Title: Just started playing AL, I am getting errors! Post by: lewisb40 on November 04, 2008, 08:43:08 am I had built an Apartment complex before I installed AL. While trying to replace the doors with Apt. doors I had errors. That was okay cause I was able to place the apt. doors. I painstakingly furnished all the apts. and before leaving the lot, I used the Apt base cheat to make it an Apt. complex. When I returned to the lot with a family, the furniture was gone, except the studios and the bedroom furniture in the 1 bedrooms units. I was confused cause I was told that if the apt is furnished I could "shift-click" the apt door and the sim could move in with the furnishings. Well there was none in the family 2 bedroom units. So I didn't save and left the lot, moved the family out, went back to the empty lot and Whoa, there's the OMG furniture. WTF! I moved the family back in and furnished their expensive apt again and there was nothing I could do for the other apts. I hope the NPC's are okay there. They seem to be, they are playing loud music, in an empty apt. What am I suppose to do? Is it okay?
EDIT: Figured it out. I have Pescado's Apthacks and it automatically calculates the price of the apt with the furniture in it. It's all good, nevermind. |