next chapter will only have a couple of pics.
Last chapter will be updated tomorow then there will be another chapter which is just set in the future but wont be long.... Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Madison-Simple-As-That on November 24, 2008, 06:46:30 pm Oh, okay.
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: bigchick98 on November 24, 2008, 11:58:37 pm I just wanted to say I love your story it is so full of twist and turns wow
Title: The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 part 2 Post by: shibby559559 on November 25, 2008, 12:11:18 pm Tony crept silently round the house. He walked round the living room looking at all the photos of the "happy" family. Kyle stood posing in every picture, looking happily at Laura and the children. Tony hated Kyle for taking his family from him and now it was time for his revenge...
Tony walked upstairs he had to see Blake...The door was slightly open, Tony took a step inside, Blakes night light was on, he looked at his son, his beautiful boy, then he looked in the other beds...3 beds...he didnt recognise any of the children so he walked out... Now he had to see Summer and Skye....he found the room easily because the door was slightly open and their was a nursery rhyme playing...he looked in the cribs, Hayden and Hollie were in there with Summer. Tony stood for a few minutes looking at his children, maybe if he had changed things would have been different, if he wouldnt have lost his temper all the time Whitney would have stayed and the children would still be with him. But Whitney wasnt Laura, Tony loved Laura, Laura was what he needed but Kyle had taken her away, why had he taken her away, the one thing he truely loved and it had be taken from him. Everyone ran away from Tony, his mum, Laura, Whitney and now Tony was tired of it, he hated Kyle, he stole his family and now he had Blake, and the little ones too. Suddenly Tony knew what he had to do, he couldnt kill the children, he couldnt even kill Kyles children..Laura would hate him if he did that...Laura...he had his Laura. But she was breathing when he left her, she would be okay...If Tony could get rid of Kyle Laura would be his. Tony would make a better father anyway... Tony crept slowly downstairs, suddenly he heard a shuffling noise in the living rooom, Tony ran to the living room, he couldnt see anything, he had to kill Kyle, he didnt have time to worry about anything else...Tony turned to walk to the kitchen.... Tony stopped suddenly, that shuffling noise again, right behind him, Tony didnt dare turn around, he didnt kno why, he knew he had the strength to kill whatever was creeping around but he couldnt, his feet wouldnt move and that shuffling was coming closer....but then...it stopped. Tony took a step in the direction of the kitchen.... "Your not ruining my life again" A voice whispered so quietly Tony barely heard it "I said your not ruining my life again" The voice roared and echoed round the house then a sickening thud was heard as the body fell to the floor.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_762a4827.jpg) Caleb ran to the phone (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_f62a4b7e.jpg) "Police and ambulance please" as Caleb said the address and what had happened he thought about what had just happened, the scene replaying in his head. He was going to kill Kyle, Kyle had been a proper dad to Caleb and Tony was going to kill him, Caleb couldnt think straight, he kept looking over at where Tony lay scared he would get up and kill him.....but Caleb knew that wasn't going to happen, for he knew that Tony was....and now Caleb would have to pay..... The police car and ambulance arrived in minutes...... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_362a4ab9.jpg) Caleb stood still by the door, Laura and Kyle had been rushed to the hospital, the paramedics were just finishing up in the living room, Dylan was upstairs with the others.....Caleb didnt know what to do, he went into the living room where the paramedics were working on Tony...the next 5 minutes felt like a lifetime, everything was a blur..... A voice snapped Caleb out of his thoughts "I;m sorry son there was nothing more we could do, dont blame yourself, you saved your mum and dad, your one brave kid" Caleb just nodded as the paramedic patted his shoulder and went to make a phone call. Caleb looked over at where his biological father lay.... (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_1638527d.jpg) "Bye Dad" Caleb whispered and went to join the others upstairs.... The police stayed at the house for another hour and then .... "Caleb hunni" "Mum" Laura threw her arms around her son and held him tight, she kept kissing his head and whispering "my baby, its ok, we're safe now" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_562a4a08.jpg) and then another pair of arms wrapped round Caleb "You saved our lives son, you are a brave brave boy, thankyou" "dad i killed him" "Caleb you did the only thing it would take to stop him" (http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/angelbodom/Lauras%20journal/chapter%2020/snapshot_560921ed_f62a4a77.jpg) ...................................................................................................... Dear Diary, This will the the final entry in my diary now. I need to spend every second of the day with my children. We have moved house and everything is going fine. At first this diary was for writing about how I felt about my mum but I never really mentioned my mum that much, it became more of a story, a dramatic, sad story that was unfortunately so real. So abit about my mum - My mum, Elizabeth Smith was the best, kindest mum anyone could ask for. She always made time for people and she adored me and i adored her. I feel that I may have made mum proud in some ways, I know she would have warned me about Tony, and maybe i would have listened, but maybe i wouldnt have. Tony was cremated. I was the only person at his funeral, his dad didnt even go, some people think im crazy for going but Tony wasnt always evil....maybe his dad made him that way...but he gave me two beautiful boy, Caleb and Dylan and i felt i had to go and say bye. Caleb didn't go to prison like he thought he would, he was given a medal for his bravery and he was offered a few magazine deals and his own chat show because of what he had gne through...but Caleb being Caleb turned it down...he is too shy and i dont think Caleb will ever tell his story, we will never know the full story of his stolen childhood living with Tony but maybe thats for the best.... Laura x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: LouieLove on November 25, 2008, 12:42:30 pm *standing ovation*
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Music_Is_Life on November 25, 2008, 01:33:45 pm *second standing ovation*
This was/is fantastic!!! :D Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: arielle22 on November 25, 2008, 03:54:31 pm that was great but I wish it wasnt over :(
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: Devomuffins on November 25, 2008, 05:03:55 pm *Third ovation*
Oh... great end. I loved the whole thing. Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 25, 2008, 05:42:09 pm i loved the story =) u did a great job but i'm sad it is over :icon9:
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: shibby559559 on November 25, 2008, 05:52:56 pm aww thankyou to all of you! I wish it wasnt over too but it is :(
They have all grown up and married and moved on... but i willpost one more chapter with pics of the childrens families! It has been fun...thanks for all your kind words of encouragement.... I am stuck for ideas for a new story but i will def start another one and post it on here :-) Emily x Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: caitygrl456 on November 26, 2008, 09:58:58 am Quote from: shibby559559;1466168 aww thankyou to all of you! I wish it wasnt over too but it is :( They have all grown up and married and moved on... but i willpost one more chapter with pics of the childrens families! It has been fun...thanks for all your kind words of encouragement.... I am stuck for ideas for a new story but i will def start another one and post it on here :-) Emily x ok that will be great =) Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: katiexbug5 on November 26, 2008, 01:18:47 pm *fourth ovation!* that was one of the greatest sim stories ever!
Title: My first ever sim story - The Diary of Laura Smith - Chapter 20 - part 2! Post by: emoscenesk8r on November 27, 2008, 12:28:15 pm It was a great story!! Good job!